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Whirlybird 28th Mar 2002 02:09

Too many threads being closed?
Does anyone else think that perhaps our newish moderator is closing too many threads? Why close the one on schools convenient for central London? It may have been similar to other threads, but not quite the same. The one on PPLs wearing hearing aids? The medical issues forum is quite general; this forum is specifically for PPLs and seems to me a good place to ask if anyone at that level has a similar problem. And while the slanging match on the GA standards thread was annoying and irrelevant, threatening to close the thread seems a bit over the top. I'm sure there are others, because I've wondered about this before recently, but I can't be bothered to look back and check.. .. .It makes sense to close anything even slightly irrelevant or repetitive on overcrowded forums like R & N or Wannabes, but that situation doesn't apply here. Big Red L, are you sure you're not taking this job just a little bit too seriously?. .. .Er...are you going to close this thread? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

Ripline 28th Mar 2002 02:26

Whirly,. .. .Not sure why the ballooning thread one was moved to Non Air Transport from Private Aviation - even balloon pilots are PPLs and is most definitely *is* relevant to some of us! Still, like the man once said, we don't have a vote..... . <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" />

Whirlybird 28th Mar 2002 03:01

Ripline,. .. .I agree entirely. And while PPRuNe may not be a democracy, we are entitled to an opinion. Since the Wannabes forum is so busy, threads from there on PPL issues are moved to here, which makes sense. But if threads keep getting moved from here it could all get very confusing. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" />

Wrong Stuff 28th Mar 2002 03:57

I'd tend to agree.. .. .Ok, so discussing whizzwheels in a thread about flight bags may be off topic, but so what? Much of the best information gets hidden away in obscure places, which is why I often have a quick browse through threads which don't immediately interest me. As it is, the moderation led to the posts being deleted so now whatever gems may have been there are lost.. .. .Not sure why we need moderating at all. Private Pilots has always seemed such a nice, polite area.

siwalker66 28th Mar 2002 04:19

Over the last three years I have spent a lot of time on Pprune - a staggering amount when I think about it - and value it greatly. (I realise my profile shows I only joined in Jan but... long story)... . .I have quite a range of often quite daft interests so I read widely and browse the web extensively. I have explored the area of web fora and debates quite thoroughly.. .Pprune is without doubt one of the greatest sites in terms of range of subject matter and quality of debate that exists. . .I know that may seem an extreme view but believe me I have seen the rest. If you are a newcomer to this site you may judge for yourself by trying searches on whatever interests you - I don't think there any any areas of debate left untouched, from religious issues to relationships, the environment, history, literature, music..... .And thats before you get to the flying. .What I am trying to get across is:. .1. Sites of this quality are sooooooo rare. .2. Pprune is very valuable means of expression for many people. .3. So censorship should be undertaken only after very great consideration.. .4. It must be realised by the moderators that some of the most significant debates arise in the middle of posts about a different subject entirely

LowNSlow 28th Mar 2002 09:29

I didn't think that Private Flying required a moderator. Although the use of it is increasing, threads disappear quickly once interest has been exhausted.. .. .As has been pointed out PF is a very polite forum. This comment has been made by quite a few jet drivers when they've wandered in for a quick snout around.. .. .Does a bit of mild wandering off topic justify censure? As long as the content remains interesting and vaguely on topic it usually maintains my attention.

Evo7 28th Mar 2002 11:35

As the original offender, I'm going to stick up for Big Red 'L' here. We've swapped E-mails and I think he's just getting to grips with things. I'd agree with everything you've all said, but give him a chance, chaps <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />. . . . <small>[ 28 March 2002, 07:37: Message edited by: Evo7 ]</small>

FlyingForFun 28th Mar 2002 13:52

Just a suggestion, and one that won't work in all scenarios.... .. .It's possible for a thread-starter to change the subject line of the thread. I assume that moderators also have this power. So, if a thread goes a little off-topic, why not just change the subject line to reflect the new subject? For example "Contents of flight bags, and how to use the whiz-wheel." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> This way, anyone who's not interested in the contents of a flight bag, but is trying to get to grips with the whiz-wheel and might want to read that part of the thread, won't miss out.. .. .We could all try to do this to our own threads. I forget who started the flight-bags thread, but it was so long ago that whoever it was probably isn't around any more to be able to change the title, so this is where a moderator's abilities would be useful.. .. .What d'ya reckon, BRL?. .. .FFF. .---------

