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alpha06 17th Aug 2006 19:55

Flight Academy Scotland
does anyone have any info on flight academy scotland as i'm considering doing mt ppl there.

GusHoneybun 17th Aug 2006 21:35

suggest you do a search on that particular school. others have voiced their own opinions on this organisation (sic) in more lucid terms.

personally i wouldn't touch them with a ten foot barge pole.

S205-18F 18th Aug 2006 09:51

There are 3 training establishments at the Cumbernauld site! Leading Edge which is more a club with flight training, Cumbernauld Flying school and last but not least Flight Academy.
I am biased as I am a member of Leading Edge and have a license but I looked at all 3 and made a choice which suited me.

bankjoh 18th Aug 2006 12:19

Whilst I have no experience flying in Cumbernauld my experince with FAS in another lcoation would mean that I do strongly recommend you loking elsewhere.


wbryce 18th Aug 2006 13:34

I too fly from Cumbernauld, although I have no experience of FAS I can't really comment....I fly from Leading Edge too! this suits me also, great club atmosphere and a great group of people involved.

Why don't you go and have a discussion with each of the organisations and see which one offers the best package for you in terms of attitude and aircraft.

raviolis 18th Aug 2006 16:24

Originally Posted by GusHoneybun
personally i wouldn't touch them with a ten foot barge pole.

What are the reasons behind your statement ?

silverknapper 20th Aug 2006 14:00

What are the reasons behind your statement ?
I personally can think of several. Just do a search and see what comes up. As a starting point you could try the latest stunt they have pulled - not paying their bills at Aberdeen.
This is a bad lot, go elsewhere.

raviolis 20th Aug 2006 23:09

Originally Posted by silverknapper
I personally can think of several. Just do a search and see what comes up. As a starting point you could try the latest stunt they have pulled - not paying their bills at Aberdeen.
This is a bad lot, go elsewhere.

That doesn't really answer my question.
Someone asked about FAS at Cumbernauld.
Someone else answered they wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
I asked what were the reasons behind that statement and I get a vague reply about fuel bills at Aberdeen.

So, what are the reasons why you are calling them a bad lot ?

silverknapper 21st Aug 2006 07:52


What part of

Just do a search and see what comes up
did you not understand? there are enough opinions on here of old. The police are involved with this company now so as OPM says it may be unwise to get any more involved. That says it all really for me!


Without wanting to inflate his ego, there isn't a lot Gus isn't up to speed on with flight training in Scotland. If you need to know more PM me, but a simple search should suffice. We don't suffer from lack of choice in Scotland anymore - choose wisely!


liteboy 21st Aug 2006 13:01

There seem to be a lot of peoiple on this site that have a lot to say about FAS, most of which is posted without details and hiding behind the old 'the police etc. are involved and I can't say anymore, nudge nudge, wink wink' and this is supposed to give their story credibility.
FAS Aberdeen in my opinion tried to offer affordable flying from Aberdeen and got caught short. Have you looked at the price of hourly flying there now, since the demise of FAS Aberdeen, F:mad: k!!

I started my PPL training with FAS Cumbernauld almost 1 year ago and when I approached them they went to great lengths to ensure that I checked out the other options available to me. They were extremely open and in the year of dealing with them have found them to be a very profesional and friendly bunch. None of the other two establishments could offer landing fees included with the hourly rate and I chose FAS, a decision I have not regretted. I would not want to be financially restricted in the number of landings I make any more than the cost of the flying hours I am consuming.
Imagine the scenario that you are doing circuits and having a good day (rare for me) but have to cut short the landings because you are aware every one is adding £8 to the bill, not good. The aircraft, Diamond Katanas (similar to the other schools at Cumbernauld) are easy to fly and do not bite.
I would reccomend FAS to anyone, however would use 'pay as you go' as a payment method. I would also recommend this for any flight school as none of them seem particularly financially secure.


liteboy 21st Aug 2006 16:50

Not a rose tinted view as you call it but a view expressed out of actual experience, something which if you actually have personal experience your posts do not allude to this.
Alpha 06 in his origonal post asked if anyone has experience of FAS Cumbernauld, I have, and so far the experience has been a good one.
My views on FAS Aberdeen are not from experience but from my own thoughts and I admit that I do not have any evidence to either back up or refute what you claim. I wonder if you have this evidence or is it all hearsay.

Alpha 06, why not visit FAS Cumbernauld, you will find them friendly and helpful, make up your own mind and do not be swayed by the prejudiced views of others most of whom probably have no real experience of FAS in either Cumbernauld or Aberdeen.


dunnet 21st Aug 2006 19:58

It is perhaps not pertinent (in light of the apparent police investigation(s)) to discuss some aspects of FAS however it is valid to ask about, and comment on, their relationships with clients. This was the purpose of the first posting by alpha06 who will no doubt make his/her own judgement.

Liteboy seems to have had a good experience with FAS in Cumbernauld (law of averages?) and he is right in suggesting that FAS in Aberdeen got caught. They got caught out by their clients.

