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douglas.lindsay 31st Mar 2010 15:16

PPL in the post - what now?
Having now sent my PPL license application off with the requisite wads of cash, I guess it's time to build some experience. So far I've been flying with Prestwick Flight Centre (who I would thoroughly recommend to anybody, really well organised and professional) but wanted to ask if anybody had any suggestions for 1) what to aim for next (eg IMC) and 2) how to build some hours without breaking the bank (I've seen Red Kite Aviation recommended, for instance - anyone know of anything similar in Scotland?)

All suggestions welcome!

If this has been asked before, sorry :-)

katana 1 31st Mar 2010 15:54

congratulations on your new PPL. :D
My advice would be enjoy what you have for a while, then decide what you want from your flying. Club flying is very expensive so when you have decided what way you are going a share is a good option.
Adding tail wheel expeerience is good fun and aeros may float your boat.
Don't be put off by club room banter listen to everything and and discard the bull sh@.
If you don't know something ask a pro not the old hangar rats that live in a time warp. [no disrepect to our war time heroes].
Be safe and enjoy.:ok:

Lance Murdoch 31st Mar 2010 17:30

What I did after getting my PPL is 10 hours or so of cross countrys just so as I could enjoy flying whilst only having the pressure of conducting the flight safely rather than the pressure you get when building up to the skills test.

Longer term an IMC is a good challenge and it will certainly sharpen up your flying skills and it may get you out of trouble one day.

Aerobatics is also fun and again will sharpen up your aircraft handling skills and make you a better/safer pilot.

chris-h 31st Mar 2010 17:53

Do a few land aways, Visit a few new airfields and take some mates up..
You'll continue to learn and build up a load of questions for next time you decide to visit your instructor. The things you think you want to learn now may change after a few flights and you'll see things in a different light.
Enjoy and congratulations

pulse1 31st Mar 2010 18:31

Living where you do, when you have a few more hours, I would do a seaplane rating at Loch Earn. Only 5 hours of really interesting flying.

Alan_D 31st Mar 2010 21:36

Been there, doing that...
You're a few months behind me then, I finished my PPL 2 months ago...

A few days after the test I did a dual flight with my instructor to cover / improve on the minor points the examiner remarked on, then a a solo local nav while waiting for the licence to come back from the CAA.

Since it has come back I've flown with my son on a local flight, then landed away at new destinations with friends, so I can gain experience from them, and the planning / nav through unfamilier areas.

I'm keen to keep learning so trying to go somewhere new every flight at the moment! I'll probably start the IMC course in a few months.

My club arrange fly-outs regulally over the summer so i'm planning to go on most for the experience.

Pull what 2nd Apr 2010 16:42

PPL in the post - what now?
I love you?

douglas.lindsay 2nd Apr 2010 19:29

PW, my wife saw the email notification for your post and started asking questions! :uhoh:

Ryan5252 2nd Apr 2010 21:18

PPL in the post - what now?
Have you considered Golf? :}

FlyingOfficerKite 3rd Apr 2010 15:28


Well wives have to start somewhere.

Next it'll be:
What about the garden?;
Why does an hours flying take all morning?;
You never see the kids;
What about a hand with the shopping;
I wish I had time to spend galavanting;
plus many more I can't think of off-hand!



PS: The above suggestions are all valid - I went off and did some solo flights to consolidate my flying; some cross-countries to gain experience and confidence; flew my friends and family (to share the cost); bought a share in a tail-dragger; flew some different types and then night and IMC ratings the next year. All good fun and experience and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Alan_D 3rd Apr 2010 21:34

FlyingOfficerKite wrote:

Next it'll be:
What about the garden?;
Why does an hours flying take all morning?;
You never see the kids;
What about a hand with the shopping;
I wish I had time to spend galavanting;
plus many more I can't think of off-hand!

What about the garden?; check
Why does an hours flying take all morning?; check
You never see the kids; check
What about a hand with the shopping; not yet
I wish I had time to spend galavanting; check


you're never at home
you've spent lots on flying, I need to spend the same on clothes/shoes/whatever
and a load more I've forgotten / ignored.

Bigears 4th Apr 2010 08:02

Douglas, check your PM's

douglas.lindsay 9th Apr 2010 16:47

Thanks all! Decided that, what with the Easter hols upon me, I'd best take a couple of weeks break... so not having to justify myself too much right now!

Still waiting for that little envelope to turn up from the CAA as well...

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