Whirlybird 28th Mar 2002 13:54

Evo7,. .. .I in no way meant this as an attack on Big Red L. I just felt quite strongly that the subject needed discussing, and I hoped that to do so might be helpful to him too. I too feel that this forum hardly needs a moderator. But I say "hardly" rather than "doesn't" because occasionally, just very occasionally, people get too abusive (beyond the everyday cut and thrust that makes PPRuNe what it is). Mind you, having said that, I can't think when it's happened really, not on this forum. And such things usually die down by themselves, and on the whole it creates less waves to just let that happen. . .. .On Rotorheads, which probably has a similar amount of traffic to this forum, the two moderators are rarely heard. But they have been, when really really REALLY necessary. To me, that is how it should be. . .. .But I wasn't sure if everyone else agreed, and I felt it was worth discussing. After all, this is OUR forum, started by request of several of us (Hi LowNSlow, New Bloke etc) comparatively recently. Surely we have a right to discuss what goes on and stays on it.

sennadog 28th Mar 2002 13:55

My two pennies worth:. .. .IMO threads should be treated in the same way as normal conversation in that they very often veer away from the original topic and it is up to the instigator, in this case the original poster, to police the thread if they feel that the thread has been needlessly hijacked!. .. .An example.. .. .If I start a thread on say, "Landing a Katana in a strong cross wind" and the thread starts to take in PA28s, C172a etc then that is fine. Let's say that Whirlygirl ( <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> ) pitches in with how the approach is made in a Magimix, then fair do's... . .However, let's say that she completely hijacks the thread and starts banging on about how she saw Russel Crowe in his latest blockbuster getting out of a Puma during the opening credits and wasn't it cool, then, I as the originator of the thread could POLITELY ask her to get back on subject.. .. .Self moderation....see? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .. .I see moderation as a failure of the forum participants to be sensible and considerate of others. This is a polite forum, which is great to see as so many degenerate into slagging matches and only then, if anyone starts getting too arsey with another poster/s should moderation come into effect.. .. .Whirlybird - just using you to illustrate a point... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .Perhaps Big Red L could finish this thread off with his reply and then we can get back to the important stuff - chewing the fat about aircraft.

Evo7 28th Mar 2002 14:10

Whirly. .. .I didn't think that you were - was just trying to say that I think he'll figure things out. I'll let him post what he wrote to me if he wants to, but I don't think he is the power-crazed dictator that some are worried about.. .. .I completely agree with you, by the way. We survived for a long time with only the odd intervention, so I'm not quite sure why things have changed. I nearly started this thread a couple of days ago, hoping that he'll post some guidelines, although I think I've figured most of them out the hard way <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .. .Whizz-wheels, anyone...? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

FNG 28th Mar 2002 14:13

I always had the impression that this forum was invisibly moderated. I'm not just referring to the exercise of self restraint by contributors. It seemed that moderators such as WWW, PPrune Dispatcher and others kept half an eye on things whilst we operated like Little Twittering in the Wold Airstrip. Now that we are Private Flying International Megafield, and the forum, like PPRruNe generally, gets busier and busier, Danny's team may need the protection of a designated moderator, as the risk of defamatory postings increses with volume. The provider of a bulletin board such as this one isn't responsible in the first instance for naughtiness posted by users, but has to get the naughtiness off the screen fairly promptly in order to keep up to date with CYA requirements.. .. .So, welcome Big Red L. The only moderator line training that I would politely request would be a quick read of Tristram Shandy by that most excellent sky pilot Laurence Sterne, as this leads to an increased appreciation of the noble arts of digression and of talking nonsense (I am thinking of applying for instructor ratings in both).

Whirlybird 28th Mar 2002 15:05

sennadog,. .. .You are most welcome to use me for any fictitious examples you like, within reason. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> . .. .However, please get my name right! I am WhirlyBIRD. WhirlyGIRL is Canadian, also female, also a fairly recent CPL(H) who can't yet manage to get paid to fly whirly things. But we are two different people (only I'm the Original Whirly <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> ). There are TWO Whirlys! I know it's ever so complicated, much much harder even than deciphering a fiendishly difficult invented TAF in a CAA commercial met exam, but please try to remember. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> . .. .No apologies for this being totally irrelevant to the subject matter of the thread, or indeed to very much else. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

sennadog 28th Mar 2002 16:00

Oops! Whirlybird, thought I was being mildly amusing using Whirlygirl - didn't realise there was a real one already.. .. .You can be as irrelevant as you like - it's your thread remember... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> . .. . <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

