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-   -   ANY TIPS FOR QANTAS CADET FLIGHT TESTS? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/229436-any-tips-qantas-cadet-flight-tests.html)

archangel7 11th Jun 2006 20:29

Guys..... CAN SOMEONE, without being a smart ass, honestly tell me what kind of personality is QANTAS looking for? from what I've noticed, its not just the personality its also the "image" I would assume you have to look the part? I don’t know about the personality bit, but I’m sure its more of the "image" they are looking for. For example: TRAVOLTA!!!! GREASEE LIGHTNING!!!! or when he played swaggering Vinnie Barbarino on the TV series "Welcome Back, Kotter"..... Is that the personality they are for?
Like, don’t get me wrong or anything, but once he finished his worldwide promotional tour for QANTAS, and in return was trained as a 747-400 first officer with Qantas. Did he have to pass the phsyc and aptitude test? how does that work? Is that the image they are looking for? The TRAVOLTAAA Look??? cos if that’s the case... thennnnnn QANTAS HERE I COME!!!! Hang on a sec while I put my dancing shoes on!

-_HowUdoiN_- 13th Jun 2006 00:44


I have not personally taken the flight test, but was talking to someone who did do it and passed... He said it was very much like a CPL flight test, having to negotiate controlled airspace and plan alternates in the air.. and all the other fun stuff

Good luck

jetrider444 13th Jun 2006 02:13

Thanks mate, I have heard a few things like that. I think though, from now on I will just do it on my own, I don't really appreciate all of the crap I have copped in the last week or so. I just wanted to see if a few people could give me some tips. These people are arrogant (I don't know why because their attitude at best may get them a job with a mediocre regional carrier if they're lucky) and jealous of me because I have confidence in myself.

Good luck to you all, maybe some day you could come up and have a chat with me on my flight deck.

:eek: :=

ThoughtCrime 13th Jun 2006 02:17

These people are arrogant

their attitude at best may get them a job with a mediocre regional carrier if they're lucky
Cough! :mad:

Captain Bogus 13th Jun 2006 02:19

Fortunately there are some decent people here to offer some advice, even if someone has a bit of an attitude. unfortunately I have no advice for the cadet process, I know however you will have more of a chance in life with your attitude jetrider than some of the other guys here like morno baron driver and disco air. Unfortunately they are probably not the best people for the aviation industry as their bad attitude and personalities rub off on others, maybe you should go back to maccas boys. its a pitty that pprune happens to be a bit of a cess-pool for these people.
Goodluck jetrider, maybe you can help these guys change their attitude when you are in, then perhaps they will have a chance.:)

disco_air 13th Jun 2006 02:31


Did I miss something?

I read about a certain fellow who speaks of 'baron-drivers' and those who fly for 'mediocre regional carriers' as they are some sort of subordinate type of pilot, and that since that is what we are doing, then we must automatically be lesser than the successful applicants of the qantas cadetship or failed applicants of such a course?

Perhaps have a little more respect for your fellow aviators and realise that the industry is much, much bigger than red tails and the cadetship, and its not the be-all-and-end-all of it either!

...Disco :yuk:

Oh and Captain Bogus (how appropriate, a bogus captain) you just proved you have no idea. One wonders why you signed up just to contribute to this post alone (Joined June 2006, Posts 1)

Keg 13th Jun 2006 02:36

Originally Posted by jetrider444
Good luck to you all, maybe some day you could come up and have a chat with me on my flight deck.

You didn't take the subtle hint I tried before, let me make it abundantly clear now. So that you understand where I'm coming from, I passed the psych, passed the cadet course and I'm in the front right seat of the flight deck that you wish to join. I'm telling you that your attitude isn't the one that QF is looking for. If by some miracle you happen to get through the psych and into the cadet course, the attitude you have shown on this thread will ensure that you cop a hiding from the other crews you fly with.

Grow up and learn your place in the scheme of things. Many of your fellow crew will have come from the 'mediocre regional carriers' that you deride. You'll find that they are highly capable- probably moreso than an ex-cadet over the first few years or so- and if they've gotten in then they've demonstrated that they have the same attributes as you.

