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Outback Pilot 20th Feb 2003 22:46

Their forum has ceased as of last night too. :mad:

Do we have any more information on the problem? :)

axiom 20th Feb 2003 23:43

Seeing as how there have been 81 replies to this topic and is level with the Smith/Boyd topic, I thought I would try something to kick it along a bit. Also while we wait for someone to see what is happening with AOPA US forums:

A lot has been said, positive and negative about AOPA Australia especially with regard who is running the "show".

Perhaps we should have some nominations for the jobs, ie, President,
Vice President,
and 3 Board Members; one perhaps a Tech or research officer.

Bound to have some serious response, but there may be some common nominations that can sensibly be put forth.

You never know, if this works, perhaps we could have a pprune election.

This would have to be a wake up call to everyone concerned.

Try to keep it civilised and I guess a bit of humour wouldn't go astray.

Personally I like Marjorie Pagani and you know of course I would be biased toward Bill Hamilton. I have grown fond of Creampuff, hope that gets a nibble

:p :p

ulm 21st Feb 2003 00:34

Axiom old mate

It'll never beat Smith and boyd, Woomera has it on a sticky!!!! (not fair). ;)

Now I absolutely agree with you on Pagani, she really has what it takes. :)

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on Hamilton. :p

Creampuff, BWAHAHAHAHAHA :D :}

axiom 21st Feb 2003 03:33


With clever manipulation and a dextrous right and left index finger I now have us agreeing with each other.

How about we get serious and without character assasinations, let me nominate; (not in order of heirachy).

Pagani (Marjorie).
Hamilton (Bill).
Pape Arthur (Dr).
Laming (John).
Dawson (Jim).
Schiff (Barry).
Andersen (David).

Some of these people simply would not get on with one another and some would prefer to remain retired. There is a mix of old blood and new and I believe should be non factional.

I was once wrong (the time I admitted I was wrong), but at least it's a start.

And, remember, an old Jewish proverb that may be apt in your selections;

"The girl who cannot dance says the band can't play".

Can we find some common ground here ?

;) :rolleyes:

ulm 21st Feb 2003 03:58


Yes, we can reach common ground.


The others I would agree with you on have not recently nominated. So is there a point. (I think I'm about to find out, I just got a call from one on the list).

axiom 21st Feb 2003 05:14


Don't keep me in suspense, remember this is hypothetical, and not meant to be sinister.

If what I have read lately, the show needs a wake up call, so, then, let's do it.

I really like some of the Pommy posters on pprune, jetblast, perhaps we can get some to imigrate.

Incidently, I had three inches of rain, last 24 hours, can now pay my AOPA dues. (and perhaps the rest of my long suffering creditors).


Woomera 21st Feb 2003 10:23

This Forums is open for business and would welcome AOPA members to use it responsibly.

We are NOT competition for AOPA, but we will be happy to host a continuation of the discussion that has been shut down elsewhere for entirely understandable reasons.

I did not see the "offending" email, but from what has been posted so far, it seems that the reaction has been a little OTT.

If someone would care to copy it to me it would help me support of the argument.

Is the robust nature of the way we deal with each other in OZ going to be monstered in to a state of snivelling "coercive sanction".???:*

For those who haven't seen that term before it was coined by that esteemed and highly respected OZ journalist, Frank Devine. whose CV includes editorship of the New York and Chicago Times, the Australian etc. etc., as the real definition of "political correctness". :rolleyes:

Woomera 21st Feb 2003 10:30

AOPA needs our help!!!
There are events unfolding that need a bit of exposure and ventilation.

I am going to merge the "AOPA in trouble" thread with this one and hope that there may be some constructive discussion.

Australia so far has not seen this kind of action and I am greatly surprised that it has even gained legs.

