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-   -   Female ex-PPL hoping to get back in the skies (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/309691-female-ex-ppl-hoping-get-back-skies.html)

FullyFlapped 28th Jan 2008 13:04


You have completely misunderstood my post, which was in no way intended to be serious, just simply a rather poor but harmless, smut-ridden, anatomically-driven double-entendre-styley 1970s joke designed to bring a little levity into the discussion.

Not everything has to have serious content, y'know ... a laugh a day and all that ! ;)

D SQDRN 97th IOTC 28th Jan 2008 13:42

fully flapped

you should be ashamed of yourself.
you should also be properly admonished. I know a good address where you can go for that, but it'll cost you a £100 quid.

as for the 50 yr old lady - I suspect if she has managed to obtain a PPL amongst her life's achievements, then she is probably more than capable of looking after herself. She may be silent not because she is "outraged of wilmslow crescent", and maybe she isn't as hurt and dismayed by those jumping to her defence might think, but because she is embarrassed that people think that pprune has scared her off. Maybe she is quite a robust woman quite capable of holding her own.

I for one bet she is. Show me a female pilot, and I'll show you someone with more metal in 'em than the average bloke.

BEagle 28th Jan 2008 14:39

Some have even been known to demonstrate their individualism by sporting......




And FullyFlapped, I knew what you meant! What a Carry On!!

Whirlybird 28th Jan 2008 16:10

As another female flyer, I was going to start a new thread on here asking advice regarding a particular subject matter. However, the attitude of most people that have posted has entirely put me off doing so...I am not going to place my post.
Please do post! We're not all like that; it's only a rather loud and vociferous minority. Don't worry; I'll shout 'em down, singlehandedly if necessary. :ok:

Well, excuse me!!! I partle misunderstood, partly got your drift and retaliated in kind. If you'd been on PPRuNe as long as I have, you'd know that I'm used to the 'Whirly has no sense of humour' comments. Maybe it's true, but if I had a penny for every thread that gets misunderstood on PPRuNe because you don't get the tone of voice and nuances, I'd be able to afford...an MD500 rating!!!! If it was funny, well...OK...if you say so. Personally, having read it again, I still don't see the relevance to...anything. But thanks for trying, and seriously, no hard feelings, OK?

Seriously, people, what is it about women posting? We regularly have posts from people of various minorities. We had a whole thread called 'Young Pilots' and everyone applauded the under 20s sticking together...bunch of ageist kids if you ask me, but no-one asked me so I kept quiet. There are even separate forums for pilots from various countries. We Rotorheads get our own place to chat about whirly things. Yet if a woman dares to mention that she's female, and - horror of horrors - she thinks it matters, she gets shouted down. It happened to me years ago, when Pontius was a pilot, Whirly was a sweet young thing, and the Private Pilots' forum was new. I dared to ask if there were any female helicopter pilots on here. You'd have thought I asked if there were any baby burning pilots on here!!! I got flamed, told it didn't matter, that I was obsessed with gender, all sorts of things. Jeez, and all I wanted was...friends. :(

But actually it did me a lot of good; I got tougher. These days I'll beat up anyone who gives any women (or anyone else) on here a hard time for no good reason. So Albinoni, please come back, and Airgirl, please post your question.

Or, guys, would you prefer us to ask the mods for.....A WOMEN'S ONLY FORUM? !!!!!!!!! :)

Jetscream 32 28th Jan 2008 16:21

no theres an idea - female flyers forum....! will it have fluffy offers on vanity mirrors, cut out coupons for H369 ratings, and google adwords for remove before flight clothing..... :} :} every membership subscription would get a free airport firemans calendar........ :D

Health warning

FullyFlapped 28th Jan 2008 16:45

Well, excuse me!!! I partle misunderstood, partly got your drift and retaliated in kind. If you'd been on PPRuNe as long as I have, you'd know that I'm used to the 'Whirly has no sense of humour' comments. Maybe it's true, but if I had a penny for every thread that gets misunderstood on PPRuNe because you don't get the tone of voice and nuances, I'd be able to afford...an MD500 rating!!!! If it was funny, well...OK...if you say so. Personally, having read it again, I still don't see the relevance to...anything. But thanks for trying, and seriously, no hard feelings, OK?
It's OK, Whirly, absolutely no hard feelings. And I'm sorry you don't get the "relevance" ! :ok:

Astral_Flyer 28th Jan 2008 20:47

Originally Posted by Jetscream 32

I was just waiting to savage you (in a fluffy way) until you said that.. You are so lucky. You have just got away with your life intact. Or something else intact :}

Woman's only forum - No thanks. It would get invaded by all sorts of people, giving out sarcastic comments. I'm happy to keep things as they are. I have been treated with kid gloves and had a few condescending remarks thrown at me by a few instructors in the past... None recently though. Perhaps it might boil down to the fact I'm an older pilot.

