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rotornut 15th May 2006 23:03

Supermodel pleads guilty in air rage fracas on BA flight
Model pleads guilty in air rage fracas

Last Updated Mon, 15 May 2006 14:15:48 EDT
CBC News

A Swedish model has been ordered to pay more than $28,000 in fines and restitution, following an air rage incident aboard a British jet that had to be diverted to central Labrador.

Marzena Kamizela, who pleaded guilty to four charges in a Labrador court on Monday, was accused of kicking, screaming, blocking the aisle and waving a wine bottle in the air on a British Airways flight. (CBC)
Marzena Kamizela, 32, cannot leave Canada until she pays both a $10,000 fine and the $18,491.73 charge that British Airways incurred during the emergency landing at Happy Valley-Goose Bay on May 12.

In provincial court in the Labrador town on Monday, Kamizela pleaded guilty to four charges, including three counts of assault involving the crew of the jet.

Kamizela – who has worked for Versace, Lamborghini and the drink company Martini – was also charged with endangering the safety of the flight, particularly the cabin crew.

Model kicked and screamed, court told

The British Airways flight was en route from London to New York when Kamizela refused to take her assigned seat. Court was told Kamizela also blocked aisles and a dining cart, and waved a wine bottle in the air.

Once she began kicking and screaming, the crew moved to restrain her with a seatbelt and cuffs.

She refused to comply with the crew's order even after the jet's captain sent her a signed note instructing her to take her seat, court heard.

Sentenced to 8 days in jail

In a court appearance on Friday, Kamizela said that she had been drinking and had been "running around in the flight."

Kamizela told the court on Friday that she did not think she could survive a weekend in a cell, but that's where she landed.

On Monday, Judge William English sentenced Kamizela to eight days in jail – which amounts to time served – on one of the assault charges. She was given a suspended sentence on the other two counts of assault.

She will remain in custody until she arranges payment of her fine.

Crew's reaction 'a bit drastic,' Kamizela says

Kamizela, who is now studying law and political science, said that she had been mistreated aboard the plane and thought the airline crew members were harsh in dealing with her.

"It was a bit drastic," she told CBC News.

Kamizela said she decided to plead guilty to put the incident behind her.

Norman Stanley Fletcher 16th May 2006 00:08

She may think she was treated harshly - I personally think her sentence of 8 days is pathetic. Her fine is pennies to someone in her position and in no way reflects the totally unacceptable situation she created. Her comments about the harsh treatment by the crew merely show how little she grasped about the enormity of her actions. The extremely light sentence handed out by the Canadian court is just an encouragement to other would-be offenders to commit similar offences.

Airbubba 16th May 2006 00:13

Yep, ole Snoop Dogg is free after his "entourage" trashed the area outside the BA first class lounge at LHR a couple of weeks ago.

And now this latest shocking news:

DMX Arrested After Flight Disturbance
Monday, May 15, 2006

(05-15) 14:47 PDT LONDON, United Kingdom (AP) --

Police arrested DMX after the rap star refused to put on a seat belt and became abusive on a flight from New York to London, authorities said Monday.

DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons, received a caution and was released after his American Airlines flight landed at Heathrow Airport on Saturday, police said on condition of anonymity in line with departmental policy.

A caution means a person has accepted responsibility for the offense, and a record will be made.

The 35-year-old rapper completed a 70-day sentence late last year in New York City after pleading guilty to violating his parole following a 2004 incident in which he crashed his sport utility vehicle through an airport security gate [glad the TSA still lets him through security <g>].

Dushan 16th May 2006 02:41

The BA Captain had a great presence of mind to land in one of the most remote areas of Canada. Had he carried on to NY she would have been bailed out in a matter of hours. This way she had to spend a weekend in in what most likely amounts to drunk tank. Eight days there is 7.5 days more than she would have gotten in NY, and with a juge named English, any self respecting NY lawyer would have had the case dismissed on accont of the airline involved.

Well done!

innuendo 16th May 2006 03:44

Would a conviction for an incident like this result in a record? Travel to some countries could become difficult with a conviction. Just wondering. Could have more repurcussions than the penalty of eight days and the fine.

