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Mr snuffaluffagus 15th Mar 2010 23:38

Anyone know how long between reference check & job offer at the moment (assuming the referenece checks didn't blow you out of the water)?

GAFA 15th Mar 2010 23:52

I believe it's taking 6- 8 weeks after ref checks before people are getting the job offer.

ihaveaplanVB 6th Apr 2010 09:46

Ground Crew
Hi Everyone,
I posted in the wannabees thread about this but i though i'm best going to the recruitment thread for the further questions. I asked if Virgin Hires there own ground crew in BNE Domestic because I am really interested in getting into this role when I finish school Guest Services Check-in etc to be exact. I got a reply saying that most of the recruitment is done through Westaff... are they just a recruitment company or are they another company which is subcontracted to DJ???

the Key word, however, in that sentence was most... Does that mean it's possible to go straight into Virgin Blue as the company in a ground crew position??? (BNE exactly) And if that is the case will they advertise the job on their careers website???

Any answers are greatly appreciated

Thanks Heaps


palmdeira 6th Apr 2010 16:33

Does anyone have experience on guys being hired on the basis of a foreign ATPL, which they then obviously convert in the conventional sense.
I would be in that pot, but wonder if it's even worth applying without the CASA ATPL???

Duck Pilot 12th Apr 2010 21:19

As asked before does, anyone have any info on the current assessment process and the sim assessment, ie nature of questions and the type of sim exercise to expect ? Any help would be of great assistance.

In regard to the Aussie ATPL based on overseas recognition, I'm under the impression that they prefer applicants to have done all the Aussie exams, or the JAR exams, over not having taken the easy road of doing it in the US, although I could be wrong.

PLovett 12th Apr 2010 21:56

DP, I believe the sim assessment is a hand flying exercise, no FD, no AT, that involves intercepting an outbound heading, sector entry into a holding pattern and then an ILS.

Do not take this as gospel though. My information was based on a recent conversation with a guy who was just about to do one. Candidates are given the exercise in advance.

Sorry, I can't help you with the rest of your questions though.

The Bunglerat 13th Apr 2010 03:01

A few guys went Stateside in the early days to do a quickie FAA ATP, then back home for the conversion, thus circumventing the requirement to do the seven Aussie exams. These days however, unless someone is willing to correct me, they'll want to see those seven exam passes or else. No shortcuts.

As for the sim exercise: basic handling (no Flight Director), takeoff, straight & level, rate-1 turns, climbing/descending turns, sector entry, approach & landing, etc (although landing not assessed if you haven't flown jets). In other words, the usual stuff. If you haven't flown a jet before, don't sweat it, just as long as your scans are up to speed. They don't expect you to be Superman, but they will be looking for an ability to recognise/correct errors and show steady improvement through the exercise.

Mr snuffaluffagus 17th Apr 2010 01:11

Success!! :ok:

DC323 19th Jun 2010 08:13

In regards to having a foreign ATPL and converting to an Aus ATPL, I have an ATPL from the CAAC and currently fly the 737NG and have a fair amount of flight time on it. I am however wanting to return home to the family in Oz but reluctant to leave my position to take time off to sit the 7 exams and hope I get a job at VB. Any advice would be most appreciated and feel free to PM me.

PLovett 19th Jun 2010 10:41

DC323, someone far better qualified to answer than me may come along but I don't think you have to sit the Australian ATPL exams if you have a recognised foreign ATPL. I think it may only involve sitting an air law exam but I stand to be corrected.

The lurk that Bunglerat alluded to was the circumventing of sitting the exams in Australia by doing the FAA "weekend" ATPL exam and then flight test. Rightly or wrongly it was regarded by some in Australia as a lesser form of ATPL and should not be considered.

With a CAAC ATPL and flight time on a 737 NG I should think you would be seriously considered.

The Green Goblin 19th Jun 2010 10:51

On the application forms it clearly states:

Do you hold an Australian ATPL yes/no

Do you hold an Australian CPL yes/no

Do you hold the examination credits for the Australian ATPL subjects yes/no

Was your Australian ATPL issued under the recognition of a foreign licence yes/no

If yes, what authority -

So the jist is, yes it will give you an Australian ATPL under recognition of the CAAC licence however the Australian operators will still require you to have passes in ALL the Australian subjects even if you already legitimately hold the Australian ATPL. A similar situation exists if you want to convert an Australian ATPL to a JAR licence etc.

