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G:RUFF 11th Jan 2001 17:19

Where do you recommend for PPL lessons?
Sorry to be a bit boring if this has been asked a lot. I am hoping to start PPL lessons soon in the South East or around the London area. Seeing as I am new to the area does anyone have some recommendations.
Thank you. :)

New Bloke 11th Jan 2001 21:44

Well GRuff,

An Airport is a good place to start. Find one that you can get to quite easily, if it has more than one school based there, come back with this information and ask again.

FNG 11th Jan 2001 22:58

PPL: brilliant! My personal recommendation is Skysport, at Elstree and North Weald. Reasons:-

(1) Beagle Pups. Approx 97 billion times better than C150/152 PA 28/38 (NB this has been proven by science).
(2) Instructors who have proper day jobs and do not have ties or gold bars.
(3) Half or full day lesson slots and detailed ground briefings.
(4) Opportunity to hooligan it up aerobatting or air racing in a Bulldog.
(5) Notwithstanding what I've just said, very positive safety culture and well maintained machines.

Drawbacks: transit flying to Duxford for circuits (not really a drawback). Limited instructor availability Monday to Wednesday.

Anecdotal recommendations for SE suggest that WLAC at White Waltham and both schools at Wycombe are worth a look. Shop around: visit clubs, talk to people, kick tyres. Do not get into brown Cessnas full of toffee crisp wrappers. Have fun.

PS I'm a member of Skysport but have no financial stake in it.

loglickychops 12th Jan 2001 04:44

Air Racing and Aerobatics you say... Tell me more....

FNG 12th Jan 2001 16:29

Loglickychops, the guy who runs Skysport, Roger Hayes, is mad keen on handicapped air racing (as described recently in Today's Pilot) and offers Royal Aero Club race training for people with 200 hrs P1. Hot ships not required. You can even race in a Cub. I flew with Rog during one race in his Bulldog. Silly but quite fun: flying flat out at 500 feet agl close to other aircraft and cranking 3G turns.

You can also do introductory aeros course on the Dog (more fun than a Cessna Aerobat, less fun than a Firefly, Pitts or Cap 10), and the Pups are semi-aerobatic as well (basic loops and rolls). Even the Pup 100 can just about stagger through a loop, but don't try that unless you are high up and well current on stall/spin recoveries as it doesn't carry much energy. Give it a go.

Bluebeard 12th Jan 2001 19:57

I can recommend Firecrest Aviation at Elstree Aerodrome, I did my PPL there (passed just recently). They are a very friendly bunch who operate a fleet of Cessnas and, more importantly, have a team of good, patient instructors (they certainly needed to be patient with my antics).

The only slight down side is the aerodrome itself which is pretty crowded with bizarre circuits, not to mention the rather short and humpy r/way. Hey ho, all good experience though...

FNG 12th Jan 2001 20:08

Hey Bluebeard, I think I know who you are! Interesting choice of name: have you done all the naughty things that your namesake did, and, if so, where do you keep all your wives?

Bluebeard 12th Jan 2001 20:52

Bluebeard unbearded!! The horror, the horror....

FNG, your suspicions are correct. The reputation, sadly, isn't as debaucherous as the name. More's the pity.

G:RUFF 14th Jan 2001 17:21

Thanks for the info peeps. I may look at White Waltham as it is just down the road. Be warned of future danger in the skies! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

Warped Factor 18th Jan 2001 23:12


If you're thinking about Waltham, being an air trafficker should offer you the benefits of joining "Southern Flyers", and as such special reduced rates for membership and flying at White Waltham.

E-mail me if you want more details.

Also, if you decide to call in to WW let me know. If it's a nice day and I'm not working I'll get the plane out (Chipmunk) and take you for a look around the local area.


TheCaptain 20th Jan 2001 02:23

Hey man, why don't you check out that lot at premiair.uk.com from Shoreham, near Brighton.

They've got a number of niffty planes to fly, the instructors ain't too bad and they serve a good drop from the bar afterwards. And it's only an hour's drive from London.

And flying the coastline and the Isle of Wight, with France and CHEAP FAGS AND BOOZE and Jersey only around the corner, surely must beat flying the dull west London misty and polluted terrain, where everywhere you poke your eyes at looks the same.

If you're gonna be a pilot, why not have some fun at the same time! The guys who recommended White Waltham are roughly right (I like that place 'course the girl in ops is really nice, and I nip up there from time to time to test myself with their soggy grass runway), but why not punish yourself by driving all the way to the south coast for some REAL fun.

[This message has been edited by TheCaptain (edited 19 January 2001).]

Suction 21st Jan 2001 15:50

I'll just add a shout for Denham. I did my PPL(A) with Cabair (http://www.cabair.com) last year and loved every minute. Great atmos, nice PA28's, shortish hard runway with the optional delights of Special VFR departures south through the Heathrow Zone - great radio experience ;o)

Worth a look !



avserve 21st Jan 2001 16:38

why not give the only CAA approved and the chepest aircraft hire FTO at shoreham a ring and get value for money 01273 455177 and talk to paul

EGKA 24th Jan 2001 04:23

I would recommend Shoreham as the place to train for your PPL, one of the oldest airfields in the country.

France is just a short trip away, France for lunch and home in time for tea.

Also join a club where they will let you take the aircraft away for the day without a minimum hours requirement, i.e. you only pay for the time you fly.

Also join a club with a good social life were members are encouraged to meet.

The club should make you feel welcome, so turn up unannounced and see how they treat you.

I would recommend The Flying Hut based at Shoreham - CAA approved club. With a welcome atmosphere, even the instructors make the tea and coffee !!!!!

Good luck with whatever you decide - remeber flying should be fun and the club you choose should help to make it fun, god knows you pay enough for it.

chipped prop 25th Jan 2001 02:05

I trained in the 80's with an instructor now based at the Flying Hut at Shoreham. The guy is called Colin he is well respected on the airfield because he is good at his job and i am sure he enjoys teaching. Shoreham is a good base to fly from especially now that the taxiways have been improved no more back tracking along the runway when the grass is wet saves time and money for landing and departing pilots.Shoreham is eay to find for students in the air and on the ground!

VP8 29th Jan 2001 15:10

I can recommend The Pilot Centre at Denham, good crew and interesting airfield next to LHR, doing my revalidation there...

Good Luck

DOC.400 30th Jan 2001 23:01

Whilst I trained with Cabair at Denham, it was only fine for that, i.e training.
Would therefore highly reccomend White Waltham for the flying, the atmosphere, sound, clean fleet and an active fly-out calender for things to do after a PPL.
And take up the offer of a Chippie ride, -he's never offered me one!!

Warped Factor 31st Jan 2001 00:18

You've never asked :)


DOC.400 31st Jan 2001 14:23

Please Warped Factor -will swap for some Robin flying, and that's not Reliant!!
e me to sort time and date!!

Warped Factor 1st Feb 2001 00:15

E-mail has been despatched.


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