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Troopy 10th Aug 2005 03:16

Multi Jobs in Karratha
Rumour has it, that Auswest Airlines are looking for several Pilots for a new contract.
Requirements are: 2000hrs total, 1500hrs pic, 500hrs multi command, 100hrs on type (Baron/Navajo), 3 Renewals. But I believe close enough maybe good enough.
Pay will be above award and good conditions.
If anyone is interested send resume to [email protected]

Screwed™ 10th Aug 2005 03:46

John, just make it out to "Auswest Airlines".

Eyes only 10th Aug 2005 06:29


Thats a bit steep, last I heard the CP didnt even have that...

You forgot to mention they have taken people with less than 1500 hrs, zero multi command, bare endorsements, straight out CIR with no night time.

What about the other requirements and conditions..like multi NVFR, mining health and safety course, mining 4wd course, dangerous goods, 6 weeks on and forced 2 weeks off, and a pay of about 25k per year for ME instrument pilot working some of the hardest shifts about.

And the ability to do endless paperwork....

And the ability wash and clean aircraft that needed paint jobs 10 years ago....

Someone mention buying your own uniform ?

Paying for your own CIR renewals ?

What about when they send you down to Perth for maintenance having to pay for your own accomodation, meals, and transport ?

With "2000hrs total, 1500hrs pic, 500hrs multi command, 100hrs on type (Baron/Navajo), 3 Renewals" get a job with a real turbine RPT operator, that pays you the conditions your worth.

Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ...

:} :} :} :} :}

P.S. where is that thread Topic: Illegal Practices in Australian Aviation.

airway_manual 10th Aug 2005 06:57

WARNING to anyone considering employment with Aus West. The man running the show "Jerry" has been known to F#!K many pilots around.

Question for Jerry - who wants to fly clapped out twins with the experience you are asking for? and get paid 25k?

Wake up Jerry.

Eyes only 10th Aug 2005 07:23

Just been looking at the Pilot Industrial Awards thread as Troopy said

Pay will be above award and good conditions.
The base rate Fixed Wing Multi engine $35,116.00

"As a permanent employee you also get other conditions such as 6 weeks (42 days) annual leave, Payment up to $1000.00 to purchase Loss of Licence insurance, meal allowances, sick leave etc."

Are they now paying proper sick, accident, meal, night, accomodation, and transport allowances ?

Are pilot rest periods in accordance with the award ?

Troopy .. that email address is bouncing ...will [email protected] do as a substitue ?

tinpis 11th Aug 2005 05:53

I'd want $35 grand just for spending a week end in Karratha :yuk:

JSM 11th Aug 2005 14:29


just in case your reading this, i think your a KNOB...........

you make me sick :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

karijini 12th Aug 2005 00:52

anyone even giving a job with Ausworst a thought, get it out of your mind right away!

if you do you'll fly busted up, pilot maintained aircraft and also put up with 2 A4 pages full of snags while it waits for its 100 hrly, oh sorry 125 hrly. also don't plan anything on your holidays cos it'll change 3 or 4 times to suit Ausworst. before you even can submit a resume make sure you get all the useless mining inductions and 4WD courses done, aircraft endorsements, flight to karratha for an interview, uniform...but you're not guarenteed a job yet. if you're very fortunate enough to get a karratha basing, you'll spend your day washing planes, doing moutains of paper work and getting abused for probably 4 hours/week flying.

from what i've also heard the CP has about 150 multi-command and can't do line checks.

award pay? yeh right.

what goes around comes around

vneandbeyond 12th Aug 2005 03:05

Kusha Project
Just read the "selection process" for these appointments and almost fell off my chair laughing. Some spanner has cut and paste most of the selection criteria from the Qantas Webpage. It makes for a very funny read!!!!!!!!!!!

10/10 for entertainment. Well done Aus West.

What does the Interview phase involve?

The interview will be of approximately 1 hour duration. Interviewers have complete discretion to vary the length of the interview and the time taken should not be interpreted as an indication of the candidate\'s performance

What does the Simulator Flight Assessment involve?

The primary aim of the Simulator Flight Assessment is to evaluate instrument flying skills, spatial orientation and manipulative abilities.

