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Philthy 17th Sep 2012 11:09



A bit of everything


Beautiful classic at sunset


Philthy 17th Sep 2012 11:31

Ausfly 2012 panorama


CHAIRMAN 17th Sep 2012 13:39

Thanks to all the organisers involved - a great aviation weekend, and the biggest GA turnout I have seen for many years.
Let's try and get all GA involved next year - the venue and facilities are great - it's time for the whole GA community to gather united under one banner one time of the year.
I even bought a new $12 2 man tent from KMart just for the occasion, only my feet didn't fit in. Mate reckoned why am I complaining, it's the price of a roll of glad wrap:{
I'll buy a bigger tent for next year:ok:

Aye Ess 17th Sep 2012 21:13

HEY...JABA....Pssst...over here !!! (Makes urgent beckoning hand signals).

*Lowers voice to whisper,puts on slinky eyes....

Was there any aviation artists displaying there?

Jabawocky 17th Sep 2012 22:10

No, I did not see any there AS.

But there should have been. You would have been a hit. Better get your self a formal smock and beret and be there next year.

Aye Ess 17th Sep 2012 22:15

Thanks Jaba.... *starts making list.... Smock. Beret. Scarf. A second brush. Practice mincing walk and air kisses mwah,mwah.

DWB50 17th Sep 2012 22:36

pros & cons
From most of the posts here it seems everyone enjoyed themselves at AUSFLY & so they should. It was a fairly social event.
I congratulate the organisers for their first time effort going into the unknown as it were.
As an exhibitor I found it disappointing however. Other aircraft distributors were light on the ground. Exhibitors were the ones that helped pay for the show & I spoke to a couple of dealers that were there to look but were not prepared to pay the up to $500 asked for a site in the form of a "donation".
There will need to be a trade off for future events. In reality I think attendees should pay a entry fee & yes that can have a negative effect on attendance perhaps. Charge exhibitors too much & they won't come. Someone has to pay for this type of event however. I do know there was one aircraft sold from a stand, but at a substantial loss. The level of enquiry was very low. Maybe this was in fact in reality just a fly-in event.
End of the day, for a first time event for me it was OK.

Bevan666 17th Sep 2012 23:38

Interesting perspective DWB50; one of the other aircraft exhibitors sold more than one aircraft and they said it was absolutely fantastic. They will be back next year.

We were exhibitors (not aircraft) and given the amount of sales and interest we had it was well worth the $500 it cost us.


Jabawocky 17th Sep 2012 23:59

Interesting post there DBW.

I talked to a few exhibitors who had extremely opposite thoughts and experiences. Exhibit at Avalon and pay a heck of a lot more, and they believe that it was very successful. Some exhibitors donated far more than the number you mentioned and they were happy. The Pacific Avionics guy had this great new Garmin Gadget, sold out in the first hour on Friday!!!!

Perhaps feedback to the organisers would be far more appropriate, I am sure they want to hear it.

And attendees paid a small fee, I paid the $10 per plane, although I bet a lot of tight pilots would have forgotten to register and make a contribution.:=

I thought it was awesome.

OZBUSDRIVER 18th Sep 2012 00:00

And, most important, Aye Ess..... Refer to everyone as Daaaaahlinc...

As in ".... Daaaaahlinc, Aye Ess knows what you want, you know. Don't make me beg. I won't do it, you know:}"

Luv ya work, Jaba:ok:

Was that "you know who" up from south of the Bass Strait?

Jabawocky 18th Sep 2012 01:55

Oz..... The Bass Strait clearly was not enough to keep him away. Hence I took the shot! :}

CHAIRMAN, maybe next time sleep in the plane, heck start her up and turn on the A/C :} How much fuel can you burn in one night :E

baswell 18th Sep 2012 02:05

Standing room only at our talks and constant stream of people by our booth, abating only when aircraft were flying. Talks were well received by all accounts. We were very pleased with the Master Class ourselves; doing it first thing in the morning when our minds are fresh probably helped!

