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bankrunner 3rd Dec 2013 10:34

Originally Posted by Sunfish
Agree with Old Akro. McCormick is not a maintenance professional. He is just a former pilot with a hatred of anything he doesn't understand - most especially GA aircraft and operators.

He's also got plenty of hatred for those parts of his own organisation that he doesn't understand; the human factors department being a noteworthy one.

Why would an air safety regulator need such a thing? :E

Paragraph377 3rd Dec 2013 11:01

bankrunner, so very true. He also hates how his people are involved in aviation assistance programs with neighbouring countries, he gives not a toss about the aerodrome inspectors, safety systems inspectors, DG inspectors or GA, whirlybirds, or anything aviation that is smaller than an A320. As mentioned, his respect of HF people is pathetic and the list goes on. With the role of CASA being that of 'safety' you would think that of all people the DAS would understand that safety has no boundaries and that each discipline in CASA, just like in an airline, is important for attaining a safe and compliant operation. Mr Angry's 'only the blokes in the pointy end' attitude is not only archaic but it is dangerous.

Senator Xenophon called these clowns out. He could see that the attitude and lack of ability at CASA and ATSBeaker are nothing short of dangerous and are a contributing factor within our industry's decline in safety standards.
Tick Tock indeed.

Up-into-the-air 5th Dec 2013 23:10

casa is out of touch with the Aviation Industry and so is mccormick
Latest "news":

The ICC is gone to greener pastures and there has been a new appointee - A Gretchen Bennett.

Research tells me that this person has come directly from the Office of Legal Counsel from [Guess where???] - casa and reported to Adam Anastasi!!

This appointment needs some careful research, being the person who represented casa against Quadrio in the AAT.

Say no more!!

T28D 6th Dec 2013 03:14

Since they have no understanding of conflict of interest this appointment will fit comfortably with the Board who are supposed to be independent but day by day demonstrate they are not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank Arouet 6th Dec 2013 03:53

Truss needs to put the cleaners through the AAT before he starts reviewing CASA.

No, hang on, isn't that a conflict with the separation of the powers?

Hang on a bit more, isn't the regulator, as part of the executive of government, at arms length from the Judiciary?

Hang on a bit more, isn't the regulator, who writes the rules, also the person policing the rules and then advise the DPP how to prosecute, and after the prosecution, isn't the AAT the next avenue of redress.

Hang on a bit...................

aroa 6th Dec 2013 04:13

oink icc
Oh goodie..! another one ..out of OLC and reporting/answering to/ vetted by A Anustasi.. how very robust and independent. NOT :mad::mad:
Will be as useless as the recently departed, altho I hear there was someone in CAsA who found her something to do.:eek:

Socket 6th Dec 2013 06:32

Really Leady?

And make no mistake, we have cases on record where CASA has prosecuted a LAME after an serviceability well in to to 100 hours on an MR.
Post a few. If they really were prosecutions they are already a matter of public record by the way, so no problems there.

Jabawocky 6th Dec 2013 13:42

100 hrs....:D

How about several years. King Airs grounded for paint jobs, done right, several years later. 100 hours is nothing.

I am not sure how much Leadie has on file, and trust me we cross swords on some topics, but if he says he has some, you better believe he has some.......and enough to bamboosle us all for weeks.

There is truck loads of evidence out there.

Kharon 6th Dec 2013 19:30

Thing that make you go –Hmmm.

UITA #43 -The ICC is gone to greener pastures and there has been a new appointee - A Gretchen Bennett.

Research tells me that this person has come directly from the Office of Legal Counsel from [Guess where???] - casa and reported to Adam Anastasi!!

This appointment needs some careful research, being the person who represented casa against Quadrio in the AAT

T28 # 44 -Since they have no understanding of conflict of interest this appointment will fit comfortably with the Board who are supposed to be independent but day by day demonstrate they are not

AROA # 46 -Oh goodie..! another one ..out of OLC and reporting/answering to/ vetted by A Anustasi.. how very robust and independent. NOT
And the industry shrugs, scratches it's collective arse and ambles off into the sunset. This is the ICC, you know, the 'independent' place where you can, at least in theory, air your legitimate complaint and get a fair ruling. The custom is to exercise your daemons there, so CASA can have advance knowledge of on what grounds you intend to sue. Assuming of course you can actually find someone responsible.

