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rove'd 11th Feb 2006 10:52

Whats the go with Pearl and Aerorescue both looking for new Chief Pilots? Is there some kind of issue going on inside this company? Always thought of them as stable and at the top of GA in this country. Thinking of applying, but is there any internal politics one should be aware of?

jarjar 11th Feb 2006 23:42

There are internal politics in every company, dont concern yourself with Pearl and /or Aerorescue, they are a couple of the better GA companies to work for. I think youll find KL (Pearls Cp) is very close to retirement, and last time I spoke with him he was possibly making a move back to Perth. As for Aerorescue, I cant be too sure.

Hope it helps

rove'd 12th Feb 2006 10:01

Thanks for that jarjar, I have sent you an email.

Anyone else with information most welcome.

Crackatoon 12th Feb 2006 14:32

Yeah things are real rosey at PA. Pilots leaving in droves because it is so great there! :hmm:

Toodogs 13th Feb 2006 03:23

Crackatoon. What a crock.

People are not leaving in droves, however finding the right people for the jobs is probably making things tough. This has led to a number of people not making the grade and being asked to move on. Others have, in the current market, found greener grass and have shot through.

Many of the pilots in the company (Pearl) have been around for more than 3 - 4 years. The pay is good (about +$60,000pa) and we are pretty well looked after. Of course, as in any company, there are those that are not effective in their roles which leads to people getting frustrated with the way things are run, but overall you could do far worse.

Give them a go.

aerocom 14th Feb 2006 09:39

Most People I know in Pearl are happy with things. EBA time so always a few annoyed. Hey JarJar how is the wee Fooker treatin ya.:cool: Any one thinking of joining Pearl it is a good place to work and with a good training standard.

Gnd Power 14th Feb 2006 10:27

Hey toodogs,

so salary about $60 grand pa. What aircraft type doesn't enter the equation?

What about two crew ops, all captains or does the FO get the same salary.

Honest questions, as on the face of it, it sounds a great gig for a new FO (if you have them).

captwawa 14th Feb 2006 12:39

i think 58 is the starting wage for a kingair, then add allowances onto that. could be wrong..

Toodogs 14th Feb 2006 22:29

First year Captains Kingair or Metro is:

Base salary: $51,350 plus
PACR allowance: $2,114
Remote area allowance: $6,921 (also avail in DN)
Jeppesen allowance: $243

Total: $60,628

Base salaray goes up (at the moment by 2% p.a. plus 6% after 3 years service).

Metro FOs are earning something in the order of $42,500.

Mostly FO positions are being filled with QANTAS cadets at the moment so BE20 captain positions are probably where you start and then move on to Metro Captain if you want. You're frozen in your position and base for 2 years and there is a pro-rata bond of $9 - $12K reducing from 6 months into your employment ending at $0 after the two year period.

KingAir flying is contract charter (in Port Hedland) and aeromed in Katherine and Gove and aeromed/charter in Darwin. I think about 2,500TT required with 500 multi command (100 multi command at night for aeromed) and Port Hedland is less stringent (on the night hours).

Metro is all contract charter and a little ad-hoc charter in Darwin and Alice Springs.

You'll only fly about 4-500hrs a year and mostly do about 30 hour duty weeks. Not too stressful, however aeromed is standby at home and takes up a fair chunk of your life. It's decent flying and conditions (hopefully going to get a little more dough soon:D ) and is for anyone who can give a couple of years of honest service.

A happy employee!:ok:

jarjar 15th Feb 2006 07:08

Not to bad aerocom, just like a big Kingair really, with some extra gadgets to play with. Hows EBA going?

Gnd Power 15th Feb 2006 09:41

A company that pays a Remote Allowance is obviously one that values it employees. I Bet that there are not many other GA companies that go down that track.

And if you stay for the three years an effective 4% pay rise for each year of service. Better than some.

Mate, great to see a happy GA guy.

rove'd 15th Feb 2006 11:08

Jarjar and Toodogs, all very good and interesting information, thank you for sharing that with us.

Personally I am more interested in the Aerorescue position so any information forthcoming regarding that aspect of the company would be appreciated. I understand it is a very new part of Paspaley so information is probably pretty thin on the ground, but anything at all would be helpful.

Thanks again.

AerocatS2A 15th Feb 2006 12:57

Aerorescue would be a great job as long as you're happy doing 150 hours a year! Good retirement job for a captain maybe. Good job for a young FO? Maybe not.

SmoothCriminal 15th Feb 2006 16:53

Make No Mistake.....
Both Aerorescue (SAR) and Aeromed (Air Ambulance) are NOT...GA. They are "Specialised"
They both are very demanding when you're dealing with people on the other end !! with very limited information and notice available ....especially the SAR

Good effort, keep it up ladies and gents :ok:


Fred Gassit 15th Feb 2006 22:17

Reinforcing what Aerocat said, if you are counting the hours in your log, look elsewhere, just staying current in the aircraft is occupying a large part of these guys time through constant study. Pearl itself is a better place to gain experience.

m-dot 16th Feb 2006 06:14

Aerorescue - Newsflash

New RPT service in a Dornier 328 will be provided from Perth to Tjuntjuntjarra announced will keep pilots current.