Sold a lot of Knee Docks, directed a lot of people to the avionics guys selling that new Garmin gadget. :ok:

Great show, already booked out the same B&B for next year, we'll be back! (Hopefully in a faster airplane, Narromine is a long way from Gawler at 90 kt!)

Jabawocky 21st Sep 2012 07:55

abc news

Passionate pilots gather in Narromine - ABC Western Plains NSW - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

girl with a stick 21st Sep 2012 10:36

An amazing event - even for those who slept in a tent and woke up with their eyelashes frozen together.

Worth it just to see the lovely Jabba in a tux.

Splendid fun and the post-Aus Kosh feedback has been immensely positive.

I'm booking (hotel) accomm now for 2013.


Jack Ranga 21st Sep 2012 11:37

Absolutely brilliant Jaba, congratulations, well done :ok:

OZBUSDRIVER 23rd Sep 2012 00:08

"If you build it, they will come"

Can see this venue as the one that finally unites all forms of recreational aviation in this country. :ok:

baswell 23rd Sep 2012 07:17

Can see this venue as the one that finally unites all forms of recreational aviation in this country.
It certainly has potential, but for that to happen, what I would like to see is a single annual event that incorporates RA-Aus and SAAA.

To keep their individual identities, here's my vision: a single site with two "pavilions" (which can be those big event hire temporary structures; one each. Outdoor (mostly aircraft) displays for both "camps" around the best pavilion for them, indoor will no doubt be spread as few supply to only one camp.

Main plaza with catering and entertainment between the two.

I understand the original idea was to have much more RA-Aus involvement, but that didn't really happen. And it probably won't soon, with RA-Aus committing to another 3 years at Temora, but after that, I hope all parties consider teaming up.

For what it's worth, I do prefer the facilities at Temora over the ones at Narromine...

Spode 23rd Sep 2012 08:02

To me there was a lot of RAA involvement. Most of the aircraft dealers seemed to be RAA, and Cirrus. The line of aircraft vendors seemed dominated by the lighter side to me.

The fly in was a mix but mainly GA I suppose.

The vendors in the hangar were the same ones you see anywhere.

I got my RAA fix from this without a problem.

Tankengine 23rd Sep 2012 08:02

I will be trying to get my glider there next year for a flying display as I understand there was minimal glider activity there.:hmm:

Spode 23rd Sep 2012 08:03

To get legs it needs to be family friendly. So does Temora. There wasn't much I could see for kids or non flying partners, and the aircraft were far away, so there was a small area for people to walk around in and not much to see.

Open up the flight line like they do overseas and let people get close to their dreams!

baswell 23rd Sep 2012 09:32

I got my RAA fix from this without a problem.
RA-Aus themselves had a very limited presence, though, which is more what I was referring too.

Although its location doesn't really encourage it, I would like to see an event like this be more welcoming to non-flyers who want to find out more about the options available to them.

Jack Ranga 23rd Sep 2012 09:34

For anybody fortunate to have visited Oshkosh, there 'appears' to be 'no' security, I'm sure there was but it was unobtrusive. You could get as up close and personal as you wanted to any aircraft, military or civil.

What baswell remarked on is very 'Oshkosh' and is a great idea, I'm sure as this event evolves it will be tweaked and refined. Having spoken to a couple of folk, they would like to see the opportunity for not so much separate awards dinners but the ability to award their 'own' without having a massive dinner.

And spod brings up a good point about family friendly. There are ****e loads of things to do around Narromine, a trip to the Western Plains Zoo is well worth the effort. This sort of thing will evolve over time as well, I'm sure. I'm a long way from Narromine but this has people talking, those who missed it are hanging to get there next year!

VH-XXX 23rd Sep 2012 10:29

I think the way it generally works, or the way that it should work, is that if you want people to look at your aircraft, you put it in a touch and feel area and you sit with it, answer questions and talk to people about your aircraft and aircraf in general.

If you don't want people to touch it, park it in the non-touch and feel area and don't hang around it all day.

That being said, Oshkosh is 99% touch and feel with no fences, so it's interesting that the owners are *happy* to potentially have people touching and feeling all day. (I'm happy with touch and feel :O)

metalman2 29th Sep 2012 00:40

mmmmmm,,,touch 'n' feel,,,,,,noice!

