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Stikybeke 27th Jan 2010 09:48

This might be a bit out there but you never know unless you ask....is there anyone out there that's been beyond FL450 and if so, what did you see....????


senshi 27th Jan 2010 10:39

A mate of mine has been to FL600 in a Pig (F1-11) and described it as being "dark up there".. he also said the round shape of the Earth was very apparent. If you missed it recently, there was a video link posted of quite an amazing flight..

Breathtaking spy plane footage. [VIDEO]


Ref + 10 27th Jan 2010 10:42

Been up as high as 510 and it was quieter than normal and the low speed cue was very close to the high speed cue. Not very apparent curvature of the earth but you got the feeling that it isn't far away from being there. It wasn't a very clear day so maybe it was there but I just couldn't see it....

muffman 27th Jan 2010 11:14

Thanks for the link - amazing stuff. :ok:

dogcharlietree 27th Jan 2010 12:16

Been to 50k. (But not in a DogCharlieTree :rolleyes:) Yes, very dark and curvature apparent. Nice to be able to say "been there, done that" :ok:

4Greens 27th Jan 2010 19:25

Dont believe the pig at 60, they cant fly.

Falling Leaf 27th Jan 2010 21:13

Having flown the Pig, I'm pretty sure the service ceiling was 50,000 ft. You only ever got there on an engine test flight; full afterburner and accelerating past M2.0.

Under normal cruise conditions the Pig would only get above FL300 when light.

capt.cynical 27th Jan 2010 21:16

I believe the old 747 SP used to go 42 + :)

Howard Hughes 27th Jan 2010 21:36

FL510 is not uncommon for a lot of the modern business jets, although only when very light!:ok:

greybeard 27th Jan 2010 22:28

FL 490 in a Lear 31, acceptance was to FL 510.

OK when new, after the tropic air and lack of care to the wing paint, 430/450 was enough.

It is dark, it is round, but the storms go higher.


Stikybeke 27th Jan 2010 22:42

Thanks guys.....I'd not seen that link. Most informative stuff.


BombsGone 27th Jan 2010 22:44

.. and when the canopy caution illuminates you sh#t yourself. Pressure breathing anyone?

ForkTailedDrKiller 28th Jan 2010 02:54

Under normal cruise conditions the Pig would only get above FL300 when light
Geez, is that so? Absolutely fascinating given all the fuss and bother that a Pig makes getting around the place!

I have nursed the V35B to FL180 and it was still climbing - albeit very slowly!

Dr :8

airspace alpha 28th Jan 2010 03:17

Yup, been there done that. In that Queen of the skies, the Concorde.
FL550 and Mach 2.1 (or 2.2?). In the cruise the sky really was almost black but the piddly Concorde windows were not of much help. But put your hand to them and they were hot- caused by skin friction.

Of course this was the 80's and in the cruise passengers were actually invited to visit the flight deck. No forward view because the droop snoot was up but the view from the side windows was truly sensational and, yes, the earth curved.

The Flight Engineer enjoyed showing off his console which contained the most complicated arrangement I've ever seen to transfer fuel around the aircraft- this was the primary coolant employed on Concorde. he also liked to show that the gap between his panel and the bulkhead widened by around 2cm or more in flight as the aircraft actually got longer.

Aah Concorde! My abiding memory is the smell. You walk in the forward door and to the left was that curious smell mixture of aircraft, jet fuel and bakelite switches. And then the cabin- the smell was that of pure wealth. Fine leather seats and the most expensive after shaves and perfumes of the passengers. Wonderful.

Naked_recommiting 28th Jan 2010 08:14

Pigs can fly
FL600 and only an hour late to the Sydney Aust. Day flypast?

Sounds like the pig is setting all kinds of records.

Perhaps we should keep it a little longer.

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