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-   -   PPRuNe Return to Popham Fly-In 29 August. (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/182306-pprune-return-popham-fly-29-august.html)

Genghis the Engineer 18th Aug 2005 16:17

I shall be working at Popham Tuesday, unless anybody speaks to him before then. If they do, please let me know.


Radar 19th Aug 2005 15:14

Just booked the Arrow now all I need is for the wx gods to smile. Fingers crossed. Given the route, I will probably overnight. Any reccomendations for a hotel or B&B in the vicinity?

BRL, I could drop by Shoreham on the way if you're stuck for a lift.

Radar (the paddy in the PH Arrow )

Genghis the Engineer 19th Aug 2005 17:46

I had to drop by Popham this afternoon. Spoke to Dick Richardson (the airfield manager), he's very happy to have us there on the 29th.

He's agreed to waive landing fees for Pprune visitors, but "suggests" a £5 donation per aircraft to the Bader foundation (which is a charity supporting flying scholarships for the disabled).

Assuming that I can get the *(&**(() booking website to work, which it's reluctant to do today, I'll probably be arriving in the mighty Thruster, but without Aerbabe who seems to be indisposed elsewhere.


By the way, B&Bs...

The only local one I know of is the Dove in Micheldever Station, about 2 miles from the airfield. I can speak highly of their beer, but have never tried the rooms. 01962 774288

Theres a corporate pub with rooms called the Wheatsheaf about a mile down the A30 towards Basingstoke (walkable, just!), which is overpriced but convenient. 01256 398282

Some neighbours of mine run a B&B about 10 miles away which has a good reputation, East Manor House in Abbotts Ann, tel. 01264-710031. Im going home via another airfield, but could give you a lift back to Popham from there in the morning if you need it. (And Davids an ex-Lightning pilot, so potential for good war stories!).

There are a few others listed on Pophams website, but I dont know anything of them.


Radar 20th Aug 2005 06:45


Many thanks for the accommodation info. I'll do a bit of phoning / e-mailing around to see what's available.

Genghis the Engineer 21st Aug 2005 09:37

By the way, our fuel at Popham has just gone up to a terrifying £1.20/litre, so you've been warned!


Irv 21st Aug 2005 15:35

B&Bs - there are two or three down near the Wheatsheaf/Premier Lodge and Sun Inn (on the old road to Basingstoke, about 2 miles away). I'll try and dig out a number - they all recommend each other when full so if I can find one number, that's all you need. It's about £25 for B&B and sometimes includes a lift up to the airfield.

(I know the event is on the Popham calendar as a radio operator looked at it and asked me if I knew what type of aircraft a "Pee-Pee Rune" was).

Brooklands 23rd Aug 2005 15:53

I've got a spare seat from Wycombe if anyone wants a lift down


Whirlybird 24th Aug 2005 17:40

Spare seat available from Sleap - in an ancient C150, not a helicopter. Cost sharing preferred, but I'd like company, so you can come anyway...to help bolster my confidence on the horrible sounding curved approach on runway 26. :eek: :(

High Wing Drifter 24th Aug 2005 18:06

to help bolster my confidence on the horrible sounding curved approach on runway 26.
Fear not. It is nowhere near as bad as it looks. The 21 approach can be more tricky simply because of the turb from the trees.

Whiskey Kilo Wanderer 25th Aug 2005 11:37

One spare seat from East Sussex (Heathfield area) if anyone wants to go from that part of the world.

Safe Flying,
Richard W.

Genghis the Engineer 25th Aug 2005 15:30

On either 26 or 03 (not 21, which has a clear approach), the trick is to remember that it's a 900m runway and unless you are flying something that desperately needs the length, come in slightly high and land a bit long. Takes the stress of both approaches off nicely. (If 21 is in use, expect sink as you cross the A303 by the way).


Wycombe 25th Aug 2005 15:51

....this worked for me on my last visit (which was for the Pprune Fly-in a couple of years ago), but remember also that the downwards dip in the middle of 08/26 might lead to a prolonged float.

