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av8trflying 1st Jun 2008 10:31

UFO's, Are they out there!

Just came across this link and would like to know if anyone else have seen UFO's during their aviation career or anything similiar that is a little out there.

After all, are we really alone?:ooh:


PyroTek 1st Jun 2008 10:54

I once saw a texan cut in front of us inbound to Redcliffe... does that count?:p

UFO's depend on the point of view..
any transponderless aircraft is a UFO from an ATC point of view:ok:
I have seen some weird stuff, bright lights above horizon etc. during the evening...
doubt it was anything though..

tail wheel 1st Jun 2008 10:57

UFO: The secret revealed!


Monopole 1st Jun 2008 10:57

James has a set of night vision goggles at the ranch which he uses to scan the sky for ships that may be in invisible mode. When you spot the ships you can zap them with a high powered laser pointer
Well that explains alot. All the laser pointing going on around here must just be ET getting his own back.

sms777 1st Jun 2008 11:04

UFO's Are we really alone?
I am not alone. I have friends!:E

Seriously. It has always been bothering me since i was a kid, reading stories, watching news reports, wondering if it was true or just another Hollywood gimmick trying to entertain us all. I have spent many hundreds of hours flying at night and day waiting for an encounter that never came. I flew the skies of Europe, the skies of Oz for the last 20 years and i have seen nothing. And i am pissed off.
So, when the next American UFO sighting comes in the news i will grab another Tooheys and will laugh at all the suckers that really think that they do exist.
As a matter of fact i will have one now and just read Pprune.

pw1340 1st Jun 2008 11:48

Does this count?

ZEEBEE 1st Jun 2008 12:04

A UFO may not be a UFO
As an amateur astronomer and someone who was employed in the Deep Space tracking industry, I've spent many many nights observing and taking photos of the night sky and have never seen anything that wasn't easily explained as a natural phenomena.

That's not to say that UFO's don't exist, they do!
Anything we see flying that we can't readily identify is one, but it aint the same as LGMs (Little Green Men).

Having said that, one can't ever say that spaceships (or the like that people refer to when they call them UFO's) don't exist. It's just that there really isn't very good evidence to support them so far.

As Carl Sagan once said,
"There are a lot of interesting but unreliable sightings out there and there are a lot of reliable but uninteresting sightings also. What I want to see is a interesting AND reliable sighting"
So far, alas, there really aren't very (if any) many that stand up to scientific scrutiny.

The physics also don't readily support the existence as we know them, but then could we recognise them in some other guise?

If they have travelled here under some mechanism that short circuits the limitations imposed by the speed of light/mass relationship, then we may not recognise them anyway, in which case they should be classed as Unseen Flying Objects.
Still UFO's

sms777 1st Jun 2008 12:25

tail wheel
You took the words right out of my mouth!

You deserve the throphy of the Best Moderator of the Moderating Awards of the Worlds Best Moderating Moderator of the Moderation Awards of the World Award. ....Phew! Congratulations.
PS. ( before you shut me down.... I am on your side!!)


kingRB 1st Jun 2008 13:24

only thing I have spotted whilst flying was back when I was doing my night VFR rating.

Was out on a navex one night, moonless, so very dark.
During the cruise I was doing a scan out the windows when I saw a massive fluro green glowing object descending and moving past us like we were standing still.

My guess, it was a decent size meteor or meteorite.

Scared me s**tless though in an otherwise uneventful and boring cruise!

Quite a sobering thought when you consider if you were extremely unlucky, it could actually hit you mid flight.

Only other instance where I have seriously questioned what I saw, was one night when I was living out near Wellington in South Australia.

I woke up at about 2 or 3 am due to a thunderstorm passing overhead.

Plenty of thunder and lightning with very heavy rain.

While I was taking a quick squiz at the storm out the window, I spotted a steady white light, sort of looked like a ball shape, doing a very wide orbit over the property I was at. My guess would have been 1,500 to 2000 feet in altitude. It was moving quite fast. But below the cloud base.

I observed it make 2 big orbits over the property, then it just dissapeared.

No idea what that was, but I am certain it wasnt an aircraft.
No one in their right mind would be flying at that time of night, under cB, at low altitude and at a spot that has no significant aviation relevance (IFR reporting / holding point etc).

Ball lightning?

ZEEBEE 1st Jun 2008 14:16

Ball lightning?
Classic example

solowflyer 1st Jun 2008 23:09

I worked on a road works crew for a couple of months once. I'm now convinced that not only are there UFO's but they have landed and live amongst us.:eek:

ZEEBEE 1st Jun 2008 23:41

I worked on a road works crew for a couple of months once. I'm now convinced that not only are there UFO's but they have landed and live amongst us.
They've infiltrated drilling crews too !!!! :uhoh:

solowflyer 2nd Jun 2008 00:37

Drilling is that what they call it these days thought it was called probing:ooh:

ules 2nd Jun 2008 02:21

clearly not a ufo . but a fixed wing aicraft in flight!

denabol 2nd Jun 2008 05:47

sky flares
Saw an incredibly bright star overhead glide overhead for a short distance just at sunset a while back. Mentioned it to neighbour later. Said his son took him out to see it because it was an optimum Iridium flare offr sunlight off a solar panel on a coms satellite and his kid had a tracking program. They are only really bright over a few thousands metres of 'flare track'. Some are able to be predicted. Some are 'rogues' that appear out of nowhere, including even daylight, with the particular satellite rolling out of control. There are over 90 of them in orbit. If you see one at night at its brightest it is like watching a supernova come into view. You can look them up on the web under Iridium flares. If you flew into the max intensity of one of these flares you'd wonder what the hell was that, esecially as it leaves no trail like a meteor or space junk.

K9P 2nd Jun 2008 06:35

If they travel hundreds of light years to carry out anal probes on hillbillies...........just how intelligent are they?

VH-XXX 2nd Jun 2008 07:08

Pffftttt.... you conventional thinkers are all the same!

Aliens travel at light speed, so therefore are not "millions of light years" away.

I've seen it on Aliens V Predator II and it looked legit.

Capt Wally 2nd Jun 2008 07:17

.......of course there are UFO's out there & where not alone, how could we be?
Ponder this simple situation.
Beyond our solar system (which is only a poofteenth of what's really out there) is lets say planet X. On planet X there are beings (who knows what kind it's academic anyway) & they are all sitting around either a camp fire or a computer & saying exactly what we are saying now."are there UFO's out there & are we alone'? Well if a single one of these beings said yes of course we are the only creatures & there is no such thing as a UFO don't be a fool, they are obvioulsy wrong, 'cause WE are here !
Yes I believe there are UFO/beings out there, could even be watching us self destruct right now, shouldn't take too long with the way we treat each other & the backyard we are sh*ting in !
I've seen plenty of odd looking things whilst flying over the last 30 yrs, but why bother trying to explain it, if we are not alone then that's that!:)



Stationair8 2nd Jun 2008 08:33

Just ask Fred Valentich.

RYAN TCAD 2nd Jun 2008 08:42

I like this one with the Concord. As the chase plane was filming for the TV commercial - the pilot noticed this...


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