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robroy 10th Jan 2006 07:10

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
Anyone convicted of drug dealing, in any way shape or form, I agree with Malaysia, Singapore,Indonesa and any other country ,whose Leaders, have the best interests, of their people at heart.


Our oz pollies,are tooooo weak and cannot make a COMMAND DECISION.

Being ex Armed Forces and Government trained, I will put my hand up for a Squad Member, anytime.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :* :* :* :* :*

Gunship 10th Jan 2006 09:42

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia

Originally Posted by Keg
The hoo haa is a couple of years old and the person hadn't yet been put before the courts. Check the dates on each of the posts earlier in the forum!! This is an old thread resurrected!

Lo Keg : yes the "hoo haa" is indeed a couple of years old. He was (then) not put up to court.

Therefore my question raised last night and the answer I got on the other posting.

Sad... any which way.

robroy 11th Jan 2006 10:09

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
What is the matter with Prruners,

Your lack of response, re my post, has me worried.

Do you all have soft feelings for DRUG MERCHANTS, couriers, mules, whatever.

The damage these total SCUMBAGS, are doing to our young people is totally, reprehensible.

Please tell your, weak knead, pollie, to stop thinking about, their super and perks and to get their act into gear, re DRUGS.

Singapore has a renowned expert, Malaysia too. Indonesia, as well.

Don't worry, my hand is up, along with many others, I will do the job, like I do to a feral pig, there is not much difference,



griffinblack 11th Jan 2006 20:35

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
Wo, there Robroy. Your holding on a bit tight mate.

tinpis 11th Jan 2006 22:24

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
Grog is bad for ya as well.

Gunship 12th Jan 2006 00:13

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
Hey RobRoy,

yeah mate I can see that you are not happy and neither will I be.

I sort of kept my reservation on this as he was a well known guy (can not call him a friend as he was my senior).

The closest i was to him was to call him Captain :E although he lived in the block of flats right above me for a few months when we where still both single - living in officers.

I had some new info yesterday via a mutual freind but will not post it here. All i can say is someone else will know about it when he comes out one day (he mentioned 10 years).

In the mean time mate I will as hard as you condone ANY drug trafficking / running / selling of any sorts to the highest level.

It is time that the World cathes up with Singapore ! Dunno if it is still like it but in 96 on Air Singapore in broken English the lady said something like : " If you have drugs - declare now as you will not see daylight the following day if you are caught in Singapore" :ok:

I told my kids (again) ... they can do basically anything but if they use / smuggle whatever with DRUGS ... they are out of my will and I will discard them ... hard thing to say but that is my feelings - you can say NO !

In the mean time : Agree Get the Feckers :ok:



barbershopquartets 12th Jan 2006 02:19

Re: Ex-SAAF Mirage pilot caught with cocaine in Australia
When prohibition was in force in the states in the 1920s, alcohol consumption actually increased along with the myriad of social problems that came with criminalisation. In the present day, it is estimated that at best, Customs intercept a mere 5% of illegal substances that are imported into the country. And drugs, along with the myriad of social problems, are just as rampant as they have ever been.

Introduce the death penalty, bring in 10,000 new customs agents, boost funding by 1,000% and it won't make a s**t tin of difference because prohibition doesn't work. As long as there's monster profit margins in existance as a result of prohibition, there will allways be someone willing to supply and at the end of the day, humans will allways take drugs. Why? Because it's fun!

'Drugs have no place in aviation'???

For christsake ever since aviation was around drugs have had a place in aviation. How exactly do you think they managed to keep the boys awake on long haul bombing runs in WW2 and right through to the present day? Drugs have a place in aviation but as far as gentlemen like yourself are concerned, only when it's state sanctioned and only when it has a military application. How can the military operate safely under the influence of amphetamines when the civil regulatory bodies will pull your licence if you're caught doing exactly the same thing? One rule for the bomb dropper and another one for the bank runner if you ask me...

Robroy - why you got such a big problem with people who wanna blow a couple of lines every now and then on their Saturday nite out? Has someone in your life gone down a bad road on drugs? If the answer is yes, take a look a little closer to home my man - they were probably going so hard just so they could deal with having you in their life!

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