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msbatcha777 26th Jan 2006 02:25

The problem with aviation is that all of them want experienced pilots! How do we gain the experience? We must get employed first! How can we get employed when we come out of flying schools with only 200-250 hrs?

msbatcha777 26th Jan 2006 02:28

wrote that out of frustration. Thats the first time i have shown 1/100000000th of my frustration in writing!
I finished my training in march last year (2005) and i have applied to so many airlines and charter companies..... no one even replied! Except once from Transmile.
I was called by Transmile in Malaysia for an interview. They asked so many questions related to my personal life....tell me something abt ur wife's character! Do you have fights frequently?!! Can you stay without seeing your wife for more than a week!!??
They never did ask me even one aviation technical Qs!
My 2 friends who were there for the same interview got in! They graduated with me.... i passed my ATPLs in one go while they passed after 4 goes and 3 goes! Well you may say results are not the only things the airlines look for... chracter also counts. Well i have to say right from primary school to university.... i have been given character references which i feel are quite satisfactory... I can't say i am an angel either!
I have lost the respect for this airline! Not because they didn't hire me.... but because of the questions that are thought of as illegal to ask in many countries, were asked by them. I answered ALL their Qs well as i have been preparing for it for abt a month! I felt very confident after the interview.... only to find after a week.....i was not selected!

preset 26th Jan 2006 08:57

The age old aviation dilemma, can't have the job without experience & can't get experience without the job !!
I guess the only thing to say is that most other pilots have faced the same situation before breaking into the industry and with perseverance you will too.
Don't give up.
Good luck :ok:

psycho joe 26th Jan 2006 19:19


I feel for ya buddy, what are these airline types thinking?

Well it sounds like you've covered all the bases and done everything that you possibly could to get a start in the industry. Unfortunately, if you can't get into an airline sraight out of training then the reality is that you probably never will. So there's nothing else to it, you may have to consider giving up the flying.

ViagraDependent 26th Jan 2006 20:47

Or, you could always try an instructors rating or parachute drop rating. Whilst maybe not your ideal choice of jobs, they will give you more experience which will help you move onto other jobs.

My first job in aviation had me washing planes and dishes, sweeping hangers, cleaning office windows, answering telephones, vacuuming reception floors, serving beer at the aeroclub bar, packing parachutes, etc etc. I was lucky to get 2 trial/parachute flights a week. All paid off in the end though. Now have a job flying for a regional turbo-prop operator and over 3,000 hours.

With what I have just said in mind, DO NOT do the instructors rating unless you want to teach. It is no fun for you or the student if you just do it for the hours.

Never forget the benefit of time spent at the aeroclub/parachute club bar. Once people get to know the real you they will only be too happy to help.

Good luck and no matter what anyone tells you, don't give up. It is all worth it in the end.


rmcdonal 26th Jan 2006 21:21

You got an interview with 200-250hrs. Wow im impressed :eek: :eek: .
Looks like you may just have to slog it out with the rest of us in GA. Dont just try charter opperators, tourist traps are also a good source of employment for the low hrd pilot.
Dont feel bad if the company doesn't reply, they get hundreds of resumes at the door every month (my boss once showed my his "pile") and if yours only has 250hrs on it where as the one next to it has 500hrs then you can see whats going to happen. Remember it costs them time and money to reply to your letter/fax/E-Mail. Alot of the charter CP pick there pilots from walkins. If your willing to drive/fly/Apparate and meet the guy/girl on the other end of the phone then that shows interest and puts a face to the paperwork (also if your lucky you may just get a check ride out of it :ok: )
Still its an difficult Catch-22 in the mean time. :(
Good luck

jandakotpilot 27th Jan 2006 00:11

Its the age old question.... what came first the chicken or the egg?????? clearly in aviation it was the chicken.
Know your stuff and be eager to get a job and especially be eager to learn!
Good Luck

NAMPS 27th Jan 2006 07:21

Welcome to the real world. Most people here have had that experience.

If you love flying that much - do not give up.

Do keep contact with those who might be able to give you a job or those who themselves have contacts.

Take whatever aviation job is going - eg washing planes, hangers etc (this is closely related to the above).

I agree that if you do not want to teach DO NOT get an instructor rating just to build hours - you do yourself and the student no favours in doing so.

Parachute ops IS fun.

disco_air 27th Jan 2006 09:44


Deal with it.


NoseGear 27th Jan 2006 10:13

May I ask as to how you got an interview with 250 hours with an airline that requires a type rating? :rolleyes: Or are they that desperate now they've dropped that annoying little requirement?


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