Good luck Jetrider, you're going to need it. :ugh:

morno 13th Jun 2006 03:35

I never remember seeing a Macca's uniform in my wardrobe.....
I do remember seeing a flight bag though, and a ****load of good fun that I've had so far in the mere 2 and a bit years that I've been in this industry.
What I do dislike though, is people who use all of their mummy's and daddy's money, to get them through a cadetship, and they're pushing out those of us who have had to do the hard yards in GA, because we didn't have a spare $100,000 and a big head at the start.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with going out into GA and doing some real flying, earning some maturity, earning those decision making skills a lot of junior drivers lack. And getting rid of the big head, and not pissing off those guys who make up the majority of the industry (aka, "Baron Drivers", or GA Drivers).
WOOMERA EDIT. I hope you fail the interview and have to become a "Baron Driver" and work your way through a "Mediocre Regional Carrier".
Keep the personal insults out of the argument, Morno. Lest Ye be banished to the Sin Bin.:=
Woomera (Eastern States)

Toluene Diisocyanate 13th Jun 2006 03:46

Well said Keg
Jetrider there's a bloke that reads this site that does the simulator check.
But he's one of them "mediocre regional pilots" you spoke of.:}
Looks like he won't be poppin his head up anytime soon to offer advice now you slagged him.:= Change feet:8
Don't worry about this one "big bum" he took care of it himself :D :} :D


Led Zep 13th Jun 2006 04:59

Oh dear. :}
I hope none of the "mediocre regional captains", whom of which you will be doing your 2 years of "industry placement" with should you be successful, are reading this.
Are you looking forward to the chat they'll have with you when you enter their flightdeck? :=
I'm no cadet, but am friends with many and they surely do not need to be tarred with the same brush as you. A few of which paid for their cadetship by working at Maccas! :oh:
It is because of cadets like you that cause "the rest of us" to have, unfairly, negative attitudes to cadets as a whole. Don't ruin it for the ones who get there by working hard!

Chadzat 13th Jun 2006 05:11

maybe some day you could come up and have a chat with me on my flight deck.
yep....good luck with that :mad:

morno 13th Jun 2006 05:30

Sorry Woomera, :*

ContactMeNow 13th Jun 2006 07:14

I knew a guy that got into the QF cadets as a Stage 1 a few years ago, went to Parafield, did all the training etc. Was then sent to Singapore to do his ATPL conversions and FAILED them. They sent him back to Australia and the last I heard from this guy QF were yet to contact him regarding "work placement" that was 1-2 years ago! He had an attitude very similar to your's jetrider. Except he openly told everyone that he was only "interested in aviation because of the money and the easy ride {refering "aviation" to "the airline" (QF) and "easy ride" to "once im in, im in"}.

Its obvious that we wasnt going to last long at all, and he didnt.

So regardless to which ever path you take in aviation (or any industry for that matter) you will need to work hard!

Adopting the "once im in, im in" attitude does not work.

maybe some day you could come up and have a chat with me on my flight deck.
With an attitude like that I would not even want to be in the same room as you when you are playing flight sim :}

Much to your remorse, multi-crew and CRM do not work that way....

I wish you luck in any of your life endeavours jetrider.

My final tips; Work hard and be good to your mother ;)

Gidday :ok:


falcon996 13th Jun 2006 08:35

rider, youve clearly struck a soft spot with a few of the people here.
just wondering what youll do if you dont get into the cadetship? if your not prepared to go through GA or go to a mediocre carrier for a few years then you probably wont survive in the program anyway.

Hugh Jarse 13th Jun 2006 10:08

Forget about me T.D.I.

I have nothing to add to Keg's remarks;) He's covered the matter reasonably well.:E

BARON DRIVER 13th Jun 2006 13:35

so jetwanker, will you be able to cut it in the GA world, you so love to bag, once your dreams of cadet**** are gone?

Gee just imagine, the best thing you could fly in your whole GA career could be a BARON!

Now lets see if you reply???????

ausflying 14th Jun 2006 02:32

Jetrider, one step at a time. How about getting through the first two stages first before you worry about your flight test?

command 14th Jun 2006 03:17

hey morno just want to know why you feel that way towards cadets. would you still feel this way towards cadets when an x cadet might be doing your check to line with an airline.

jetrider444 14th Jun 2006 03:18

Falcon.... For your information, my dad has a friend who is the CEO of a highly regarded corporate airline and he said if I don't get into the cadetship I can have a job there! They don't operate falcons though, they are crap :ugh: :rolleyes: :=

*Lancer* 14th Jun 2006 03:25

Uh Oh :ouch:

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