Frank Arouet 6th Dec 2013 20:43

The problem with the ICC gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
The primary purpose of the ICC is to put another hoop to jump through on your way to The Commonwealth Ombudsman who will first ask, have you exhausted every other means of redress.

Indeed, if you get past the ICC, you still have the AAT and complaints then require The commonwealth Ombudsman to make recommendations that would impinge "The Separation of the Powers".

The Constitution means nothing to our regulator. Imagine a bloke who lives in Queensland takes aerial photo's and sells them in West Australia. He gets prosecuted and looses despite the prosecution "Hindering free trade between the States".

If this appointee has "form" in vexatious" prosecutions, the posting is tainted and arguably "frustrates" all applications that cross her desk for review.

Thought should be given to launch a complaint to The Commonwealth Ombudsman against The Industry Complaints Commissioner. All should be looked at seriously, closely and intimately. Commissioner Hart would be the only one to come out without blood on his hands.

Paragraph377 7th Dec 2013 08:56

The ICC became a complete farce the day that Mr Hart left. So now, as has been pointed out, Libby leaves and a LSG clone takes up the mantle. It's a conga line really - Dr Voodoo trains Anastasi, Anastasi trains Bennett. Dr Voodoo is on the ICC panel, and now so is Bennett. Throw into this mix one Terry F and a Screaming Skull and you have the ICC. Yep, a real 'independent complaints commission' that one. But again, you can add this to the list of decisions Mr Truss and his trusty Lieutenant Mrdak have sanctioned and you see the level of transparency and openness that they quite simply don't want. Yep, another opportunity for wrongs to be righted and Truss turns and looks the other way.

Sadly the only way things will change is through;

1. Creampuffs non aligned independant senators. Or;
2. Sunfish's giant smoking hole. Or;
3. Kharons ferry man picking the eyes out of Fort Fumble. Or;
4. ICAO undertaking a forensic audit and then issuing a downgrade.

Frank Arouet 7th Dec 2013 23:25

I guess the idea of the whole mob self immolating is just a dream. Imagine the ruckus with an environmental impact study, plus who has a match. Most don't have Dangerous Goods Training.

Personally I like the combination of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

What Kung Foo That?

dubbleyew eight 8th Dec 2013 02:36

my nipper, who is being encouraged to join CASA, stridently disagrees with my view but he is wrong....

we are seeing the final flailing death of the problem that has afflicted CASA for all of its life. CASA was seen as the retirement home of the ex-RAAF.

Now the RAAF were awesome, they were government employees so were trusted, they defended the country so were heroes, they knew aeronautical theory backwards, forwards and upside down, what they said could never be challenged, they had flown fast jets so they knew it all.

a guy in a little cessna wasn't anywhere in their league, he hadnt studied high performance jet stuff, he wasnt a hero, hell he only flew a cessna with wheat caught on the bolts. who'd believe him?

Horscots, the house of reps sub committee on transport safety had to absolutely bludgeon the ex-raaf into doing something about ultralights.

What we are seeing is the final death of the invalid ex-raaf paradigm.
the inner iron circle of CASA know it all, after all they are ex-RAAF.
however what they have never understood is Civilian Aviation.

what an utter cockup the EX-RAAF have made of civilian aviation regulation.

Up-into-the-air 8th Dec 2013 03:59

casa the bully!!
Of course it is still there!

McC - ex-raaf and then in the aat you have sqn leader f cox!, then the JQ special witness for casa [but did not reveal his time in the raaf] who just happened to be in the same sqn as sqn leader f cox!!.

The Dep Member would not recuse himself in the case.

So they hide well and do a lot of damage still.

bankrunner 8th Dec 2013 04:18

we are seeing the final flailing death of the problem that has afflicted CASA for all of its life. CASA was seen as the retirement home of the ex-RAAF.
Retirement home in some cases, in others it's a sheltered workshop for those the RAAF should never have hired in the first place!

Though in all fairness to the ex-RAAF folk, there have been more than a few lured in and lined up with jobs only by old mates from the RAAF, only to depart shortly thereafter after discovering what a toxic place it really is.

T28D 8th Dec 2013 09:15

Ah The Wing Commanders Club, short term may they reign over civil aviation, like the French Revolution some day there will be a reckoning.

Up-into-the-air 29th Dec 2013 05:41

It is the season for some fun.