The Assessment will be conducted in a B58 simulator. The simulated flight will take place within the Karratha terminal area. There is no radio work required and no assymetric flying.

The Check Captain not provide monitoring or assistance during the instrument flying exercises or approaches, so the assessment will be a single pilot operation.

Where do I have to go for the assessments?

All assessments are conducted at the Aus West Airlines training facility at Dampier WA.

What happens after the assessment?

Assessment results cannot be discussed with the candidate on the day of assessment. Each candidate will be contacted by letter, fax, phone or e-mail as appropriate within 1 weeks of assessment.

slice 12th Aug 2005 06:50

I knew I had seen those phrases somewhere before but couldn't put my finger on it.:}

What a bunch of twats!!!!

Seriously could Qantas claim copyright infringement ??

QUEEN OF HEARTS 12th Aug 2005 12:07

Theres a job going as a gardener with Karratha airport pays 41K so why would you be a pilot?:ugh:

whosyourdaddy 12th Aug 2005 13:03

Hang in there Jerry. As someone who's done the "hard yards", I fully understand how hard it is to make a go of it in GA these days with young pilots needing the experience you are offering before moving on. I was one of those pilots. Sure, no one wants to or is going to stay there forever. It seems so easy though, for some of these little upstarts to sit there and **** can someone who is going to give them all the experience they need in 2 short years (at the most), to go on for the rest of their days sitting up in a big jet, earning megabucks. So, upstarts, stop the whinging, show some respect for your employer, take some pride in making yourself a better person/pilot, learn from the experience and get over it. You won't be there long and YOU for one will be a lot better off.

JSM 12th Aug 2005 14:33


Cop it in the ARSE for 1 day, Cop it in the ARSE for 2 years, your still coppin it in the ARSE mate

Don't know about you, but i'd rather not cop it in the ARSE if i can help it.:eek: :eek:

Transition Layer 13th Aug 2005 00:28


An employer is not....

someone who is going to give them all the experience they need
The experience you gain is the result of you slogging your guts out, offering your SERVICES and SKILL to an employer.

Companies don't exist to provide experience to pilots, and it sh1ts me to tears when you have to listen to that sort of crap - without the pilots, there would be no company.

Don't ever listen to a CP or owner of a company saying "without me you wouldn't get the experience you need for QF, Virgin" or whatever. Without you, he would not be in business!


Counter-rotation 13th Aug 2005 01:24

TL, that's right up there for "Best post in D&G" IMHO. If only we could get it out to the masses, and make them understand it's the truth.

Anyone who disagrees with it, I hereby invite you to explain why...

Especially interested to hear from employers who masquerade as a young pilot's best friend, with the power to "offer experience", while jacking them up the #$% and profiteering off it all the while.


tinpis 13th Aug 2005 01:57

So......hows the cricket?

whosyourdaddy 13th Aug 2005 07:40

JSM and transition, when you do eventually make it, and I'm sure you will, you will probably understand what I'm saying. That's correct, without the pilots there's no company, and without the company there is NO pilot's. Welcome to GA. Hasn't been different in 30 years and unlikely to change. Jerry would have seen another dozen come and go in the time it takes you to do your next ground school. All probably ready to get on here and **** can him as well. Two years boys.... That's all. xx

karijini 13th Aug 2005 22:36

RE: whosyourdaddy... nice try jerry:ok:

wouldulikefrieswiththat 14th Aug 2005 02:03

JSM and transition, when you do eventually make it, and I'm sure you will, you will probably understand what I'm saying. That's correct, without the pilots there's no company, and without the company there is NO pilot's. Welcome to GA. Hasn't been different in 30 years and unlikely to change. Jerry would have seen another dozen come and go in the time it takes you to do your next ground school. All probably ready to get on here and **** can him as well. Two years boys.... That's all. xx
/begin rant

Ok, usually I’m quiet on these forums but I’m getting tired of listening/reading some of the crap that comes out on these pages.

