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aviation_enthus 11th Nov 2008 05:44

350hr CPL/MECIR course
Hi All

Anyone ever heard of a 350hr course being run by a flight school? Would imagine it would have to be run by one with connections to charter/RPT operations to build the extra 100-150 hours on top of the average CPL student.

I'm looking for ones that gave/give COMMAND hours, not ICUS or Copilot.

Basically produces a job ready pilot as opposed to the current 200 -250 hr CPL's that still need another 100hrs to meet most minimums.

eg CPL with NVFR, MECIR, B58/C310 endo, 100 hours on something useful (C206/210).

Anything in Australia or even heard of any overseas?

gadude 11th Nov 2008 05:51

You mean you have to PAY for the extra 100-150 hours youself to build up command time???

I supose thats like buying a type rating?

adamk 11th Nov 2008 06:32

Hmm. a pilot with a barebone CPL is "job-ready"

Why not get what you need, and find a job to build up the hours rather then spending YOUR money on the hours? In GA, you won't touch Multi or much IFR stuff until you have a good amount of experience under your belt.

j3pipercub 11th Nov 2008 06:52

Basically produces a job ready pilot as opposed to the current 200 -250 hr CPL's that still need another 100hrs to meet most minimums.

That's a HELL of a lot of clam for a bit of 200 series time. Why not save the money for when you're going to need it, like when the car rego is due or you need to put down a bond on a place where you're going to be living??

Furthermore, the 100 hours is going to teach you how to FLY the aircraft using a flying school or private owners procedures. This will not help you when you have to learn how to OPERATE the aircraft in a commercial environment.


gadude 11th Nov 2008 07:46

Quote ""Furthermore, the 100 hours is going to teach you how to FLY the aircraft using a flying school or private owners procedures. This will not help you when you have to learn how to OPERATE the aircraft in a commercial environment.""

j3 means, you won't have real pax TELLING YOU that they want to get home tonight, regarding the wx or that they just turned up half an hour late and you can't make it back before last light.

Its a little different saying "uhm well in a real life situation i would say"
I am really sorry Sir but we Will stay the night in bumf:mad:k because you just turned up to late.

I think they call it commercial pressure.

Or trying to keep on time while you pax already show up late for your 1st flight off the day, and you have a full day ahead off you.

I have heard this one a few times.
Exuse me mate, why are you late, you know we have to leave at 08.00 for you to catch the bus to darwin to see the docter there.

Sorry boss, I was to buzzy sleeping:ugh:

sms777 11th Nov 2008 09:13

The extra 100 hours in school they will NOT teach you how to sweep the hangar floor, wash airplanes or the CP's car, top up toilet rolls or stack shelves in Woolies so you can fly the 172 when the next one above you takes the sicky. :E (Ask the boys/girls in Kunnas they tell you how it is ). It is probably more attractive for the airlines if you just came out of school with minimum time in your logbook but fresh with studying and up to date with procedures. Of course 350 hours will not get you in to any of them....

So... Off to Kunnas you go! :ok: Do not waste your money!
Get out there and get a real life experience, you will not regret it!

Lefthanded_Rock_Thrower 11th Nov 2008 09:48

How much is this super dooper "I wanna be a pilot package" ?.

sms777 11th Nov 2008 10:20

How much is this super dooper"I wanna be a pilot package" ?

As much as it takes to pull the flying school out of bankruptcy provided it is paid up front in unmarked $100 bills :E
Trust me... I have been there, done it. :{

Make sure your money goes in to a trust account


aviation_enthus 12th Nov 2008 04:17

Thanks for the responses guys, I was expecting alot of cynical answers give the way training is carried out in the industry at the moment!

Couple of points though:

I'm not looking for myself or anyone else (well past CPL stage). The reason I'm looking for ideas is because I'm seeing now what comes out at the other end into the charter jobs.

As for the 100hrs not being 'Commercial' experience? The aim of this sort of program would be to place the student (upon completion of CPL and MECIR) into a charter position (and a PAID one at that) for 2-3months whereupon they would gain the 100hrs in a commercial operation. (Yes it would be carried out up north for the 'authentic' experience:)).

I realise now that you can get a job with a bare CPL, but it wasn't that long ago it was a lot harder (even in kununurra or jabiru). This would provide an employer with a pilot that:
1. Has some idea of what they're in for
2. Minimum experience of 'charter ops' and working in a commercial operation
3. MECIR and initial twin (B58 or C310) for easy upgrade (less $ for the company)

The student gets:
1. Value for money training with all the ratings they should ever need
2. Paid work with remote experience for 2-3months
3. That first 'leg up' that most people need to get started.

Further thoughts??

gadude 12th Nov 2008 05:50

I am getting confused here, not that that takes much tough.

You want to get students to get there 1st job via a flying school?

they do there 1st 100 hours in the real world after there cpl?
well we all done that. not a single one off us hasn't.

Non off us are born with hours inthere log book. basicly what you talking about is a 1st job?

Is it your idea to hook flying schools up with the real world? say you pay x amount off $$ for this course and we promise you a real job?

WannaBeBiggles 12th Nov 2008 19:41

Sharp Aviation and Jetflite already do this sorta stuff via their traineeships...

tooty 12th Nov 2008 22:59

Avation Enthus,

I think it's a great idea, but as other people have pointed out, you aren't really suggesting anything radically different from what the average pilot will experience.

The hard part would be getting the operators to go along with it. Why would they?

Looking at your 350 hr course from another perspective, you are suggesting that operators hire 'fresh cpls'. Why would they do that rather than get the guy who has a few hours more?

Perhaps a flying school with a charter arm would be interested if it meant retaining students for a longer period than the 150hr course.

If I am I missing something please point it out.


Integro 13th Nov 2008 05:55

Speaking of Sharp Airlines, I applied for their Cadetship and got knocked back which certainly wasn't the end of the world but I was wondering if anyone has been through it and what it's like? Is it worth applying again?

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