The exercise here is to see if you can match the -tude to a casa dude

I will start you:


To take a NCN and ensure it is never lost and appears if there is a reason to issue a "show cause" notice later.
____________________________________________________________ ________

exude protrude seclude ineptitude occlude delude obtrude pulchritude allude fortitude preclude denude magnitude rectitude prelude aptitude lassitude turpitude platitude elude pulchritude allude fortitude preclude denude magnitude rectitude prelude aptitude lassitude turpitude platitude elude
Which is the casa (d)ude who has du-uded you??

Cactusjack 29th Dec 2013 05:47

Why not, I'll have a play!
"Protrude". I have had several unwarranted pineapples from them left protruding from my anus!
Do I win a stoogie, Hawaiian shirt or trip to Montreal?

UITA, you talking bout Dude Love?

Well here I am! Cactus jack

Tick Tock

Up-into-the-air 22nd Jan 2014 00:09

The latest McComick
READ this and weep

How on earth can you really say this John???

January 2014
From the Director of Aviation Safety
John McCormick

As we move into another busy year I would like to thank people and organisations across the aviation industry and throughout the wider Australian aviation community for the time and effort they put into helping to develop the new safety regulations. Input into the regulatory development processes is made at a number of levels including participation in the Standards Consultative Committee, taking part in working groups developing specific sets of rules and providing feedback on discussion papers, proposed rules and final drafts. I appreciate and value the effort made by everyone who takes part in regulatory development because CASA cannot do this job on its own. We need the expertise and practical knowledge of people working in the aviation industry to test ideas, translate concepts to safety regulations and to ensure the best possible safety outcomes are achieved with the appropriate level of regulation.

I understand the regulatory development process can at times seem cumbersome and drawn out. However, like many things in life, the devil is in the detail, and we must get the rules right. At times this means revisiting sets of rules to make improvements to ensure the right safety outcomes are being achieved with regulations that do not place inappropriate burdens on the aviation industry. It is largely feedback from aviation people and organisations that informs the review and improvement of rules and this was the case with important amendments made in December 2013. A range of improvements have been made to the rules covering pilot licensing and training, the operations of maintenance organisations, aircraft engineer licences and aircraft registration. These changes aim to reduce costs, improve safety and make transition to new rules easier.

The package of changes to the licensing suite of regulations includes a range of improvements. Student pilot licences will no longer exist, meaning less red tape and costs for students and flying schools while maintaining the same level of safety. The requirement for a photographic pilot licence has been dropped in favour of pilots carrying an acceptable identification document. Additional aircraft types have been added to the new aircraft class rating system to simplify requirements and reduce costs. Flight instructor rating proficiency checks have been simplified to permit a single proficiency check for the rating. The number of flight reviews for helicopter pilots operating some single engine helicopters has been reduced. I cannot list all the changes to the licensing regulations here, but a link below will take you to a summary of the changes.

The amendments to the maintenance and aircraft registration regulations are important and took effect from 18 December 2013. These changes allow continuing airworthiness management organisations supporting regular public transport operations to also manage airworthiness for aircraft used in charter, aerial work and private flying. This simplifies regulatory requirements for a range of maintenance organisations. The changes also streamline CASA’s processing of aircraft maintenance engineer licences and associated ratings. In the area of aircraft registration, CASA will now be able to suspend registration rather than being required to cancel when CASA has not been notified of an aircraft change in ownership within the specified timeframe. This has obvious benefits to aircraft owners.

Please find out more about the changes to the licensing, maintenance and aircraft registration regulations by following the links below. These changes flow directly from the feedback CASA has received from aviation people and organisations. By listening and acting CASA has created better regulations that still strive for the best possible safety outcomes while reducing costs and red tape where possible.

Find out more about the licensing suite improvements.

Read about the maintenance and aircraft registration changes.

Best regards
John F McCormick

thorn bird 22nd Jan 2014 00:57

"We need the expertise and practical knowledge of people working in the aviation industry to test ideas,"

But John old mate you just don't listen!!

The vast majority of the "Industry" have been telling you. Give it up, accept CAsA as it exists will never get it right, go hat in hand to the Kiwi's while there is still some "Industry" left to resurrect, adopt their reg's and let the "Industry" get on with doing what they do, being Industrious!!

dubbleyew eight 22nd Jan 2014 01:42

I am reading this new poo.

this has me intrigued....

