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MIss Behaviour 7th Apr 2005 05:31

Aviation Karma - does it exist in Oz?
Fellow ppruners et al. Just curious as to whether anyone (and I'm sure there are a few of you) has ever been given the rough end of the pineapple then come up trumps in the end. :( :(

When they say 'what goes around comes around' - is this true? Is there ever triumph over adversity?

Examples of what I'm talking about are:

1. You get a message on your answering machine from an airline to contact them re an interview and your flat'mate' (also jockeying for a position in the same company) 'forgets' to give you the message resulting in the company thinking you're no longer interested in the position.

2. You are flying for a company that Joe Blow wanted to work for but wasn't successful in his application and Joe's missus is bitter - if her husband can't have the job then nobody can. She then starts badmouthing you by saying you were drinking to the wee hours (within the 8 hour bottle to throttle rule) which was totally untrue however a person in the company who she's chummy with believes her story over yours. :yuk: :yuk:

3. Someone at a previous place of employment for whatever reason (usually something personal) did not like you and sh!t cans you when a reference check is done for a future position resulting in the dreaded 'best of luck in your future aviation career' letter. :{ :{

I'm also curious as to the rights of an individual under the Freedom of Information Act. If you are unsuccessful in a position and you suspect foulplay do you legally have the right to ask what was said and by whom? If what was said was erroneous and the decision to or not to employ you was made as a result of incorrect allegations by an individual or company you need to know to prevent this happening for any future positions you might apply for.
:confused: :confused:

I would love to hear some examples and if karma did indeed come back and bite these people on the rrrrrrrrs. :ouch: :ouch:


Beer Can Dreaming 7th Apr 2005 05:45

I turned up many, many years ago in person looking for a job at Townsville.
This company operated singles and a twin or two.

I turned up and asked to speak to the chief pilot and was told by some young bloke (about my age at the time) that he was not available for a few days.
When asked what the enquiry pertained to,I explained that I was looking for work as a pilot and was told to leave my resume.

After dropping my resume off, I returned to the office a minute later to ask another quick question and witnessed this junior pilot I handed my application to ripping it up and filing it accordingly.
The guy looked me in the eye and didnt even batt an eyelid!

That face was burnt into my memory even to this day.

Some years later and I had an airline job and ended up doing interviews.
Guess who turned up no less?

Without any help from myself this guy made a fool of himself by lying and tried to backpedal unconvincingly when questioned during the interview.
His attitude stank and my fellow (and senior) interviewer thought the same.

Karma you may ask?
My answer is definitely.

Last I heard of this guy was that he paid for a 737 endorsement and was unsuccessful in obtaining a job with a certain airline or its pacific offshoot.

What goes around definitely comes around.
Be nice to your fellow pilots people !

SkySista 7th Apr 2005 06:32

Beer Can, Lovely mate!! :ok:

That must have felt wonderful! :E

What a priceless example of karma in action!!!


johnyblack 7th Apr 2005 06:52


No doubt about it, what you dish out in aviation comes back to you in trumps, both good and bad.

Do a pilot a favour by helping them when they are having difficulty either at work or in their private life and you will get the same back in time.

Sh.tcan them and you will get that back too. Seen it on a number of occasions. :E

Aviation is a very small community not only in OZ but worldwide.

Ozdork 7th Apr 2005 07:55

Dare I say it, the years 1989 and 2001 hold a certain level of Karma for some prooners.

Salem 7th Apr 2005 08:17

Why are Australion pilots nancy boys and talk feminate?

questil 7th Apr 2005 08:59

I think the words you are looking for are, Australian and effeminate. If English is your third language I humbly apologize for my retort to your simplistic, unfounded assumption.

I suspect your premise is flawed thus your potential argument is invalid.
He talks effeminate, (note spelling) thus he is a Nancy boy thus he is Australian. Or is the word feminate a new colloquialism, I have looked in Oxfords and alas and alak could not find it.

If your resume or curriculum vitae crosses my desk or if Staff CV spit out a petty document with your details take heed it will be shredded and you will be banished to the land of ignorance where Airline Pilots pay for their existence and work for free.

But then I suspect that you are probably a late teen sitting in a dark room and have downloaded all the porn off the internet and are looking for something to do trying to irritate intelligent eloquent well educated persons or do you fly for $#@$ :)

Cheers all

Salem 7th Apr 2005 09:34

Why are Australion pilots nancy boys and talk feminate?
Like I said.

elektra 7th Apr 2005 09:46

Don't know about the actual word "Karma" but the concept resonates more than a little.

I had "friends" jump across a picket line years ago (yes, it was 1989) because they "only" had a DC 9 or 727 rating and were scared. I still hear some of their voices now, flying 737s for the Rat all these years later.

I had a few scrappy years here and there, a few false starts, but the take home lesson is that if you hang in there, the wheel does turn. I'll be flying my 777 into SYD next week and enjoying it as I have for years now.

This business is NOT for the faint hearted, nor for those who would jump over their mate's still breathing bodies to grab a bit of temporary glory. Just have a bit of patience, even a few years worth, and stick with your mates and what you KNOW is right.

