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-   -   RFDS Dubbo ripped off by Rudd? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/327029-rfds-dubbo-ripped-off-rudd.html)

Jabawocky 15th May 2008 22:05

RFDS Dubbo ripped off by Rudd?
Far be it for me to believe much you read in the press, however this is not good news for the likes of RFDS folk in Dubbo.:=


I hope that they are compensated by funds under a different scheme.......you know the old moving sand castles on the beach accounting method!:rolleyes:


Capt Wally 15th May 2008 22:13

................I didn't vote for them:bored:

I think those that did will over time pay for their mistakes.


Sunfish 15th May 2008 22:48

I suspect a suitable approach to the Health Minister may change things. From what I recall the regional partnerships program was a Liberal slush fund.

ZEEBEE 15th May 2008 23:13

RFDS is a luxury item!
".I didn't vote for them
I think those that did will over time pay for their mistakes."

I suspect that we ALL will....:(

The WA budget allocated only $2 mill extra for the RFDS (barely enough to counter fuel and op cost rises) :ouch:and when they complained, the Health Minister here dismissed them as a "special interest group" that always complains when they're hard done by...

Old Fella 16th May 2008 03:19

"Mirror Man" Rudd
"I'll look into it" Mr Rudd, along with the Union bosses, has "hood-winked" enough people into believing good will come from a Labor government. How many times do some have to be hit over the head to wake up to the "Robin Hood" mentality of the ALP? The Treasurer Swan Budget should be enough to see that nothing has changed from the days of Mr Rudd's predecessors where anyone with the capacity to accumulate perceived wealth is fair game to support the less wealthy. Mr Whitlam started Australia on the road of "Sit on your bum and hold out your hand folks" government. Bob Hawke, the man who reckons "pilots are only glorified bus drivers", and the self proclaimed "World's Greatest Treasurer" Paul Keating who gave us "the recession we had to have" continued the tradition, contributed to many small business going bust due to the totally unfair "unfair dismissal laws" and ended up with a $96 Billion government debt left to the Coalition to repay. Let's just watch and wait for our country to again slide into massive debt. Don't forget, the surplus Mr Rudd and Mr Swan enjoy at the moment, and the freedom from government debt, was all achieved by the Coalition. Labor, in concert with the totally disproportionately powerful union bosses, will surely find a way to blow the surplus and, more than likely build another massive debt.

ForkTailedDrKiller 16th May 2008 05:33

I didn't vote for them, and never would! Hopefully they will self destruct before the next election........but........

1) Little Jonnie had clearly lost the plot - but none of his mob had the balls to turf him out in time to have a reasonable shot at the election. Once his God complex was fully developed, the election outcome was almost a given.

2) Kevi's mob had to axe the Regional Partnership funding. It was a nothing but a National Party pork barrelling fund - and everybody knew it. Just look at the fact that it was administered through the Transport Department - ie John Anderson's portfolio. Many of the Regional Partnership Scheme projects failed to deliver. The RFDS funding to Dubbo unfortunately was an innocent bistander caught up in this.

3) Does the RFDS really need to have seven (7) bases in Qld?

Dr :8

Howard Hughes 16th May 2008 05:40

3) Does the RFDS really need to have seven (7) bases in Qld?
Surely Brissie, Cairns and Isa would cover it!:ok:

Back to the topic, the RFDS as whole tend to have fairly good political contacts on both sides of the political fence. I expect the money will be funded from other sources and announced with much hoopla praising the Rudd Government, just as it was when the Libs were in power...:rolleyes:

Capt Wally 16th May 2008 05:58

nice to see/read some good support for the party lost. I agree Forky JH was at the end of his usefullness but even tho we had pain we had stability. The Rudd Govt is showing signs of destroying a country that has suffered much to get to where it is now. You don't get this far by being Mr nice guy & handing what money we collect out like lollies!
Remember guys that the RFDS is just part of the wider health services that Australia has. Health services costs this country zillions & with 21 Mill population that's a lot of strain on the working few to cover EVERYBODY.

To the many thousands out there that give to the RFDS I/we thank you:ok:


Under Dog 16th May 2008 06:36

The Rfds base at Dubbo is under utilized any way so why throw more money at it.