61.117 Identity checks—student pilots
(1) CASA may, by written notice given to a student pilot, require the student pilot to provide evidence of his or her identity in accordance with paragraph 6.57(1)(a) of the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005.
(2) The student pilot commits an offence if:
(a) CASA has not told the student pilot, in writing, that he or she has complied with the requirement; and
(b) the student pilots an aircraft.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
(3) An offence against this regulation is an offence of strict liability
the way I read this CASA can do what it wants. ...MAY...
but if CASA hasnt told the student... just how are they expected to know?

the student has in their mind that they are a student. they are off doing the flying training unaware of CASA's embuggerance.
so CASA may or may not advise the student but the student is victim to a 50 point penalty if CASA hasnt told them.
if CASA hasnt told them how would they know???

when will we see penalties of strict liability for CASA stuffing up????

dubbleyew eight 22nd Jan 2014 02:20

gee some of this is amazing.

61.355 Retention of personal logbooks
A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person is required to keep a personal logbook under regulation61.345 or 61.350; and
(b) the person does not retain the logbook for 7 years after the day the last entry is made in it.
Penalty: 50 penalty units.
so if your log book is stolen or gets burnt when the house goes up in a bushfire 50 penalty units.

Up-into-the-air 22nd Jan 2014 03:00

casa is out of touch with the Aviation Industry
Here is another little gem :ugh::ugh::

Key benefits of the new regulations

  • International Harmonisation: operating under regulations that are designed to enhance aviation safety and align the Australian legislation with modern international regulatory practices will maintain and improve Australia’s international competitiveness in the aviation industry.
  • Higher standards: increased flexibility & responsibility.
  • Reduction of cost to industry, if regulatory compliance is maintained.
  • An instrumental role in maintaining and improving Australia’s international competitiveness in the aviation industry.
  • Market growth for regulation 30 organisations deciding to become CASR Part 42, 145 or 147 organisations.
  • For licensed aircraft maintenance engineer, provision of a perpetual license means lower costs.
  • Implementation of competency based training for Part 66 licensing an ICAO and government standard
  • Enhancement of aviation safety through human factors and Safety Management Systems.
  • Greater clarity around the nature of 'safe standards'.

The one I like best is:

Greater clarity around the nature of 'safe standards'.
and how does this work??

Reduction of cost to industry, if regulatory compliance is maintained.

Jabawocky 22nd Jan 2014 04:05


That is complete BULLSH!T and JMac knows it. The reason I know he knows it is he has been told and told and told, directly, by many.

So someone is peddling spin from within and he is publishing it.

Creampuff 22nd Jan 2014 06:31

So if he’s intelligent and he knows that what he’s saying is bullsh*t, I can come to only one conclusion about his character.

Greater clarity around the nature of 'safe standards'.
I’m on the edge my seat. :zzz:

Will they turn out introverted or will they turn out extraverted?

It's all very Orwellian. Do you think they could find anyone who actually believes this vacuous twaddle about the 'new' (1998) regulations any more?

Kharon 22nd Jan 2014 07:22

Unable to resist - I meant to

CP # 65 It's all very Orwellian. Do you think they could find anyone who actually believes this vacuous twaddle about the 'new' (1998) regulations any more?
Cracked me up, more to the point, does anyone believe this man dare stand up and expect said twaddle to be believed. I'll try a pint of whatever he's on; just as an experiment like.

No Sir, we regret you cannot bring wabbits or catamites into this establishment. Taxi miniscule? - anyone else?. What part of bugger off needs a 16 page explanation; please tell me, I'll draft it" : immediately.......Jack nailed it though on another thread.

CJ - Lucky he wasn't in a deep sleep and having a dream about Miranda Kerr, 2 goats, a drum of baby oil and a Twister mat!! Cleaners to bay 4 please!!

Duck Pilot 23rd Jan 2014 17:51

Off the topic slightly, I noticed that CASA are trying to hire a couple of FOIs, one in CBR and the other in MEL After a quik review of what the requirements are I am somewhat confused as to how they can expect to attract any suitable applicants with what they have on offer, especially for the job in MEL. I recon they are at least 50K short if not more on what a person with the quals in an airline would be getting, even from a budget airline. I also get the felling that the MEL position may have been re advertised as I seem to recall a very similar position being advertised late last year.

Question is, if they don't get suitable applicants, who do they hire? Not being judgemental, just curious as to how they fill these positions if they can't match what's being paid outside.