Let us examine their business model (based on my own personal experience):

-I saw no delivery on the new aircraft that were promised at the start of their tenure
-I saw no delivery on the “investment” that they had promised (admittedly details were never that definite on the exact nature of the investment)
-management rarely being seen by flying members of the club
-poor resource management of aircraft (often all would need checks at the same time therefore not leaving any flying aircraft in Aberdeen)
-not telling their students that flying had been cancelled
-not working with disgruntled customers.

There are lots of (strong) rumours about what happened financially and otherwise in Aberdeen, and while I am sure no-one would (or indeed) ought to post details in this forum you might be forgiven for thinking that there is no smoke without mirrors.

While liteboy resorts to expletives about the new arrangement for flying in Aberdeen I would suggest that things have got mightily better. Certainly the attendance at the new clubs social gathering was impressive and certainly shone out compared to the non-existent club atmosphere that pervaded while FAS were in charge. There was a good mix of young and old, new and experienced, private and commercial and I can only expect that this will continue to go from strength to strength.

A few points where liteboy and I definitely agree is that alpha06 should go and speak to instructors and students at all of the schools and to use the “pay-as-you-go” method of payment.

Happy and safe flying!

dunnet 21st Aug 2006 20:01

my humble apologies for getting my metaphors mixed:

it is, of course, no smoke with out fire

GolfDeltaRomeo 21st Aug 2006 21:04

Well I'll never fly with them again :E


SS1 21st Aug 2006 22:46

I can't help myself posting this despite trying. Firstly i'd like to say that this is in no way an attempt to defend FAS, and yes i agree with most of the things on here, but people in glass houses should not throw stones! I also do not condone violence, but this just makes me laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing actually is.
I have it from a few different but very credible sources what the real story is behind the cops, ABZ and FAS.
What actually happened i have been told is:
A certain well known individual involved in Grampian Flying Club who shall remain nameless, but is well known, upset the owner of FAS which resulted in a threatening phone call. The owner decided to offer the person a right good beating, to which he replied 'bring it on.' This particular individual then decided to call the cops like a right blouse and tell them that a team of hit men were on their way up from 'Glesgae' to murder him, and that he (and his supposed ex-SAS mate) needed round the clock protection by the local Police. Cops of course obliged and interviewed a few people who put them right and played down the situation as a storm in a tea cup and no more than silly threats in the playground. They then decided to issue a bollocking to the complainer for wasting their time and that was that. I of course think the silly boy who told the cops is a bit of a tit and this is why i am posting this. I couldn't have him banging on about others when he has so many skeletons of his own. Let us not mention the fact he has claimed to be in the secret service, has a chequered past in avaition, is a bankrupt and has actually faked his own death on PPrune.
Now PPrune, i have named no people or given any descriptions, so let's see what hold this individual has over the Mods? If this is pulled then it just shows how bias PPrune is towards the muckers of the mods- this is not what the site is all about now is it Danny?
Again, nothing in defence of FAS here. I do believe from the same sources that they owe lots and lots of cash, are struggling and did do a runner from ABZ, but there's always two sides to every tale.
All the very best to the other aviators of Aberdeen. Long may you continue (Just watch who you're dealing with though!).
Not everyone in aviation is a crook, but all crooks are in aviation- Never ever pay up front ;-)

S205-18F 22nd Aug 2006 06:52

Wow this thread is getting very interesting:ouch:
I am surprised Tayside Aviation left their logo on the 152 in the photo!

Tubbs 22nd Aug 2006 11:50

What happening at FAS Cumbernauld? Nobody answering the phones.

Ops Dude 22nd Aug 2006 13:21

Flight Academy Scotland
Anybody who is considering learning to fly with FAS will fail their medical, cause they need their head looking at!!

I have never experienced such a rude, childish and un-profesional bunch in any context, not just aviation.

And before anybody tries to defend them, I have 1st hand and extensive experience of this lot in Aberdeen, which are the same people who 'run' cumbernauld.

Ops Dude says, 'I ain't going on no FAS plane fool!'

raviolis 22nd Aug 2006 15:40

Originally Posted by Ops Dude
Anybody who is considering learning to fly with FAS will fail their medical, cause they need their head looking at!!

there must be quite a few then, since you can't get a booking unless it's 6 weeks in advance !

I have learned to fly at FAS and all I can say is, it was professional, efficient and very reasonably priced. This to answer the first chap who enquired.
I am not interested in fuel bills or all sorts of bollocking, but as far as flight training is concerned, it was top class.
At the end of the day, your flight training is only as good as your instructor is, no matter where you are, Cabair or Cumbernauld !

this whole thread has turned into crap, petty posting "my dad's bigger than yours" style so I'll just avoid it from now on.


sk8erboi 23rd Aug 2006 16:49

Sound words of advice from that experienced sage of wisdom on scottish flight training, Raviolis.
Listen to people who have been around more than 5 mins, and who both teach and examine in their spare time away from airline jobs. These people have no agenda other than to look out for those who are in a position we were all in a few years back. We've seen it all before and will do again. I have seen guys lose thousands. If people bother coming on here listen to them.
And for the record I too would avoid FAS. I know several ex instructors and the view from inside aint good.

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