Regards The Dog

Howard Hughes 16th May 2008 07:49

Rumour has it Mr Rudd was actually wearing an RFDS pin in parliament on budget day!:eek:

maxter 16th May 2008 08:27

"Don't forget, the surplus Mr Rudd and Mr Swan enjoy at the moment, and the freedom from government debt, was all achieved by the Coalition."

Bull sh.t I say. They sold the family silver and the back paddock as well and left very little in the infrastructure improvements this country needs to get us through the tougher times coming. They never had the guts to finish the job of economic reform started with the GST. We are very lucky to be going through a commodities boom that alows poor governments to look good.

Rudd and co will be no better but maybe the change will let the other mob go away and have a good hard look at themselves and discover what good leadership really looks like. Leadership is not 'do or say whatever it takes' to get re-elected that J.H tried to perfect. Well past his use-by and not lamented. I fear they will not be ready to be a credible force in 3 years time

I regularly attend Westpac's Bill Evans after budget talks and his commentary on the previous lots economic management was hardly glowing. This one only scrapped a pass as well.

2b2 16th May 2008 11:01


keep it up fellas!

was starting to forget just how good it was to kick 'em out!

BEACH KING 16th May 2008 21:30

"Surely Brissie, Cairns and Isa would cover it!:ok:"

Howard Hughes, I am hoping like hell that you speak in jest, as most of your posts are fairly sensible.

Capt Claret 16th May 2008 22:32

Well I'm still happy Rudd won. :}

Flyingblind 16th May 2008 23:53

On the surface this looks like a Liberal Party fan boy site.

They lost because in their last 3 years they were utter Sh#ie for this country, don't get me started on what the last did (not) do for this country.

KRudd and Co will be here for at least the next two elections and they may make significant changes to our way of doing business, whether for the country's good or not i don't pretend to know, all i do know is that it's a change for the better.

Either way Australia is a LOT better off (generally) than the last lot of do-nothing-i'm-all-right Doctors wife's club. Just look at Nelsons budget reply and his 1996 comment!

Howard Hughes 17th May 2008 00:00

KRudd and Co will be here for at least the next two election
I'll put money on it being only one more term!

I would agree however that the current Liberal leader is totally inept!:ok:

The next Liberal Prime Mnister will be Joe Hockey!:eek:

Capt Wally 17th May 2008 00:17

I don't want to get too far off trk here but I believe that the Libs will suffer the same problems that the Labor Govt had for many years prior to getting in, & that's poor leadership. Once the Libs get a decent 'front' man then they have an excellent chance of regaining power before the KRUDD (I like that, the way someone put it) destroys a great country.
Now all of this is just personal opinion & although some have shown their childish nasty behavour in here that's not what we professional people are about.
Labor won fair & square, I just didn't vote for them for personal reasons that's all. Whom ever is at the helm they had better keep the ship upright or suffer the wrath of the voters next time round!

relax 'BK".......'HH' has probably just finished an 8 sector run savin' da world & the 'red' was speaking for him:ok:

BTW..........totally off trk here I know but believe it it or not it's SNOWING here!...............was just watching the roos bounce across my front paddock with it snowing, ahhhh the joys of being rich & free !:)

Flyingblind 17th May 2008 00:18

Hmm.....not too sure HH, i think he has potential but the Party as a whole needs a rethink post you-know-who.

Hockey could be a contender but the current crowd of king makers and wanna-be's (the merchant banker that bought his seat comes to mind!) need to back off and give Joe his time.

However the Libs need this time to make some serious changes and address the forthcoming Labor party's shortcomings. Labor (like all other party's) will shoot themselves in the foot.

IMHO funding for the RFDS should be a Federal Government responsibility, why this hasn't happened yet beggars belief!:ugh:

ZEEBEE 17th May 2008 00:32

IMHO funding for the RFDS should be a Federal Government responsibility, why this hasn't happened yet beggars belief! //end quote

Having been a victim of "state politics" at every turn, I'm of the opinion that EVERYTHING should be a Federal Govt responsibility.

Seven separate entities for 20 mill people is just crazy in this day and age. Might have been OK in 1900 with the comms they had then, but makes no sense in the 21st C

Capt Wally 17th May 2008 00:35

'zeebee' quite true actually, well said. I agree, one country one govening body. But often simplicity itself is too simple!


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