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airsupport 13th Nov 2008 04:15

Will Aussies Still Be Able To Access PPRuNe???
Perfectly serious question, do any of the Mods know?

With the now imminent censoring of the Internet by the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Australia, to bring us into line with similarly Governed Countries like Iran, North Korea and China, will us Aussies still be able to access PPRuNe? :uhoh:

Some 10,000 sites Worldwide will be blocked from us because of "objectional material", and while THIS Forum would be okay, maybe "jet blast" would get PPRuNe blocked? :mad:

coke drinker 13th Nov 2008 04:25

This isn't going to happen. No way will Australia stand for it. Do they really think 10,000 websites is going to get rid of porn?

airsupport 13th Nov 2008 04:35

Well they seem determined to start it for some reason.

This is what our local newspaper and some of the readers said about it today.


Readers of The Courier-Mail online have blasted plans for Australia's mandatory internet filter to block 10,000 websites.

The websites form a blacklist of unspecified "unwanted content", Broadband Minister Stephen Conroy revealed in Federal Parliament.

The 10,000 blacklisted websites would be blocked in addition to 1300 websites identified by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

The majority of 271 comments posted to 14.12pm yesterday revealing fears of interference from ''Big Brother.''

Britomartis of Camp Hill thundered: ''How can the government be allowed to do this?

''Block content and not tell us what it is!

''The list should be public or they should listen to the people and not go ahead with this at all!''

Johan Zetterlund of Annerley and Jason Davies of Greenslopes said the move seemed more in line with certain authoritarian, communist regimes rather than the ideals of a free nation.

Paul of Carina raged: ''This is typical of a government that thinks it knows better than the people that voted them in and the arrogance of (Prime Minister Kevin) Rudd to think he should impose his morals and ideals on the population!

''This is a communist style of imposition and the dopes that voted Labor into power should wake up to themselves!''

Derek Squire of Redcliffe and Dan of Brisbane said that implementation of the policy would ensure electoral defeat for the Labor government.

Senator Conroy revealed details of the Rudd Government's proposed web filter as he called for expressions of interest from internet service providers for a live trial of the technology.

As part of the trial, ISPs will test different methods of filtering the web with subscribers who volunteer. The trial is expected to last six weeks and will start before Christmas.

"The pilot will specifically test filtering against the ACMA blacklist of prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well as filtering of other unwanted content," Senator Conroy told Parliament.

"While the ACMA blacklist is currently around 1300 URLs, the pilot will test against this list as well as filtering for a range of URLs to around 10,000 so that the impacts on network performance of a larger blacklist can be examined."

ACMA's laboratory trial of web-filtering technology this year found filtering technology could slow internet access by as much as 87 per cent and by at least 2 per cent.

Electronic Frontiers Australia board member Colin Jacobs says live trials of ISP-based web filters would be rushed, as they were scheduled to occur as internet companies geared down for Christmas.

He said large internet providers such as Telstra and Optus would find it hard to participate, while mid-sized providers might take part in the trial simply to prove the technology "unfeasible".

Mr Jacobs said the civil liberties group was also concerned at what would be deemed "unwanted content".

"It is unclear how ACMA will scale up their blacklist to 10,000 websites and what will go on the list," he said.

"Conroy said the list would contain illegal and unwanted content but we still have to see what would end up on that list.

"Under the current mandate that includes adult material, which would mean most material that could be rated R and, in some circumstances, material rated MA15+."

Some online readers suggested using the technology to remove political grandstanding from thier lives.

''As long as the 10,000 sites include all political party websites and all sites ending in gov.au I'll agree to the filtering,'' Any of southeast Queensland wrote.

''Heather of Sunnycoast'' asked: ''Can I elect to filter all political advertising from my television, newspapers, mailbox etc?

''if I never have to see any of that crap again, I will be in heaven.''