So, high, long, but not fast :D

italianjon 26th Aug 2005 14:09

Hi Guys,

Never been to one of these before, wondering if it is open to wannabes, but not got PPL yet.

I am hoping to get my PPL as soon as I can and would love to start meeting people on the GA circuit.

Is it possible to come by car?



Brooklands 26th Aug 2005 16:06


In a word yes. Its very easy to get to by road, here's some maps to help you.

I think we've still got a spare seat.


bletchleytugie 26th Aug 2005 16:43

Might swap the Falke for a Grob 109,what time are folks aiming to arrive

Genghis the Engineer 26th Aug 2005 17:12

Just turn up, we'll even allow airline pilots in if they ask nicely and don't try the runway 26 approach in anything much bigger than a 737.

I'll hopefully have an aeroplane with spare fuel, so if anybody fancies a jolly in the mighty (!) Thruster you'd be most welcome.


Monocock 27th Aug 2005 11:12

Is there a prize for the worst landing?

My trophy shelf needs filling back up again:}

See you there.

(or maybe not. I normally attend these events oblivious to who's who, read the paper for an hour and then go home. Within hours there's loads of photo's on PPRuNe with me in the background reading the Times....!)

Radar 27th Aug 2005 14:40

See you there folks. We plan to arrive around 1300 local.

DubTrub 27th Aug 2005 23:00

Good point, Radar...

When's the ETA, BRL? Is everyone going for lunch or what? Us Northeners might have to spend a few hours getting there, but as they say, the joy is in the journey.

I will have my pprune Badge on my hat so everyone will know that I'm one of the Pproon gang. Right? I assume you've all donated and got the same? So we'll all be able to say: "say, you here on the Proon fly-in, or wot?".


...anyone there?


[edit] Hey Mono I might have to do a worst landing there than you...it is after all a proper airfield.

BRL 28th Aug 2005 00:18

Arrival times, hmmm, anytime you like really, I remember the last one got really busy around 1130 and we were told to space out a bit.

As for lunch, you just get what you want when you want it and eat outside on the tables if you like. There will be lots of people just milling about outside the clubhouse chatting, just look for the pprune badges, caps etc.

Make it 29th August & I'll buy the teas.
an offer made by our good friend Kolibear :D

Don't forget it is free landings, just mention your with the pprune fly-in and make a donation, I think a fiver, it is for a good cause, the Bader foundation.

Fingers crossed for decent weather!

Mike Cross 28th Aug 2005 20:38

Hey Mono I might have to do a worst landing there than you...it is after all a proper airfield.
That's a tall order, I trust you realise what you're up against!

I hope to be there lunchtime but almost certainly sans Luscombe as one of the other group members is taking it to Dunkeswell.


BRL 28th Aug 2005 21:06

It is looking good for a lunchtime arrival. We will be in a Rans S6.

Will be wearing the famous pprune cap. :ok:

DubTrub 28th Aug 2005 21:44

Being the boring git I am, I made this list from the thread:

Nr Fairy
Cos 211
Bletchlie tuggie
jon the italian
Mike Cross
et moi makes twenty-two?

Monocock 28th Aug 2005 23:38

That's a tall order, I trust you realise what you're up against!

I'll try not to replicate my last trip out to Popham...!!Oops

See you all there:}

FBS 29th Aug 2005 17:45

Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat more chaps but the BRB (Big Red Bsssstd) wouldn't start and I had to go put some volts in the battery, then the neighbors turned up for flights and and Michael Turner wanted to take a photo of the aforementioned BRB.

Otherwise trips around the houses would have been possible on a let's share out the dinosaurs basis.

Hope you all had a good time and I am sorry about my legs.