I'd suggest emailing/calling recruitment for further information.

rmcdonal 19th Jun 2010 12:15

The Green Goblin I think the thought is they want to see if you picked up an ATPL by sitting the Australian Exams, or if you just memorised the answers to the FAA exams.

desiderata 19th Oct 2010 09:39

Virgin Blue 'Guest Services' Assessment Day
Hey everyone:)

I know this thread has been inactive for a couple of months but there is a Virgin Blue 'Guest Services' Assessment Day on the 26th this month
and I was hoping to get some advice on what to expect?
I got the invitation after my application and a phone interview.

Most of the advice on the interview format on other threads were years ago so I was hoping for a more recent low-down :)
like what questions will be asked and also what exactly is this "group activity" going to be.

Also if anyone else will be attending this ? :) I'd love to hear back and really appreciate the help :)

Thank youuuu .

zim2uk 14th Dec 2010 10:20

Hey everyone,

Got an interview coming up in January for an FO slot at VB, anyone have the latest info on the selection process? Are there many technical questions or is it all personality type stuff?

Thanks in advance!

BeerMan 9th Feb 2011 12:46

Just further to the above, can anybody shed any light on the latest recruitment processes in place - type of interview questions, and sim profile?


F/O 10th Feb 2011 04:38

@zim2uk: how did you go?
Also curious to know what experience the guys have, who get an interview and how long since they submitted their application?
Thanks heaps

aussie027 16th Feb 2011 04:08

Has anyone got any answers to Beerman and F/O's Questions??

I read on the A330 thread they are supposed to be recruiting now and through this year.
I would also like to hear the latest info from someone who has recently interviewed in last few months re interview location, Q asked , sim etc and what experience levels people need to be realistically called for an interview.
I am assuming multi crew time on a regional turboprop on either Charter or RPT would be the current minimum given the number of people looking for work or looking to move up from where they are??
Thanks. :ok:

most of the recruitment threads are more than 2 yrs old.

F111 16th Feb 2011 12:55

Don't know what changes have ocurred in the interview process, but I was at the sim centre 2 weeks ago and interviews were going on all day.

questil 16th Feb 2011 19:38

Currently all recruitment has been axed until ? Due the various reasons command courses have also been put on hold now looking at crew surplus again

Global Xpress 16th Feb 2011 20:58

Questil, where did you hear this? Info from within?

F111 16th Feb 2011 22:33

As of last week only 2 Ejet command courses delayed. 737 command courses still going ahead so questil what's changed?

mates rates 16th Feb 2011 23:59

The rumour is the 6x E170's have been sold and with only 3xE190's to come there will be a 15 Capt. surplus on the EJet.So that would fit in with the EJet command course cancellation.

F111 17th Feb 2011 00:10

But the 190 flying is about to increase post May to cover the 737's while they get the new cabins, so at this stage no surplus of crew, just a few delayed command courses.

BeerMan 26th Jun 2011 14:01

What's the latest word on recruitment at Virgin Australia... any ideas on when courses may start again? And any timings on associated interviews and testing?

Anthill 26th Jun 2011 20:38

No movement internally. No word of any external recruitment. Probably need to wait for the various EBAs to be sorted.

BeerMan 27th Jun 2011 01:15

Thanks Anthill.

campdoag 27th Jun 2011 01:23

The next A330 course will be in late september early october, word from the training dept is that there will be 2 more courses to follow early in the new year. The courses will be filled entirely with internal candidates which will create some movement on both the 73 and e-jet fleets.

My guess would be towards the end of the year for externals

campdoag 27th Jun 2011 02:01

Mate in the past they have taken people from all walks of aviation life... Get your application in and get your hat in the ring now!! Update every month and show them you're keen!!

Presently they have around 40 guys on a hold file ready for when they recommence training. I think a couple of years ago when airline recruitment was going bananas the type of experience was not so much a factor. Now that things have slowed down some what, they can afford to be more picky and it seems as though that their preference is to take guys with some real multi crew time, a la regionals.

But mate you never know you luck in the big smoke, if you don't apply you don't have a shot.

Good luck:ok:

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