Angle of Attack 13th Nov 2008 04:51

I believe the main concern about these filters is the proven record that normal internet speeds suffer dramatically! I have heard 87% but even conservative estimates have a speed reduction in the order of 50% or so. This would throw Australia behind in the internet computer age, lets face it the speeds are already pretty poor compared to many overseas developed countries.

And apart from the fact the filters would be a failure! I am sure there must be hundreds if not thousands of new "objectionable" sites popping up daily anyway?! It is a logistical and speed limiting nightmare!

airsupport 13th Nov 2008 05:13

Apart from the annoying speed reductions, and the obvious civil liberties implications, I have read several articles where computer experts say it will also make safe/secure sites like bank sites unsafe to use, not sure why.

PlankBlender 13th Nov 2008 05:21

The whole thing is a bl@ody joke as there are tons of anonymizer sites around that allow anyone to circumvent any and all filtering in a blink of an eye :ugh:

Buster Hyman 13th Nov 2008 05:42

What? No more hotchickybabe.com??? How is Howard H. going to get his weekly exercise???:=

ForkTailedDrKiller 13th Nov 2008 06:15

Krudd et al are kidding themselves if they think they can legislate their own personal moral values on the Oz public.

Some years ago Little Johnnie tried to do something similar by censoring computer games.

#1 son, who was about 13 at the time, had saved up to buy the latest version of Doom, but was really p*ssed off to find that all the blood and guts etc had been removed from the version he bought. It took him all of a couple of hours on the internet to find and download a fix that restored the game to its gory best.

Next thing you know, Krudd will want to censor the Wiggles!

Dr :8

tinpis 13th Nov 2008 06:20

As long as fong kev makes it a hanging offence for a tv station to run TWO AND A HALF FECKING MEN

Capt Wally 13th Nov 2008 07:42

They can't ban porn it's un Australian:E Besides HH & myself will be bored sh1tless on night shift:E

DR:8 they can ban the wiggles, if they can ban FatCat then lets go the whole hog & ban grown men dancing around like fools earning the highest wages in Oz for such junk!:E


The_Pharoah 13th Nov 2008 08:00

I am 110% for banning ANY website to do with child pornography.

However, that should be it. It should be freedom of information for us to access anything else on the web...yes, even bomb making (NOT that I'm intending to or promoting it - just the principle) if idiots so choose - however I hope ASIO screens their IP addresses. :cool:

As for porn....where would we be without porn? :O

Short_Circuit 13th Nov 2008 08:08

For JC's sake, ban the porn, not free speech!:=

Buster Hyman 13th Nov 2008 08:30

And we all know, the internet is for porn!

Howard Hughes 13th Nov 2008 09:44

How is Howard H. going to get his weekly exercise???
Well there is still the old fashioned way! (magazines)...;)

They can't ban porn it's un Australian Besides HH & myself will be bored sh1tless on night shift
Surfing for porn has been banned at our base after a nasty incident on nightshift...:ooh:

Icarus53 13th Nov 2008 10:49

If they closed down all the porn sites on the internet, there would only be one web site left and it would be called "Bring Back the Porn".
- Dr. Perry Cox:E

Skystar320 13th Nov 2008 11:29

I can see the Zoo subsciptions going four - fold

Mr. Hat 13th Nov 2008 12:07

ill cry if they block redtube:{:{:{:{

tail wheel 13th Nov 2008 14:03

Tell me again which country objected to the Chinese censoring the internet during the Olympic Games??? :confused:

airsupport 13th Nov 2008 18:09

Tell me again which country objected to the Chinese censoring the internet during the Olympic Games???
Tail Wheel
Dunnunda Forum Moderator
Exactly, and now after all that, our Government is going to do exactly the same thing. :ugh:

Mr.Buzzy 13th Nov 2008 21:13

So this article came from the same well informed source that struggles with the concept of water flouridation?

Nice work rudd. Is this another pipedream from last Sundays moralistiic highgound session of psalmsinging?

Play with the net all you like rudd, just keep your grubby mits off our super!


ps. don't mention daylight savings either.....

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