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Mike Cross 6th Jul 2004 11:57

3 pm is fine. I've had an email today saying my slot is now at 16:30 instead of 16:00.


S-Works 6th Jul 2004 12:18

how do you get a slot time?

Rod1 6th Jul 2004 13:40

It is a slot time for a presentation on NOTAMS not a flying in slot time.

See you all at 3:00.


G-KEST 6th Jul 2004 15:32

Hi there,
Will try to make 1500 Friday to put faces to all the "posters". Mine is the one with the grey beard on top of a rather plump and somewhat geriatric figure - possibly wearing shorts but looking at the forecast I rather doubt it.
Trapper 69

Mike Cross 6th Jul 2004 18:29


Would like to meet up with you, check your PM's please


Flyin'Dutch' 6th Jul 2004 18:34

Intending to go on Friday.


spitfire 6th Jul 2004 18:48


Join the PFA you tight ar$ed whingeing git.

AerBabe 6th Jul 2004 18:50

Will be there Friday, helping out on the BWPA stand. Not sure how long I'll be able to get away for though.

javelin 6th Jul 2004 19:40

Javelin will be there in his yellow and white Champ - probably Saturday. Will wear my Dago Red T shirt from Reno.

QNH 1013 6th Jul 2004 22:46

Keep fingers crossed for good weather on Friday then.

flyintheointment 7th Jul 2004 02:58

Joined PFA Cranfield 1997 @Cranfield.Was told £75 gate money would be refunded.Still waiting!!!!!
Profit From Aviators
P.S How come an "aircraft" built in the garden shed gets a permit while Yak and Sukhoi have to go on the Hungarian reg to fly.
Come on CAA what was JAR set up for?

Pink_aviator 7th Jul 2004 05:54


look out for me ?

I will be there but have my wings clipped as I have two minor sprogs in tow .

(we are enroute to the surfers paradise ) but I want to show them some planes .

see you .

(emmmmmmm I'll be in PINK .)


SlipSlider 7th Jul 2004 11:39

Javelin, we must meet! Wings still clipped :( so will be driving. In case I can't find you near your Champ ... PM me your mobile number?

Whirlybird 7th Jul 2004 11:45


Look forward to seeing you! Give me a call, mobile will be on.

It now looks as though I might be driving down, as wx for Friday looks awful, and I don't want to fly in alone on Saturday when it's liable to be horribly crowded up there. Maybe if we all collectively keep praying for good weather....

QNH 1013 8th Jul 2004 18:59

Latest synoptic shows wx improving for tomorrow. However, expect showers and a crosswind.
Hope to be arriving in the Europa (conventional tailwheel conversion). Must remember to take PFA membership card (and a warm winter coat).

Flyin'Dutch' 8th Jul 2004 19:24

Despite the crappo weather I thought I'd better study the AIC and associated plates just in case.

Can someone enlighten me on how you are supposed to route if the cloudbase is below the 3000ft which is the altitude to route into the Malmesbury hold?


Whirlybird 8th Jul 2004 20:59


One of us is confused. From my reading of the AIC it looks as though for the Sword route - which I assume you're taking - you route to Malmesbury not above 3500ft. In fact, I think all the routes require you to below 3500, 2500, or 2000 ft. Or is it me that's missing something?

I don't like the look of the weather; I'll get up early and check, but I think I'm going to drive in. The combination of showers, low cloud, crosswind, and loads of other traffic sounds like slightly more than I fancy coping with...at least, I think so. God, how I hate these marginal weather go/no go decisions. I almost wish it would forecast real absolute crap, so that the decision was obvious. I'm not sure if I'm being sensible or too cautious. :eek: I'd do it in a helicopter because (a) I can land and wait out the weather, and (b) I'm a more experienced rotary pilot and happy to fly in worse conditions. But I don't have a helicopter. And in one of these strange things with non-whirly wings that needs a runway...dunno, still undecided. :confused: But I'll be there anyway. Sometimes I think cars are wonderful; you can drive them in any weather conditions...except floods and snow anyway.

QNH 1013 8th Jul 2004 21:17

FD, The solid lines above the altitude figures mean "not above" the altitude quoted. i.e. an upper limit.

Hope to see you there, weather willing,


Flyin'Dutch' 9th Jul 2004 07:14

Cheers folks,

Had another closer look and agree that that is what is meant.

Coming from the north and having to fly past the airfield, mingling with those coming from the Malmesbury VRP who are on the way to Kemble at potentially the same altitude, yummy.

I have another 1 1/2 grace before committing myself but it does look in favour of driving at the moment.


shortstripper 10th Jul 2004 16:43


Well I got there ... too late to meet whirly though (by about half an hour). Still, met up with a few old friends and had a good drink Friday night before flying back to Goodwood at midday.

I hope everyone that went by air or road had a good time.


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