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igv 12th Mar 2008 01:55

Surveillance Interviews
Folks, I've recently been advised that SAPL have offered me an interview next month in Melbourne. Seems that the whole process will only take one day. Just wondering if anyone can offer any advice on the procedure, is it worthwhile, for example, practicing those weird psych. tests with the funny shape,and what can I expect in the sim. ride given that I don't have a Dash 8 endorsement??

Dee 12th Mar 2008 02:56

You can expect approx 1 hour in the dash 8-300 sim, cairns departures and NDB, with upper airwork. practice the psyc stuff. be know you stuff for the interview, procedures, company info etc... Good Luck

KRUSTY 34 12th Mar 2008 03:27


Is it for a Capt or F/O's position?

Dee 12th Mar 2008 03:29

he does say he doesnt have a dash 8 endo so i would guess F/O, they have certain requirements for command.

igv 12th Mar 2008 04:16

Well, actually I put my hand up for DEC, not really interested in FO. How does one go about practicing for the psych. stuff?

basementjaxx 12th Mar 2008 04:24

look into the mirror and repeatedly ask yourself in the most DeNiro-ess accent you can conjure - "Are you talkin ta me..?"

Sorry... couldnt help myself. :O


capson 12th Mar 2008 04:27

Here are couple that i found..

"Practice Psyschometeric Test" By Andrea Shavick. publish by "Howtobooks"

There is also by SHL direct not sure what is the address is.

Good Luck:ok:

Dee 12th Mar 2008 04:29

DEC with no dash 8 endo or time... mmm good luck, but i think you need time on type for their insurance and contract requirements, do have time on a similar A/C?

try http://www.shldirect.com/ for psyco stuff..... this is also who Qantas use

Capt Wally 12th Mar 2008 05:30

Actually I believeyou don't need time on type for DEC with SAPL, their looking at candidates that have similar experience on airframe types, Saab & Jetstream etc. Also they currently have a probationary system where a non rated Dash pilot can enter as a DEC capt & sit in the F/O's seat on full capt's pay 'till up to speed. This latter situation suits those that have plenty of turbine exp & have been around a while such as RFDS pilots but have not had exp on types above 5700 kg's but obviously could fly the simple Dash with their eyes closed! Let's face it the Dash isn't a space shuttle & flies at speeds not unlike most of the twin turbines that are now currently flogging around the country less than 5700 kg's.
Good luck to all that applied.


Dee 12th Mar 2008 05:45

i wouldnt say the dash is that simple, for a start at least 9 switches just to turn on the anti-ice, its a bit of a mechanical nightmare in some aspects. The canadians were smoking some good stuff when they designed this puppy.

gav_20022002 12th Mar 2008 05:56

SAPL does take DEC's with no endorsement on type but it seem to have a higher failure rate than going in as a FO, even then if your up to scratch you could only be waiting 12 months for a command anyway and a yr in the right seat could be worth it...

just my 2c

Capt Wally 12th Mar 2008 06:05

Dee ordinary people just like you & I fly the Dash day in day out. I doubt it's a type that's too difficult to master, 9 switches or not!:) Besides it's a prop plane with the wing on top, couldn't get more basic than that.
Dee sounds like the Dash was also designed by those that made the Dehav planes. I used to fly an old DH104 (Dove) where you where lucky to have 9 switches all in the one spot !:ok:


WynSock 13th Mar 2008 07:23

The dash 8 is a bastard of a thing to land if you ask me. Perhaps I'm no expert but I notice that anything slower than about Vref + 20, it feels like you are behind the drag curve, the yaw damper can't deal with the rudder trim changes, the company is looking over your shoulder to make sure you don't get outside the envelope...

There is a standard confidence lifting phrase after an unusually firm DHC8 landing,

"It's a Dash 8"

Capt Wally 13th Mar 2008 08:48

Yeah I've heard the Dash is a bugga to grease on, reminds me of the Metro, that too can be a real 'brick' on touchdown!

Try the B200 with the Raisbeck mods, pull off the pwr to early & hang on to yr false teeth if you arrive over the fence a touch high!!


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