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AfricanEagle 28th Nov 2004 18:43

Hey Ed, welcome to the club :)

Very good to hear you are okay and did an excellent job landing.

I misunderstood Stik's first post but now having heard all the story you deserve a double "Bravissimo"!!!


shortstripper 28th Nov 2004 18:54

Well done Ed

I'm sorry to hear about the VP but SOOOO glad you handled it well and live to tell the tale. Actually that sounds too dramatic! You did what you were taught, did it well, and turned adversity into an adventure and a tale to tell your Grandkiddies ... well done you! :ok:


J.A.F.O. 28th Nov 2004 19:56

Shame about the Veep but well done Ed, as you said the aircraft's repairable, young daredevils not so.

Good show.

LowNSlow 29th Nov 2004 05:39

Well done that man. Now you have a nice winter project with Uncle Stik demonstrating his wood working and fabricking (sp??) skills to you! Who knows he might even talk you into building a Pitts!!!

bar shaker 29th Nov 2004 19:32


Sorry to hear of your woe.

When I read that Stik was sending you down the M25 to the QEII bridge I wanted to post that the area is seriously lacking places to put down, if the worst should happen.

But I decided that such talk could be bad karma on a first flight.

I am serious relieved that you had a good field to go into and that you walked away.

You are, however, a lucky lad. Few of us have a mate as good as Stik and even fewer who would get to P2 a Pitts home as consolation.


Stik, you are a good man.


Shaggy Sheep Driver 29th Nov 2004 21:30

Bleedin 'eck Ed, you do lead an interesting life. An engine failure just after your PPL - and handled 100 percent professionally. Very well done - I hope I cope as well if it happens to me.

And Stik - he couldn't have asked for a better mate or more dedicated support. Hope he buys you a pint or 3 :)


Kingy 1st Dec 2004 15:14


The whole episode sounds like a carbon copy of my little incident in the FRED last year, right down to the VW partial, then full loss of power and the hoards of keystone cops arriving.

Sounds like you did a great job in putting her down. Very well done for keeping your head and your speed up for the forced landing - it's very easy to get caught out by how little inertia these things have, not to mention the poor glide ratio.

Well, at least your log book will be interesting reading for your grand kids!


bar shaker 1st Dec 2004 19:30

Now for the disectiction...

What caused it?

They are famous for icing and several taxi runs would not have helped, if the grass was wet.

Was it that???

Monocock 2nd Dec 2004 07:04

Now for the disectiction...
If you mean by "disectiction" what I think you mean can I suggest we don't bother.

The poor chap has had a hell of a fright and if the Amateur AAIB lot get going it's just going to make the whole thing a lot worse for him. After my EFATO I was amazed at how many people wanted to tell me what had happened to me and believe me, it becomes rather irritating after a while.

Can I suggest we focus our energy on getting the guy airborne again.....:ok:

Whirlybird 2nd Dec 2004 08:12

Can I suggest we focus our energy on getting the guy airborne again.....
Well said Monocock.:ok:

englishal 2nd Dec 2004 08:32

I'm thankful that I live a boring life nowadays ;) Maybe I should get myself a Pitts to liven things up....

Well done for not getting hurt, lets hope you're back up in her soon.

Small Rodent Driver 2nd Dec 2004 13:28

Just been reading about recent events after taking my eye off the thread for a few days.

Well done that man!

Glad to hear that human cargo intact and sorry to hear that aircraft not quite so.

Hope the VP1 is back in the air for Summer 05


bar shaker 2nd Dec 2004 19:27


Sorry if my post was out of order.

I suffered massive carb ice just over the end fence, this summer, on one of those rare flights that my wife had plucked up enough courage to come flying with me. Her screaming was quite off putting, as I lined on one of the areas that my farmer kindly leaves as set aside for us resident pilots.

