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novicef 1st Mar 2006 20:40

Certificate IV Training & Assessment.
I am about to start my Instructor Rating at the end of this month and should have it by the end of May. However I have been informed that I may have to do a Certificate IV course. Does anybody have any info on this.

I was hoping I would have my Rating before this course was introduced. Is this certificate only required for instructors or all pilots???

Bendo 2nd Mar 2006 01:48

From what I can tell, your Grade 3 instructor rating can be "RPL'd" (credited through recognition of prior learning) to cover most, if not all, a Certificate IV. The training providers give you a self-assessment form and you tick off the things you reckon you have been taught, they fill in the gaps, assess you, issue certificate.

Catch: you still have to pay the $2k or so whether they provide you with the training or not.:ouch:

You DO NOT need a Cert IV to be a flying instructor, but many companies seem to think that it add credibility. It may also be required for VETAB or CRICOS accreditation of the school.

Good luck.

propelled 2nd Mar 2006 02:56

I did my cert iv thru work at the bosses expense..(non aviation job)..
Was a piece of piss to get the certificate... the trainer came to my workplace for about 5-6 half days, studied a little bit at home, then tested/assesed me on-site and i have my certificate.. Its pretty straight forward...but I would imagine most of the cert iv items would be covered in an instructors training course anyway....

You can also do this training thru Tafe and distance learning which would be a bit cheaper..
Instructors will be even more broke if they have to pay for this certificate on top of an instructors rating! maybe they could try n get the employer to pay for the certificate... yeah right! LOL

novicef 2nd Mar 2006 03:13

Cert IV
I found this on the CASA website.
CASR Part 61 Discussion Paper

In the context of competency-based training, Ken Keech raised as a concern that there are many flying instructors who do not hold a Certificate IV. He observed that assessment skills are different to instruction skills. In response, Dick Reynoldson pointed out that Certificate IV was designed for industries that do not have the very structured training already in place in aviation. Accordingly, CASA believes that it is appropriate to provide transitional arrangements for existing flying instructors. Under the new rules all new flying instructors would be required to have completed the specified modules Certificate Level 4, and examiners and chief flying instructors would be required to have completed the whole Certificate.
Mr Reynoldson also clarified that CASA is proposing that flying schools providing training for flight instructors be required to be Registered Training Organisations (RTO), but this requirement would not apply to flying schools generally. To qualify for registration, the flying school would need to have at least one person holding a Certificate IV.
Geoff James expressed concern that there is nothing in the proposed Part 61 rules to prevent people with only a private pilot licence being employed as instructors by flying schools. He pointed out that there would be an incentive to recruit instructors with this lower qualification as they would be cheaper to employ. Dick Reynoldson advised that the change is designed to allow experts in small specialised fields, such as acrobatics, to qualify as instructors by demonstrating competence. It is not CASA's intention that people without a commercial pilot licence give instruction in flying schools. CASA agreed that there is a need to tighten the relevant provisions.

Who is Ken Keech ??

MBA747 2nd Mar 2006 03:46

Cert IV.
Well I just did some checking. It appears that once one has a Cert IV, he/she can go out and run this course. I spoke to both Chisholm & Holmsglen TAFE and the fees vary between $1500 & $2000. It is not funded by the govt.

Does this mean the cost of completing a Cert IV is the same as undertaking one semester of a Bachelor Of Economics. Does anybody know what the academic background is of these people running the course.

Perhaps once I finish flying the 744 I should get on to this lark to partly furnish my lifestyle.

Kickatinalong 2nd Mar 2006 08:15

Cert 4
Don't worry about it, as it's not going to happen, it has been put on the backburner.
Kickatinalong.:ok: ;)

160knots 2nd Mar 2006 10:42

Instructors Cert IV
Well I got a quote from a school in Bankstown for my Instructor Rating and the quote was $13,000. The reason it has gone up $2000 was the Cert IV course.

Why should I pay all this money when the returns are meagre in terms of wages & conditions. It appears to me that someone has got on to this band waagon and is pushing it to make more money out of instructors.

With additional Cert IV costs and CASA fee increases it's pointless going this route.

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