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VH-XXX 19th Jun 2006 04:38

Vertigo remedies?
Has anyone got a good cure for Vertigo after someone throws you around the sky doing endless loops and rolls??? Can't seem to walk straight 2 days after!

Hugh Jarse 19th Jun 2006 05:00

Gidday, you possibly have Benign Positional Vertigo. Look here: http://www-surgery.ucsd.edu/ent/Pati...info_bppv.html

The most likely cause is that you have probably dislodged some calcium carbonate crystals in one of your inner ears.

In particular, go to the Epley, or Semont Manoeuvre. I had the same problem in my right ear, and it took a lot of time to sort it out. The doc did the Epley Manoeuver on a total of 3 occasions over 9 weeks, with improving results each time. The final time completely fixed it.

One point to note: Once you get it, it usually comes back every couple of years. I'm just starting to get symptoms again, so I'll be heading back in a couple of months. It's no big deal.

Best thing is to get to the doctor and get him/her to sort it out. The first thing he'll do is work out which side is the problem, normally using the Dix-Hallpike test. Most GP's know how to fix it:E

It's a real bastard of an affliction. I hope you get it sorted soon:ok:

Oktas8 19th Jun 2006 08:48

Assuming you don't have a medical problem...

The more aerobatics I do, the less it affects me. First time ever, I felt "odd" for about eight hours afterwards, and was not hungry for dinner. Now, aerobatics after a break of six months, the feeling lasts about two hours. When I'm current, it goes away by the time I've landed.


The Bunglerat 19th Jun 2006 09:12

Mrs. Bunglerat sometimes has trouble walking straight for two days after experiencing my aerobatics - but she never complained of vertigo.:E

Hugh Jarse 19th Jun 2006 12:12

Kneetremblers don't count as aero's, Bunglerat! :} :}

zlin77 19th Jun 2006 22:04

Try a new product called TEBONIN, a herbal based remedy recently released in OZ. Said to help sufferers of VERTIGO & TINNITUS, I believe it claims to increase the micro-circulation within the ear. Available from pharmacies at about $36 for 30 pills.(Take one a day),suggested course lasts two months.

VH-XXX 19th Jun 2006 23:37

Cool thanks, will buy some of that as soon as I can get it... it sounds good.

Capt Fathom 20th Jun 2006 01:26

Keep one foot on the ground at all times! :uhoh: (Well it works for spinning bed syndrome!) :ok:

Oh that's super! 20th Jun 2006 08:59

Originally Posted by VH-XXX
Has anyone got a good cure for Vertigo after someone throws you around the sky doing endless loops and rolls??? Can't seem to walk straight 2 days after!

Is that the true vertigo you're getting or just dizziness/unsteadiness? Vertigo involves some kind of a feeling of "rotation".

Go see your GP at any rate - 2 days after aeros sound a bit long.

QNH1013.2 21st Jun 2006 06:02

I've been reading this with interest, so I bought some. $38 for 30 pills.

I'll update you on how it goes.

From the packet:

"Tinnitus, Vertigo, Perjpheral Circulation and Cognitive Function."

Tebonin containing the unique extract of Ginko biloba, EGB 761, has shown through clinical research to be an effective treatment for a range of conditions relating to microcirculation including Tinnitus, Vertigo, Peripheral Circulation and Cognitive Function.

Tebonin optimises the flow properties of the blood through capillaries increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to all organs, tissues and individuals throughout the human body, effectively reducing the amount of free radicals within cells and enabling optimum cell function.

Take 1 daily, or 2 for intensive usage.

Aussie_Pilot 21st Jun 2006 06:48

Originally Posted by QNH1013.2
I've been reading this with interest, so I bought some. $38 for 30 pills.

I'll update you on how it goes.

From the packet:

"Tinnitus, Vertigo, Perjpheral Circulation and Cognitive Function."

Take 1 daily, or 2 for intensive usage.

do you need a medical prescription to get it?
and have this medicine collateral effects??


Hugh Jarse 21st Jun 2006 07:07


I wouldn't be too hasty to blow my money on pills without a medical diagnosis. I'd be going to the doc first off. If it's dislodged crystals, I'd question the ability of a herbal remedy to physically force the crystals back to where they should be, because that's what needs to be done.

That can only be done by physical manipulation such as the Epley Manoeuvre.

The Espley Manoeuvre worked for me, with no worry of side effects.

The advantage of this, of course, is that the results are immediate. Taking pills could take ages (if in fact they work).

Go see your doc:ok:

blackbird71 22nd Jun 2006 03:15

RE Vertigo
Have you guys tried the Releifband? My missus tried it in combination with kwells and she swears it works.
Its available from the US, no side effects.
As an addition to this i find your body builds a tolerance to vertigo the more flying, unusual attitudes, aeros you do.
It also makes a difference if your the one flying or a pax/student. As the pic your brain is busy and doesnt have brain space to waste on mixing visual cues with your senses.

QNH1013.2 22nd Jun 2006 09:38

Tebonin (pronounced tebenin)
Today I consulted my GP. He was sceptical and said, "you need to take a close look at whose making money from it. The manufacturer, the designer or the importer" I don't know the answer to that. Then he said, "it is natural and if it works, which it looks like it does, then it can only be a good thing." But then again he is a GP after all... a general practitioner.

Tebonin is made from Ginko - a herbal extract. It is very pure and the best available.

I also spoke to their 1800 advice line.

Tebonin is not prescription medicine and not pharmacy medicine, it is "complementary" (not free) and available off the shelf to anyone over 12.

Once you start, you don't stop taking it.

Recommended dosage is 1 per day for 2 for intensive use.

The result is the reduction and or complete removal of Tinnitus, no matter what caused it, flying, playing in a band, motor bikes or whatever.

The small blood vessels in your ears and all over your body start to flow more freely with more oxygen and it can completely remove your Tinnitus, however IF YOU STOP TAKING IT, IT WILL COME BACK....eventually.

Once it goes away you can experiment with the dosages. They suggested to me perhaps to take 1/2 per day instead. You could get one of those choppers and go for a quarter per day, or perhaps take 1 every 3 days or something like that.

This might sound bad, but if you have Tinnitus, you will probably be prepared to try anything to get rid of it, no matter how complicated or expensive. For me, it's worth trying and might help me with air sickness, vertigo, car sickness and possibly general well-being.

At this point in time, I am not aware of any side effects; other than requiring continued use. In the long term, it will cost between $10 and $40 a month.

Let me know if you want to know more and I'll try and find out...

J430 22nd Jun 2006 11:05

Vertigo my ar#e
I know who you are......

Its those vodka laced Po*fter drinks you get into mate!!!! They mess with your head, even 8 days later!!!:ugh:

Straight and level from here in for you my friend.:D

Or stop flying RV's:=

Cheers J:ok:

Woomera 22nd Jun 2006 11:20

If room commences to spin...

1. Apply full opposite eyeball

2. Ease head forward until rotation ceases

3. Centralise glass and refill

Works for me every time!!!


Sunny Woomera

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