Kiwiguy 16th May 2006 05:28

Could have more repurcussions than the penalty of eight days and the fine.
Drinking like a fish could have severe repercussion on the rest of her life too.:uhoh:

Dream Land 16th May 2006 06:59

Good work by the flight crew involved, too many times the airline doesn't want to back up the crew because they don't want bad publicity.:ok:

Nil nos tremefacit 16th May 2006 07:30

She should not be detained in Goose Bay, but released to spend a few days there. That's punishment for anybody!:O

RichT 16th May 2006 11:04

I was going to make a quip about Labrador and dogs but it's probably too obvious.

jammydonut 16th May 2006 11:16

Sounds more entertaining than a normal BA flight and scowling cabin crew.
"A signed note from the captain" - thats a boot shaking moment - not:D

MikeJeff 16th May 2006 12:30

and for those who have an interest in football, Danny Mills then Man City and England full back, helped restrain her.

Rumour has it it's his first successfull tackle this season!

christn 16th May 2006 12:59

Thank goodness she didn't hijack the 'plane and continue to LHR.

She would have been given a large house in London and paid benefits for the rest of her life!

Sounds like a win for the UK taxpayer!!!!!

rotornut 16th May 2006 13:46

Would a conviction for an incident like this result in a record?
Yes. A conviction for three counts of assault plus the other conviction (probably causing disturbance) is not a good thing to have on her record, especially since she was given jail time. I don't know about other countries but I do know that Canada and the U.S. share this information which goes on the CPIC (Canadian Police Information Centre) computer. So she may have trouble getting into the U.S..

By the way, they brought her into court with her legs shackled.

Taildragger67 16th May 2006 13:48

I'm sorry but these days, if I saw some lout running round the cabin, I'd be minded to clock them one.

I'm surprised these sort of people are able to disembark on their own legs, rather than get carried off.

What is it that makes people think that, once they board an aircraft, they're entitled to do as they please? From getting bolshy after being refused something they haven't paid for (ie. an upgrade) to being just plain anti-social and bad mannered, to being abusive to CC - they would expect to get heaved from a bar, so why do they think it'll be any better on a plane?

BA make it very clear in 'High Life' that they have a zero-tolerance policy. And rightly so.

Ban this tw@t for life.

christn 16th May 2006 13:50

Just her tw@t or all of her?

Taildragger67 16th May 2006 14:00

The lot. We wouldn't want to risk a re-run of a certain Air NZ trans-Pacific incident during the DC10 era.

boogie-nicey 16th May 2006 14:17

This is unfortunately a drop in the ocean abeit a welcome one nonetheless. These kind of "we're above the law" people need to be given a reality check and even a week in a NHS hospital is borderline inhumane so I doubt the jail cell will be any better .... good. As for the captain's signed note well that typifies BAs equivalent dellusion that a BA captain is a messenger sent by God. (Why can't BA calm down and rengage with their customer's expectations and stop pretending to be operate BOAC - but that's another matter and I digress).

As for this super model she's done it to herself and I would love to see those sneak photos appearing the press of what she really looks like waking up in a cell at 8:00am every morning. The fine of about $28,000 now that's got to hurt seeing that most courts seem to fine people a couple of hundred these days and a slap on the wrist. Compounded by the fact that she has to pay before leaving is a good one too :)

How many other super models get away with murder on a regular basis, one name immediately springs to mind Naomi Campbell. For the amusement of the other passengers they should get her to pull the trollies and serve the food/drink, now that's what I call community service :ok:

issi noho 16th May 2006 14:44

Originally Posted by Taildragger67
, I'd be minded to clock them one.

Is that a spelling mistake? I thought supermodels snapped in a strongish breeze let alone a well worded note? Did she write back or even phone?

Maybe all long haul aircraft should be fitted with a dungeon and the crew be given a bag of coke to lure loutish lovelies into it.

