PPRuNe Forums

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J.A.F.O. 2nd Apr 2004 12:12

The Private Flying Forum
Due to my varied flying career I pop in and out of several forums (sorry, not clever enough to know whether the plural should be fora or forens or whatever) and I have to say that by far the livliest and most interesting and informative one is right here.

There have been several threads of late that have descended into bickering rather than banter; and many discussions over what should and should not be on this forum (or even whether this forum should exist); but for sheer entertainment, and for the amount of accumulated knowledge available here, I think this is a great forum.

Whether you want to know why you constantly get the same thing wrong, want to learn from other's mistakes (thanks Thief13) or just want a good laugh or a good rant, then you won't find a better place.

No real point really, other than to say, it's great.

FlyingForFun 2nd Apr 2004 12:28

Well said!

I've learnt far more on this forum than I could ever have imagined. I've met loads of other PPRuNers, some of whom have gone on to become very good friends. I've had the privilege of visiting a number of ATC centres and towers through contacts on this forum, and I've attended as many fly-ins and bashes as I can. Not to mention the hours and hours of boredom (mostly in the office) which have been relieved by PPRuNe, especially Private Flying!

I try my best to give back what the forum has given to me by contributing as much as I can. I only hope that my own contributions help to enrich the flying of others as much as their contributions have done for me.


Evo 2nd Apr 2004 12:35

Amen to that - I guess the bank manager would be much happier if I had never found this place, but i'd have had much less fun :)

DRJAD 2nd Apr 2004 12:37

Hear, hear!

I heartily agree with all you say.

My hope is also to try to give something back - and, of course, trying to contribute to a debate or discussion on a flying matter helps one to understand it better oneself. Its certainly worked for me.

mazzy1026 2nd Apr 2004 12:39

I cant agree more with what has been said - the amount of knowledge in here is awesome and I have learned copious amounts. I too find these forums a great relief for those boring work afternoons - I dont think there has been a day that I haven't visited the forums since I started up.

Personally I havent even started flying yet - I am in the study phase and I feel I know a lot more information than I should - what I mean is I find myself helping other people out purely on what I have learned in here.

Sometimes I reckon you get the odd to55er who comes on and throws a spanner in the works by being arrogant or stupid but hey. I also love the humour in here - sometimes I laugh out loud at some of the stuff said - truly classic.

Keep up the good work campers.

Lee :ok:

J.A.F.O. 2nd Apr 2004 12:53

I also meant to include thanks not only to the posters (sic) but also to BRL and the others who make it work.


High Wing Drifter 2nd Apr 2004 13:09

I agree, but for slightly different reasons. Knowledge aquasition here is not of the read it and now know it scheme. By and large I don't belive I have learnt anything here over the material I usually read. However, what this forum in particular is very good at is helping me spot the flaw in my own views/throughts/knowledge.

As an example I have lost count of the number of times I have feaverishly attempted some witty rebuke to a poster, but upon typing realising how dumb I have been. Also, stating what I consider to be fact and getter another view that I hadn't even considered.

Traits of a forum populated by the right folk :ok: Albeit a rather rowdy bunch on occasions :uhoh: :O

Big thanks to the PPRuNE staff :D

oscarmike 2nd Apr 2004 13:28

Agree completely, but.............


Not to mention the hours and hours of boredom (mostly in the office) which have been relieved by PPRuNe, especially Private Flying!

Mazzy -

I too find these forums a great relief for those boring work afternoons - I dont think there has been a day that I haven't visited the forums since I started up.
any vacancies going where you work...........?? :D



FlyingForFun 2nd Apr 2004 13:30


I leave here in 3 weeks to seek a better, poorer life as a flying instructor - so yes! :D


bcfc 2nd Apr 2004 14:07


Would you keep us informed of your progress as a new FI. I have to say that its a dream job (have equally boring office job) but the thought of living on gruel and sleeping in a tent doesn't fill me will deep joy. I think the family might object too. I hear of such horror stories about the pittance FI's earn, that it puts me right off the idea. Having said that, my old FI has just bought a new TVR :hmm:

Cheers & best of luck
-bcfc :ok:

Evo 2nd Apr 2004 14:12

When I went flying with FFF in his Europa, my go went something like "you have control.... oh look, the engine has stopped, what are you going to do now?". His students are going to have fun :)

Genghis the Engineer 2nd Apr 2004 14:29

Does this happen to you a lot Evo?, I recall taking you for a trip in my PA28, when we had that "what the **** are those airliners doing over there on ground, oh **** the DI's failed" moment.


FlyingForFun 2nd Apr 2004 14:30

Gulp - had forgotten about that, Evo! I still amaze myself at how far that Europa will glide...

Bcfc, I doubt I'll have quite so much "spare" time once I'm no longer sitting in an office for 8+ hours each day, but I also can't imagine myself completely deserting PPRuNe. You can be sure that I'll be sticking around posting about anything interesting and/or relevant (and no doubt lots of things that are neither interesting nor relevant, too) just as I always do!

Before that, though, I need to finish the FIC, and then find myself a job... :eek:


bcfc 2nd Apr 2004 14:44

I'll PM you my grandmothers recipe for gruel, then. :p

Tall_guy_in_a_152 2nd Apr 2004 15:05

I can quite categorically state that if I hadn't discovered Private Flying a couple of years ago then my license would be gathering dust on the shelf, my DC's would have been sold on eBay and I would not have spent this afternoon doing circuits in a SuperCub (only my 2nd go in a tailwheel - 0/10 for skill, 6/10 for effort, 10/10 for stupid grinning) :D

Of course, I would also have a lot more money to spend on my other interests! :(

Thank you.


Saab Dastard 2nd Apr 2004 15:34


Love it or loath it, you just can't leave it, eh?



Penguina 2nd Apr 2004 15:50

Yup... if it wasn't for this forum I might even have a sensible career by now.

:rolleyes: :D

Saab Dastard 2nd Apr 2004 16:00


Is it just me or has your beautiful penguin turned into a little red X for ever?

Is Smurph withholding your avatar in a fit of pique?



ToryBoy 2nd Apr 2004 18:06


I might be arrogant and I know I'm a tosser but I never actually intend to throw the proverbial spanner in the works.

Good luck in your quest for a PPL. I hope you have the pleasure of meeting me one day:ok:

mazzy1026 3rd Apr 2004 12:29

Like that one Oscar - I am coming towards the end of my university gap year so things do get a little (ahem) quiet here and there :E

Tory - wasnt pointing any fingers mate :ok:

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