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domo 27th Feb 2007 04:01

Sydney precinct review????
anyone know anything about the review.lots of scarey rumours around are they to soften us up. or are they going to do a heavy maintenance on us any informed views out there

company_spy 2nd Mar 2007 03:01

Precinct review is on going, and from casual conversation it appears that the result will throw up an array of possibilities. Anything is possible, but one thing is for sure, change is coming whether we like it or not. Big change.

chemical alli 2nd Mar 2007 07:33

apparently there was a meeting today at good old base maint just a warm and friendly manager to the guys feedback session.low and behold the troops were told that they now will become a legacy,guess that really helped the morale.anyone that attended feel free to reply

No SAR No Details 2nd Mar 2007 11:10

A word on the street from a recruitment company.... There is going to be a scramble for available aviation jobs in Sydney shortly, Courtesy of QF.:eek:

Annulus Filler 2nd Mar 2007 19:19

Could someone please define the word "PRECINCT" for me? I am a bit lost with its definition in the corporate world.

domo 3rd Mar 2007 01:02

apparently there was a meeting today at good old base maint just a warm and friendly manager to the guys feedback session.low and behold the troops were told that they now will become a legacy,guess that really helped the morale.anyone that attended feel free to reply
does a legacy mean something your are stuck with.
like to change it but it is difficult to do easly
to be wound down as we go forward

A word on the street from a recruitment company.... There is going to be a scramble for available aviation jobs in Sydney shortly, Courtesy of QF.
they are not a lot available in sydney for people like us to many recently released by qf, i guess they got rid of the last heavy maintenance dudes so the consultants can get ready for their next job. but i do hope qantas does not overreact with cost savings only to slash to much and have to hire people from overseas to replace the people they shafted.its not a lot of fun working at the rat nowadays

Redstone 3rd Mar 2007 07:06

Unsubstantiated of course, but SIT DMMs' to go by May.

Bolty McBolt 4th Mar 2007 03:34

Legacy Schmegacy :yuk:

At the moment in SYD there is one manager with any operational experience ( working on aircraft) and rumour has it he is on thin ice
To compensate for all these new managers cloned from the great GM we now have. Even delay reports have to be dumbed down for them to understand. The only notable aspect of this new style of management is that they are more missive and yell more than their predecessors. What a team !!
This mobs predecessors like them or not new what was required to maintain aircraft but unfortunately lacked the vision to show true costs versus value of the type of maintenance provided by QF engineering to senior management.
A perfect example of this is H245 R.I.P.
Now the current characters look at what an “A” check costs from a MRO and asks why we don’t do the same for same money or less. In reality there is no such comparison as one fee is for the bare minimum Vs the QF way.
Then we are asked why we do more than the bare minimum ???? This is the point most experience engineers glaze over, run out of breath and give up arguing with managers whom know everything because they have read about airline models in completely different geographical positions with no where near the aircraft utilization QF does. i.e. No spare aircraft in reserve for a maintenance delay…..
The next threat is to take the work away from us Legacy” characters !!!
To think that the aircraft maintenance, "A" checks and below can be done anywhere else other than hub cities is misguided short sighted and been tried before by QF and many others.

So what options does this leave the dream team.
Precinct review will probably come up with the following genius :D
Look at License coverage across SYD at base and both terminals and place said license coverage where it is needed for maintenance rather than transits.
Bring into effect "no-man" turnarounds on 737-NG to free up more manpower.
Make special crews to work different aircraft types?
Being tried now, it works well, the guys do a good job but few would say it is a leap forward in efficiency as the guys left to maintain the rest of the aged International fleet are now disproportionately lower number than the dedicated A330 crews in per head per aircraft.