In the Tjuntjun Tjabber Newspaper, community director Mr. I. Baird said that he looked forward to the mutually beneficial service.

Reverseflowkeroburna 16th Feb 2006 07:09

Hmmmmm....Yes, new RPT services
Yes m-dot, I read that too.

It was just below the article talking up the new operator who has just bought a couple of the old Concordes, and since recent approval for supersonic flight over the desert areas has been given, is going to start an east coast service to Meekatharra with them!!! :p

rove'd 16th Feb 2006 10:12

Gentlemen, whilst I am up for a laugh and a little fun I am asking a serious question here.

Also, I am well aware the actual flying hours are low on this type of operation, but I am specifically asking about the recently advertised Chief Pilot position for AeroRescue. If anyone can give me specific information it would be appreciated, and why this position has become available at all would be of interest. Why did the current CP leave?

Sorry to hark on, but having been out of the country for quite some time and only just returned it seemed PPRuNe might give be a suitable medium for enquiries. Closing date tomorrow so have to decide whether to apply pretty quick!

To those who have taken the trouble to send me messages, thank you.

AerocatS2A 16th Feb 2006 10:41

Surely you should apply, ask some questions at the interview (if you get one), and decide later if you want the job or not. No harm applying for a job you altimately turn down.

prussian blue 16th Feb 2006 12:00

The closing date was short, do you think they already know who they're
giving it to?

Capt Claret 16th Feb 2006 12:22

Is the current CP KL? If so, perhaps there's nothing more sinister than, it's time to retire.

Slipri 17th Feb 2006 01:58

Apparently he is retiring, so Pearl do need a knew CP. But doesn't Aero Rescue aswell? There should be suitable candidates internally for both positions with specialist experience shouldn't there? So does Pearl come under Airline/GA/Ultralights/Hot Air Balloons or Specialist? I thought it was a GA company with CAO exemptions? There are so many specialists out there! How much are pilots on the Dornier supposed to get for their 150hrs/ year?

Dr Phil 17th Feb 2006 02:34

Hey Capt Clarry,

Maybe KL wants to return to Perth and enjoy the AMSA retirement prospect. He probably has enough Long Service up to wait for the 328 to commence in Perth. Probably would need this time to readjust to a stress free lifestyle that AMSA may offer?

prussian blue 17th Feb 2006 04:42

Wasn't there 3 positions, 2 chief pilots and a director? All from one retirement?

InTransit 17th Feb 2006 08:48

Three jobs for three separate departures. KL is retiring from the CP job at Pearl, CP of AeroRescue is moving back to Pearl (two separate companies under the same umbrella, so to speak), and GM of AeroRescue wanted some more family time.

ringin 17th Feb 2006 23:28

"Retiring"....maybe forced retirement with the assistance of another party?

Also if you have, quote (two separate companies under the same umbrella, so to speak) ie 1 AOC, how can you have 2 Chief Pilots?


rove'd 19th Feb 2006 09:01

ringin, - Pearl and AeroRescue are on separate AOC's, hence the need for separate Chief Pilots. Also, Pearl CP is Darwin based, AeroRescue CP is negotiable with regards location I believe.

So now we know the CP of Pearl is retiring, and good luck to him, but what of AeroRescue's Chief Pilot, why is he leaving the post so early into the new set up?

ringin 19th Feb 2006 09:43

rove'd, I do not believe they have separate AOC's yet, hence my comment.

All positions are Darwin based, it is Paspaley policy. Centralised.

As for the other CP, maybe its tied in with the other CP problem...maybe.

Did I say problem? Tsk Tsk

InTransit 19th Feb 2006 22:06

Details details...:) AR and PA are not two separate companies....yet. The AOC is in the process of getting approved, hence the requirement for AR to get a Chief Pilot. So that should settle finer points! :ok:

prussian blue 19th Feb 2006 23:29

Close, but not quite, they both had CPs, and are both needing one again now

rove'd 28th Feb 2006 16:58

Yes AeroRescue did have a Chief Pilot but technically did not need one as they do not have an AOC. I understand they are going to aquire an AOC in the near future so will need the replace the departing CP.

However they do not seem in a hurry to replace him or they knew who they wanted, but then why advertise?

They will no doubt be advertising for crew for their new 328's and following on from other threads, I wonder if they will be able to attract experienced crew? :ugh:

captwawa 1st Mar 2006 09:12

that will leave paspaley with 3 aocs once ar is approved..
they have one for the Falcon... Pearl International i believe its called. Udd think they would have it under one it make life easy..

ringin 6th Mar 2006 11:14

No, a simple check on the CASA site will show LLoyd Aviation as the AOC holder for the Falcon and Mallards.

And my info is that the CP thing is far from being resolved, as is their industrial woes!

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