We may have to go to war in Iraq to make a point in regard to a robust public arena, it would be a pity if we were to condone the same behaviour here.

bonez 21st Feb 2003 22:13

AOPA in trouble!
Sadly it is true, AOPA are in BIG trouble. As of this week the insurance company providing indemnity to the directors withdrew its coverage, seeing at least one director resign and a staff member leave during the last few days. The present financial situation is believed to be very bad and only some sound management from the Board is likely to avoid an administrator moving in soon. At least two members of the Board have refused to place the association first and agree to a total spill of all board positions. An EGM is on the cards. Only a new Board with MP at the helm is likely to work its way through this swamp. The forum I hear was closed because they did not want to expose themselves to any additional risk. The Association now has an urgent responsibility to officially inform its membership of what is going on.
:mad: :mad:

snarek 21st Feb 2003 22:26

OK, here I am not in drag. :}

Axiom, Woomera et al.

The forum did not close because of an ATSB officer's paranoid attack on an AOPA member. It closed because the insurer has declined (but not in writing) to insure AOPA directors against liability arising from AOPA business. So Marjorie Pagani took the correct decision to close it down. Given the rantings of one particular member, can you blame her.

Now, courtesy of the 'forum mafia' (and I don't mean that in the derogatory - they know that) you are all aware I have resigned from the Board.

My reasons are related to the actions of two Board members, you all know who, who in my view have been making deals and running AOPA without the consent of the Board. After Russell Kelly left, John Lyon was appointed treasurer. I personally had no confidence in him in that (or any) position and decided it was in my best interests to resign lest decisions be made that I had no say in, but was still liable for.

I have not seen any indication of the financial position of AOPA since Russell's departure, without insurance I would have been liable for the financial position of the company, had I had confidence, or even knowledge, of how the company was being run that may have been different. I did not have that confidence or knowledge and so chose to resign.

I believe that as of last night John Lyon has been stood down as treasuruer by the Board; but I am not sure of that. I believe all bar Margorie Pagani, Chris McKeown and Bill Pike have been removed from any day to day running of the office or from making statements on AOPA's behalf, I think this is a very good move but again I am not sure of that.

Axiom, I commend Margorie Pagani to you. I said some time ago to Pike that he should stand down and we should elect her as President. He declined in his usual way.

I commend Chris Mckeown to you. He works tirelessly for AOPA and is a very good VP (even if he choses to fly that chugging high wing rubbish).

AOPA desperately needs Russell Kelly back as treasurer. His warnings in the past seem to me to be interestingly close to why the insurer declined to reinsure.

I could never again bring myself to be part of a Board were Bill Hamilton, John Lyon or Richard Rudd members as well.

That said, Bill Hamilton is a very hard worker and extremely valuable as a technical director. It is just that I think he needs to be kept away from the day-to-day running of AOPA. Perhaps even his greatest detractors can agree??? How to solve this, an ex-officio position perhaps.

But, AOPA members own AOPA. It is up to you to do everything you can to save it. In my view, and I have said this to Pike, the whole Board needs to stand at the next election. If the Board will not decide to do that (and I presonally believe Lyon and Hamilton will refuse), then it is up to the members to spill them.

An EGM is the way to do this, but it can can only be called by a Board member or by 100 members. If you are interested in this way forward contact me at

[email protected]

But there is no point in spilling if members don't stand to be elected. Pike often has a go at members about this and I agree with him, the last lot were elected unopposed, so in my view the members only have themselves to blame for the current situation.

Oh and axiom, one other I'd agree with you on is Dawson, so come on Chainsaw, rejoin and put your name in the hat.

Pagani for President :)


axiom 21st Feb 2003 23:54

More information needed!

It surprises me to find out that AOPA is a Company, and not an incorporated association.

If liability is the primary concern of all concerned (and what organisation is not going through this right now?), why can't AOPA become an incorporated association, liability limited by the assetts of the association and a book of rules so simple a monkey could run the show. (On agenda next AGM or EGM).

Directors SHOULD be held accountable for company matters, however, is AOPA such a financially significant player in World affairs that we need to put our Board Members necks on the block? AND make AOPA impotent.

There must be someone out there that can enlighten me on this.


Creampuff 22nd Feb 2003 03:14


Try to quell your youthful exuberance.