I was chatting to a mate the other day about doing a trip to Longreach next year and having Ausfly as a stop over on the way, any word on dates for next year?
And if anyone is keen on tagging along for a trip from Melbourne to Longreach and back (up through the NSW centre and return coastal) ,PM me, it would be cool to get a bit of a convoy? going

Frank Arouet 1st Oct 2012 04:47

Quick question without notice;

I'm assuming the plethora of ASIC's hung around various necks was a result of the movement area being declared an air show scene.

If all the airside was security controlled at a generally non security airport and the camping area was distanced from aviators aircraft, and people like me don't normally hang one around my neck, what incentive do I get to go next year. (I drove up this year being only 3 hours away).

If you want touch and feel, the event should be a fly in, not an airshow.

I'm probably wrong as usual.:(

LeadSled 1st Oct 2012 14:37

what incentive do I get to go next year
Probably won't be a problem, from what I hear, there won't be a next year ---- except on a much reduced scale, if at all.
Tootle pip!!

Jabawocky 1st Oct 2012 21:01

what incentive do I get to go next year
Probably won't be a problem, from what I hear, there won't be a next year ---- except on a much reduced scale, if at all.
Tootle pip!!
Really? Where did you hear this from?

Jack Ranga 1st Oct 2012 21:45

Really? Where did you hear this from?
In the old gits queue at the RTA when he was applying to keep his drivers licence :cool:

Frank Arouet 1st Oct 2012 23:30

None of this has addressed my queries or suggestion.

To put it in more simpler terms, I don't have an ASIC, never have, never will. I could have flown my aircraft up, but a 3 hour drive and a night or two with some mates and out of town accommodation made me drive.

Had I flown, would I have been "pinged" for not having an ASIC, or was it only the near airside that warranted such adornments?

I'm obviously wrong for daring to ask...... as usual.:(

CHAIRMAN 1st Oct 2012 23:45

Hi Frank, I do have an ASIC but forgot to bring it. In any event, it wasn't needed.
Simply registered and got my wristband, then spent several hours going backwards and forwards through the fence, ogling all the beautifully prepared aerial contrivances in attendance.
Had a great time camping in the allotted area with some mates, handy hot showers. The DAMP put a dampener on camping under the wing, but the option was ours. The lure of a cleansing nightcap or two made the decision easy.

Frank Arouet 2nd Oct 2012 00:05

Thanks for the response CHAIRMAN.

I was prompted to ask out of my confusion that it was a Fly In, not an Airshow. See the first post on this thread reproduced below;

AUSFLY 2012 Narromine NSW 13-16 September
The Australian Aviation scene has been longing for an Oshkosh inspired kind of fly in, we have Natfly for the light end of the scale, Avalon for the heavy metal, but the vast majority of private and sport aviation has had nothing to serve as an annual get together, sharing of knowledge and education, exhibition of latest products and some all round good entertainment and fostering of goodwill.

Several major private and sport GA groups have gotten together or are supporting this launch of what could become the annual fly in for all private and sport pilots, be they a drifter, gyro, glider, warbird, ballon, certified C152 to Beech B200 or anywhere inbetween pilot/owner.

This thread is to be an information resource, so please keep the posts on topic.

For details and information as they unfold, please keep an eye on www.ausfly.com.au

If you are reading this, consider yourself invited!

Jabawocky 2nd Oct 2012 00:45

Frank, I never had my ASIC out of my bag all weekend. Those that had them on were the CASA folk who wear their ID for official purposes, or such like. That is the most likely form of professional ID many folk have.

I really do not know what on earth you are going about. It looks to me like you are struggling to find something to whinge about, in which case that is a great sign that it was a good event. From talking to those who ran the event, the degree of improvements planned for next year will address many of the improvements asked for, so all in all I can't wait! Leadsled is clearly confused :rolleyes:

So I take it you actually enjoyed it for what it was.