Cactusjack 23rd Jan 2014 19:44

Duck Pilot, I'm not sure exactly which FOI position you refer, but on average the FOI's make around $140k base (some long termers are on a lot more) Add to that around $30k for endorsements, Monday - Friday roster, 15.75% super, daily away allowances, and a host of other trimmings and you end up with packages that would in most cases equal or exceed Tiger, JQ, Cobham, QLink, maybe VA F/O etc. Trimmings include internally (taxpayer) funded education courses, conferences, and potential career progression into senior management roles that range from $200k average up to $300/$400 k plus.

Duck Pilot 24th Jan 2014 08:23

Thanks Cactus, that makes puts a little more gloss on it!

Creampuff 24th Jan 2014 08:26

And it's zero risk money, which is always much more valuable than the same amount of money that entails risk. :ok:

Mach E Avelli 24th Jan 2014 08:45

Actually, the brudders gave it the correct term:.. 'sit down' money.

Up-into-the-air 24th Jan 2014 08:48

And if casa think there is a risk, casa can always issue a new instrument to cover it.

thorn bird 24th Jan 2014 10:58

Well guys rumour has it CAsA are handing out A380 Type ratings to 70 year olds, I can see a hell of a lot of "Old Farts" having a rethink regarding retirement.

Mach E Avelli 24th Jan 2014 20:23

If true- and I have no reason to doubt it because CASA do dole out type ratings - what are the criteria? Experience on similar types? Probable time to retirement?
Does the recipient enter into a bond for return of service. Fark, no, they do not!
More than one FOI has grabbed an expensive rating then sloped off after an indecently short time.
Old boy network indeed. Questions need to be asked, but who to ask them?

Cactusjack 25th Jan 2014 09:08

Update for Duck Pilot - "The trough Part 2", I smell bacon!
DP, I forgot to add the use of Comcars is included, you get a supplied and paid for mobile phone and laptop, and a corporate credit card (to be used cautiously). You keep all frequent flyer points earned and you receive a uniform (Jackboots and night truncheon not included).
And of course most offices are in standard government top shelf condition with ergonomic chairs, height adjustable desks, air conditioning, showers, lunchrooms with every trimming and of course the all important pot plants!!
You get all public holidays off, 5 weeks anal leave per year, and here is a tasty fiddle for you that not many know about - As part of your employment agreement you supposedly work an extra 1 hour per week approximately (hahaha yeah right, biggest snow job on record that one), that way at Xmas time you get the days off between the public holidays, CAsA shut down and everybody relaxes for 10 days at home at the taxpayers expense!!!

So Duck Pilot, should you be successful with your application you will need to (oink oink) change your Pprune handle to 'Pig Pilot' old son!
Now, get your CV ready and go forth and conquer, there is a whole world of public service extravagance awaiting you :ok:

Duck Pilot 25th Jan 2014 17:30

Thanks for enlighting me even further CJ! I would imagine most of the T&Cs are aligned closely with other government departments.

The use of a Comcar though? That's a new one, is that Oz wide or only in Canberra and maybe the major cities and only obviously on OCB?

Up-into-the-air 26th Jan 2014 00:11

A380 ratings
Rumour, Rumour, Rumour

Was there an A380 rating for a senior casa employee allowed for and paid for recently??

What is the basis for ratings being paid for by casa??

How does casa relate pay grade to the payment for a rating??

Does casa use the ratings in assessment in all cases where a rating has been paid for??

How many years before retirement were the last A380 ratings paid for by casa??

Just questions, Just questions

WAC 26th Jan 2014 00:50

Cactusjack, what EXACTLY is involved in the 5 weeks anal leave a year?
I guess that will put a few applicants off.....:uhoh:

LeadSled 26th Jan 2014 03:21

Question is, if they don't get suitable applicants, who do they hire?
Unsuitable ones, of course, as the ranks of FOIs ( and AWIs) illustrate.
For the good guys in the FOI ranks (Yes!!, there are, unbelievably, still some left) it must be very embarrassing to be lumped in with the seriously dud ones.
Tootle pip!!

advo-cate 26th Feb 2014 02:10

The latest McComick
Well McComick - In September 2008 a helicopter pilot was filmed in a YouTube clip, with casa dropping the case due to the CDPP advice in July 2010.

However, casa continued into the AAT [in mid-2011], where the accused Mr. Quadrio did not admit any guilt.

He was in fact admonished by the member for "not owning up".

The member who admitted he knew the casa "expert", but did not recuse himself.

The prime casa witness was a "Coglan", the same one as below [which appeared in the Cairns Post on 22nd February 2014], whose statement did not even state the same place for the flight as the casa "show-cause notice":


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