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-   -   another 4 years of Clare anyone? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/178927-another-4-years-clare-anyone.html)

tinpis 17th Jun 2005 03:02

another 4 years of Clare anyone?
How will another 4 years of Clares mob affect GA in the topend?
Would Dennis mob make any difference(air surveys for powerlines perhaps? aerial surveillance of the Smith street Mall and Todd river?)
I have often thought a tax on air tickets to and from communties would be a fair way of funding some unfortunates back home.
Time was when the CLP had their own airline?:}

Desert Duck 17th Jun 2005 10:27

It will be great when it is all over and TV will be back to normal.

I have had enough of the commercials.

OpsNormal 17th Jun 2005 17:11

And here was I thinking that so many more people spent 4 times what I do on power bills.... :ooh: ;)

tinpis 17th Jun 2005 19:54

:mad: my feckn power bill is about if not more than what Dennis quoted.

maxgrad 18th Jun 2005 00:32

I dont pay no bill for power!
Ar sleep on dat riva bank or ar stay at mar sisters house.
Those wooden cupboards burn real well ay:} :suspect:

Today should be reclassified as poly open season day.
targets can be found frequenting schools, churches and halls.

tinpis 18th Jun 2005 02:25

Ya ..an dey gunna put dat polismen on my cuddin inna grass eh bro
Dis da wun dey givem territree man a da yeer mite..pukem ol he doon is pley da card an cookem stingray fo da cuddins eh.

Capt Claret 18th Jun 2005 14:47


Given the electoral routing of the CLP, I'd say there's another 8, if not more years of the Labour Govt in the Terrirory, not another 4! :ok:

gaunty 18th Jun 2005 16:05

So Clare is out and who is in?? and the brothers get to do what?

tinpis 18th Jun 2005 21:21

Gaunty write down "Clare Martin ALP MASSACRE a hundred times.

Not 8 years Clarrie , they can stay for as long as they chose.
The CLP is totally and utterly destroyed and there is now no opposition in the NT parliament:ooh:

The Voice 18th Jun 2005 22:22

:bored: wha??????? Clare bear won? good grief! :ooh:

gaunty 19th Jun 2005 02:06

So it's the last person leaving the NT please turn off the lights routine then.:*

Musta cost em a motza setting up the bros

tinpis 19th Jun 2005 02:18

Yers gaunty ...apparently the ALP candidate that won a southern seat did over 38000km by road avoiding media contact during the campaign

I think you can imagine the stage being set when the CLP leaders names were Burke and Mills

OpsNormal 19th Jun 2005 02:44

gaunty, that assumes that the power station feeding the light switch in question isn't offline undergoing "routine emergency repairs" in the first place..... Therefore negating the need to actually select the switch to the "off" position as there was no current feeding the light fitting in the first place... :rolleyes:

Was interesting walking out of the polling booth building yesterday to see our local CLP bloke (for Sanderson) and Dennis Burke both not looking overly confident.

Some papers are saying that the Top End led the charge away from the CLP.

Party time for Labor faithful


gaunty 19th Jun 2005 13:41

Sunk more than a few at the 'tahs club. Musta changed a bit since.

Me liddle Bro useta be a wheel in the Comonwealth Dept of Transport and Works in the Whitlam days when they had to spend money like there was no tomorra on our indigenous friends or get sacked.:mad:

His mates, the leaders in the communities, would beg em to stop becoz it was ruining the young uns.
Nah just had to spend faster so that wally Goof and his mates could jet the faithful in, get some meeja opening a residential high school in the middle of nowhere, which was mothballed the day after they'd gone and they've prolly forgotten its there by now.

tinpis 19th Jun 2005 21:12

gaunty the tahs moved into a plash new clubhouse about 5 years ago at the gardens oval.Last I heard they were broke.
Goof Whitless was huge success wasnt he?
Have heard a rumour around town a certain newly elected party leader is leaving to live in Qsland.

