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-   -   Any truth to the rumour about JitCinnict contracting due Jet* TransTas ops? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/185682-any-truth-rumour-about-jitcinnict-contracting-due-jet-transtas-ops.html)

murdoch_disliker 12th Aug 2005 15:37

Any truth to the rumour about JitCinnict contracting due Jet* TransTas ops?
Any truth to this rumour that Jet* operating trans-tasman will curtail JitCinnict ops? Both operations have the same owner and seem to be on the same turf.

J430 12th Aug 2005 21:33

Quite Likely
We booked a trip to NZ for the Wanaka Airshow next year, and our flights from Sydney to Christchurch were both on Jetconnect, however our return flght is now being changed to a JQ. Maybe our trip over is before they start, maybe only some services are being taken up. Maybe the to will take over more of the mainline QF traffic except for the USA flights.

After all NZ is just a domestic flight to the islands off the coat of Oz!!

I am sure its all about cost, and the new Hairbus must be cheaper to run than the old 737's left over from QF and AN.


GalleyHag 14th Aug 2005 02:37

This may answer some questions, from the domestic FAAA:

Jetstar Tasman Services

As you would be aware through recent press reports and communications from Allan Joyce, Jetstar have announced their intention to commence services across the Tasman from December 1, 2005.

What has been reported in the press and confirmed by way of correspondence from Management to the Association, it is the Company’s intention to use Jetconnect cabin crew on Jetstar Aircraft for these flights.

The Company’s “ITK” (2nd Edition, August 2005) communication stated that the Tasman flights would be operated by current Jetstar pilots based in Christchurch, with an expression of interest going out for eligible pilots.

We ask all cabin crew to note that at no stage, to date, during the current EBA negotiations has your Association been offered the same arrangement for current Jetstar cabin crew. In fact we have been told that the cabin crew used for these operations will be operated under the current Jetconnect conditions, which are certainly inferior to yours.

To that end, the Association wrote to the Company earlier today and asked that the following be noted as part of our EBA negotiations.

1. That current Jetstar flight attendants be given the opportunity to operate on the Tasman services and;

2. That these services should be covered by our current Enterprise Agreement as amended through the current negotiations, this would also apply to flight attendants employed in New Zealand.

Jetstar cabin crew can rest assured the Association will keep you informed on any progress in this regard.

Arctaurus 14th Aug 2005 05:02

Or it may well be that Jit Cinnict will effectively become Jitstar NZ. It's an established self contained operation with a very low cost base. Domestically in NZ, it's load factors are about the same as Air NZ.

The main issue is the replacement for the 737 classics - don't be surprised to see increasing numbers of JQ A320's rotated through NZ and operated by JitCinnict flight crews.

propaganda 14th Aug 2005 08:45


I can't see Jetconnect...becoming Jetstar NZ. The more likely scenario is Jetconnect down scale and become a domestic carrier only feeding QF mainline. leaving Jetstar operating trans Tasman loco and going head to head with Pac Blu & Freedom.
I wonder who's got the bigger balls..... :ok:

Expanding 14th Aug 2005 09:13

Depends on wether the Pro's at impulse, I mean Jetstar sign an eba to undercut Jitconnect pilots to get the work.

Sleep well do ya Fat Jan.

Three Bars 14th Aug 2005 11:07

The race to the bottom continues.

Anyone prepared to offer Jetstar/Jetconnect $10000 so that they can fly the Tasman?

Big Jan 14th Aug 2005 12:38

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :ok:

Transition Layer 14th Aug 2005 13:49

I wonder if the Jetstar pilots are going to stand up and say no to the Christchurch basing, the same way people at QF are ready to say no about a Singapore S/O base?

polemic 14th Aug 2005 23:29

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

As far as a race to the bottom is concerned try doing some research, it is actually more expensive for the operation to be crewed by Jetstar pilots.

As for parallels with the QF Singapore base(which I am lead to believe hasn't been knocked on the head yet) Jetstar pilot in NZ will end up being paid more than those in Aust.

But hay its a good story so you guys stick with.

Three Bars 14th Aug 2005 23:36

Polemic - I'm intrigued.

Usually the QF group (Qantas/Australian/Jetstar) do things for only one reason $$$$$$$$$ The Qantas group has a great track record of playing pilot groups off against each other to save money.

If they are opening a Christchurch base and employing New Zealand based pilots if they cant find enough Oz pilots for the job then I assume it would be because of $$$$$$$$$$$

If you are in the know about how much each group is going to get paid, let's hear the details. Until then I remain sceptical, since the Qantas group only cares about one thing


Stall Margin 15th Aug 2005 01:53

Heard the company "jetstar" is going to base 2 A320 in christchurch.They are going to fly to syd where the engineers do the etops check and turnaround then they will fly back there again.Question is whose AOC are they going to operate under? Probably a contractor maintenance plan again as they do in cairns.I have spoken to a number of A320 F/O's who said they are going to apply as they want a captaincy on the a/c.

OVERCHINA 15th Aug 2005 07:00

I have a good friend flying for Jitconnect out of Auckland . We caught up on a recent layover.
He was told that 10 Jetconnect pilots will be retrenched . This will allow Jetstar pilots to do the flying from OZ.The strange part is that Jetconnect could have done the flying at a far lower cost base on an NZ AOC. The Powers at the evil empire headquarters probably stuffed up this decision well and truely ( OR are playing power politics.)
The maintainance could be done in Nz by ANZ (Now an A320 friendly maintainance devision.)
They have to run an extra flighty on an Aus AOC.
Pilots paid less than J* pilots etc... No super. No staff travel etc.etc.
With morale shot ,most pilots are now looking seriously at those lifeboats before the ship sinks.Who could blame them.
Apparently J* are not required to take on the JITconnict pilots . As a matter of fact it may be oversubscribed for applicants....so the NZ pilots will get the royal heave ho. They are looking at all other NZ ports to enter NZ and that will mean more Jetconnect pilots will not be needed.
Oh and the cous de gras .If any Jtcnict pilots are lucky enough taken on by J* they will be given a reduced price endorsement on the A320...cop this...ONLY $26,000 AUS.to keep a job..?
F*&k me..what a wonderful benefit...
What happened to the good old days ,when employers really appreciated the employees that brought home the bacon.
Jit connect pilots should get some VASELINE included in the next EBA as it may well be needed..!!!
Good luck guys.......

Mr Seatback 2 15th Aug 2005 08:11

Me thinks a serious stuff up occurred in the decision making re: Oz AOC instead of NZ AOC.

As has been rightly pointed out, 1 extra flighty on the a/c compared to NZ requirements.

Naturally, JQ didn't expect the FAAA to come back at them and say - "well, Australian AOC = Australian conditions, surely?"

That slave labour plan just went out the window, along with the predicted savings of 5 FA's vs 4 FA'.s

Serious stuff up here. And that's just the beginning...

Captain Can't 15th Aug 2005 08:37

Oh and the cous de gras .If any Jtcnict pilots are lucky enough taken on by J* they will be given a reduced price endorsement on the A320...cop this...ONLY $26,000 AUS.to keep a job..?
hmmm so it's pay for another endorsement to keep ya job?? maybe throw in a 3% paycut to boot! thank the j* guys again :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

rescue 1 15th Aug 2005 20:23

As I understand it, you would be on an Aust EBA living in NZ therefore paying NZ tax earning NZD.

That would mean @900hrs/yr AUD160000 would equate to roughly NZD170000 on the top rate of 38% tax.

More than Jitconnict earn. And more take home than the J* Oz...

Polmic - your right.

Looks like a stuff up in the Powerhouse.:confused:

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