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Middle Seat 28th Aug 2005 14:59

There are a number of places where the announcements in the airline lounges aren't really early enough for one to get to the gate without a mad dash.
I don't buy this as an excuse for being late to the gate, unless you're on your first or second visit to a lounge. The few times I've visited airport lounges, I was informed upon arrival that announcements are not made in the facility, and to watch the clock and the departure boards. Yep, announcements would be great, but at some point a passenger has to become responsible for their (in)actions.

Antoninus 28th Aug 2005 15:17

I suggest the seats in the economy class be locked in the upright position. That would solve the problem and spare the CA's a lot of conflicts.
I also suggest to people that plan to recline their seats to NEVER sit in front me because they WILL NOT recline their seats for the simple reason that I cross my legs and that blocks the front seat from reclining....
And at the request "I want to recline my seat", my answer is: "well, I want to cross my legs, sorry".:cool:
Now if they really want to recline their seats I can only recommend business class, or first. They will pay more, but they will pay more precisely in order to enjoy more space (and free booze in first..).

How the cabin crew put up with certain passengers behaviour is beyond me.
Right. Way beyond..

"oh yes, but it's in the car, I was going to go get it afterwards."
Skysista, how did you deal with that interesting specimen?
Did you answer something like: " Ooooookay... I just hope that you actually drove to the airport and didn't leave the car at home..."
Or: "Ooooookay, well I suggest you go get it ... I mean the luggage only, not the car. You may leave the car in the parking lot.."
Better make sure, you never know...:D

And right about the announcements. First check the boards. The gate is indicated there long before the announcement is made. Then go sit in the departure lounge in front of your gate, where there is a little TV screen indicating the flight number and destination.
And anyways use your flight instruments: Plane ticket and watch.
There is a line on the ticket that says "departure time". By comparing what's written on the ticket and what's written on the watch, you can very easily deduce whether or not you've got time for another McDonald's..

SkySista 28th Aug 2005 15:32

Antoninus, to be honest, I was speechless for a second or two!! :D

I explained they needed to bring the luggage at time of check-in (in case had never travelled before :p), and "I suggest you hurry!"

And yes, they did ask if I could hold their place in line....

(As far as I know, they made the flight, because it's standard to page the remaining pax by name to get them to come forward and check-in. I just hiope to goodness they bring the luggage next time!!)

Actually, funnily enough, a friend today (who used to work check-in) told me about a bloke who travelled Uk-Aus, and his bags didn't turn up. Apparently, he'd forgot to collect them from the carousel on his 24 hour stopover, and had expected them to go on ahead of him to Australia!!!! :ugh:

radeng 28th Aug 2005 16:25

MiddleSeat, it has to depend on the lounge. Where announcements are made on a regular basis, it's a different kettle of fish. But I agree, it's always in the end the PAX's responsibility.

I do remember one case where the PAX didn't turn up. A lot of PA's, and then it turned out the poor dear had slipped, broken an ankle and been taken to hospital, and somehow the message didn't get back to the airline. One of those unfortunate things.....

Final 3 Greens 28th Aug 2005 18:12

to imply that she was late and thus not present to be pre boarded. Don't you?
No, I don't actually.

She said that she should have been pre-boarded, that could equally mean that the gate staff did not control the boarding priority very well and it became women and small chilrden last, a scene I've encountered quite often at a number of smaller airports downline and as the poster did not expand further it is difficult to draw a firm conclusion.

Maybe she delayed the flight departure, because she argued with the crew, not because she boarded late, it is not clear from the post.

If there was a scrum at the gate, then Jack may well not have been aware that she was there.

Whatever, I would not have had a problem to move.

WRT to getting to the gate, as a parent of three, I am well aware that small children do not always give a lot of warning about urgent toilet needs etc, so I do not damn the parents of small children per se.

flapsforty 28th Aug 2005 19:48

I am getting more and more puzzled off late by the following: Polite well-mannered parents, travelling busines class with their ill behaved off spring.
These adults obviously know the difference between 'good' and 'bad' manners and are polite and pleasant to me, yet do not bat an eyelid at their kids being rude/obnoxious. They do not correct their childrens' behaviour, they seem oblivious to the irritation caused by their children as if they honestly believe that just because THEY think their kids are cute and can be forgiven anything, everybody else thinks so as well.
WTF? :confused:

3 families, 7 kids last week. After a round of drinks where none of the kids said neither please nor thank you, I served food only to the parents and not to the kids.
"Miss why aren't you getting our children their meals"
"Sir, my own kids don't get food when they are rude to me, and neither do yours".