I wasn't trying to detract from Ed's magnificent efforts, resulting in him walking away, but wondered if anything had been readily apparent, in the inevitable checks afterwards.


stiknruda 2nd Dec 2004 19:57

Mono - concur 100% with your sentiment.

BS - lots of checks, nothing conclusive - but bearing in mind the amount of time that we were precluded from the a/frame initially by ensuring that Ed was okay, then by plod u like, carb icing would have not been apparent.

Ed passed his driving test on Monday morning but is unwilling currently to post as he feels he might project a "too cool" image. (Actually tonight he's out on a promise with Latvian triplets!)

Englishal - just buy a Pitts, all I can guarantee is that it will increase your quality of life!

Popped out for a pint earlier and was button-holed by two farmers who wanted to know all about the micrololight in the field next to Loxxxx Rd, Sat am!

"Micrlolight, don't know chaps - best speak to the folk at xxxxx xxxx - they may have some info ;)


bar shaker 2nd Dec 2004 20:24


Sod the flying, let us know how it went with the triplets :D

And as regards being too cool... you did a great job and deserve to feel cool about it.

Vont phood 2nd Dec 2004 22:08

Latvian Triplets!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully you'll need a four seat a/c after tonight then!! Same as flying though........ don't go down too soon....

sorry for lowering the tone

J.A.F.O. 2nd Dec 2004 22:31

Just hope that you can keep it up for more than 6 minutes this time, Ed.

Don't worry about appearing to be too cool, what you displayed was cool - cool calm professionalism. I only hope that if and when the day comes for me I can handle it so well.

Big Hilly 2nd Dec 2004 23:24

Am I alone in thinking that this is one of the very best threads here on PF in a very long time?

It goes without saying that the young chap has my utmost admiration but, more importantly; the entire saga from start to finish (especially Mr Ruda’s help and assistance) just demonstrates what an exceptional GA community we have here in the UK.


Whirlybird 3rd Dec 2004 08:50

No, Big Hilly, you are not alone. :ok:

stiknruda 3rd Dec 2004 22:41

Late Fri eve and I want to share the following with you (all y'all as they say in Ozark, DT!) ;

1) Ed's mummy phoned and said that she, Pater and babalicious elder sis (not Latvian!) were all going flying tomorrow with Ed in a Piper "PAtwentyeightdashwhocares" sort of aeroplane.

2) Ed apparently felt the need to show the triplets exactly how to get back to Riga as he has not been home since stepping out last night.

3) My gardener arrived this morning at 0700 (whom Ed has met several times) with daring stories of some young sky-God executing a perfect forced landing as described by plod-like to the Eastern Daily Press, Diss Mercury and East Anglian Daily Times. Gardener took one look at Ed's VP and announced that "joost a coople of week--enzs and we coould 'ave it souarted out for yoong lad, waat yoo saay - baas? Gardener is not from Soweto but very, very local but I don't have a Norfolk keyboard to hand!!

I firmly told him that to leave aviation matters to the experts (or actually the PFA) and that it was high time he cut back the asparagus ferns and mulch the bed with well rotted horse-poo.

Then I made him a mug of tea!

So Ed , when are the horsey-girlies going to be able to reach the hay without passing bales over TT? Sarah and Sue would love to know your plans, lad!


J.A.F.O. 3rd Dec 2004 22:48

I agree about this thread being one of the best, I started off wanting to know how Ed got on with his Veep and now I'm hooked on the tales of his nights with Latvian triplets and Stik's life in rural Norfolk.

It's better than The Archers, this is.

BRL 4th Dec 2004 02:51

Any photos then Ed? (of the prang that is......)

J.A.F.O. 4th Dec 2004 03:28

I know he's a moderator, Ed - but don't feel that you have to limit yourself to photos of the prang.

