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Genghis the Engineer 19th Jul 2004 17:57

From http://www.flyer.co.uk/news/newsfeed.php?artnum=111

The PFA has announced that, as of next year, the PFA Rally will be no more.

In its place the event formally known as the Rally will be called 'Flying 4 Fun'.
Sounds very much like "the rally is dead, long live the rally". Interesting decision to make without the general membership's input I'd have thought.

The aim is to widen the appeal of the Rally, moving it away from a homebuilders-based event to one which can encompass the whole of light aviation.
That bit also does nothing to dispel the conspiracy theories amongst certain people who think that PFA is trying to take over the world either. Oh well, so long as they're taking over the bits that are CAA regulated and therefore too expensive, best of British...


Flyin'Dutch' 19th Jul 2004 18:05


The name change was already announced during one of the last EC meetings.

Lifted from the PFA BB

'EC meeting 7/5/04:

The meeting agreed the title Flying for Fun for the 2005 rally. It will still be made clear that it is a PFA event'

A name change does not constitute the same as a bid to take over the world but maybe an indication that the PFA take the current disquiet amongst its members serious.


Sam the man 19th Jul 2004 18:12

I believe they are not killing the rally, just calling it a different name to allow for the inclusion of other GA aircraft - Britains answer to Sun and Fun and the like.

As long as it keeps it's roots, it will open up a whole new audience to get involved in GA. A PFA meets Aerofair with a bit of Fly! thrown in will do no harm to the industry and should boost the income to the PFA.

Joe bloogs who may be interested in flying would be put off by the name and content of the PFA rally as would many non PFA pilots. Flying for Fun on the other hand will bring new people and hopefully help to reverse the decline of GA since 9/11.

I'm all for it and hope it get's the support a bold decision like this deserves.

It's an exhibitors view and i'm sure many members will disagree but i'm signed up for next year on the basis of this.

Good on you PFA. Sitting back and not changing anything is not an option.

FNG 19th Jul 2004 18:17

Conspiracy corner: Is this anything to do with the fact that the ppruner formerly known as Flying For Fun is now Flying For (not very much) Cash? I think we should be told.

FD: "takes it serious": why have you allowed your beautiful command of the English language, lauded today by no less a personage than Bose X, to lapse into cockernee footie manager speak?

TonyR 19th Jul 2004 18:25

Lets hope they get the costs right.

I think one good event would be well supported by all of the GA community but perhaps the PFA could find a partner to help them do it properly.

Just on another note, the four Irish pilots who were charged £100 have just managed to get confirmation from the British foriegn office that Ireland IS overseas (they only sent an email for a joke but did get a reply), and will seek a refund from the PFA.

Flyin'Dutch' 19th Jul 2004 18:41

Dunno what you are referring to, FNG!



bar shaker 19th Jul 2004 19:37

The BMAA have spoken about embracing a wider audience and their events are superb (Popham, Isle of Wight) plus they are very well attended.

Sounds like we might get a choice of great events :)


(PMSL at FNG :D )

TonyR 19th Jul 2004 19:40

Why not have a PFA / BMAA / AOPA /AAOFWWTC, bash

J.A.F.O. 19th Jul 2004 19:48

I think that it's been done for all of the right reasons and should, hopefully, open up the rally to a whole new group of people.

Perhaps it's me but whenever I hear that a group is holding a rally I think of Nuremberg and that really is a way to start your attempt to take over the world.

I'm all for the PFA taking over the world, I know that there has been a great deal of disquiet recently but they'd do a better job of it than George Dublya and Tiny Blur.

Can you imagine a world where everything was run on a more or less part-time basis? A world where everyone did what they did just because they loved doing it? A world where bureaucracy and taxes were kept to a minimum? A world where people resigned when faced with the fact that they'd screwed up?

I have a dream.

bar shaker 19th Jul 2004 20:04


I think you've described Switzerland. ;)

bingoboy 19th Jul 2004 20:58

I might be dreaming but wasn't "Flying for Fun" or some such phrase used many years ago ?

Anyone out there know how many actual homebuilts ( plus I guess pfa permit oldies) were as a ratio of the total. I think the actual numbers of pfa aircraft attending might have been going down over many years now which is a shame but what are the facts ?

Whatever having been a pfa member and rally attender since the sywell days I would be a bit concerned if the FFF or whatever risked pfa money - especially as it's all going or committed !!

A re-focus on education and the building and continued operation of permit types is what the rally and pos the pfa needs imho.

The bmaa lads (member also) seem to be able to put on a damn good rally for at the risk of a few thousand quid, the gfwe is stunning, air britain have a do and so do some of the mags. Do we now have too many events and/or are those successful because they are focussed and don't seem to have masses of cost ?

Flyin'Dutch' 19th Jul 2004 21:17

Oh, dear.

Someone must have been naughty on the PFA BB, it is off line again!


stiknruda 19th Jul 2004 21:37

I spoke to Cliff Mort (PFA EC Chairman) at the Rally.

He said that he wanted to build a PFA with a wider appeal.

Sounds good to this old homebuilder and ex-EC member!

As long as I can fly in to the next event, pitch my tent next to my bipe, meet a few old friends, make some new ones and enjoy a few pints of Elgoods Old Rip-Off, then I'll be happy, too:\


G-KEST 19th Jul 2004 21:45

Fly for Fun - an excellent and timely reversion to the name and slogan used in the Sywell venue days. For the last half century I have been doing just that in a professional a way as possible and practicable. Kemble is a great venue - space galore and reasonable location plus the AV8 gastronomic experience if you join the queue early.
I reckon the PFA does a great job along with the BMAA and the other representative bodies like the BGA and the BHPA plus the BMFA and the BAeA. We are but a small community all of us in GA so perhaps we should all just get on with supporting our own organisations and stop knocking each other since there are enough opponents outside aviation without creating strife inside our chosen hobby. Mind you, I still am certain its the PFA for me...!! Warts and all. Wait to see the list of prospective candidates for the EC vacancies this year. Roll on the AGM - should be F cubed even here................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trapper 69

TonyR 19th Jul 2004 22:01


I thought it must be you who said something on the PFA BB, at least they can't blame me this time.


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