Said with a big friendly smile so nobody took offence, but kids' behaviour dramatically improved. ;)

Antoninus 28th Aug 2005 19:49

Bravo Flaps!!
Some parents are like that. First they try to curb the little monster then after a while they give up. Like that kid I slapped the safety belt on.
The parents tried for about five minutes, then gave it up. The FA's tried too but they had other things --and other people-- to attend. Like getting an aircraft ready for take off..
Actually I didn't really care whether he had his belt on or not. Problem is there was a free seat besides mine, they sat on the other side of the aisle and the kid kept going from his seat to the one besides me.
And I was reading the newspaper and I do not like being disturbed when reading the newspaper.

As I understand it, the lady was flying Ryanair, which is a LoCo company (first come first serve basis).
Instead of yelling, maybe asking a flight attendant would have been more efficient.
Then the flight attendant asks a passenger and the passenger gladly complies.
That lady clearly falls into the obnoxious pax category.
Remember the times when flying was actually a pleasure?
Legroom, decent food, courtesy..:ugh:

Another thing I've noticed often is that some pax's become physically impaired soon as they get on board an aeroplane. At home they are perfectly able to close doors, lids, covers etc. They can operate a microwave and a fridge door. But apparently, closing the overhead compartiment is way beyond their motor skills..

PAXboy 28th Aug 2005 23:52


as i am 18 i obviously do not have kids.
And you dare to use the word 'Essex' in your title? Slacker! ;)

Flaps Yeeeee Harr!!!!

I recall a small boy who was kicking my (Y) seat for some while early in a sector from EWR to MCO. I turned to look pointedly at the father several times to no avail. After 15 mins of this, I released my belt, turned to kneel on the seat facing aft and loomed over the back at the boy, telling him clearly what he was doing and why he must stop. He did - for the rest of the flight - and his Daddykins didn't say a word! Which was fortunate for all of us.

Worst pax? LGW to MBJ (Jamaica) and about eight hours in the seat and in daylight, so everyone awake. Crowd of kids running up and down the aisles and in and out of the lavatories. The CC warned me to keep my distance as they had seen this sort of thing before and the parents considered the aisle to be the 'play room' whilst they slept.

But I have also seen the bad behaviour further forward. In VS PE a few years ago. Mother + one daughter in a pair of seats and father + other daughter in pair behind. The girls (aged 10/12) started arguning over the back of the seat and both parents ignored them. Fortunately, they were on the other side of the cabin.

Worst child? LHR ~ GVA in 'C'. Would not put on belt for landing. It was sitting next to me and I helped to restrain it and keep the belt fastened. Mother and CC had not been able to. I still do not know how I had the patience to persevere through the screams and wriggles.

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different." Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Final 3 Greens 29th Aug 2005 04:19


Thank you for your clarification.

It does indeed appear to be obnoxious behaviour.

Farmer 1 29th Aug 2005 07:24

Talking of obnoxious kids, here's the other side of the coin, albeit not pax.

I work in the third world, landing my helicopter in the jungle perhaps fifty miles from the nearest large village. As is usual, a small group of children appear from nowhere and come and say Hello.

Bear in mind that these children have never seen a metalled road, a brick building (probably not even a brick), a school or a church, and the only running water they're familiar with is a very dark brown river.

We usually have a packed lunch, and we offer them some of our food, starting with the oldest child, who is about six years old.

"Merci," he/she says, and we pass down the line.
"Merci," says each one.
We reach the last child, aged two or three. He/she is a bit shy, possibly a mite overwhelmed by this funny looking white person.
"Dis merci!" commands big brother/sister.

It happens every time.

It's also worth mentioning that French is not their first language.