I’ve “made it” in a number of industries, some of which I’d say require more dedication and commitment than scoring a GA job, and I’m quite sure I could "make it" in Aviation as well. I like the saying … there are many competitors lined up on the blocks but not much competition. Especially when some of them are too busy backstabbing eachother.
So I do understand what your saying … your saying let employers bend you over and have their own way with you because they are giving you a job, and you should respect them for that and maybe one day you’ll move onto something else. :yuk:

That's correct, without the pilots there's no company, and without the company there is NO pilot's. Welcome to GA.
Why do you emphasise the “no” on the second half of that statement? The truth is there will always be pilots even with no companies, there were pilots before there were companies were there not? A lot of people fly for the love of flying and nothing else, in fact that’s what a lot of employers bank on when they are screwing them down.
That “welcome to GA” sounds a lot like “welcome to the real world” … which is one of my most hated sayings because usually the people saying it are actually living in their own little world quite different to everybody else’s reality.

From your previous post …

So, upstarts, stop the whinging, show some respect for your employer, take some pride in making yourself a better person/pilot, learn from the experience and get over it.
Show some respect? I always look at respect being earned. When some of these employers show a reason to be respected then they’ll be respected. Simple hey? Obviously this works both ways and the employer should show some respect for their employees when earned. The pilots are the front men for the business. They talk to the customers, they are in control of the heavy metal, and usually the broomstick as well.
Treat them like crap and how do you think they are going treat your business?

/end rant

Let me just make it clear I have no idea who Auswest Airlines are or who Jerry is or what either of them do, this post is purely my opinion and is directed at whosyourdaddy.

Aerlik 14th Aug 2005 03:34

Feeling a bit pissed off are we? Wonder why:p

Just wait to AirRageRonnie gets his hands on you!!;)

bushy 14th Aug 2005 03:48

There is important work being done in the outback, by real people, in small aeroplanes. If you fellows cannot handle it , do not go out there. Stay in the city, and ask your flying school for a job.

Continental-520 14th Aug 2005 07:40

I've heard through linked sources (this is strictly rumour) that the package being offered has been boosted to around the $50K per year mark, meals and accomodation supplied, allowances as per the award regarding 6 day weeks, night flight, 500 kg, etc.

Additional expense of pilot remuneration over and above what AusWest are offering is being/to be met by Rio Tinto, who are in fact the company awarding the contract to AusWest and require those minimums for their work exclusively. Also heard this may be a two pilot operation, which seems a bit questionable in Barons. Didn't think there was much room for payload once you start filling a Baron up with pilots more than necessary and fuel.

Any confirmations there?


Billacabella 14th Aug 2005 13:45

Time for a change?
Sounds like you are ready to move on....



drshmoo 15th Aug 2005 02:25

By the way TL already made it and through GA hard yards (except the M5 surveillance)

limpwindsock 15th Aug 2005 03:38

[B]2 Crew in Baron[/B]
I guess the only way they can carry a reasonable load in a two crew baron is to do what they do best, fly around on min fuel. At least they go VFR everywhere so no one has to hear the terror in their voices. Does Rio know they go VFR everywhere or conduct straight in's at minesites to save 0.1. I really hope a reputable company like Skippers acts soon in the Pilbara to stop this nonsense.

Blown Seal 15th Aug 2005 05:59


I really hope a reputable company like Skippers
Are you f@rking kidding? Making pilots pay for endorsements then bonding them AS WELL is not something I personally would call reputable. Nor is flying a braz around VFR because some turkey forgot about the EGPWS requirement. Glad to see the bond issue has bitten them in the @rse.

Good to see that Jerry is going to start treating his pilots like human beings with decent conditions instead of like Filipino sweatshop slaves, albeit even if he has been forced into it.

5humptey 15th Aug 2005 12:23

So with all the sh*t that Auswest is getting (which is well deserved by the way) what about KArratha FLying Services??

The machined there would have to be the best maintained and looking fleet in WA if not Australia. Big call i know but a fair one. Wages are award for piston and above, yes above, the award for the turbine drivers. With the DHC-6 there is quick progression available to get turbine time and yes it can be logged as the Op's manual is for 2 crew operations. Definately a company to work for. Not many lukers in YPKA either, most hired from cv's or word of mouth.

