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Joe.B 9th Mar 2010 15:59

Starting up my PPL
Hey guys,

Looking to start up PPL training and have got a few questions. I have been looking at flight schools in Florida (frowned upon here I know) because of the costs of the course.

I've seen many offer ~21 day packages for approx $6,500. This is where you complete all training to do with PPL (exams, flying, etc).

I think 21-days would be a little rushed to fully experience the practical side of flying to its fullest, therefore I would like to do the exams here in the UK instead, and then head to Florida for just the flying aspect.

I've been trying to look for places where I can do the 7 exams and was wondering when passed how long they are valid for? Also one flight training website in Florida stated you have "three attemps at each test" with a required pass rate of 75%+ - is this true for all PPL exams or the way they have 'structured' their course?

Thanks for reading, I await your replies :).


AlphaMale 9th Mar 2010 17:43

Welcome Joe.

To start with users here don't really frown upon people going abroad to get their licence. You do what is best for your situation.

While UK flight schools may struggle through the recession it seems a little unthaughtful in going to the US to get your licence but you need to do what is best for you. But look at it with open eyes. Add up all the costs involved from flights and the ball park figure they give you ($6,500 for a 21 day course) then add the skills test cost and transfers etc.

When I added the costs up there was very little difference. But I could either enjoy the sunshine in Florida (as well as the thunderstorms) over 21 intense days or I could chip away at getting my PPL in UK airspace over a number of weekends keeping my holiday time for a week or two away with the other half (avoids any arguments).

You can go down to your local flight school and ask if you can sit your exams there. The worst they can say is no. Costs will be around £30 per exam and same for resits. some schools may have you become a member for say £200 and then charge £20 per exam (you'll need to work this out).

As soon as you pass the first exam you have 18 months to get all 7 under your belt.

If you fail your exam on your first attempt at the school you can re-sit the exam at the school, but if you fail it twice then you'll need to do your third attempt at Gatwick :rolleyes:

Good luck - just make sure you do all the sums.

Paolo 9th Mar 2010 18:03

Went to a well known flying school just north of Daytona in Florida and gained a UK PPL in 1993 ...now LHS Airbus for a UK operator. Never let anyone talk you out of going to Florida to get a PPL!


Joe.B 9th Mar 2010 18:23


Thank you very much for your replies :ok:.

I dont mind the intensity of the 21-days, its just I feel i'd be a little rush and have a 50/50 split on the flying and theory. I'd much prefer to have 100% on theory, then 100% on flying to give it my best as well as enjoy each moment.

Whilst as you say there is very little difference I'm inclining toward Florida due to the weather, ok theres thunderstoms but I dont want to be disrupted by UK weather! Not trying to rush it at all, just dont want to extend it unnecessarily.

Thanks for your input Paolo 'Dan', sounds that you've done very well... how much did it cost you back then?

I'm currently on an aerospace engineering degree and looking to get the PPL under my belt - ideally I'd love to become a commercial pilot. I'm 19 at the moment, and funding is a concern - sponsorships I'm aware of but I'm also aware of the popularity of those... one can apply but probability is low (not trying to sound negative at all). Anyone got any input from experience what path they would suggest I do? I'm loving my degree at the moment, so its not an opt-out of that just my dream is to be a pilot and I feel i've taken the correct 'step' toward it.

Thank you :)

pumuckl 9th Mar 2010 19:26

You might also want to browse this forum Private Flying Forum as it geared towards PPLs.

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