RENURPP 20th Jun 2005 00:26

I voted, however could not force myself to be responsible for electing either side, I am aware of plenty of others who felt the same.

I hope you remembered to cancel the removalist Claret.

Erin Brockovich 20th Jun 2005 00:29

What I found interesting was seeing what aircraft the different parties had hired when coercing the voters at communities. The ALP wasted more money on the campaign in twins. The CLP all travelled in singles. Who do I want managing my hard earned tax dollars in the most efficient way?

Not good enough for the territory Clare! :E

OpsNormal 20th Jun 2005 00:33

...The CLP all travelled in singles...
Ah, no, not right. That might have been the way they flew in your company aircraft...... :hmm:

tinpis 20th Jun 2005 01:04

So...at last some input about top end aviation...the champions of the great unwashed travelled in the plashest mottaplanes?? :hmm:

Did HA get to use his jet?:E

Erin Brockovich 20th Jun 2005 04:34

I stand corrected.:hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

gaunty 20th Jun 2005 06:57


I'll deny I ever said this, but we made more money in the aviation business under Labor Guvmints than liberal, they know a plash mottaplane when they see one, best pubs, smoked salmon sangers, cold Moet 'n all, 'n up the workers orright.

tinpis 20th Jun 2005 07:23


No matter how you scratch it this place up here produces f*** all and relies on at least 80 cents in the dollah handout from the big Punters purse in Canberrastan

It was never better here than when the Silver Bodgie was chucking it around .

Pinky the pilot 20th Jun 2005 08:09

Changing the tone of the last couple of posts for a bit........
Is it just me or can anyone else see a slight resemblence of Clare to Comrade Helen from the Shaky Isles??
Maybe too much good Red wine but......

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

tinpis 21st Jun 2005 10:37

Clare is beautiful.
She is the most.
Hail Clare forever!

I wonder what I can get for my house? :{

7gcbc 21st Jun 2005 14:17

"Comrade Helen from the Shaky Isles??"

well I did think the same thing, not that it makes any difference anyway....... I did mention to a NZ PM aide a few months ago that I thought HC looked like a .....well, ahem, a ....... well, you know, a ...........how do i say this ............oh.........I need to pop to the little boys room to have a shake of the old .............LOOK!! is that the all blacks on tv.................

Capt Claret 22nd Jun 2005 19:15


It must be just you, I can't see any resemblance.


I thought that campers just moved on rather than sold ....

RENURPP 22nd Jun 2005 23:30

You must be getting old Claret,
they almost look like twins.

The Voice 23rd Jun 2005 00:11

Perhaps Clarrie sees a different side to her than the rest of us mere mortals ..

with one eye half shut and after a glass (or 3) of vino, she could kinda sorta look a smidge like Helen .. maybe

tinpis 23rd Jun 2005 01:20

How many glasses of red Voice?:hmm:

Helen of Border Leicester

Clare of the massacre

tins name and profile be on the fifth floor for sure :}

7gcbc 23rd Jun 2005 02:14

quite a few glasses of red actually, I had the bum job of being both a MC , Best man at a wedding recently and mind two jetlagged toddlers, a thankless task only assuaged by beacoup de vino. Honest, there were NZ PM officals there and I did ask the question..........I forget the response, those particular brain cells did not survive.

which one is clare in the second photo ?

Pinky the pilot 23rd Jun 2005 09:59

The Voice, 7gcbc; I hope that it's a good red, not Chateau Cardboard (aka rotgut)!!
Like the interests part of my profile says;
Life's too short to drink cheap booze!
Capt Claret; You sure you've been drinking the good stuff now??:E

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

olderbutyzer 23rd Jun 2005 11:09

Pinky, haven't you learnt to lay off that stuff yet? :E

The Voice 23rd Jun 2005 22:41

A sad but true story is, that red wine ne'er passes these fine lips. I love the stuff, but unfortunately it just doesn't love me. Now stick a glass of chardonnay in my hands and that's another story! Or, a bourbon, or a champers ..

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