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Whirlybird 5th Dec 2003 21:54

Things all pilots would buy...if they existed.
I was complaining to Genghis that I had to get up at 6am today to teach a trial lesson, which probably would be cancelled if the 18 hour TAFS were right, but I couldn't be certain till the morning. He suggested....

a TAF dependent alarm clock! :)

That got me thinking. What else would we all buy...if only it existed?

Note - the weather was OK but the student didn't show up. :{ :{ :{

greatorex 5th Dec 2003 22:12

Ooh, Good one Whirly!

Umm. . . Don't know what gadget I'd buy, but how about us all clubbing together and buying a Herd of Cows, Some Seaweed to hang out the window and a dozen or so Pine Cones?. . . After all, they're bound to be more accurate than the bl00dy TAFs!!! :D ;) :D ;)



SATCO Biggin 5th Dec 2003 22:30

Clear plastic or glass 'see through' fuel drain points on aircraft. So you can see if there is water contamination or not without having to drain into a tube or cup first.

I always seem to get an 'armful' of Avgas over my clothes and grubby stains from the underside of the aircraft.


AerBabe 5th Dec 2003 22:50

A cheap Mustang? :(

MLS-12D 5th Dec 2003 23:01

Some sort of superduper thermal-sensing spectacles would sell like hotcakes amongst the soaring crowd.

Aerbabe: you can pick up one of these 2/3 Mustangs for about US$100,000 or less; will that do?:D

dublinpilot 5th Dec 2003 23:35

A rich aviation loving girl friend, who is both understanding and understandable! ;)

In Altissimus 6th Dec 2003 00:16


I hope your TAF Dependent Alarm Clock will have my patented METAR-Override feature...

I would pay to have the "Land-o-matic" (sic) fixed on the Cessna - but I don't think it EVER really existed :rolleyes:

Also, if Santa could sort out a 200kt, IFR-legal, tricycle-gear, 4 seater, AVTUR-sipping steed (for under, say £20k) I should be most grateful...

IO540 6th Dec 2003 02:38

Dublinpilot has got his priorities exactly right. But I thought that Ireland was full of young women who would love to fly, preferably in the "away" direction :O

Fly Stimulator 6th Dec 2003 04:13

Non-diuretic coffee, guaranteed safe to consume before embarking on long flights. :ooh:

FNG 6th Dec 2003 04:35

Aerbabe beat me to it, the answer has to be more and cheaper (full size) Spitfires and Mustangs. I don't want people to think I'm a cheapskate, so I'll settle for 100K as a fair price if they chuck in the guns as well.

MLS-12D 6th Dec 2003 05:17


I doubt that they'll throw in the guns, but if you buy a scaled down Mustang you can fit it out yourself with 1/2 scale machine guns in .22 calibre. :ooh:

paulo 6th Dec 2003 05:39

I think Whirly made the ultimate tactical mistake. Start the thread with the best answer! A TAF alarm clock, oh yes.

The only thing to better it would be something to warn you not to have too many beers before a...erm.... what's the term for a clear day? VIS... ummmm. Oh dear, too many beers. :rolleyes:

(Erm, CAVOK was what I was looking for. Blimey. Me, current? Where's the bun?)

Tinstaafl 6th Dec 2003 22:12

A 500' to 4000' AGL (user selectable) 360 deg panoramic view from o'head the departure aerodrome, available on the ground. Optional upgrades to include destination(s), alternate(s) &/or waypoints.

The number of times a limited view from the ground of how the Wx looks is NOT a good representation of what's happening just over the ridge...

knobbygb 7th Dec 2003 06:31

A panel mounted PAUSE button.

dublinpilot 7th Dec 2003 06:46

Air brakes that stop you rather than slow you down?

ratsarrse 7th Dec 2003 23:26

Computer game-style 'quicksave' and 'quickload' functions. Great for things like landings: you save when you turn finals, then if you're not too happy with how the landing turned out, you just load and try again.

Just think of all those foot-in-mouth situations you could avoid...

stiknruda 8th Dec 2003 01:34

A weather-wand that that when wiggled about would give clear blue days just like today, it would only work 364 days a year - as today was magic all by itself!

Flew both my aeroplanes and had so much fun only Sunday roast tempted me down - well actually, the thought of the b0llOcking if I was late persuaded me down!


Penguina 8th Dec 2003 21:55

1000m of good condition tarmac that is 'unplottable' in a Harry Potter style so that I can practise and practise to my heart's content unseen. No one watching/laughing, no one cutting me up on final or blocking my runway and no one making late downwind calls when I seem, spookily, to be late downwind too and distracting me.

I'd only need it for about a year or two I'd have thought before I can fly a flawless approach and landing every time.


Oh yes, and with a little dial for wind speed and another for direction and a button that turns it into 450 metres of lumpy grass so that I can set my challenge according to my mood.

In fact, why stop there? How about my own 40 square nautical miles patch of Class P (Penguina only) airspace, extending up to the tropopause, so I can practise everything else too? I could charge people for transits to pay for my aeroplane.

I'm good at this fantasy lark, me.

cblinton@blueyonder. 8th Dec 2003 23:25

A maintanance free aircraft that pays for its own Cof A etc:ok:

Mike Cross 9th Dec 2003 00:51

You've already got one that can land on a shingle beach, what more do you want?


whosyerdaddy 9th Dec 2003 01:10

A 4 hour bladder:confused:
and English speaking ATCOs in France:}

cblinton@blueyonder. 9th Dec 2003 15:55


Mike dont forget the P2s auto shoe warmer! ****:rolleyes:

Genghis the Engineer 9th Dec 2003 17:19

That's cheating, the instructors footwarmer is already available as an optional mod on Shadows.


NinjaBill 9th Dec 2003 17:57

Although not specifically aviation related, i'd like a bed cooler. It would work like a reverse electric blanket, so that 5 minutes before my alarm clock went, my bed would get cold, therefore making it easier to get out of bed on cold winter mornings.


Mike Cross 10th Dec 2003 00:59


I hope it works better on the Shadow than on cblinton's Bonanza.

He's referring to the large spark that came from the footwell when I was trying to move the P2 pedals friom their stowed to working position. Made me jump I can tell you.


cblinton@blueyonder. 10th Dec 2003 02:24


I have had the foot well checked out and seems there is nothing stray! maybe the spark came from your shoes! I hear they were moving about alot the previous night:ok:

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