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pbrookes 2nd Sep 2008 14:19

OK own up! Was it you?
Who was it flying the Cessna 150 in low circles over a large village south west of EGBB for over half an hour this afternoon? :D

My neighbour, who is usually tolerant, started whinging about "Isn't he one of your sort? You know? Flyer of small things?" Why does he keep flying over here? Is he lost?"

"No, surely not" I replied. "You can almost see the International airport from above here!"

"It about time they banned those things! It just another accident waiting to happen!" came his reply.

Unfortunately he is a local councillor! Another nail in the coffin for a local airfield!

Come on chaps, be a little more considerate!!

flyems 3rd Sep 2008 08:45

Many variations of this story, but the topic made me think of it straight away...!

Heard on a slow day on the RT: "I'm f:mad:g BORED"...

Tower: "Who said that??? Own up right now!!!"

Same voice: "I said f:mad:g bored, not f:mad:g stupid".....

Final 3 Greens 3rd Sep 2008 09:23

Probably some poor b@stard being orbited by ATC to let in planeloads of holidaymaking NIMBYs like your neighbour :}

Otherwise, deck the t@sser when he knocks on your door to sell the photos.

Vino Collapso 3rd Sep 2008 10:28

More than likely an aerial photography job. Sure fire way to annoy the natives below.

Fuji Abound 3rd Sep 2008 11:45

I wonder next time I am orbiting waiting for my clearance through Stansted I should point out to the ATCO that there is some tw** jumping up and down on the patch of grass below with some sort of medallion around his neck - I wonder if it might facilitate my transit.

:) :)

In fact here is another idea to give the Councillor something to do. I suggest you give him the tower number of the large international airport you mentioned. Tell him he needs to get on to them to complain about all the light aircraft being held over his house waiting for transit clearances. He should of course point out to them that he is the local Councillor and demand they do something about it.

Only kidding - you make a fair point.

tonker 3rd Sep 2008 12:03

Ask him what "one of your sort" means.

We can all lump others into "sorts" and then demand they are banned because an accident might happen. Him and his car for instance, or his lawn mower. Buy a sheep and let me sleep on a sunday morning, before he tries to cut off his toes or electrocute himself!

The problem with GA is that it in this country it still has a vestige of eletism attached to it. I was walking through a marina a few months back and a perfectly harmless bloke was walking all his gear back to his car. The moronic couple infront of me looked back and sneared and commented who does he think he is, and they don't like his sort!

Their problem is that he hasn't surrendered to mediocrity, spending his life watching soaps etc.

Tell your neighbour the C150 wasn't doing anything illegal and can stay there as long as he doesn't brake rule 5 etc

Keygrip 3rd Sep 2008 12:14

A slight aside, and just for those reading but not joining the argument/discussion - if you do get a hold at some point, then consider that you don't need to orbit in tight circles (necessarily) - you could run a few racetrack patters (maybe in different directions), spread the noise out.

You almost certainly don't need to be at cruise power (slow safe cruise?).

Consider (if you can) asking (if inside controlled airspace) for "a higher level due noise abatement" - it may give the controller the prod to remember the noise factor, too.

Hyperborean 3rd Sep 2008 16:23

Plus ça change. Almost 40 years ago a pal of mine took an irate phone call in the tower at Manchester. The obviously aerated caller demanded, "Do you know where I live?" Pal replied that he didn't and got the response, "I think you do you know." Finally having calmed the caller down it transpired that he had lived near to the 24 outer marker and had got fed up with the noise of departing aircraft so had moved house. All went well for couple of days until departures changed from 06 to 24. The new house was just by the 06 outer marker!

theyounglaird 3rd Sep 2008 17:11

What are you on about?

tonker 3rd Sep 2008 21:33

Absolutely no idea, just going around in circles!

Fuji Abound 3rd Sep 2008 21:44


Dont suppose you have the co-ordinates to hand of the incident old chap.

Might be worth a bit of aerial investigation of the scene of the crime.

Perhaps if a few of us get together we could provide a wee demonstration of how low level contra rotating stacking works.

HeliCraig 3rd Sep 2008 22:42


Would love to help you, and bring some Heli noise to your stack, but unfortunately I am too busy looking for property I can buy right next to established airports in order to establish my right to moan about aviation....


AMEandPPL 4th Sep 2008 00:56

time scale important . . . . . . . . . .

low circles over a large village south west of EGBB for over half an hour this afternoon?
Maybe the "over half an hour" is a bit relevant here. If I fly friends or relatives over their homes or other places of interest I usually limit it to no more than 3 orbits at any one time, and no lower than 800 ft agl.
More than that, and neighbours' interest starts to be aroused !

Pilot DAR 4th Sep 2008 03:19

Wasn't me. My C150 was parked all weekend. I had perfect water conditions and an amphibian to fly.

Oh, and I'm not on the same continent. That's my alibi, and I'm sticking to it!

Pilot DAR

snapper1 4th Sep 2008 07:31

Now I'm jealous - about the weather in Canada.:*

viva77 4th Sep 2008 09:13

Can I just lay to rest the ATC slagging on this thread? I am not aware of any pilot being instructed to hold for any amount of time, let alone 1/2 hour, to await a zone crossing of Birmingham controlled airspace. Either you can come in or you can't - simple. (In the circuit may be different however).

My guess is a photographer, and we do get lots of complaints about them, and my advice is always the same - if you think they are breaking the law complain to the appropriate authorities - the police. (I do advise complainants what the laws are).

Fuji Abound 4th Sep 2008 10:02

appropriate authorities - the police
Which law(s) did you have in mind?

viva77 4th Sep 2008 16:05

Low flying is generally the complaint, although noise is the reason, if that makes sense?

Final 3 Greens 4th Sep 2008 16:11


No ATC slagging from me, just NIMBY irony.

Remember only an ATCer can choose to be offended by such banter and this would be a bit wussy.

Fuji Abound 4th Sep 2008 16:25

Low flying is generally the complaint, although noise is the reason, if that makes sense?
Yes, that is what I expected, however

if low flying be the complaint,
and noise the reason,
I am not sure plods the answer.

Hello, hello, hello now what this all about,
there is some fella over there what says you were flying to low over his runner beans.

Honest guv, it werent me, on the Chatham my altimiter says I wose at 750 feet.

Dont come all that, you know full well his runner beans are at 400 feet,
you're nicked.

I think its the CAA you want :ok:.

Mind you their record leaves much to be desired. :) :)

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