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Howabout 24th Mar 2016 06:06

Dick, what went hand-in-glove with 'user pays' was airport privatisations. That was part of the mix.

You state that:

Fly one of these aircraft today and if you don't keep it at expensive airports the AsA charges are far less.
Maybe the AsA charges are 'far less' if you launch in to G out of a 'country airport,' but for those in metropolitan areas what's the choice? Regardless of AsA charges, I'd offer that the bigger imposition is getting 'stiffed' by 'airport owners' under the grand plan. In short, the average Joe being at the mercy of corporate greed. Whereas, once upon a time in the golden age of GA, costs were comparatively minimal when airports were federally funded for the 'common good.'

As corporate greed goes, I'll give you the closure of Hoxton Park, the removal of the E/W option at Bankstown, and the maneuverings at Jandakot to turn a profit on the land value.

In addition, and it still P155ES me off to this day; the demise of the Darwin Aero Club came about because they could no longer afford the charges once 'privatisation' became flavour of the month.

A vibrant, professional little club, that offered affordable flying and trained many. I well remember spending many a night after the working day just talking to some of the studs over a beer about ATC practices, procedures and standards. It was my way, and that of some of my colleagues, in contributing to their education.

Trashed under the 'master plan' of 'user pays.'

Lead Balloon 24th Mar 2016 06:29

Gosh actus - you should get onto the Finance Minister and tip him off on the work of fiction that is the CASA Annual Report.

The most recent one has a line item called "Revenue from Government" in the amount of about $43 million. ($42.801 million to be precise.). That amount was appropriated out of the consolidated revenue fund as part of the usual annual budget and appropriations bills process.

That line item is separate from the Fuel Excise line item (in the amount of about $118 million ($117.871 to be precise), appropriated out of the consolidated revenue fund as a consequence of the Aviation Fuels Revenues (Special Appropriation) Act 1988.

(You do realise that fuel excise is just a kind of tax that must be paid into the consolidated revenue fund first, before there is anything available to be appropriated and spent (unless you know someone with the surname Khemlani ... )?

There is another Commonwealth safety agency that is funded substantially by appropriations from the consolidated revenue fund. Section 48 of the AMSA Act says, with the crap removed:

(1) There are to be paid to the Authority amounts equal to: ...

(2) Amounts payable under subsection (1) are to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly.
But you'll learn all this in your later years of undergraduate study. :ok:

actus reus 24th Mar 2016 08:01

This is a circular argument!
I politely suggest that you consider going off and dispensing your wisdom and high dungeon on others.

And by the way, I am quite happy with my academic qualifications but I appreciate your concern.

I fear for India if you are there helping them out.

Lead Balloon 24th Mar 2016 08:45

high dungeon

Just when I'd thought I'd seen every malapropism possible. :D

Howabout 24th Mar 2016 09:00

God save us from the opinionated that can't speak basic language and seek to lecture.

There are plenty of remedial courses in language, AR. I suggest you take one of them before you embarrass yourself further.

It's 'high dudgeon,' not 'high dungeon.'

The latter, I believe, has something to do with paying to be whipped and getting walked on by some chick in stilettos.

If you want to flaunt your undoubted knowledge, learn a bit of syntax. Yeah, foreign word, I know.

Dick Smith 24th Mar 2016 09:17

Howabout. I am glad some of the changes I made pleased you.

Re user pays. That was a labor government policy decision before I was involved in any way with CAA.

My view was that the only way user pays could work is with a very substantial reduction in the cost of the system

That's what I concentrated on. One day I may be able to finish what I started. Now some won't like that ! But others will benefit.

actus reus 24th Mar 2016 09:31


How about you become the PPRuNE spell checker?

The appointment of someone to that position is well overdue I say.

Howabout 24th Mar 2016 10:39

Spell-checkers are fine AR and work OK.

But this is basic language, not spelling.

Google 'syntax.' Your 'high dungeon' remark was the best schoolboy howler I've seen in years.

Howabout 24th Mar 2016 11:01

OK, Mods, what happened to the rest of the last page that has disappeared into the ether??

Howabout 24th Mar 2016 12:42

Re user pays. That was a labor government policy decision before I was involved in any way with CAA.
That wouldn't be 'selective language' by any chance? The government of the time seemed to me to have been externally influenced to adopt 'user pays.' Would you have any idea as to who may have been the prime mover on that one before you were 'involved' with CAA?

You see, Dick, I just personally find that to be an incredible disclaimer.

OK, OK; you just inherited 'user pays.'

actus reus 24th Mar 2016 13:03


Maybe the last bit went missing because there was a spelling error or a syntax problem?

