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foxinsox 1st Dec 2002 10:17

Is ATPL worth getting?
This is a question offered to all who have gone before me.

As a person soon to be working in GA, but with goals in a higher spectrum, what is the consensus on the worth of holding an ATPL, and is this likely to make employment easier to obtain?

I'm currently in the process of sitting CPL exams and am considering doing the ATPL while in the learning phase. Any suggestions/comments?

Zed 1st Dec 2002 11:56

Go for it.

You will need it before you know it.

What happens is. You get a job working away nicely get your hours but cannot apply to Airline's because no ATPL and can't leave your job to do ATPL because no job no money.

But if Mummy and Daddies paying well do it when ever.

Wagit 1st Dec 2002 22:05

If in the study mode, do your ATPL subjects. Even if you don't get into Qantas you will still need an ATPL for jobs that operate two crew as PIC.

Raingauge 1st Dec 2002 23:36

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I don't know how you can be a person soon to be working in GA whilst still sitting your CPL exams. It might seem like the logical step, but there is alot for you to do before that happens. Speak to some of the unemployed pilots (fully qualified) up North, I'm sure some of them wouldn't be a confident as you when it comes to working in GA.

As for your question about ATPL's, Don't leave home without them!

Good Luck

Big Dog 2 1st Dec 2002 23:36

Go and get your ATPL while you are still in study mode as has been said.
And while your not tied down to a job working where
you cant access couses or exams. I did and, I am glad I did
as many of my friends had to leave a job just to get it done.
It may delay your plans but it will be worth it in the end.
It sounds as though you plan to need it so get it done now.

Towering Q 2nd Dec 2002 02:42

goals in a higher spectrum
...how could you possibly set goals higher than GA?;)

foxinsox 3rd Dec 2002 08:30

Thanks for the response folks. I will be undertaking the ATPL studies next year. Appears they are something which may well be required more than the current environment dictates, regarding the introduction of new CASRs.

And yes Raingauge, I do realise there is much ground to be covered before a job might come my way, I'm expecting it'll be '04 at the earliest (No help from "Mummy & Daddy" here). Thanks for the shower/rain too, more of this country could do with the same about now. :)

J0N0 7th Dec 2002 01:36

you've made the right decision to do it. I did mine later on in my GA career and it was really hard to get back into the study groove and also its a shame to take a considerable portion out of your (sometimes) much needed holiday to study. A fella who was on my course had already missed out on a metro command (he was a F/O) because he didn't have it. Also the company I work for now how some contracts that require an ATPL even though its single pilot cessna 400 stuff. Its just what the client wants. Go for it and good luck with that job!!!

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