If you wanted to go airside, all you had to do was register by flying in, or if you drove in go to the registration point and get an arm band, provided they were confident you were aviation hazard aware i.e. were a pilot or LAME or similar, you could get an arm band. This was just to stop the average Joe Public from wandering around aimlessly and in danger. For those folk there were organised tours. And they were very popular for the kids, who are the ones we should be focussed on, not all us older folk.

Chairman and myself had a good weekend :ok: I assume the others did too.

Frank Arouet 2nd Oct 2012 01:03

I didn't intend for anybody to read too much into what I thought was a reasonable question.

I'm getting too old to say I am awestruck by airshows anymore, but what I saw was pleasant. I enjoyed the Wirraway aero's even if they lacked some accuracy. But who am I to criticise. It was a nice show in contrast to the rapid snap manouvers of Pitts etc. The fourth blade turning past the Grumman pilot's windscreen was equal to my weekly income if it was sucking fuel at the time.

Please take this in the spirit in which it was posted as it's important for people like me who's opposition to the ASIC can only be demonstrated by not having one. I don't want to get done over by any Gestapo jackboots because of a misunderstanding about any peculiar airside rules. Indeed I cannot fly in to just any airport these days.

The CASA flock were a definite turn off if you need any criticism that is not constructive. But even they know that.

RV6 2nd Oct 2012 03:47

Hi Frank
In response to your reasonable question, there was no requirement for an ASIC at Narromine. It is not a security controlled airport, and that did not change during Ausfly. As others have stated, the only security was that imposed by the event organisers to prevent accidental contact between turning props and members of the public. Any one who could convince the registration team that they had a pilot licence or certificate was given a wristband and allowed airside.

I did see some of the CASA guys wearing ASICs, and perhaps other pilots did so to ensure they got airside access, but they were certainly not required. I take issue with your comment about the CASA guys - every time I looked, PJ was there helping, with a broom in his hand or carting tables and chairs. Couldn't have been more helpful and that was really appreciated by the organisers.

We all plan to be there next year - not sure where you got your negative info Leadie! Why do you think we didn't put a date on the Ausfly T shirts ;)



Frank Arouet 2nd Oct 2012 07:39

I can't be more subtle with my question and irrespective of "air displays" as opposed to "airshows" and "fly-in's" that may or may not take place at Temora or, Narromine. I was hit up for a "parking fee" based on $5.00 per person, not per car which makes it an "airshow".

It was advertised as a "fly-in" on a pilot's website which is OK up until the entry fee.

Think about it before you come back, I'm on your side. But you have air blowing up your collective cracks if you think attacking the messenger is more important than doing your homework.

Oh, yes. the CASA! ("we're here to help you"). I'll bring a broom if it will help, but I need to know what part of grey area I am tresspassing before I fly in.

Where do you think I got information enough to attempt to alert you guy's?

Hint....... Canberra.

Bushmongrel 2nd Oct 2012 11:38

Hey Frank
Five dollars per person to get in.You poor bugger. I paid over 3 dollars a litre for avgas at Forrest. I then paid 10 dollars pilot registration fee. I reckon it worth every cent it cost me to get there!!!! I am happy to fly there again next year even if it ten hours flying there and back. I say well done to the SAAA and all the other people that made it happen!!!!!:D:D

OZBUSDRIVER 2nd Oct 2012 13:39

Francis, you realy are a sad individual!

If I knew something was about to occur I think I would pass that information on so those concerned can mend a few bridges before the fun police do get involved.

Ex FSO GRIFFO 2nd Oct 2012 14:25

So, what is this new Garmin gadget please?
Is it 'dinosaur' user-friendly?

Sent from my 'new' I-pad....catching up....sort of...


Frank Arouet 2nd Oct 2012 22:24

Five dollars per person to get in.You poor bugger
You don't get it do you?

If one paid 1 cent entry it changes the rules regarding a fly in.

I'm informed an "air display" permit was issued, the same as the Temora mob on flying weekends, but the Museum only charges for access to the shop and hangar- not the aerodrome.

I'm sure those responsible for the event are aware of any impending bridge collapses.

Jack Ranga 3rd Oct 2012 02:15

I'm getting too old to say I am awestruck by airshows anymore
I thought that once too......;)

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