There are companies and there are companies.

Back in the old days, there was a big disadvantage if you incorporated under a State’s or Territory’s associations incorporation legislation but your activities extended beyond that State or Territory: you had to register as a foreign corporation in each of the jurisdictions to which those activities extended.

AOPA’s been around a long time, and its activities aren’t confined to one State or Territory.

The alternative was to register as a company limited by guarantee under the companies legislation. A company formed for non-commercial purposes that applied its income to promoting its objects could also be licensed to be registered without the word “Limited” in its name.

You now know why AOPA doesn’t have Proprietary or Limited in its name: it’s not a proprietary company, and it got a licence to be registered without the word “Limited” in its name.

However, neither the associations incorporation option nor the company limited by guarantee option excludes the officers from liability in all circumstances, especially where other people’s money’s concerned.

Interesting question arises if – repeat if - AOPA can’t pay its bills. I’m told the members, and ex-members who have been ex for less 12 months, can have the guarantee enforced against them. Or perhaps it’s just the officers Snarek: do you know what the amount of the guarantee is, and who is bound by it???

axiom 22nd Feb 2003 04:46

Someone "bloody" well should say something "bloody" quickly to sort this "bloody" mess out or you will have "bloody" members bailing out "bloody" everywhere if they "bloody well think" they can be held liable for anything more than a "bloody"postage stamp.

Where are all the "bloody"lawyers and those left with the authority to speak on AOPA's behalf?

I can't wait until the next magazine, so someone should "bloody well" speak up on this forum so I can pass it on to my email loop who number a significant amount of "bloody"pissants. (Nearly the amount snarek reckons we need for an EGM).

Most will not now be party to log on to AOPA web site for information because of prior mentioned fears.

Great means of communication !

creampuff, I'm an 80 year old in a 50 year body, but thanks for the youthful bit, I'll tell the leader of the opposition.


Mooney Operator 22nd Feb 2003 06:04

I have heard a rumor that there was letter put up on the AOPA forum about a certain aviation government bureaucrat. Is this the reason the Fed's as in police paid a visit to the office to have it removed? I am lead to believe that this certain bureaucrat has taken legal action against the person who wrote the letter on the forum. If it is true, it does not say too much to our so-called "democratic" governing system in the area general aviation.

I am not too sure how true it is, so need some more input from people closer to the case.

Creampuff 22nd Feb 2003 06:06

My apologies, Sir. Your impetuousness is uncharacteristic of an octogenarian.

Don’t worry – I’d be surprised if the guarantee is for a total amount exceeding a few pennies. Be interested to find out its exact terms though.

axiom 22nd Feb 2003 08:06

Creampuff, I lied. I'm a 50 year old in an 80 year old body. but I told the missus anyway. She reckons it doesn't make much difference.

There is still more input necessary here.


Dogimed 22nd Feb 2003 12:02


Someone "bloody" well should say something "bloody" quickly to sort this "bloody" mess out or you will have "bloody" members bailing out "bloody" everywhere if they "bloody well think" they can be held liable for anything more than a "bloody"postage stamp.
What a stupid thing to say
Firstly, Why leave when you have the option of removing the problem. Secondly, This all happened on Friday. Weekend is upon us, lets see what happens on Monday.

<mutter mutter sigh fart> When will these people learn. You weaken our association. I have absolute faith in the board as a whole to deal with these issues and more, including the muzzeling of some directors, and the removal of others. VOTE YOUR DIRECTOR IN NOW!


Outback Pilot 22nd Feb 2003 21:50

Mooney Operator

I believe the guy involved is Brian Hannan who was posting on the AOPA forum. I believe Boyd Munro and a few others are trying to help in over turning the case along with the help of Martin Ferguson.

It is amazing what some of the bureaucrats will try, to silence the truth from coming out or when they are challenged on issues.


For the full details email Brian

axiom 22nd Feb 2003 23:10


I apologise for my "bloody" past posting and can only say that it was the frustrated rantings against silence and perhaps stupidity, factions, and legal eagles.

