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-   -   Free Radio Telephony Cassettes. (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/42704-free-radio-telephony-cassettes.html)

28thJuly2001 14th Aug 2001 23:01

Free Radio Telephony Cassettes.
I thought I would make my first post a positive one as I have been lurking for absolutely ages...I passed my PPL 2 weeks ago and had to wait until I passed my Radio Telephony exam until I could send off for my license, well, I have now passed that and have the Radio Telephony Cassette Course which I no longer need so I am giving them away free to a good home, it seems a shame to just have them sat on my desk gathering dust when they could help one of my fellow aviators.If you are interested drop me a line with your name and address and I will send them off to you.

Rusty Cessna 14th Aug 2001 23:11


What a tremendous act of generosity. May I be the first of what I am sure will be a long list of people interested!

Regards, and thanks,
Rusty. :)

Kermit 180 15th Aug 2001 10:16

Good onya Walt, good to see people looking after fellow aviators. Congrats on your PPL too. :)

Kermie http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/aircraft/stuka2.gif

You want it when? 15th Aug 2001 11:41

Most generous of you Walt. I'd put my name forward but I've got some from a warehouse for pilots - I'm guessing they are the same!

Tornado1 - might be very keen (if he ever surfs again)

I play mine in the car when I'm on a long run - drives Mrs YWIW crazy :D

Teenyweeny ATC Cdt Cpl 15th Aug 2001 13:53

I would be only too happy to receive one: I've still not got a copy and I've got my bloomin' RT practical still to do...errrr...
:eek: Still, it's not till September 1st :cool:


Patsy 001 15th Aug 2001 17:59

Hi Walt

Many congrats on the PPL. I wouldn't mind a copy of your radiotelephony cassette course - drop me an e mail if its possible.

Many thanks and good luck

Patsy 001

28thJuly2001 15th Aug 2001 20:44

I have sent an E@Mail to the 3 who were interested in the cassettes and will send them to Rusty Cessna if he replies within 24 hours, I will send them to the next on the list if I receive no reply...I have my first flight tomorrow as a fully qualified pilot, just going to do a few circuits and am feeling a little nervous, still cant believe I have actually done it..Cant wait to take the good lady wife up for a spin so she can appreciate what I have spent the best part of 6 grand on, just have to wait for my license to come back.

Rusty Cessna 15th Aug 2001 21:04


Thanks very much for the Generosity. I have just booked my RT oral for tommorow, so if you send them to the nxt person on the list as I'm sure they can make better use of them!

Good luck to all!

Trinity 09L 16th Aug 2001 13:53

28.7.01 enjoy your PPL, I would welcome a copy for revision, please email & I will pay all costs etc

FNG 17th Aug 2001 10:45

Anyone who wants mine can have it (email FNG@whatever the pprune address is) but, frankly, I don't rate it very highly. The whole thing sounds like it was recorded in one take with little editing. There's a bit of umming and ahhhing, some deviation from standard pronunciation (OK I know that we all do that but this is supposed to be a training aid) and PECuliar emPHAsis of the wrong SyLLABles. The whole thing descends (or perhaps ascends?)into comedy when the bloke impersonates an Aeroflot jockey whose "Roooshian" accent travels around the world more rapidly than his clapped out Tupolev ever could.

I listened to it in the car early in my PPL course but do not believe that I obtained any significant training value from it. Still, for what it's worth, you can have my copy if you promise to bung a couple of quid into the collecting tin for the RAF Benevolent, Air Ambulance fund or whatever charity your flying club bar supports.

28thJuly2001 17th Aug 2001 22:54

I never said it was any good...but what do you expect for sod all. Anyhooo I have sent it to Teenyweeny who can stick a little bit of tape over the tab on the top and record Hear'Say's greatest hits over it for all I care, gotta be more interesting than listening to some bloke recite the phonetic alphabet whilst driving to work, I loved the way he pronounces "Fife" and "Tousand" , also "Dayseemal" must have a mention...
I paid £13 for it and it ranks alongside the landing pattern computer as one of my more dodgier buys...P.S. Anyone want a landing computer, will swap it for a Garmin GPSMap 295...
Walt... :)

Hermie 18th Aug 2001 17:28


Why don't you convert your RT Tapes to CD. And record the songs on PC, save it as a MP3 ! And distribute to anyone who wants it.

Isn't that better ! I definitely think so...

How many of you agree with me?

Herman :cool:

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