The Dream team are under the hammer to make things cheaper without effecting reliability. I can’t see many areas to save this cash without an undesirable by product of parked aircraft in SYD and around the world. If they push one way there is an easy way to push back on an individual basis.
Time will tell

End of rant

Annulus Filler 4th Mar 2007 05:27

Bolty McBolt Quote:Make special crews to work different aircraft types?
Being tried now, it works well, the guys do a good job but few would say it is a leap forward in efficiency as the guys left to maintain the rest of the aged International fleet are now disproportionately lower number than the dedicated A330 crews in per head per aircraft.
Partially true statement Bolty. Not that more efficient, just a different workpractice to what we thought was the norm. And doing things differently is what we are not used to, and I believe there is more to come. Sure there is a lot less of the rest of the guys to maintain the ageing international fleet but this should make no difference to the way YOU work. You can only do 12 hours of work on a 12 hour shift. No different to the way YOU worked before. If the aircraft don't make it due to manpower, thats not your problem. One day management might smell the roses.
As for the per head per aircraft statement I was a little confused. You will probably find the A330 crews have 4 elecos 4 mech and 2 cabos totalling 10 per aircraft, whereas the other aircraft crews you will probably find a crew of elecos, crew of mech and a crew of cabos at each aircraft totalling somewhere up to 20. Whether this is more efficient I don't really know. Looks good in the books though.

domo 4th Mar 2007 06:38

Whether this is more efficient I don't really know.
depends how many a/c a day they service
i wonder are brands happy with the cabin condition?
the boss interduced the composite crews cant see him failing them

Bolty McBolt 4th Mar 2007 16:12

Annulus filler...

Sure there is a lot less of the rest of the guys to maintain the ageing international fleet but this should make no difference to the way YOU work. You can only do 12 hours of work on a 12 hour shift. No different to the way YOU worked
You are quite correct, no matter how may people are assigned to do the work, one person can only achieve so much in a given time frame.
But we have now been described as a Legacy
"Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past"
So now because I am not in a composite crew (something I have no problem with) I am no longer efficient even thou I have completed maximum constructive man hours in a shift. Plus our effectivity is reduced due to shortage of manpower to complete the alotted tasks in a given ground time. Surely being efficient is constructive use of manpower. Something easily achieved with good communication and quality supervision.
A cynic may argue this is a form of white anting to prove one way doesn't work versus a genius idea newly introduced. Perhaps we should ask the poor fellows of engine line of old what happened to them. EOC once built engines the manufactures would visit to learn how it was achieved but now it is a totally different product produced. The current dream team we have now presided over the metamorphosis of EOC. :ugh:

As far as the maths goes. There are 50 odd guys on the Airbus crew looking after 13 (soon to be 14) aircraft. If the basic division is done this looks great on paper until you realise the A330 7/10 day and A checks are split between SYD and MEL. Which means the figures are a little less efficient on the Bus crews than Base maint looking after 63 ageing ****ters of which over half have over 50,000 hours.

The Bus crews are doing a good job. Hold items list have shortened dramatically since their creation but is it enough of a leap in efficiency to call every work practice before it a legacy........

Ejector 4th Mar 2007 16:28

I am fed up of some QF code here. Please spit it out for us poor non Qantas plebs. You really are being bizar people here. Put up or shut up.:D :ok: :ugh: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

BHMvictim 5th Mar 2007 10:47

I am fed up of some QF code here. Please spit it out for us poor non Qantas plebs. You really are being bizar people here. Put up or shut up.
To what are you refering?

Is the thread not entirely related to QF matters??? What's the problem?

YesTAM 5th Mar 2007 19:59

The breathtaking hubris of Qantas management is going to be written up in a business case study for MBA skool within the next seven years - and its not going to be a pretty story, like the case comparing Coles and Woolworths, which is bound to be on a word processor somewhere right now.

I'm sorry, but Dixon's management style is about gimmicks and loads of arrogance, based on an untrue assumption that the value of Qantas is its brand and that the Board and management created that brand.

Well it didn't. The brand value was created by the daily actions of the thousands of workers who made up Qantas.

Furthermore, the value of the brand can be destroyed very very quickly through the actions of the thousands of workers who make up Qantas, and the Board, and management, can do absolutely nothing about that.

Delays, scowling staff, tatty aircraft, stupid ventures like Jetstar all contribute to the demise of Qantas.

Wait a year or two and watch the outsourcing process reverse.