Falcon Code #902

Dick Smith 24th Mar 2016 22:38

Howabout. You can blame me for lots of things but certainly not user pays or selling off airports.

I had no involvement in any way. Either behind the scenes or in the open.

I had not read the Bosch report and therefore made no submissions.

Charlie Foxtrot India 25th Mar 2016 02:52

Howabout, the only posts that have been deleted or edited have been done by the poster themselves, not the mods.

As you all know, if you don't like the way Pprune runs you are free to start a forum of your own.

One of the reasons for the forum rules is so that these pages won't be used for childish arguments and ego trips because they are so BORING for everyone else who is trying to have a reasonable, adult discussion.

If you want to be the spelling and grammar police, do it via private message if it means so much to you, otherwise you just look like an arrogant bully.

Patience wearing thin.

Clare Prop 25th Mar 2016 03:05

I don't always agree with everything Dick says and wish he could direct his talent, profile and resources to things that really would make a difference to us, such as making a stand against the rampant tilt up concretisation of the airports and the corporate mindset of the leaseholders...something he would be more familiar with than many of us... But I do admire the bloke and doubt he got where he is today by an anonymous keyboard warrior attempting to bully him!!

The area frequency for unmarked aerodromes is a ridiculous concept and just another example of a thought bubble that sitting around a table with a few people from industry that actually work VFR in G every day might have nipped in the bud. Why should a VFR pilot monitor Melbourne Centre and listen to Emirates at FL 360 when the 172 departing from the nearest aerodrome on 126.7 would be more likely to be traffic they might actually need to see and avoid.

Howabout 25th Mar 2016 04:09

Fine, CFI, your advice has been Rx'd.

My apologies for being a pedant! I won't get on my 'high-horse' again in that regard

That said, frustration does intercede, and is not all directed at AR. My apologies to him/her. Call it 'collateral damage' if you will.

When one asks a valid question to an unsubstantiated remark, one gets nothing other than obfuscation and 'selective use of language/facts.'

I'll live with it, but won't shut up when it comes to 'rewriting history.'

Ban me if you must and, once again, apols AR. Too much giggle juice in the early hours!

actus reus 25th Mar 2016 05:01


Thank you, but there is no need to apologise.

No offence meant from me either.

I sometimes enjoy the banter too much myself but I do try to not go around the axle about things too much these days.

I do agree with you though; unsubstantiated statements also catch my eye. They add interest if nothing else.

Dick Smith 25th Mar 2016 06:44

Geez. I would like to meet some of you one day- especially my most strident critics!

Maybe I could organise a special event at Bowylie- plenty of free grog like I did for the Sydney ATCs at Australian Geographic- and I could wear a blindfold or we could have a masked ball so everyone was still anonymous!

Dick Smith 25th Mar 2016 07:08

Clare Prop. Once they started the wind back of the NAS by printing a special chart with all the ATC frequency sector boundaries on the rot set in.

It was then not possible to continue with the NAS education package because NAS will not work correctly with such a design- or more to the point. Non design!

The CASA advice to monitor and give circuit calls on the ATC area frequency is the logical result of the wind back.

In fact there appears to be no one at CASA who as any idea or plan in relation to airspace design.

Over the last eight years I have offered to give a briefing on what the Government approved NAS policy was. They will not have a bar of it. Clearly don't want to be contaminated by a rational plan that has been well proven in both Canada and the USA.

Even Mr Skidmore appears to have been immediately captured by the existing iron ring of concrete mindset and has not instigated any review of why the NAS policy was wound back just as it was starting to work.

And Angus Houston was one of the strongest supporters of NAS when he was a member of the Aviation Reform Group that made the NAS recommendation to John Anderson.

So be wary of his claim in The Australian newspaper that he was only supporting NAS because " it was Government policy". I even have a copy of a letter from Angus to the ARG confirming that the NAS as he saw it was to follow the US system.

LeadSled 25th Mar 2016 08:00

Just to clear something up, "User Pays" was the result of the Bosch Report many moons ago, and related to Commonwealth Government service charges generally.

It was NOT aviation specific, and long pre-dated anything Dick Smith being appointed to any aviation related government board.

Tootle pip!!

MarkyMarkOZ 25th Mar 2016 08:02

Darn it. I just ran out of popcorn reading this thread,... can you all please hold the drama whilst I go get some more popcorn...

Can I suggest I would not need more popcorn if the debate stuck to the issues rather than the purile personal and spelling/grammarnazi attacks? Ding, ding,.. round 2!

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