BRL 28th Mar 2002 17:02

Hiya Whirly . Thanks for the input here. As a new moderator, all critisism etc is much appreciated as its still a huge learning curve for me right now as i explained in another post on here.. .. .As for your question, I think you have answered most of it yourself regarding the other threads. The local schools one was locked simply because there are at least 2 other near identical threads about exactly the same subject and i felt a third one is too much.. .The Medical issue surely would have have a better response on the Medical thread so instead of deleating it i locked it so people could still e-mail the person themselves. As for the Ballon post, it has recieved quite a good response compared to nothing as it was when it was here before it was moved so i feel that was a good move.. .I threatened to lock the other thread as i had to delete 2 posts that were really abusive towards WWW and i just had to get rid of them as the content was disgusting.. .. .I also agree that its a nice, polite forum but as with anything there will allways be one or two bad eggs in there somewhere, hence the threat of closing the thread as mentioned above.. .. .Thanks for your support Evo7 and thats a good call FFF .. .. .I think what has happened is that i have gone through many threads and taken/deleated/closed quite a few all in a quick amount of time whereas if this forum was moderated beforehand then these changes wouldn't appear as bad, its just a lot has happened in one hit. Things have settled down now so it won't seem too bad.. .I have to say, i am not going to be so fussy now thanks to this kind of thread, as i say, it all helps.. .I also realise that sometimes, threads tend to be more of a conversation on a smallish forum like this and the other members usually backtrack if the diversion starts to get a bit boring. I am going to leave the ' delete ' moderating to the abusive, aggressive, outlaw subjects that pop-up from time to time. As for this forum needing a moderator, FNG has made an excellent point above and also this forum is growing and getting busier.. . Whirly , I hope this is a good enough response for you. I am off now to read all the new posts that have arrived today, as moderators have to look through each and every post as i am sure you are aware. Good luck by the way in America, is there any room in your suitcase for me..!!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .(P.S. Please forgive my spelling/grammar as i have just finished work, am tired, hungry and need to sleep, also i was up at 0300 <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" /> ). . . . <small>[ 28 March 2002, 13:06: Message edited by: Big Red ' L ' ]</small>

Evo7 28th Mar 2002 18:06

I think I've said it elsewhere, but if you feel the need to delete something could you please edit it, delete the text and put "Deleted by BRL" (or something) instead? This seems to be the norm in other fora, and saves arguement about where it went/who deleted it etc. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

Whirlybird 28th Mar 2002 19:13

Big Red L,. .. .Thanks for the explanations. I guess I was happier when we were Little Twittering in the Wold Airstrip. But I think I can manage to adjust to the change to Private Flying International Megafield. And obviously, someday this Megafield may need ATC. But at the moment, it really hasn't changed a lot, so A/G Radio will probably still do for a while. So BRL, as the ATCO we know you're doing your job. You don't have to keep proving it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

LowNSlow 28th Mar 2002 19:33

Thanks for the explanation Big Red L, I agree with the points made. . .. .Here's to the smooth running of Private Flying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

skydriller 28th Mar 2002 23:27

Big Red L,. .. .Thanks for replying to my concerns on the other thread, as you can see from the response to this new one, its not just me. May I also add my best wishes for the future smooth running of the forum from now on.. .. .BTW , I must say I kind of like Whirlybirds analogy ...... lets all try to keep the private flying forum A/G Radio.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .. .Regards, SD..

BRL 29th Mar 2002 01:36

Noted, many thanks.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" />

DOC.400 30th Mar 2002 11:11

The way I view these threads is like having a beer in the pub with some mates. Sure, we talk on one topic sometimes, and that leads to another, then back to the original. All wide ranging and of genereal interest. I see it happen on Pprune all of the time.. .. .DOC

Whirlybird 30th Mar 2002 15:14

DOC.400,. .I'd agree with that completely. All the forums used to be like that, but I think R & N and Wannabes got so overcrowded that they had to try and make people stick to the point a bit more. It's a shame though. Let's hope it doesn't happen here. Despite our preparations for becoming an International airport, let's act as Little Twittering in the Wold for as long as we possibly can. As you can see, I really really like that analogy of your FNG. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . .. .Big Red L, thanks for listening. I hope you enjoy reading our hundreds of irrelevant and rambling posts. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

Wee Weasley Welshman 31st Mar 2002 22:11

Big Red L - ooh! Who said nasty things about me? Please tell what they said! I promise not to cry ;)


BRL 31st Mar 2002 22:15

Hey little fella, I honestly can't remember who both were. One of them re-posted later on in the thread though saying you had deleted his post..................;)
Both posts were not very nice at all. I dont care what you have said or done, no-one deserves the stick/abuse that was in the posts.

Wee Weasley Welshman 31st Mar 2002 22:38

OK fair enough. Just curious! I have a very thick skin...


Evo7 1st Apr 2002 06:07

Now is that an invitation or what....? ;) :)

Wee Weasley Welshman 1st Apr 2002 08:41

Bring It On!

;) :mad: :eek: :D

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