Whirlybird 29th Aug 2005 18:05

Got up EARLY :( :( , checked wx, NOTAMs etc. Looked out of window at VERY low cloud and drizzle, checked wx again. Phoned friend 20 miles south, as too early to phone airfields - wx same. Decided dissipating front hadn't dissipated as much as it was supposed to, and after two days of teaching hovering over the weekend, I didn't fancy a nearly four hour return trip of dodging low cloud and rain, even to see you lot - and I did want to see you lot, really I did! :{

So I went to Tesco instead. :{ :{ :{

Hope it was a good fly-in. I haven't been to one for ages, and I will make it to one someday, honestly!!!!

M14P 29th Aug 2005 20:00

Nice to see some of you there but I was a tad busy so I really didn't get a chance to chat...
Good to see you Koli and some really top notch landings from HWD.

bletchleytugie 29th Aug 2005 20:44

Had to do a bit of gardening whilst taxing to the hold on the way out - the perils of 17 metres of plastic!. hanks to MIke Cross for the trip in the Luscombe, to Koli for the cakesand to Mrs Monocock for looking after my passenger . Went back to Halton via the edge of the Chilterns to give madam passenger some ridge soaring practice (she'll get a shock when she gets to Sisteron).

Strangley enough we ended up in Tescos as well. Got back to Bicester and ended up doing a ferry run to Membury, the carrot being the opportunity to take a Chipmunk back to Cosford tommorrow:ok: :ok:

See some you soon again I hope.

Bletchlleytugie and Anna

High Wing Drifter 29th Aug 2005 21:56

How odd. I ended up stopping off at Tesco for some Pita bread on the way back!

A rather splending afternoon. Really nice to meet and chat with some of you. Obviously whatever Kolibear sacrificed appeased the Weather Gods.

Thanks too to BRL and Genghis for organising :ok:

Thanks mate :O Probably unrepeatable!

DubTrub 29th Aug 2005 22:06

On the way down from oop north, I met up with Monocock , so we decided to arrive in formation. But Luscombes aught to learn not to fly too near cloud; it was a lovely flight.

The foggy cloud dispersed by the time we landed, and the weather was warm enough for lounging around on Popham's grassy knoll...

BRL gave me the pleasure of his company for a ten-minute jaunt over the Hampshire countryside, and he managed very quickly to un-learn PA28 foot rests.

I am sure that most who endeavoured to come did in fact arrive...even if I didn't meet you all.


A great venue with a great welcome (as always, thanks, Popham), and it was my pleasure to meet up again with those of you I already know, and to meet new Prooners for the first time.
Particular thanks to Kolibear and Mrs K for the tea & cakes (happy Birthday again, K!), and well done to Radar and his flying partner for making the trip from Holland.


EddieHeli 30th Aug 2005 07:56

Finally made it to a pprune fly-in and met some of the ppruners.
Thanks for the cake Kolibear.

Trip to Popham and back from Sywell, rounded off a nice weekends flying which started with our first trip abroad on Saturday, when we flew to Grimbergen in Belgium, which is inside the Brussels zone, for the AYA fly-in.
We stopped at Calais both ways and met up with the Grumpy Gang. A great bunch who made us feel welcome and treated us like old friends.
My honorary moniker in Grumpy Gang circles now "Grumpy Chopper". Cheers Guys (and Galls) you know who you are (approaching BeachPig indeed!).

Take off from Popham made only slightly hairy by a YAK decending onto us at the hold as he was well to the right of the runway, resulted in my having to take avoiding action, and then my take off accelleration was a bit slow meaning I had to do a zoom climb and turn over 26 to avoid the trees at the end of 21.

Lovely flight back to Sywell and saw loads of traffic so quite a few enjoying the weather.


EddieHeli (and Missus)

Monocock 30th Aug 2005 08:08

What a great day.

Once again, it was good to catch up with everyone although I'm still sure that there were certin people hovering around and not making themselves known!!

It was perfect day for flying and my son loved his trip back. I was slightly concerned when he announced on landing that he hadn't actually eaten his Mini Cheddars on the way home, he had flicked them out of the open window... There is a little trail of mini Cheddars heading NNW from Popham for approximately 25 miles if anyone's peckish


Great to see you all.