So back to Jerry bashing, great to see an ex-cop running a tip-top operations. Probably a crooked pig in his day!!!

"Yeah come and fly my **** house baron, i will pay u $22'000/year and u can live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 4 other guys. As a favour u can drive my minimoke"

:mad: :mad: :mad:


Continental-520 15th Aug 2005 13:21

Hey Billa
How's things mate?

No, firmly set here, since I'm having a win with it.

How's yourself? You still in the big smoke or elsewhere? PM me if you prefer.

All the best mate


piston broke again 15th Aug 2005 13:57


Welcome back. See now, don't you miss this all this?

darren44 18th Aug 2005 15:01

Believe it or not there are good company's out there to work for, but in saying that, there is still a degree of sh$% you have to deal with wherever you go... aviation or not.

Nothing wrong with a good hard days work, but at the same time dont let people use you up anymore than you use them...

I have turned down a job before even after check flight and offer of employment, simply because i had never met such a rude chief pilot (let alone any person) in my life, i simply didnt turn up the next day.
I drove on to the next town, and had a flying job within 24hrs of arrival.

These people that treat us this way do it because they are just so used to all these fresh CPL's desperate for a job and they know they can dish out all the crap in the world to them and they will never open there mouth.

PPRuNeUser0182 20th Aug 2005 01:59

I have turned down a job before even after check flight and offer of employment, simply because i had never met such a rude chief pilot (let alone any person) in my life, i simply didnt turn up the next day.
Me too!!

I wonder if it was the same bloke...:D

darren44 25th Aug 2005 13:02

Good to see there is someone else out there who has the balls to stand up for there own humanity... good on ya Info Charles!!:ok:

Deepsea Racing Prawn 27th Aug 2005 03:09

These people that treat us this way do it because they are just so used to all these fresh CPL's desperate for a job and they know they can dish out all the crap in the world to them and they will never open there mouth.
Having had their ar$e kissed for so many years, they actually start believing they are special.:yuk:

LioLlehs 27th Aug 2005 06:51


The pilots are now going to get 80k a year plus allowances. Theres going to be two crew and even second pilot will be on over 60k. Being bank rolled by the mining company.

An attempt to keep over qualified pilots flying pistons

swh 27th Aug 2005 09:54


I congratulate the operator for making such a move to improve conditions for GA pilots in remote areas.

Can you provide further details for readers here to the above, is that $80k cash, or is it a factored package including allowances and the cash amount closer to $40k ?

What portion of the $80k will be a reportable fringe benifits ?

What is the cost of living like these days in that town ?

PM me if you like.


Continental-520 27th Aug 2005 13:20

I congratulate the operator for making such a move to improve conditions for GA pilots in remote areas
Yes, it is nice to see for a change...even though it's not the operator improving the conditions, but rather the client!

The reality is that this particular operator, as can be verified by the posts on previous pages couldn't give two hoots about any "award" that they may be obliged to observe, etc.

I would like to wish all the best to the guys who are going to be moving on as a result of this change, and hope that you all get a job somewhere nice that you deserve.

It seems a smidgen comical that they're crewing a Baron (some with only one control column fitted) with two pilots, but, hey, if they're willing to pay some decent dosh for it, then by all means.


(edited for spelling)

darren44 7th Sep 2005 10:40

Damm straight 520!

We all know that none of us will see 80k per year in GA, at least not in our life time.

Your exactly right 520, its the client. as you know (520) i currently work for one of these big mining companys, and i can tell you right now that 80k is chicken feed to them. Even tho im not flying, i get 20k more than that, and you should see how little i do at work, its rediculous!

They have got money to burn!

520 "where are you?"



Continental-520 7th Sep 2005 11:21

It's under "r"...
Haha...good to hear from you Squire.

Are you back yet? Give me a call if you are, otherwise I will when I get a chance.

All the best mate...hope things are going your way for once.


confirm-finals? 9th Sep 2005 15:03

1350 hrs with not much multi....What are my chances?

jarjar 9th Sep 2005 22:49

Stick your resume in and find out, They may look at it as though youll hang around for a while to get your multi time.

Good luck either way.:ok:

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