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CougarNZ 1st Sep 2012 00:47

NZ CAA New fees
New fees released by NZ CAA !!

$313 to file your medical on your records!!



this should really encourage the development of Aviation!!

Doubt anyone will do a APTL flight test in NZ either!!!

greycat11 1st Sep 2012 04:49

...Unbelievable eh! :ugh:

i still don't know how they justify some of them fees... :rolleyes:

sgenie 1st Sep 2012 05:01

I dropped them an email and encourage others to do so - some of those fees are simple extortions! The medical one, for once - what exactly do they give in return for it?

NzCaptainAndrew 1st Sep 2012 05:30

........ F that. :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

weloveseaplanes 2nd Sep 2012 08:45

Find by name the individuals who prepared the price increases and remove them
Rather than drop them an email perhaps we should be dropping them something else ...

How can we find the names of the individuals who both prepared and approved these extortionists fees? Once you blame an organization they have won because the ponerological amongest them are protected by the group and will rise through the ranks to create more and more carnage. We need to find the individuals who created these extortionist fees for these two reasons -
1) to reverse the fee increase
2) get them fired before they cause the next round of ever worsonening killing blows

A few humans, with much power in their office worlds of papers and staplers, and desparately jealous of those of us flying, can with the stroke of their pens, crush the dreams of countless would be pilots and literally thieve food from the mouths of our wives and children as us pilots try to survive and feed our families.

sgenie 2nd Sep 2012 08:52

That's not quite right. Legally, you cannot blame or request an action from a single person from within an organisation. There is a procedure to request an action (or reverse an action) from a government department. I am not exactly sure how it is to be organised but the whole idea is to mount a massive outcry from those affected by the new piece of legislation. And that should be in writing, to leave the trace of the action. It is also a good idea to drop a couple of messages to an MP - if someone with good writing skills can do that, it would be great!

knox 2nd Sep 2012 09:55

$313 filing fee. Hmmm that sounds proportional to the amount of money required to keep Gerry Brownlee fully stocked with all the pies he requires for his fat ass.

I feel sorry for any (or the many) NZ GA pilots pulling min wage, earning barely enough to live, now having to pay for this crap once every 12 months and then if you are over 40 and in the same bracket then twice a year.


weloveseaplanes 2nd Sep 2012 11:57

Find the names of the members of this ponerogenic cluster cell within CAA
"That's not quite right. Legally, you cannot blame or request an action from a single person from within an organisation."

Sgenie, with respect your thinking plays in to the hands of the criminals trying to get away with this unprecedented theft and wide spread destruction of New Zealand's proud aviation history, a history built on the blood, sweat and tears of men whose feet leave the ground and battle the elements in the skies above to feed their families.

Yes one can and does request actions from certain individuals in organizations all the time.

If that individual is threatening the values you hold dear, either by incompetence or malice you report that person to their superiors. If the superiors fail to act you report them and continue on and on upwards and outside the organisation.

The key is you need the names of the individuals.

Only a few in CAA, perhaps even just two or three, are responsible for QUADRUPLING licensing fees.

They must be found out by name. Its incorrect to percive CAA as forcing an extortionist theft on the public. You must in all writing refer Jane Brown, John Smith and David Joe, currently employed by CAA, are now behind the doomed to fail attempt to force New Zealanders from the skies by price manipulation.

Remember if successful these peoples power and ability to cause terror both within and outside the organisation will grow.

These individuals, who are a ponerogenic cluster cell must be found and removed from CAANZ before it succumbs to a process of ponerogenic malignancy and becomes a pathocracy like CASA and forces hundreds of kiwis from the skies as is happening in Australia.

knox 2nd Sep 2012 21:07



sgenie 2nd Sep 2012 21:50

Very good - people are named - do you think they give rat's tail about pilots? They have costs to recover and they don't care where this money is coming from. Sadly, though, they have their milk cow - pilots. One thing the bureaucracy is afraid of is being held accountable for their actions - this is why the more venues are used to put pressure on them, the better. Australian CAA tried the same thing a while ago, if I remember correct.

flyinkiwi 3rd Sep 2012 22:30

Well it's not only professional pilots that this change affects. For those of us who pay for their own flying (and who are over the age of 40) it's a back breaker.

Imagine the political fallout if it cost that much to renew your drivers license?

zk850 3rd Sep 2012 22:43

How the hell can these turkey's justify this? They are taking the piss big time. And on such a short time frame.

Surely the aviation community want's to stomp on this ASAP? Are there any social media petition's or some kind of pilot's accociation action that anyone know's of?

We all as aviation enthusiast's / proffessionals have a obligation to make a stand and not get bullied around by the people who are supposed to be supporting us and the industry.


sgenie 3rd Sep 2012 22:45

That's exactly why we need as much reaction to this rort as possible - pushing all possible routes. I have dropped a message to our area MP, asking to bring the issue up somehow. I do hope they will backpedal on this insanity.

deadcut 4th Sep 2012 02:30

SGENIE mate do you mind posting this letter here? or PM it to me? I would not mind sending that to a few of my local MPs.


sgenie 4th Sep 2012 02:31

Sorry, mate, I just went to Hon Banks web site and left a message through their contact page. This way it must be logged and processed, but I didn't leave a copy for myself.

