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Sunfish 24th Jul 2006 09:16

Point Cook.. Something Stinks.
I wish to draw your attention to the plight of Point Cook - the birthplace of the Australian airforce. I suspect it is under threat from property development.

As I'm sure many of you know, Point Cook is the birthplace of the RAAF. It is home to the RAAF museum, the RMIT aviation faculty as well as a flying club and other operators. I fly out of it myself since it is only 15 minutes from Williamstown.

I have just learned that applications from aircraft owners to base their aircraft there have now been rejected, on the basis that "applications will be considered again in twelve months" or suchlike, deposits returned and so on.

Now Point Cook is surrounded by brand new housing developments, some of which have been sold by unscrupolous real estate salesmen on the basis of "Don't bother about the aircraft noise! The airport will be closing in two years time."

I respectfully submit that Point Cook is going to close and be chopped up for housing unless the aviation community does something about it. The Victorian Government's aviation people are spineless and will not do a thing about it.

Melbourne currently has an ideal GA aviation infrastructure ( unlike Sydney) with GA airports at Moorabbin, Essendon and Point Cook. Why screw up a system that puts anywhere in the city within half an hour's car travel of a GA strip?

This is property development lunacy and it needs to be stopped.

Arm out the window 24th Jul 2006 09:58

I thought you were talking about the Werribee crap farm!

But seriously, the real estate encroachment on that place in the last 15 years has been incredible - nearly as incredible as the skills of the developers and agents who have been able to convince prospective clients that a bunch of stinking salty old paddocks are some kind of land buyer's dream!

The airfield certainly has good aprons and runways, thanks to some well-meaning but ultimately wasted upgrading by the RAAF just prior to the closure of 1FTS, but I think your battle is one more in a slow steady war of attrition that will see it finally gone before too long, Sunfish. Bear in mind, too, that it hasn't been a general use GA airfield for very long, either - not that I like seeing the property sharks win.

krystabelle 24th Jul 2006 10:05

Point Cook Pootang and 747-300's
ha! I used to live in the new housing development at Point Cook!!!

It's true what they say, you hardly hear any aircraft noise...but I highly doubt that they will be taking down the airport and replacing it with houses.

I think that a lot of the buildings at the Point Cook base may be heritage listed (maybe I am wrong, but I lived in the O's mess for a bit) and also, have you smelt the air around that base? It seriously smells like the worst foulness one could imagine, I highly doubt that people are going to build houses in poo smell.

Say, does anyone know much about 747-300's?

Lord Snot 24th Jul 2006 10:14

Give Point Cook to the weekend warriors down the road. They would love direct access to a runway, a range, PP Bay, old buildings with doors to kick in and lots of trees to hide amongst.

TruBlu351 24th Jul 2006 12:41

OTS (RAAF's Officer Training School) is moving from Point Cook to East Sale. They've started constructions already. That won't leave much else there except the RAAF museum and a few other VERY small units which could easily go elsewhere.......so it looks like it could very well get swallowed up.

Whizzwheel 24th Jul 2006 13:41

But where will they film 'Flying Doctors' now??!?:eek:

MelbPilot85 24th Jul 2006 16:05

If they haven't gone after Laverton (or have I missed that), why go after an active airport?

max AB 24th Jul 2006 19:36

I remember in the late 80's when development kicked off near Point Cook, 1 FTS was bombarded with noise complaints from new home owners in the area. The CO arranged flying on a Saturday during a land auction, lots of EFATO's over the crowd so they could not complain later that they did not know the RAAF lived down the road.

Di_Vosh 24th Jul 2006 23:55

G'day LS

We can't kick in the doors anymore (Asbestos) :{

But YES, we'd like the airport access, bay access etc.



pall 25th Jul 2006 02:35

Why can't we fly into Point Cook?
Why can't we fly into Point Cook. I would love to use this airfield. It seems that the restrictions are contributing to the demise of the airport. Minimal movements only makes it easier to close.:hmm:

ballsdeep 25th Jul 2006 05:04

At lease some good may come out of it. RMIT might have to close down.

montyjames 25th Jul 2006 07:09

I fly out of Point Cook also. Somehow I dont think it will be going anywhere, the Headquarters of the AAFC are on the base and have just moved into a new building there, why would the RAAF stuff them around and make them move (there is a lot of stuff aswell) into a new building if they planned to shutdown the base. Not to mention some of the buildings are heritage listed. RMIT has a good setup down at PCK and for them to have to move wouldnt help anyone.