Had it happened this side of the pond would they have been escorted to PIK for the evening? She would only have got community service, I bet she'd look great in a yellow vest clearing the verges of the A77. :ugh:

Colonel Klink 16th May 2006 14:44

What about the Courtney Love incident a few years ago when she carried on in much the same way, only to have Richard giver her free First Class tickets; what message did that send out???

Idunno 16th May 2006 15:12


Here's Marzena.

Taildragger67 16th May 2006 17:15

Doesn't look like she knows, either.

jammydonut 16th May 2006 17:22

What about the Courtney Love incident a few years ago when she carried on in much the same way, only to have Richard giver her free First Class tickets; what message did that send out???

He got a shag:rolleyes:

apaddyinuk 16th May 2006 17:27

Originally Posted by boogie-nicey
As for the captain's signed note well that typifies BAs equivalent dellusion that a BA captain is a messenger sent by God. (Why can't BA calm down and rengage with their customer's expectations and stop pretending to be operate BOAC - but that's another matter and I digress).

Unfortunately I think you have all lost the point. The "signed letter" as the article puts it is actually a standard warning letter, much like a Red Card in football which is the final warning the crew need to take heavier action...e.g...the handcuffs!!!
Obviously under the circumstances, the captain cant come out of the flight deck and do the pleasantries himself so he needs to authorise the crew member to issue the final warning before they can get heavy. I can remember not too long ago Dale Winton being issued with one after he through a tantrum cos the crew wouldnt allow him into the First Cabin on the way back from Antigua...that was funny but it also worked and he piped down. Most passengers get the point after that. Its more of an insurance/legal thing really and nothing to do with the fact that the captain thinks hes god. I seriously doubt I would ever see a BA Captain come out of the flight deck to cuff a passenger, they are happy to leave the girls down the back to do that!!! :}

overstress 16th May 2006 17:34

Here she is looking as she would wish to see her:


As for the captain's signed note well that typifies BAs equivalent dellusion that a BA captain is a messenger sent by God. (Why can't BA calm down and rengage with their customer's expectations and stop pretending to be operate BOAC - but that's another matter and I digress).
What a load of drivel, bogey-nosey ;) . BA is a listed company, therefore it cannot be deluded, however, some of the management are!

BA, for the same reason, cannot 'calm down'. What would you have the Captain do? He was following the 'book' and will have issued the warning card in close consultation with the crew, who are his eyes & ears in the cabin.

Charles Darwin 16th May 2006 18:39

Marzena Kamizela is hardly an international star and a supermodel.
Google found 9 pictures of her, all related to this incident.:E

JW411 16th May 2006 18:52

I wonder how she got out of Goose Bay? Perhaps she was extradited to Newfoundland?

I reckon she could just about make a living in the Flyers Club in Gander.

boogie-nicey 17th May 2006 09:32

Okay guys, sorry BA isn't deluded and I passed such comment in haste.

However I agree that there needs to be a formulated process for reacting to such events especially when mid-Atlantic and so far from anywhere. Personal responsibility isn't simply checked in at the airport but carried onboard by passengers. I think that people still harbour the view that a plane is somehow 'out of the country' and therefore exempt from legal review not so. When these so called lovies from the celeb world grace us mere plebs with their presence they should also try and restrain themselves from causing an impromptu exhibition which causes distress and annoyance to all the other passengers. How is someone going to feel with this kind of thing going onboard, the small child travelling on their own for the first time, the elderly couple, the family returning after a family bereavemen in another country. The judge (and yes it should be a judge) needs to take that into consideration and STOP allowing these toe-rags from ruining it for the rest of us. When you crack the thin artificial shell of the celeb ego they'll soon get the message but at present I think we are sending out the wrong message that if you're rock and roll then it's okay, no sunshine it's not and if you find me on the same flight acting like this I can assure you it'll be bad day for the celeb.