"legacy" my @ss.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings
Rudyard Kipling, 1919

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I Make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market-Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market-Place.
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings.
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Heading said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four --
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

* * * * *

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man --
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began --
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire --
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

chemical alli 6th Mar 2007 00:59

its like throwing sh*t with a shovel in the faces of the lames in base.where does the big fella and m get off with regard to being called a legacy,it seems unless you are one of the chosen few who are on secondment carring out duties that apparently are outside their bubble and are extremely important you are just a legacy lame.this was the view put forward by button popper to the troops on fri.also where exactly were these so called important jobs advertised for secondment?
guess unless you suck c*(k and self promote your inabilities to actually work on aircraft for which you are paid for, you can never achieve a secondment in base.
also i see that good old ils has now been appointed to the dizzy heights of putting out emails with expressions of interest for atlas check co-ordinator positions,the last time i looked this position was a supervisors role,so will the stupid who apply for this position get paid supervisor money or do it for the love ? will ils return to the fold once said individual has been groomed to bend over & assume the scraped knee position?

waiting with baited breath for that one

i leave this rant with transparency my ass


company_spy 8th Mar 2007 08:28

Quite frankly Twitter, the characters you refer to are better off out of our way and as far from aeroplanes as possible. In times of unrest it is far better to be doing the job you were trained for/paid for/supposed to be doing than farting around in the office. One would hope they are the targets the razor gang hone in on first.

stubby jumbo 8th Mar 2007 08:46

In a cruel twist of timing.......as I was walking out to the Main Visitors Car Park adjacent to QFCL yesterday ,I bumped into a group of "clip board" carrying-Suits"( all with the mandatory scowls on their dials) with a team of Surveyors doing their stuff.

Now, I don't want to sound alarmist.

BUT, this is a piece of prime real estate. I can only imagine what those bean counters at Mack Bank see ==== $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :ouch:

Next, we'll be paying for the pleasure of parking our rickshaws courtesy of Mac- Qwank.

domo 8th Mar 2007 21:49

One would hope they are the targets the razor gang hone in on first.

mate these are the their most loved children the protected ones.
the people who will feel the pain are the unloved ones who come in do their job well and then go home
their crime not worshipping bosses and working not networking during business hours

YesTAM 8th Mar 2007 22:24

There is a game we play in management (real management, not wankers) called "life boat drill".

We play it by imagining that the company has suddenly hit an iceberg in the market place (you know what I mean!), say in QF's case a flu pandemic or another SARS.

We then assume there are only enough lifeboats for say, half the crew (staff), and we ask ourselves the question :"If we absolutely, inevitably and quickly had to cut our staffing in half to survive, who would we keep? In other words, who gets a seat in the lifeboat?

Now when we do that, you get some very interesting surprises. Sure, the deadwood goes first, but then you sit down with the salaries and wages paperwork and you work out who you absolutely MUST have in your organisation to survive.

The first surprise is that the guys on the floor who have the experience to actually do the work are relatively cheap. You need them, so they get seats in the lifeboat. Then you look at say finance, you decide to keep the bookeeper and the wages clerk so that people get sent bills and people get paid. You decide to keep the salesmen because you have to keep revenue coming in. You might also a foreman or two because they have enough experience to do a bit of planning, and maybe a records clerk. They all get their seats.

So who doesn't get a seat? For a start anyone with a title beginning with "Executive General...." these people are very expensive. They boss other managers around. Out they go! The managers below will just have to muddle through on their own.

Then there are all the "project managers" and their associated staff. You don't need them. All projects are now closed. We are in survival mode, we don't want anything new and if we do, we'll buy it complete from outside.

Then there is the human resources department - we dont need them, we are not hiring.

And even better we get rid of all the "performance pay" consultants and the ridiculous, time consuming and demeaning employee performance review systems. You know if you are good at what you do or not, because if you are good, you get a seat in a life boat.

And each time you cut out one of these levels, you get rid of the secretaries, personal assistants, company cars, expense accounts, superannuation, mobile phone, leave loadings and meetings associated with each of these clowns ,who produce nothing but hot air, meetings and paperwork and grief for other people.

What you have left is a bare bones operation, operating out of a tin shed or converted factory in a low rent area (not in the Sydney CBD). Communication is swift with lots of feedback because its not modulated through ten layers of management.

If you want to know how maintenance on a certain aircraft is going, you go out to the hangar and look, if you have half an aviation brain and can ask the right questions you will know instantly. If you want to know if your customers are satisifed, fly steerage and look for yourself.

I could go on....

VH-Cheer Up 9th Mar 2007 04:57

If the MacBank/TPG takeover goes through, will the airline change its name to McQantas?

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