BRL 4th Dec 2004 09:44

:D :ok:

bar shaker 4th Dec 2004 13:12

... and pictures of the Latvians, please :ok: :ok: :ok:

DubTrub 4th Dec 2004 21:24

Oh really, bs, wake up and smell the coffee.

bar shaker 5th Dec 2004 11:49


Are you trying to say they are ficticious?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

AerBabe 5th Dec 2004 15:55

What's so special about Latvia? England produces plenty of good-lookin' birds, dunnit?

Monocock 5th Dec 2004 17:27

Yes Aerbabe, England does produce plenty of good looking birds.

Sadly though, the last ten years seems to have turned them all into "right-on, bra burning, ovary freezing power freaks".

(Not my words, they are the words of a well known politician I recently had the pleasure of dinner with....!)

I'm not saying I totally advocate his theory but there is a tiny amount of truth in his words.

Then, at the other end of the scale there are Latvians, Poles, Hungarians and Russians............:E These lovelies still like being female and make it ever so apparent in the lovely way they conduct themselves.

Oops, have I said too much?!?!?!?!:ouch: :hmm:

Whirlybird 5th Dec 2004 17:39


Quoting someone else or not, I think maybe you're possibly showing your age. ;) No-one to my knowledge has burned a bra since around the 1960s. Most women find them extremely liberating, particularly when doing enything energetic

Monocock 5th Dec 2004 17:49

Sorry Ma'am.

Would you like me to delete my last post?

DubTrub 5th Dec 2004 19:55

b s

Not at all, just that the two previous posts seem to have said it all!

camaro 11th Dec 2004 19:07

Another VP-1 to return to the skies soon....

After several years in storage VP-1 G-AYXW should be flying again early 2005. 'The Red Baron' was built in 1972 by John Penny who sadly passed away earlier this year. John very kindly left the aeroplane to the members of Netherthorpe PFA Strut with a view to us returning it to airworthy condition for some cheap flying.

Ed - get yours fixed and we can have a Pprune VP Fly-In!:ok:

Pic of G-AYXW

stiknruda 11th Dec 2004 19:30


That is even uglier than Ed's aeroplane!


J.A.F.O. 11th Dec 2004 23:07


Sorry to hear about John Penny, I had no idea until your post.

I spoke to John a couple of times in 2003 as I'd just bought what remained of a VP-2 that he built in the late eighties/early nineties.

The Veep is heavily modified and all of the mods are John's very own creations. It also had the eagle on the tail, just like yours, which I didn't intend to put back on now it's re-covered but if it's a Penny trademark I'll definitely try to do it.

I'm still rebuilding but hope that it will be in the air in the summer of 2005.

We'll either have to see about forming a Pprune VP Squadron or Penny's Flying Circus.

camaro 11th Dec 2004 23:31


It ain't a VP if isn't ugly!:)


I think our VP was John's first of many projects. Others that I know of are a Sopwith Triplane replica (G-PENY I think) your VP2, a Kitfox and RAF2000 auto gyro. Don't know if the eagle is John's crest but we are leaving his name (Baron Von Penny) on the side of the cockpit.

A Pprune Veep squadron, now there's an idea!:D

TheKentishFledgling 12th Dec 2004 08:48

Greetings all. Love the idea of a proon VP fly-in - let's get 'TT back in air and then who knows ... :)

Thanks for all the messages of support and advice - very much appreciated. Just waiting for a few quotes for the airframe work and then we'll decide what's going to happen.

And yes, the triplets were good fun, pictures on request ;)


Chimbu chuckles 12th Dec 2004 12:57

What's the attraction with VP-1s...why not something pretty like a Corby Starlet?

J.A.F.O. 13th Dec 2004 00:24

It's in the eye of the beholder.

stiknruda 13th Dec 2004 08:24

JAFO, Camaro,

Neither of you would happen to have a spare serviceable port wing and a serviceable undrcariage for a VP1, perchance?

Or does anybody else know where these parts may be procured?

Ed - know that I think about it, wasn't there some Veep bits on thehangar a few weeks ago? Might be worth contacting the vendor.


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