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c-bert 9th Sep 2004 07:33

So how old are we all?
Well I've been lurking and posting in this forum for a while now and I suspect I'm pretty young to be here (with a few exceptions) being a 24 year old young'un.
I'm curious to know the average age of our web enabled GA community. For those of you who are sensitive about these issues a rough approximation will do! :ok:

englishal 9th Sep 2004 07:41

35.........and loving it :D

distaff_beancounter 9th Sep 2004 07:50

Now look here young man .........

Didn't anyone tell you it was rude to ask a lady her age, especially if she is old enough to be your mother, and nearly old enough to be your grannie! :{

DB - growing old disgracefully, given half a chance :ok:

c-bert 9th Sep 2004 07:59

I can only apologize, but take heart from this - neither my mother nor my grandmother are internet using pilots....:D

AndyDRHuddleston 9th Sep 2004 08:21

25 yrs - How time fly's when you're having fun!

radarcontrol 9th Sep 2004 08:24

21 ... student PPL with 17 hours logged. Great fun!:D

Chilli Monster 9th Sep 2004 08:26

Age is an inconsequential state of mind :cool:

Mike Cross 9th Sep 2004 08:54

I am nearly as old as my aeroplane, which is 56 years old this year.


dublinpilot 9th Sep 2004 09:06

31. Is that enough for a reply??

Whirlybird 9th Sep 2004 09:17

A PPRuNer who recently found out my age by devious means (another website and some detective work) said he'd thought I was 20 years younger than I am. Well...I often knock ten years off, but from now on, I might try 20. That being so, I have no intention of telling you all my real age, and if I did, you wouldn't know whether to believe me or not, now I've told you all that I sometimes lie! And like distaff_beancounter, I come from a generation when it was rude to ask a lady her age. But no problem, asking is fine; just don't expect an answer. ;)

Growing old is compulsory; growing up is optional. :ok:

FingersR 9th Sep 2004 09:26

I have reached the grand old age of 28! :D

Flock1 9th Sep 2004 09:43

...and I'm 33. Passed my PPL when I was 31. Wanted to be a pilot since I was 10.

LondonJ 9th Sep 2004 09:49

19...giving me a massive 2 years post-PPL experience

TheBeeKeeper 9th Sep 2004 10:48

29..... Had PPL for 3 years, though let it lapse and have only started flying again in last 6 months.... now on taildraggers, hurrah! Although with only a tailskid and no brakes, taxying is challenging in all but the lightest of winds.


DubTrub 9th Sep 2004 11:03

Almost as old as my aeroplane, which was 59 years old this year
(sorry Mike, mine's older than yours!)

distaff_beancounter 9th Sep 2004 11:22

I have the perfect method of being devious about my age.

When asked, I never tell anyone how old I am -
- I just say that "my last birthday was my xxth"

I was born on 29th February, so I only get one birthday every four years! ;)

c-bert 9th Sep 2004 11:49

I take it those aren't roman numerals then...?;)

distaff_beancounter 9th Sep 2004 12:00

Nice one ...

But I am not THAT old!!! :)

LondonJ 9th Sep 2004 12:21

you're 44-47, let x = 1, therefore your last birthday was your 11th. Given that it is every 4 years that puts you somewhere between 44 and 47.

Aussie Andy 9th Sep 2004 12:48

41 - and good looking!?

Andy ;)

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