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PilotsPal 6th Dec 2002 16:01

Aren't we forgetting something OzEx? Those little summer sojourns in Newcastle and all the pretty ladies weeping buckets when you leave?

Chimbu chuckles 7th Dec 2002 06:27

I thought that was vomiting in buckets when he arrived:D


john_tullamarine 7th Dec 2002 11:37

you a Newcastle boy as well, OzEx ? ... certainly explains why we can understand each other so well with respective beers in hand ....

Slasher 7th Dec 2002 13:13

Thank you all so far for voting wether you are for or against. As you can see I had to carefuly word each voting choice to ilicit a more honest response and a logical aggregate break-down for a final go or stay indication, given only a poll-limit of 5 choices on this bb.

Dec 20 is the closing date and at that time Ill abide by the majoritys decision whichever way it goes.

Again thank you.

OzExpat 7th Dec 2002 14:38

PP... it's all in the "ummm"'s :D

Chuck... it's all in the "ummm"'s :D

Nah J_T... me a Dubbo boy... allegedly... :D

Slash... don't even THINK about it! :)

redsnail 7th Dec 2002 16:58

Oz, I think JT meant the "original" Newcastle. The one chockers with geordies. :D

ironbutt57 7th Dec 2002 19:15

Slasher it's like this, myself(especially me) 411a, gladiator, lots of us Ppruners make postings that irritate/**** off fellow Ppruners from time to time...the fact is, this is a forum for all opinions whether we are agreed with or not, is not the issue...opinions, properly and professionally presented must always be welcome..if somebody who excersises their "right" to differ with your PROPERLY presented opinion takes offense, then it's their problem...I have been called lots of names. scab etc...etc and slagged off by many who disagree with my posts...the trick is to rise above the name callers, and accept criticism when you have it coming, and get on with it...if you really didn't belong here..Capt Pprune would have sorted you out a long time ago...if somebody can't accept you being here...then they lose..it's their problem...not yours

Travelling Toolbox 8th Dec 2002 00:24

Mr Jarse

G'day mate! Look I must confess that I am a really slack ****** and haven't caught up with our mutual friend.

I shall have to get down on bended knee and beg his forgiveness (not his hand in marriage silly - we're not THAT close!) and shout him at the bar when we catch up.

Cheers and have a great and very safe Christmas HJ. :)

FL450 8th Dec 2002 08:56

Get yer hand off it Darrell........err Slash:D

Fission 9th Dec 2002 06:10


A good curry contains a variety of ingredients to give it a proper taste.

Reckon you're the Lime Chutney tho - alyays burns twice. You know what it does, but you can't resist a taste .......

cficare 9th Dec 2002 10:37

Can't vote one way or another for a tosser

Unwell_Raptor 9th Dec 2002 14:49

Here's a Pom who wants to see you inside the tent pi55ing out....

Celtic Emerald 9th Dec 2002 16:26

Well now

I never come in here but when someone posts a link in JB the're inviting me in (one of my haunts). Now I don't know what transgressions Slasher is guilty of now but the guy has feelings & I still as always hate any show of 'Schadefreude' meaning people enjoying ganging up on one person (though Slasher your partly responsible for putting yourself in the firing line starting this thread, I just hope you ain't sensitive mate)

Now our Slasher needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I'll admit when I first logged on to PPRuNe I couldn't follow alot of what he was on about with his Aussie eh slang not to mention that I had been educated in the cloistered walls of a girls convent school & we were not exactly exposed to this kind of carry on on eh yearly, weekly let alone a daily basis so it was a massive culture shock for me but to be honest with you most Aussies are a massive culture shock to me anyway. :eek:

Slasher has his place in PPRuNe. He's not a guy you can have mild opinions on, you either are a fan of his are not but he does have a good brain, is what he says he is which is more than you can say for alot here, has great technical knowledge & general knowledge & I sense alot of his blamaus is a cover up for past hurts so give the guy a chance, he is human after all.

Enough said!


Davaar 9th Dec 2002 19:24

Slasher go? Say it ain't so. The convent girls are with him, and the
presbyterian lobby is receiving a belated education.

Capt.KAOS 9th Dec 2002 20:36

Slasher, does he has to go? What did he do wrong? Did I miss something here?


KAOS (proud owner of 14 board points..... :) )

Send Clowns 9th Dec 2002 21:26

Stay Slasher mate. I don't believe in people telling others what to do and how to talk. Your contributions while sometimes ... robust? rude? unpleasant? ... have always been intelligent and often interesting and ... unique. :D

USE THE RUDDERS 9th Dec 2002 23:07


Have only seen your replies and comments lately but they always crease me up.

prune needs characters like yourself

flyboy6876 10th Dec 2002 02:31

You've gotta stay Slasher. You make D&G a lively place and always make good reading.

Jetlegs 10th Dec 2002 07:28

KAOS, if you'd bothered to read the thread before jumping in, you'd have know that it is Slasher himself who is wondering if the other participants of D&G want him in or out.
Not the proon brass.

And while we're at it, Slasher has no warning points. Because unlike some, he is obviously inteligent enough to be outrageous, dirty talking and provocative without breaking proon rules.
Can't say the same about you eh KAOS? :D

Perhaps someone even still has that exellent piece of posting advice that Slaher once wrote? If so, please share it with us, it was a rare gem and so to the point!

Slash mate, don't p!ss off.

Wizofoz 10th Dec 2002 09:59

Yeah good old Slash! Always good for a laugh!!

Got a real chuckle when he gloated over the AN suicides. Sent the link to a good mates Widow. Knew she'd appreciate his larconic humour.

Funny thing was, my late mates' six year old daughter opened the e-mail first!! Talk about laugh!!

Hating people is one thing. Being a hateful person is something else again.

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