I am now suitably slapped across the face and will do what you suggest, Wait until Monday.

I'm not so sure about having so much faith as you suggest, there being not much of a decision making element left. Is it a quorum?

As far as am EGM goes, what happens if nobody nominates like last election?

2B1ASK1 23rd Feb 2003 05:20

Reading through the comments i see alot of people out there rushing in to criticise the directors. yes there may be problems but before we start throwing around accusations just remember that these people did step up to the plate to bat i.e they volunteered their services which means there own time outside their normal jobs. simple answer if you dont like what you see step up to the plate and have a go see if you can do it better.

The system is there to alow you to do it so use it. Over the years these volunteers have stood up for our rights defending us in their own time and even take days of their work to do so and what thanks do we give them jack ****, but we are so quick to criticise. What does standing down as a director because you are not happy with other directors do? easy answer nothing but make it worse.

I am sure there are lots of people out there that could run for director if you think you can make the difference do it, if you dont want to volunteer please stop criticising the people who do, sadly this is a typical human trait and not a particularly nice one. lets face it even if the current board are not doing it correctly at least they gave it a go, stupid me thought thats what being an Australian was all about. This thread is only going down one road a road that an already struggling industry does not need, we need to help not criticise. My suggestion step up or shut up and Im sorry if you find that comment offensive and if you do take a closer look at yourself, are you so perfect?:ouch:

Dogimed 23rd Feb 2003 11:48

Twas not intended as a face slap, however will be interesting to see what comes from AOPA tommorrow.

Maybe its time to get a more youthful board together. Look for under 40's to run. Probably be able to move on things a lot quicker and change the image...

Vote [1] __________

Woomera, perhaps a poll about whether AOPA needs a spill?

Dog:} :} :} :yuk:[COLOR=purple]

snarek 23rd Feb 2003 20:40

Heh hehe :D

An under 40s Board. I an 44 and was constantly criticised (albeit usually jokingly) by Pike for being too young.

Some of what is said above is true, however I say again, the actions of Friday were not precipitated by the Hannan letter.

Someone said something about accountability (ax??) and someone else about voluteer work. Now I personally don't get on with Hamilton, but he has worked his bl@@dy guts out for GA. I don't particularly like Pike's style, but he has too.

So yeah, if you are so good (collective you) then step up to bat!!!

As for responsibility, I'll accept that, but there are people out there who threaten legal action quicker than they say good morning. I won't wear that without cover. But my main reasons for leaveing were that decisions had been made that I knew nothing of, decisions that I believe impacted on finances. Now whether these decisions, in the light of morning, will be seen as good or bad I don't know and I don't care. As a Director I was responsible for them, but I had no say. So I jumped.

Now in my view AOPA has been run for quite a while on a very agressive stance. To get an example of this:

Go to www.aaal.com.au - then newsletters - then Jan/feb

Now these guys are airport owners. They need us we need them. But the are now very very p!ssed off at AOPA. This is reasonably typical of the last 2 years.

I think we could learn from Axiom. He and I started fighting, then I suppose we figured we needed to find some common ground. And we did (I think :} ).

AOPA needs to find common ground with AAA, AUF, GFA, PFA etc etc and then develop a strategy. At the moment from where I stood on the Board there wasn't one, or if there was, noone shared it with the Board. AOPA also needs to start playing the ball and not the man. Too many personal attacks have alienated regulators, politicians and advisors alike. So now AOPA isn't listened to in any halls of power.

The only person on the Board who can pull AOPA out of its present rut and turn it into a viable, believeable and powerful force is Marjorie Pagani. To do this she needs help.

That bit is up to you.

snarek 24th Feb 2003 01:13


We are in full and absolute agreement.


antechinus 25th Feb 2003 04:15

Options running out
AOPA is facing a serious crisis and the options are fast running out.

Marjorie Pagani is the only current board who can offer the leadership, skills and experience to save AOPA from a complete collapse. But without the supportive environment of fellow board members who share the need and urgency for reform, no leader could bring the outcomes members would expect.