The way I see it with the noise complaints, is that the Base has been there since 1914, those houses havent even been there half that time. Its the residents fault for buying a house next to an airfield. Why move in if the noise was going to be a problem. Not to mention that most of the housing developments are actually away from the flightpaths. You probably fly over about half a dozen houses at below 1000' and thats only if you are using 17/35. On 04/22 circuit there are NO houses below what so ever 80% of the circuit is flown over water..... Since when is a cessna in approach config ~1500rpm on final that noisy anyway. Fair enough PCK sees the occasional citation and King Air, but they rarely come in. And im sure they can get over a 15 minute Mustang display that happens on some days but not all. Most flying is done during the day, and At night there is usually only 1 or 2 in the circuit. So unless the people who live under the flight path sleep at like 1 in the afternoon then I dont see how it could be a problem.:ugh:

As you can see from this pic of PCK, there are very little houses actually around the field, the bulk of the houses are a little bit down the road and often the aircraft dont even fly over them.

OZBUSDRIVER 25th Jul 2006 07:28

In case you are wondering who the operators are-


This is the what they do for your landing fees-


This is what the National Trust think-


This is what the State Government says in its vision2030 development statement-

The Victorian Government and local councils are working with the Commonwealth to ensure that Point Cook Airfield can be developed in a way that maintains it as an operating airport complementary to Moorabbin Airport. The Commonwealth is currently planning to sell this site to a private operator.

Pass-A-Frozo 25th Jul 2006 09:43

Originally Posted by krystabelle
think that a lot of the buildings at the Point Cook base may be heritage listed (maybe I am wrong, but I lived in the O's mess for a bit) and also, have you smelt the air around that base? It seriously smells like the worst foulness one could imagine

You've never stayed at the Richmond O's mess when there is a light westerly NW blowing have you? :}

helmet fire 26th Jul 2006 08:06

Looking at that photo makes me want to roll power prop trim and recant the 11 reasons why I am about to have to go around!

It would be sad to see the airfield go. I was under the impression that it was the world's oldest continuous airfield.

And as for the parfum de poo.....why on earth would you want to live there?

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Jul 2006 08:35

recant the 11 reasons why I am about to have to go around!
In accordance with the "Do we really need DAPS thread":

Everyone knows that real men don't go around...

Oh.. and as one of my mates says "No one ever died from pressing" :}

Lord Snot 26th Jul 2006 08:53

QuizO: What would you do if you were forced to carry out an S-Turn on final or had not touched down by the 1500ft markers or were told by the Tower to go-around, Officer Cade-eeeet............... Snot?

OffCdt L. Snot: Go around, Sir! :ok:

QuizO: Correct, sit down, Snot. What are the other eight reasons for going around, Officer Cade-eeeeet......... Fire?

OffCdt H. Fire: :{

QuizO: Remain standing.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Jul 2006 13:49

Definately remain standing.. just remember.. your ejection kit includes the life raft everyone assumes... don't ignore it!
You'll be left standing!

Arm out the window 26th Jul 2006 21:01

Q: "What is the western boundary of area A?"
A: "Umm...a line from...Moriac to Bannockburn to...somewhere else ahh...dunno sir (thinks...I knew he was gonna ask me that one...grrr):(

helmet fire 2nd Aug 2006 11:33

My favourite was
Quizz O: " And what are the limitations on practice forced landings....Off Cadet Anon"

Cadet Anon " um... go around by 250 ft, um.... not over water, um... not over any spastic centres?"

Quizz O: "...oh god....Remain standing....again."

bob55 2nd Aug 2006 12:11

If you look in ERSA, Point Cook is still classified as a military airfield.

I lived on base at Point Cook whilst on Officer Training - it's very sad they are moving OTS to Sale (where I also had the pleasure of living). In my mind they should have upgraded Point Cook, moved everything at Laverton to Point Cook and sold off Laverton. Then you have an operational base which is the oldest continuously operating military airfield in the world - and sold off the crap which is Laverton.

I'm pretty sure as per the arrangements with the national trust that the base can't be developed for 100 years, so it won't turn into more housing.

Pass-A-Frozo 2nd Aug 2006 12:39

Why is it people complain when they buy a house next to an airport. If you buy a house next to a freeway, and it gets busier 30 years later, you can't complain.

Fark them I say.. If you buy a house.. if you find something wrong after settlement.. to bad..

If they BUILD an airfield after you've bought your house fair enough.. otherwise, you accept the risk when you buy.

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