Many moons ago whilst still at university I worked at the airport during the summer months. I was a nobody working at a small bureau de change in Terminal 1, however came across the usual celeb almost once every shift, MOST of them were fine and actually quite interesting and well behaved but you always came across the most impractical and unrealistic one who was a third rate celeb that would get really aggresive and at times violent. But their achilles heel was always publicity and I was a master at shaming them in public in fornt of numerous passengers and that really kills them like kryptonite to Superman. Some would calm down with this shock tactic but others just couldn't get the message and made a deeper hole for them. But in the end they did it to themselves and I couldn't stand by idly by whilst they attacked or berated my colleagues for no reason.

WHBM 17th May 2006 10:38

Originally Posted by Mike Jenvey
One of the recommendations was that a written warning (Yellow/Red card system) should be passed to the pax in question to avoid any legal issues over recovering costs of diversion, subsequent claims that the pax wasn't notified of the likely action

Have seen these handed out by cc to disruptive pax, unfortunately they were not in the pax's language so a waste of time.

Does Miss Marzipan speak English ?

palmtree 17th May 2006 12:45

original posted by APADDYINUK
"I can remember not too long ago Dale Winton being issued with one after he through a tantrum cos the crew wouldnt allow him into the First Cabin on the way back from Antigua..."

Dont think thats quite right.....it wasnt that they wouldnt allow him into the First cabin but that they COULDNT....there is no First cabin on the ANU route and there hasnt been for years. Obviously its one of those stories where the sardine becomes a whale as it gets retold.....

And while Im on a roll why dosnt PPRUNE get us all to register our licence numbers and state of issue with them. Those who ARE REALLY Pilots could be identified as such. Right now so many on here claim to be oracles of flying fact. Its a pity cos so much info on PPRUNE is good but so much is just rubbish......written often by people who clearly have never seen the flght deck of an aircraft (other than in a photograph)......

Human Factor 17th May 2006 12:52

Dont think thats quite right.....it wasnt that they wouldnt allow him into the First cabin but that they COULDNT....there is no First cabin on the ANU route and there hasnt been for years. Obviously its one of those stories where the sardine becomes a whale as it gets retold.....
Although BA don't sell the "First" product on the ANU routes, occasionally they will operate the service on an aeroplane with a First cabin. When this is the case, more often than not the cabin remains closed, so the whale may be closer to the mark than you think.;)

palmtree 17th May 2006 13:05

OK Human Factor.....no one likes a smarty pants - especially when they are right!!!!

It could have been what you said. In fact 12 days ago I was on the BA2036 03 May MCO-LGW and exactly that happened. 777 with F/C/Y config substitued for C/Y config. Although I must say I have done the ANU-LGW route zillions (well a lot) of times and never had it happen. Maybe its happening more and more.

I am going to crawl away now and slash my wrists....................forgive me APADDYINUK.....:ugh:

apaddyinuk 17th May 2006 14:02

Originally Posted by palmtree
original posted by APADDYINUK
Dont think thats quite right.....it wasnt that they wouldnt allow him into the First cabin but that they COULDNT....there is no First cabin on the ANU route and there hasnt been for years. Obviously its one of those stories where the sardine becomes a whale as it gets retold.....

Well Im sorry to burst your bubble Palmtree but I was onboard and indeed there was a first class cabin. It was a BA four class 777 operating a 3 class service (so indeed you are correct in stating that First is not available in this route). First was closed off and we operated a crew member down so under no circumstances were passengers to be checked into the First Cabin. (Sometimes out of LGW they would fill up the First Cabin with passengers who would receive a Club service but this was not to be on this flight). Dale then went into a tantrum childishly calling the CSD insulting names and picking on a number of other crew too. As someone who used to operate the route almost monthly I would say that about 50% of the time this was the case with the First cabin being onboard. This incident happened at the time when the old 2class AML configs were being upgraded to the new 3 class so we also had less high capacity aircraft in operation! Surely as someone who studies BA Timetables Palm you should be aware of this! lol!

But I suppose if you are a non-celeb like him and you hang around Cilla Black all day you are going to pick up a few of her bad habits!

Engineer 22nd May 2006 07:36

Looks like she is using the incident to promote her web site. Nice picture of Happy Valley :). From the pictures can see why the footballer tried to shag oops sorry tackle her

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