AOPA is fixable but not with the current board dynamics. I understand that all directors other than John Lyon & Bill Hamilton would be willing to spill and allow members to vote
in a new board. You may well ask why Hamilton & Lyon are not prepared to let the members decide at such a formative time and when AOPA is on the brink.

The dilemma of course is that who would want to join a board where there is no Directors’ Liability cover?

The insurer refused to renew, principally because of AOPA’s financial situation. Mr Hamilton blames myself for producing accounts that are incorrect and claims that membership liabilities should not be funded – the HIH treatment. Unfortunately for Mr Hamilton, the insurance company is able to read a balance sheet and all the filibustering, juggling and magic in the world will not make AOPA’s financial situation look any better.

Only 2 days ago Hamilton was telling the AOPA board ….


"As a result of adopting an accounting method NOT required by the Australian Accounting Standard, and by then treating members forward membership as an unqualified liability, which it is not, we have created an accounting deficit which leads an insurance company to come to the conclusion that we are verging on the edge of insolvency, which we are not."

In my opinion, Mr Hamilton appears to be very much out of step with the rest of the board, has dispensed legal and accounting advice without any formal qualifications and has not produced any expert opinions that contradict either the AOPA board’s position, the auditors or the insurance company. So how can a board divided over whether there is a problem or not ever produce reform outcomes?

There must be an election immediately for all positions. The only other alternative is for the board to place AOPA into voluntary Administration.


(Treasurer before the last one)

2B1ASK1 25th Feb 2003 06:55

Guy's lets settle down a bit here.

I tell you what its just as well that Im a current member because as far as this thread goes you have just about scared the sh*t of of me renewing my membership. Sorry if you dont like to here this but the way you guy's are going on you are probably doing more damage than the current board.

Remember who actually reads this there is alot of new people to aviation that you are putting off joining AOPA with this talk. If you truly are a supporter of AOPA as you claim to be then you would see this. AOPA needs the support of pilots old and new by the sound of it. Maybe you Guy's have a hidden agenda here who knows? but this is damaging to AOPA and the industry in general. Some people are airing their personal laundry here sorry not the place, AOPA has there doors wide open for all if you do feel so strong about this get together march in and find the answers dont put people off joining an organization that has always been there to support us and them when they need advise, Sorry to repeat myself but step up and have a bat by all means if not don't make things worse for the people that will try and make things better.:(

Piper Arrow 26th Feb 2003 00:49


What is happening with Brian Hannan’s case? It appears that AOPA are too busy to help its member and take up the fight against his accusers. :mad:

2B1ASK1 26th Feb 2003 03:20

Piper Arrow

learn to change the things you can, accept the things you can't and above all have the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Fantastic words maybe you should adopt them, do you realy think that posing that kind of question on a rumour site will get you a satisfactory answer get a life. Without sounding like a broken record people like you are only making things worse for the genuine people out there that are attempting to change things, you make my blood boil :mad:.

There is absolutely no reason to post that kind of question you could have contacted AOPA and asked them youself but no you choose to let everyone know that you are not happy well boo hoo!. This thread is sliding down hill fast not good for AOPA or GA in any way particularly new comers to the industry. Who do you thing will represent Brian if AOPA is not around you? or perhaps you feel you could do a better job if that he case run for the board. So easy to critisise typical human trait we quickly forget all the good things that have been done. To expand on this when it comes to the crunch and people do decide to remove board members I sure hope that there are people out there to replace them and have the time to do the job correctly, if not it will only make the situation worse. Sometimes the percieved answer to a problem is not always the best one. If you all feel so passionate about your views and realy want to help this is not the way try the AGM.

C182 Drover 26th Feb 2003 09:33

Piper Arrow

I would be interested in knowing too as a member.

Woomera 26th Feb 2003 13:47

I am closing this thread and direct your attention to the new thread.
"AOPA the way forward" on D & G Reporting Points.

Lets get positive, how when and why it happened is only important, in so far as it guides us in a manner that we do not continue to make the same mistakes.

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