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halfballdeflection 26th Apr 2006 10:04

Interesting Behaviour
I recently saw this. As a pilot at YTWB I saw an argument between an instructor and a CP of a local operator who uses multi piston and a business jet. The cp parked his twin cessna 421 on the fuel point nose to nose with smaller piston aircraft. Only 1 taxi way is provided to get in and out of the fuel station. The smaller machines were parked facing into wind. One pilot was positioning a ladder and climbing up it to fuel his 180. Another trainer was parked in front of another hanger and as the twin entered his slipstream blew the little trainer, door/flaps and controls everywhere. The instructor challenged the cp who completely denied doing anything wrong even though he had now parked in a c180 and blew the crap out of another trainer. The cp then went onto insult the instructors experience when trying to explain his actions.

I think this is a poor airmanship demo and big aeroplane itis. As a new pilot I was amazed the cp didn't even acknowledge the fact he could of damaged the small trainer. Ever heard of this parking in of small aircraft by twins nose to nose? I believe the cp was ex airline and was amazed when other pilots said "typical".:mad: :mad:

Hugh Jarse 26th Apr 2006 11:40

One of the posters here has "Small Penis Syndrome", commonly linked to poor airmanship and having a larger aeroplane.:}

And it's not the originator of the thread:E

DirectAnywhere 26th Apr 2006 11:52

Although it's a litlle presumptive, I've no real problem with the nose to nose parking although it means one party is going to have to push their aircraft back (guess who!). It happened to me several times and you just smile and deal with it and accept that they and their aircraft are far more important than you'll ever be.

The propwash, however, is another issue and I would typically regard it as very poor airmanship with the potential for serious damage to other aircraft or injury to personnel.

Be careful how you raise the issue as aviation is notorious for fragile egos and if the other party takes offence, just walk away and learn your own lessons from the experience.

Contract Con 26th Apr 2006 11:53

Well said Jarse.


I too flew through Toowoomba and out to the desert on a regular basis moons ago, but I can't recall poor acts of airmanship being the norm.

Quite the oposite in fact.

The big commercial pressures:rolleyes: of getting the rigpigs to and fro is no excuse to act like as ass.



Led Zep 26th Apr 2006 11:56

What's the problem preacherman? Upset that you cannot afford a bigger watch, even with all that TWIN ENGINE time in your logbook? :}
Maybe HBD has found his man. :E

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Apr 2006 12:10

Cool. Didn't realise it worked that way. Does that mean I can park your twin in with a bigger four engined aircraft?? :} That will work until someone with a bigger aircraft parks me in. :p

importanance of being a commercial Pilot
wow.. must be important if you don't even have to ask people if they mind you parking them in..

actually.. probably just responded to a windup since it's PreacherMan's first post :D

Wizofoz 26th Apr 2006 14:45

Well now preacher, I just happen to fly an aeroplane just a LITTLE bigger than yours (hang in there son, learn a lot, completely change your attitude, grow up an MAYBE you'll get a chance one day.) and with your current attitude I wouldn't want to share an airport, circuit, airway and certainly not a cockpit with you!! (Just so you know, you'd be sitting to my right).

Professional courtesy and airmanship are determined by the worth of the guy in the cockpit, not by the size of the aircraft.

Chimbu chuckles 26th Apr 2006 15:37

I suggest you expand your horizons (as big as they may seem to you) and go to Roma, Charleville, Emerald, Moomba etc.

Have you really been to ALL those places?


Mr.Buzzy 26th Apr 2006 20:14

Who cares about parking and being important, as long as Pete, Dave and Cracker had some sausage rolls and sauce at Charlie Barlie I was a very happy camper!

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz

Wizofoz 26th Apr 2006 22:10

HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM........... The preacher seems to have taken his sermon else where!!! Halfballdeflection, the behaviour you witnessed was inexcusable, but all to common amongst those who "Would-be-if-could-be"!!

Sunfish 26th Apr 2006 22:28

Anyone who stuffs around and parks in an aircraft that is at a fuel point is not only an idiot, but a fool. My personal plan if this ever happened to me is to immediately stop fuelling until the offending aircraft is removed. What do the regs say?????

VH-XXX 27th Apr 2006 00:27

I get absolutely sick to death of people who park at the bowser, fill up and then just sit there and gas-bag the next hour. I find parachute aircraft at my field guilty of this all the time; they fill up then wait for their load to walk over so as to avoid having to start up again. Very annoying, especially when they have the nerve to tell me to move my aircraft to avoid their prop-wash.

Avgas172 27th Apr 2006 10:24

I hate it when people bag their gas .... I mean how rude! and potentially dangerous too... :E

CashKing 27th Apr 2006 11:55

Finland is a country where considerable weight is attached to the spoken word — words are chosen carefully and for the purpose of delivering a message. Indeed, there are very few other culture-specific considerations that visitors need be aware of. Finns place great value on words, which is reflected in the tendency to say little and avoid ‘unnecessary’ small talk. As the Chinese proverb puts it, “Your speech should be better than silence, if not, be silent.”

MOR 27th Apr 2006 12:33

Well personally I'm still laughing at the idea that a 421 could be described as a "large aircraft"... lol

Seriously though... two things spring to mind. The first is that good manners cost nothing. The second is that buffoons who puff themselves up with self-importance usually end up eating humble pie from those they have annoyed in the past. Twas ever thus...

Pass-A-Frozo 27th Apr 2006 13:13

hmm.. Preacherman has deleted his post...

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