Ollie Onion 4th Sep 2012 09:59

My god, this would seem to indicated that inflation is running at around 200 - 300% !!!! How the hell do they justify this. I feel really sorry for all you GA blokes on minimum wage. Absolutely disgusting :{:=

EBCAU 6th Sep 2012 00:40

I strongly urge all affected to write their MP over this issue, as I have just done. Don't be apathetic. Enough of us can roll them if we stick together. We did it over that fiasco, the 1% rule, and we should be able to do it again.
Quote from stuff.co.nz

“The authority's move from Petone to the Asteron Centre in Wellington's Featherston St,which was criticised in 2009 by then Transport Minister Steven Joyce forcosting $8.5m, was "undoubtedly" a driver behind the new charges,King said. In a statement, the authority conceded the fee increases would not have been as much if it had stayed in Petone.”

This is the fourth move I can remember (oops, my age is showing) and it has also been controversial in the past. This organisation can usually justify their inept actions in the interests of public safety. Ask your MP to find out for you just what is being enhanced in the name of safety with the extra $313, or in my case $626, and just what are the details of the new medical service they are providing for the money? Surely they must be doing something worthy with the money. :yuk:
If they try to claim that they have been undercharging in the past then ask your MP to find out who the inept manager is and what the MP is going to do about having such inept managers in an important government body.

Quote, Gerry Brownlee:
"As you know, there is currently no fee for the administration of the Civil
Aviation Authority's medical certification process. I am advised that the cost of providing these services is funded by passenger safety levies, which airlines pay to the Civil Aviation Authority on a per-passenger basis. This means that airline passengers are effectively fully subsidising private pilots."

What a load of bollocks! And if not then we should still ask for the scalps of those responsible for the situation. Anyway, I'm not a private pilot so I guess I won't need to pay the fee after all. I will expect to have my personal air travel get cheaper now that my ticket won't be subsidising all you private pilots that are causing this travesty. :)

sgenie 6th Sep 2012 00:54

I am all for it! I reckon they have to be questioned very seriously and justify at least the most outrageous increases in services - especially those that do not require any separate funding increase at all.

ZKSUJ 6th Sep 2012 21:49

I see you have to pay more for a licence as well. Yet I highly doubt the extra bucks will go towards putting your picture on there so it is a valid form of ID (Especially for PPLs without airport ID who have to show the license with their drivers licence to get airside in certain places)

I thank God that I won't be absorbing these costs unlike some other guys I know .

sgenie 6th Sep 2012 23:43

There is no need to put a picture on the license - it is non-expiring so pictures do not reflect your ageing - not a good ID. Licenses are exchanged not on regular basis, but the medical event happens (for those above 40, class 1) twice a year - combined with high cost of the medical itself it is going to be over 1000 a year.

zk850 7th Sep 2012 02:27

I have written a fairly detailed email to the ministry of transportation. that was 4 or 5 day's ago. Don't really expect to hear back. So I guess it all just goes ahead. seems like beggar all fuss being put up by the License holder population. i guess the majority of NZ'ers think it is acceptable?

deadcut 7th Sep 2012 03:17

Majority of NZ'ers think pilots are rolling in cash.

EBCAU 7th Sep 2012 04:32

I don't think the non aviation populous will give a toss about high fees. It's the pilot fraternity that should confront their own apathy and make some effort. That's not likely though, from what I've observed historically. Whinging in the background is so much easier than doing something up front.

NoseGear 8th Sep 2012 01:57

Right, emailed G Brownlee to ask for a breakdown and justification of fees. As a professional pilot I am utterly disgusted at the lining of CAA coffers at the expense of the small community of pilots within NZ. I only fly now in NZ as a hobby, so the fees don't affect me, but the fees increase smacks so much of bureaucrats lining their pockets, it's almost third world in its baseness. Yes, I am incensed and I hope that you all will write to here to complain.

[email protected]

Ask for justification and a breakdown as I did, surely they must be able to explain such a large increase....besides having fancy new offices:hmm::ugh:


EBCAU 8th Sep 2012 03:18

Thank you Nosegear. . . and come on the rest of you. The small amount of time spent on writing a letter may reward you thousands over the rest of your career, if we get rid of this attempt at usury. Unless you're one of those "big earners," in a major airline, then it could be the most rewarding use of time you could have. The big earners probably don't have to pay for their medicals so don't expect much help from them although some of the employers might back us up on this one.

NoseGear 10th Sep 2012 02:08

I just received this email from his office staff. I suspect he will see just how many emails he gets before deciding whether this is worth his time. If only a few of us email him, he can easily ignore us, but if there is a weight of emails and widespread angst, he will be forced to act. Come on boys and girls, get on it!:ok:

On behalf of Hon Gerry Brownlee, Minister of Transport, thank you for your email dated 8 September 2012 regarding the Civil Aviation Authority fees.

Your comments have been placed before the Minister for his consideration and you may expect a reply in due course.


Semi Rigid 19th Nov 2012 21:49

I have emailed Brownlee, Key and Foss (my local member)
When I get home I am going to write hard copy letters. Enough is enough.

sgenie 19th Nov 2012 21:53

Des Lines has mounted his own offensive against the changes - you can email him and have you name added as a co-complainant. His email is airfabrico at xtra dot co.nz.

Semi Rigid 19th Nov 2012 22:05

Yes, I have been in touch with Des and he has experienced numerous battles of this ilk during his career. I feel there is a groundswell happening gauging by the amount of email traffic circulating. Quite a few of NZ's aviation professionals who ply their trade overseas are now becoming aware of what those aviation authority public servants are up to in Wellington and it is generating a stir.

What annoys me the most is when visiting the States how much they enjoy and promote general aviation. They have airports and fuel everywhere and the FAA are not in the business of restricting aviation to the masses like the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority is.

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