During my training. I found it easier to progress with other women. I couldn't pinpoint exactly why.. But a lot of it I feel came down to the fact that we were in it because we enjoyed it. No battles or sexist stuff to have to deal with.

BEagle - I take it your remark relates to Pinkster who used to post on the boards. What happened to her?

I haven't seen a reply from the OP yet.. Airgirl - Ask away. Don't be put off .


Shunter 28th Jan 2008 21:18

I don't get the problem... Man, woman, so what? Why does there always have to be some hidden agenda with so many people?

I was in the states recently for a conference, met a fellow (female) attendee in the bar one afternoon, had a beer, had another beer, continued until 9am. Woke up on (not in) bed about 12 hours later in my hotel with a stinking headache, she's asleep on the floor with her dress pulled up over her face. I didn't care, she didn't care, nothing was ever on the cards, and when I phoned the girlfriend later that evening she found the whole incident highly amusing.

Are most people really so backward, suspicious and predatory?

B Fraser 28th Jan 2008 21:42

Whirlygig - However, I feel that my "minority" is as a helicopter pilot, not as woman, so personally it hasn't offered much for me.
Maybe it was the banjo that put you in a minority of one. ;) I'm all for gender equality so get us a pint love and we'll talk about it.

oh, and I have a shirt that needs ironing :O

only kidding....it's two shirts.

Whirlygig 28th Jan 2008 21:48

I now have a banjo-playing friend and his wife is all for our burgeoning partnership :}

Now. Do you want creases down the sleeves? Hanging or folded? I'll do that while you put some more essential fluids in my car darling.



B Fraser 28th Jan 2008 22:00

With petrol at those prices, I'll iron my own bloody shirts !


Whirlygig 28th Jan 2008 22:03

Always works. Always works.

...and who said women were stoopid? :}



BEagle 28th Jan 2008 22:07

"BEagle - I take it your remark relates to Pinkster who used to post on the boards. What happened to her?"

Why I had text with the lady only this afternoon! She's fine and was just starting her weekly radio spot.

Hasn't flown for a long time though.......:confused:

Whirlybird 29th Jan 2008 06:55

Are most people really so backward, suspicious and predatory?
You're a PPRuNer and you really think that needs answering!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shunter 29th Jan 2008 07:40

You have a point.

kevmusic 29th Jan 2008 15:48

Viola, just curious - is there a connection between your good self and Albinoni? AFAIK Tomaso Albinoni didn't compose anything major for the viola but perhaps you could enlighten? :) ;)

Viola 30th Jan 2008 18:22

Me? No.

When I logged onto Pprune I looked around for a name and the violas (small pansies) were in flower. I'm too much of a peasant to be called after a musical instrument. I do like music though!

I've been flying regularly for quite a few years now and have been lucky enough to have people to fly with.

But I can see how difficult it is for a woman to find flying buddies. My theory is that men who fly regularly often buy an aircraft/share and automatically have people to share with whilst women don't - possibly because most groups are made up of men (because most pilots are men).

Whirlygig 30th Jan 2008 20:49

Not necessarily! Firstly, I was offered a share in a helicopter; for various reasons, nothing to do with the gender diversity of the group but more the way the group was managed, I declined.

Could it be that women don't tend to buy shares in aircraft because, on the whole, their earnings are less than mens'?

I've had no difficulty finding flying buddies although I prefer to fly on my own (or with friends as passengers). They are all individuals who happen to be men. And we get on fine.



oby 7th Feb 2008 15:06

blah, blah
rubbish, girls is girls and hence rubbish at doing blokey stuff like flying blokey built and designed airthingywotsits that can fly and groundthingywotsits that can drive. :ugh:

Now, where's my pint, slippers and more importantly....my dinner.

ShyTorque 7th Feb 2008 22:03

Now, where's my pint, slippers and more importantly....my dinner.
Probably down the loo, on the fire and in the dog, not necessarily in that order. :D

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