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Seagull V 11th May 2010 07:43

Around the World Flight
I see that two Bendigo guys have launched off on an Around the World flight in a Gippsland Airvan to raise awareness about malaria. The flight is being promoted as the first global circumnavigation by an Aussie designed and manufactured aircraft.
100 years after Houdini could that be right?

HarleyD 12th May 2010 00:57

You can follow the flight here: http://www.indigosat.com/mam.aspx

I wish them all the best. They have some really long legs planned by the look of it especially that long trans-atlantic sector. Certainly lots of overwater flying, that’s for sure. They will do many thousands of miles while Jessica rabbit is anchored off Sydney heads waiting for the weekend and the big publicity circus that is being organized for her arrival on the weekend.

These guys have had nowhere near as much publicity, I guess they are more the get on with it types.

I hope they took cushions.

I wouldn’t know if it is the first Aussie designed and built aircraft to do the entire trip, but I imagine that Nomads would have flown most sectors that would join up to circumnavigation, even if not an individual aircraft. Has no-one done it in an Airtourer? or a Jabiru? or a Skycraft Scout? (forget about the scout, I don’t think that 2 stoke fuel is available at all those places.)


frigatebird 12th May 2010 08:49

Didn't Hans Tholstrup do it in an Airtourer once? Don't know if Henry Millicer the designer was an Aussie though.

HarleyD 12th May 2010 22:18

1975Tholstrup HansMAUSGrumann AM1B N6505L

looks like it was a ........AM1B??...... they must mean AA 1B I think

Airtourer would certainly have qualified as Aussie designed and (for Victas) Aussie built. would an AESL one qualify??

HT looks like the first Australian solo around the world, brave man in a yankee trainer. there have been several since then, mostly Jon Johansen, in Aussie made but not designed aircraft.

Anyway these Bendigo guys aren't solo, they are in the same plane.

Any other takers??

Seagull V 14th May 2010 09:37

Thanks Frigate Bird and Harley D. Not too many historians amongst DG&P Pruners it seems.
I followed up on the Airtourer possibilty. Turns out that a well known New Zealand ferry pilot, Cliff Tait, flew an AESL Airtourer (Oz design but Kiwi manufacture) most of the way around but shipped it from Japan to USA. Nearly but not quite. Looks like the Bendigo boy's claim is genuine.
I see that this morning they got to Christmas Island in Kiribati (pronounced Kiribus I am assured).

FRQ Charlie Bravo 14th May 2010 16:11

Jessican rabbit (sic)

These guys have had nowhere near as much publicity, I guess they are more the get on with it types.

There's really no comparrison between taking an Airvan around the world (landing every night, having hot showers, eating fresh fruit and veg, being able to wait out the storms, seeing people etc etc etc) and what Jessica Watson has [very nearly] done. The only thing easier about Jessica's trip is not having to sit on one of those horrible seats (at least this one is turbocharged, that'll help with a bit of altitude and speed).

Of course, the Airvan trip is by far an incredible undertaking, something akin to my ambition to fly a lighty trans-Pacific (I very nearly got to fly a C210 across once).

Good luck Ken and Tim.


criticalmass 15th May 2010 01:50

They called in to Wollongong a week or so ago and filled up the very large ferry-tank.

Just about last light they noticed the maingear tyres were somewhat in need of air. Happily I had "Edward The Compressor" available, having done a Jabiru speed tyre-changing exercise. The Airvan's tyres were duly topped up and I believe the guys set off at about 4am the next morning.


VH-XXX 15th May 2010 02:28

They will do many thousands of miles while Jessica rabbit is anchored off Sydney heads waiting for the weekend and the big publicity circus that is being organized for her arrival on the weekend.

Sorry Harley D but I agree with FRQ.

There's no comparison!

As he says the hardest part is sitting in those dreadfully unfomfortable seats for long periods wondering if they'll be able to get a WIFI connection at the next McDonalds to get the NOTAMS.

Seagull V 15th May 2010 03:15

I see from http://www.indigosat.com/mam.aspx that the MAM Airvan made it to Hilo Hawaii at about 12:40 pm OZ EST (00:40 UTC).
How I wish there had been tracking systems like that when I was a Chief Pilot fretting about were my birds were. Luxury.

I found some more historical stuff about Around the World Flights at Earthrounders: round the world flights in light aircraft
It seems that only 20 (their count or 21 my count) OZ based flights have been made in GA/Recreational type aircraft. Some of these were by repeat offenders, such as Dick Smith and John Johanson, making at total of only (my count) 14 First pilots. A pretty exclusive club.
Surely somebody did it a Nomad???

Andy_RR 15th May 2010 07:03

Originally Posted by VH-XXX (Post 5694259)
...wondering if they'll be able to get a WIFI connection at the next McDonalds to get the NOTAMS.

no need to spend all that time wondering. McWifi is Mc5hit and not worth the bother!

