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Shifty-Au 13th Jan 2012 06:52

Study - Tips, Trick And Methods?
G'day All,

I am looking for some advice on some Study tips and tricks - As I read through the books there is just some stuff that will not stick in the noggin!

I would be grateful if come would share there methods :)

NIK320 13th Jan 2012 08:12

If it is something like a list, minimum equipment, descent below lowest safe etc
try to group the items in a logical order and then time how long it takes to write the list.

If you can do the list 3 or 4 times a day trying to beat your time every go, it quickly sticks in your head.

rjtjrt 13th Jan 2012 08:21

Everyone is different and what helps one may not work for you.
I find writing notes as a summary of what I am studying helps a lot in getting it to stick in my mind.

outnabout 13th Jan 2012 08:37

Write it down, over n over. I find three times a day, for a week, usually helps it stick.

Also, I find the best way to make stuff stuck is to read through it first thing in the morning (ie wake up early, about 5 or 6, allow an hour - or two if poss -, and read it through, over n over). This seems to mean it sticks, before the rest of the day intrudes.

And spend a bit of quiet time, just sitting and visualising - ok, i've taken off, what can I expect next in the worst case scenario (IE engine failure after take off, radio calls, divert to alternates) etc.

Worrals in the wilds 13th Jan 2012 08:42

For the stuff that won't stick, can you link it to practical examples? It works for me anyway, I'm hopeless remembering factoids on their own but if I can visualise them in a practical setting I remember them a lot quicker.

I've never been a good rote learner (some lucky buggers are). Study is a bit of a mind game and you may not be approaching it the right way for your mind. Maybe you'd be better building little models and talking through the facts as you play them out, or imagining scenarios where you need that knowledge (EDIT as outnabout suggests). I got through a particularly boring uni subject (damn prerequisites :zzz:) by doing that. It was still boring but I learned enough to pass and didn't forget it all the day after the exam. :}

You may not be a book learner; there are different styles of learning and most people use a combination of two or three styles.
Overview of learning styles
There are a lot of similar sites online (disclaimer: I haven't used this one and it may be spammy) and understanding how you learn can help you study more efficiently. Just reading through stuff doesn't work for a lot of people, particularly if they find the subject matter boring.

Failing that, really needing a pass to progress from burger flipping and/or spending a heap of money on the course is an excellent motivator. ;) Good luck!

WannaBeBiggles 13th Jan 2012 19:34

I'm more of a visual learner and found drawing / sketching certain thing or using props helped me a lot.
My pacer quickly clipped on my ruler got me right through to ATPL's as it helped my visualize what was happening with CL, CD, CP etc, it did generate some strange looks from people in the exams :)

Another popular method is to teach someone/something, be it your teddy, girlfriend, mother, dog or some hobo on the street, as explaining things to someone can set a different anchor than simply reading some text.

Flying Binghi 14th Jan 2012 03:33

As I read through the books there is just some stuff that will not stick in the noggin!

What wont stick ? - Discuss... (file under "Study tips and tricks")


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