Personally, I blame the parents.

MagnusP 30th Aug 2005 08:04

Seat kickers.

Mobile 'phones during taxi.

People who are apparently incapable of "please" or "Thank you".

The most obnoxious I think I've encountered was on a LAX-HNL sector. Back row, centre section, 1 occupant of 4 seats refused to move for a family who had been separated. Foul language. I was the sole occupant of the row in front, and so I immediately offered to move and, just for fun, sat next to the stroppy bloke. FA to FA: "Randy, Mr Paterson's drinks are free as he's been so helpful". :D

Antoninus 30th Aug 2005 13:05

This one didn't happen aboard a plane but on a high speed train from Paris to Geneva. However it's the same "mobile phones on taxi" attitude. And obnoxious AC Paxs quite often turn into obnoxious train Paxs
Soon as the train leaves, the phones pop up and the essential conversations begin.. "Granny.. We're on the train now... Yes we... No.. We didn't miss it.. So we should be in Geneva by seven, tell Maurice that..." And so on.
What I usually do, being a journalist, is take notes on my little notebook. Maybe one day I'll write a book..
Anyways, last time I rode that train, one of the cell phone maniacs out there spoke loud enough for the whole car to enjoy.
First name: Nathalie. At one point she tells "Marie" to call "Etienne" at that number.. And she gives the number. Loud and clear.
I just could not resist. So I --discreetely-- picked up my own phone and called the number.
-"I'd like to speak with Etienne please.."
-"Good afternoon Etienne, I'm on the train right now with Nathalie.. Could you call her and tell her to stop bugging us with her loud conversations on the phone? Thank you... You're very kind"... *click*
Lo and behold, about ten minutes later, Nathalie's phone cranks up again with one of those stupid tones and she answers and goes "Hi Etienne! Did Marie... What? Oh... Hmmm.. Hmmm.."
After that the young lady stands up and finishes her conversation on the car platform, where polite people go when they want to use their phones. Walking in the aisle she gave the other passengers very suspicious looks but by that time I was hidden behind the Herald Tribune, trying to stop giggling..

VP8 30th Aug 2005 14:05

American Airlines MIA back to London overnight.......behind me 5-6yr old rugrat. 1hr into flight said rat starts kicking back of seat. I put up with this for a while then totally P****D off complains to mother who says he is only expressing himself and to leave him alone as he will give up shortly....I explained to her if didn't stop it I would express my self in a manner she would not like....look of thunder from mother who complined to cabin crew about my attitude....she got short shrift from them also!!

Got my own back couple of hours later when rat started running up the aisle banging headrests, caught him on the way past with a sharp ankle tap and went face first up the aisle got up with lovely carpet burn up side of nose

Mother tried to blame me but nobody saw me or didn't admit to seeing me.



Bealzebub 30th Aug 2005 14:32

As irritating as some children can be, I am not sure you should be so proud of your achievement in assaulting a 5/6 year old. I am assuming you are a woman which rather makes it more odd.

You might be better moving seats, as next time you might not be so lucky. :ok:

Antoninus 30th Aug 2005 14:36

I remember when I was a kid and I was being a pain in the butt, my mom would give me a good *WHACK* behind the head..
"STOP IT!". And lo and behold, I would..
But now they call it "child abuse"..

"Assaulting" a 6 year old?? What assault? The kid fell on his face running. Happens all the time.. :E
The mother should be held responsible for not ensuring her kid's safety on board, I think.
"Expressing himself"?? Jeeeesus H. Christ..
Now maybe the FA's should have been explained more firmly to that lady that she was not allowed to let her kid bother other passengers whishing to sleep, or try to.
I remember an American Airlines flight from France to the US where a kid began running up and down the aisle like that and
he was very quickly slapped back on his seat by the chief CA --A stern looking lady you wouldn't want to mess with..

VP8 30th Aug 2005 17:20


Bloke actually!! :rolleyes:

Never ASSUME anything on here!!

Peeved off trying to get some shut eye after a 39hr day with one of our aircraft. Not in the best of receptive moods.

Parents should have more control over there spawn and not sleeping themselves.