P.S Who was the person with the AA1? I wanted to catch up with him but never managed to find out who he/she was.

Kolibear 30th Aug 2005 08:25

Just like to thank you all for a perfect day. It was actually my 50th birthday, hence the promise to buy tea & cakes. I can't think of a better way to spend a birthday than with friends, flying and with such glorious weather.

Big thank you to Mike Cross who took me up in his Luscombe. This was my first trip in a tail-dragger and I'd like to apologise for my poor taxiing, as in the Koliber, we use the rudders vigourously for taxing but not much during flight. But it was alovely flight, a few gentle aeros and a smooth landing - Mike, you made it look so easy:ok:

Mrs K enjoyed herself too, as a non-avaitor she's always a bit apprehensive that she'll be left out, but she had a lovely time.

Hi to M14P - nice to see you again.

We routed back to North Weald via WOD and gave Wycombe a wide berth due to the gliders.

As the put the aircraft to bed, our resident Spitfire whistled down the runway, landed and taxiied past.

To round the day off, we had a couple of drinks with Rallye Driver & Aerbabe outside The Squadron.

EddieHeli 30th Aug 2005 08:30

That would be me in the AA1 G-BBWZ

Mike Cross 30th Aug 2005 08:51

a few gentle aeros
Chandelles are generally not classed as aerobatic (Luscombes not being cleared for aeros in the UK) however they are fun to practice.

The sign language for you have control/I have control seemed to work OK following the passenger's headset failure but I think I have to work on the difference between the pointing signal that means "Fly in that direction" and the identical signal that means "I've just spotted an aeroplane over there coming straight towards us":\

Good to meet everyone again. Thaks for the cake Kolibear and many happy returns to Mrs K who I believe has a similar occaison imminent.

italianjon 30th Aug 2005 09:29

Thanks to all I met.

Wonderful day out!

Thanks for all the advice for my upcoming training.

Looking forward to meeting you all again,


BRL 30th Aug 2005 10:53

Had a great day yesterday. Started out with a longish drive across Sussex to a farm strip near Heathfield to join Whiskey Kilo Wanderer and his Rans S6. A superb little aeroplane flying out from a grass strip, that is what grass roots flying is all about really isn't it, what a superb way to spend a bank holiday monday. :)

It was good to meet you all, the old faces and new ones, great to put names to faces etc, I agree with Mono though, I reckon there were people knocking about not saying anything...!

I also had my first trip in a taildragger, DubTrub kindly offered me a ride in his and off we went, he even let me have a go the mad fool!!!! :D Anyhow, many thanks for that Dub, it was great fun. :)

We also popped into a fly-in on the way back at a strip near to Bishops Waltham, I can't remember the name, little or long something, anyhow, very nice place, warm welcome and a free bbq thrown in! Nice place.

A few pictures........ For now, no room on my web space bit so will sort it out later.
Cockpit of DubTrubs Taylorcraft








The Rans S6 :)
Nice T-tail.

Whiskey Kilo Wanderer 30th Aug 2005 10:56

Grand Day Out
Nice to meet up with everyone, particularly with BRL doing all the hard work there and back.

Thanks to Koli for the tea and cakes. It just shows how far people will go for a free landing and food!

Hope to see everyone at the next fly-in.

Safe Flying.

Richard W.

BRL 30th Aug 2005 11:18


Dodgy picture but this is the approach to the grass strip I can't remember the name of!!!

Wycombe 30th Aug 2005 11:23

Lots of thanks.....
Thanks to Brooklands for taking me along in G-YFZT.

Thanks to Koli for the Birthday tea and cakes

Thanks to Genghis for the great trip in the Thruster (and for letting me fly it and try a landing at Chilbolton to boot)

Thanks to the the folks at Popham for waving landing fees and making some nice lunch.

Thanks to the weather gods for some great weather on a Bank Holiday Monday.

Thanks to BRL for getting it together.

I think that's it.....great day.

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