Oh, and isn't the Airvan Indian? :{

j3pipercub 15th May 2010 08:44

Hmmm, it might just be me, but wouldn't the resources be better spent on malaria medication than AVGAS???:rolleyes:


Brian Abraham 15th May 2010 10:58

Not too many historians amongst DG&P Pruners it seems
We're here, but Cliffs attempt, while worthy, was not a circumnavigation. At least that's what I thought the thread was about. ;)

Circumnavigation Definition - For powered aviation, the course of a round-the-world record must start and finish at the same point and cross all meridians; the course must be at least 36,787.559 kilometres (22,858.729 mi) long (which is the length of the Tropic of Cancer). The course must include set control points at latitudes outside the Arctic and Antarctic circles.

PS And please don't take Cliffs advice, in his book, of hanging a weight from the canopy handle as a secondary source of attitude information.

Wally Mk2 15th May 2010 12:13

Did anyone get a happy snap of the plane/pilots b4 they left?> when I saw the 'van' at "Latrine Valley" LTV the other week as it came out of the shop getting fueled it was stark white with a huge bladder tank in the back. Unlike the guy who flew around the world (or something to that effect back in the late 80 early 90's in his C172 XP that A/c was barely recognizable with all the sponsors stickers all over it. God what was his name, i ought to know I worked on his machine.............Peter Norvel perhaps??? Anyway nice bloke, farmer I think he was:)
Anyway. aside from that good luck to those two guys, good on ya for doing it and bloody fantastic Jess for doing the sailing bit, amazing stuff! The whole event of her arrival in Syd today was spoil t when cardboard Kev was in the mix, talk about 'trying' to emulate Bob Hawke! I nearly puked when Kev with his fake smile was plastered all over the screen:yuk: What was that about a checked jacket & any employer who didn't let their employees have the day off was a bum?:} True Aussie, love or hate:-)


VH-XXX 16th May 2010 00:47

Wal, on a side note are you the famous red and white twin driver that was at ltv one day and after trying to backtrack several times only to have to retreat due to a billion light aircraft in the circuit, said on the CTAF words to the effect of "I'm just trying to do my damn job." ??

PA39 16th May 2010 01:04

watch the mozzies !

smiling monkey 16th May 2010 01:31

Hmmm, it might just be me, but wouldn't the resources be better spent on malaria medication than AVGAS???
you can't log malaria medication in the log book, matey ;) :E

Crakanuthrtinny 16th May 2010 01:52

Around the world flight

Hmmm, it might just be me, but wouldn't the resources be better spent on malaria medication than AVGAS???
How can you spend the money on medication unless it has been raised first by somebody :ugh::ugh::ugh:

Its easy to sit in your nice warm chair and bag the efforts of others try and do it yourself sometime j3

And as you may or may not be aware the Airvan doesn't have an auto pilot, not even a wing leveler so the whole flight is by hand.:D

I have some good photos of the aircraft on the ground at Bendigo and as they took off. I have known Ken and Tim for a while and hopefully they have a good trip that they wont forget and comeback safely. Some of the places they are traveling through don't reguard life highly. And they raise some much needed money for a little known or cared about cause. My hats off to you.

Captain Nomad 16th May 2010 04:34

Can't we just accept both 'around the world' efforts each for their merits?

As for the flying effort and 'resources.' They have very clearly defined two separate funds for their fundraising. One account for anyone wishing to help donate to the trip expenses and another fund entirely devoted to malaria. In this world a child dies from malaria every thirty seconds so it is still a problem... If they can help raise awareness and funds for research by flying around the world, what's the problem with that?

While we're at it, don't forget Owen Zupp and his 'There and Back' trip around Australia in a Jabiru also in motion right now. His trip is raising funds for RFDS.

There and Back

Good to see the spirit of adventure alive and well in Australia. Go Aussie go! :ok:

Wally Mk2 16th May 2010 09:07

nah 'xxx' twas not I whom had to battle his way thru the bug smashers that day. I know the guy & heard the story though, can be stressful f it's urgent. Remember there are around 16 KFC drivers in the system here in Vic so could be any of us 1/16th drivers:ok:
I have been confronted with that situation b4 though at other AD's, not easy to judge when it's best to enter & backtrack as sometimes the drivers in the circuit haven't got a clue! Fortunately most are switched on & accommodate us well.
Good 'ole Jack up at MIA is a prime Eg, he's one hell of a character & very obliging when we drop in & he's out there still training, God he must have a zillion hrs now!:ok:


Seagull V 16th May 2010 09:31

Brian Abraham -
Thanks for the explanation of what constitutes a Round the World Flight. Are you able to come up with a similar criteria for an Around Australia flight such as the Jabiru flight mentioned by Captain Nomad?
I asked the records folks some years ago but did not get a satisfactory answer.

Wally Mk 11 -
There is a Youtube clip of the Bendigo launch on the MAM website that shows the aircraft with logos etc.
See YouTube - MAMFlight2010's Channel
I understand that the bladder tank was changed to a metal tank.

Smiling Monkey -
I don't think that these guys are hour chasers as they both have real jobs.

Captain Nomad - Well said.
Let's not compare the two modes of travel. The next leg of this flight from Hawaii to California is a major challenge. I note that, over the years, at least two of Australia's better known ferry pilots have spent some time swimming in this very bit of ocean. Despite the US SAR assetts in that part of the world rescue following an ocean forced landing is more reliant on @r5e than class.

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