I felt no shame in doing it as I was just stretching my leg as the poor unfortunate wretch was going past:suspect: FA saw and said nothing!!


Bealzebub 30th Aug 2005 18:29

Sorry VP8 it was your listed interests in your profile as "men" that led me to the assumption, still thats the modern world for you, and to each his own as they say. Of course that extends to children as well, and however irresponsible or negligent the parents, tripping up a 5 year old and hurting them ( although you are proud of it ) really doesn't make you much of a man in many peoples eyes.

The fact that you justify it on here ( and I seem to recall have done so in the past ?) is rather bizzare. Perhaps you should add "Man who braggs about injuring toddlers" to your profile ? :ok:

Still it fits in perfectly with the title of the topic.

girtbar 30th Aug 2005 19:28

well better not add a comon trick of the flight FA's then?

Kid/sprog/spawn of the devil (delete as appropriate) runs up and down the aisle, even on occasions when the seatbelts signs have been put back on. Kid/sprog/spawn of the devil also runs down the aisle under the galley curtain when the crew are eating and where they are trying to forget about the horrors that are in Economy at said time.

So to solve the problem of this "kid" running through the curtain?

The FA's place a double cart directly behind the curtain so when little one runs screaming all the way down the aisle......THUD....."kid" quitetly goes back to the seat and stays there for the rest of the flight!

Shame.......i just cant believe that parents have no idea how to bring up their kids in any other manner than a pack of wild animals.

As for other obnoxious pax when they throw or dump their bags at the FA's feet complaining that the 2 lockers by their seat are full and its ridiculous that the airline doesnt provide enought space.

Big grin came on my face when this happended on one such flight.

After the bag was thrown quite some distance down the aisle at the FA, while she was in the middle of the boarding PA. It lands straight on her feet. The FA picked the rucksack up, walked over to the gentlemans seat and placed the bag back on his lap, saying quite calmly (i would have been raging!!) Sir perhaps you cant read so i will excuse you, as you can obvioulsy not read that the badge says flight attendant on it and not baggage handler. On the side of the aircraft it says Boeing 757 not Tardus. Now why dont you move the from your seat and stow your bag or you'll be walking to your destination with a slight limp after i stow your bag for you!

The pax around and about chuckled to themselves after almost being decapitated by this prick of a pax playing ball with his bag!

Foss 30th Aug 2005 22:04

Was on a flight form London to Atlanta years ago, huge fat American, bless 'er, sitting in front of me.

Seat fully reclined immediately, then she flicked her very long and not terribly clean hair over the headrest so it was in my LAP.
Not happy. She was a rude obnoxious :mad:

Flight lass sorted her out for me, yehar.

JUst one thing about all the mum/kids thing. I got chucked out of the I-just-might-survive-a-crash-seat-cause-I'm-next-to-the-door that had been allocated to me (being a strapping lad) so a mom and sprog could be together. Be good seeing the 6 year old trying to open the door.

SkySista 31st Aug 2005 12:42

Antoninus, the phone/train thing... CLASSIC mate! You had me rolling on the floor...! :} Very often I have wondered if people realize they are giving out their numbers so freely....!

I once recall a guy on the phone blabbing loudly into his phone at the boarding gate, "blah blah blah, me me me" etc, totally ignoring all boarding calls because of his 'important' call, pretending not to see gestures from the girl to get off, and so on. Said girl, probably at limit of patience, proceeds to page the guy with "(pax name), please proceed to gate when you've finished telling Tony what a great weekend you had, as your flight has boarded. Thank you."

Pax goes red, shuts phone immediately and gets on plane, remaining pax in lounge all look amazedly/appreciatively at girl, a couple guys even clap.....! :p

girtbar, the cart thing is soooooo evil, but yet so appropriate!!!! :E SOmetimes the only thing that will teach some kids is a bit of pain.... and what an unfortunate co-incidence you should happen to move your cart while the bansh- err, sorry, "little angel" is deciding to excercise their legs and lungs???? :E

(..i should know... me mum tells me I was one of those kids... only difference is, I'd have coped a slap across the ear for anything like that on a plane.... or anywhere!!! Never did me any harm, either!!! :}

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