Karma?....not sure....but common sense, hard won and learned by many before me. Ignore at your peril.

CaptCloudbuster 7th Apr 2005 09:52

...back in 1998 when CX was recruiting heavily from the Australian scene I was lucky enough to make it to my second interview in HK. My "best mate" was there also and he had his interview directly before mine... My first question was "So :mad: tells us you are a UNION REP in your current airline" ( this was untrue).... the next 20 mins were spent discussing my views on industrial representation in the Aviation workplace... not exactly how I'd imagined my final interview to progress.

Needless to say I missed out and he got in:{

The good news - 12 months later I was selected by QF and gained an FO position 1 year before he did! I also don't have to spend my entire working life in HK :ok:

....my story proves there can be Aviation karma:O

404 Titan 7th Apr 2005 13:21


The good news - 12 months later I was selected by QF and gained an FO position 1 year before he did! I also don't have to spend my entire working life in HK
While I think your “mate” deserves to be outed for such a low act deed, I also think those that interviewed you probably also felt that HK wasn’t for you either. In hindsight your mate if I can call him that probably did you a favour.

questil 7th Apr 2005 14:10

Salem do you drive a forklift? (Sorry forklift driver’s I’m sure you had to pass some sort of standard)

Like I said, if your resume contained such atrocious spelling errors you would be in the bin. (So don’t ignore the significance of this thread re karma), you would be surprised at how many applicants get screened for poor spelling in my company) How dare you make such a ridiculous assumption I take pride in flying a high capacity piece of machinery through the sky and are lucky enough to select people who may join and not have to pay for their endorsement) The selection process is not infallible (do you know what that means) but we strive not to have such small minded ignorami (That’s plural) like yourself in control of our expensive equipment, beware I shall be looking for you.

For your guttural comments I take offence, if you cant even bother to check your spelling mistakes for all to see, how do you treat your pre-flight if you cant even be bothered to spell check your spelling. Attention to detail my friend is what its all about.

Do you have your HSC, or did you do social studies and photography in the remedial class before you were expelled from primary school. Ill bet you fly a 172 around the GAAP circuit, go back to the Baron (flight sim 1998), or are you up to the learjet yet?. Ill bet you paid for your endorsement.

Sorry Woomera but he made a gross assumption and I truly take offence, I’m not a Nancy boy, I have proper good spelling skills and I Like girls.

Stumpy Dog 7th Apr 2005 14:18


The plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room!

How many skeletons are in your closet?

Sounds like you're on the drug that killed River Phoenix.

questil 7th Apr 2005 15:03

Great Tune stumpy, I saw them in Nov was a great show!!

Sunfish 7th Apr 2005 22:20

Whats wrong with flying a C172 around a GAAP circuit????? I have to practice somehow:}

Spellchecker 8th Apr 2005 00:06

Sorry forklift driver’s I’m sure you had to pass some sort of standard (condescending)

if your resume contained such atrocious spelling errors you would be in the bin.
(psycho job interviewer 24/7)

I take pride in flying a high capacity piece of machinery through the sky

lucky enough to select people who may join
(but not qualified enough)

beware I shall be looking for you
(tell somebody that cares)

Attention to detail my friend is what its all about.
(yes, we all know one or two of those pilots, don’t we? documented by air crashes.)

I’m not a Nancy boy (sure sound like it)
I have proper good spelling skills (what do you want, a prize?)
and I Like girls. (but do they like you?)

Konclusion: Pathetic pansy type individuol

The Voice 8th Apr 2005 03:48

aaaahhhhhh .. the children are playing ..

again! :ugh:

questil 8th Apr 2005 09:47

Sorry sunfish, I know you do and as have most of us. I just was not too keen on the unfounded basis of Salems bias. For the record I would be quite keen to display my non pansy existance and gladly have a beer with with Salem and my other detractors and discuss this in a civilized fashion. Im not a purveyor of other mens bottoms but a 40 yo single gent with a penchant for women like most of us and not a neanderthal with poor spelling.

Pinky the pilot 8th Apr 2005 10:30

Getting back to the original post and the subject:
Yes MIss Behaviour; There is a 'karma' in the Aviation Industry here in Australia. It's a small industry and word does get around, sometimes not as quickly as one might imagine but it still eventually gets there!:ok:
As I have said in various other threads somewhat along similar lines...
'Those who s**t on others shall one day also be s**t upon and from a greater height and in a greater quantity!'
Never known it to fail yet!!:ok: :ok:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

bigfella5 8th Apr 2005 11:36

Have to agree Pinky....had three morons give me a bit of curry in the course of going about my business at work. Sniping, lies,direct threats...the usual in any job. Result.....one jerk didn't make major operation and will more than likely have to look overseas, one jerk can't get out of GA and one particular gaylord won't be working in any meaningful management capacity in this region again.
Amazing what happens when a lot of old buddies get around a BBQ and start telling yarns, or a few old buddies get together in a pub and tell a few stories, or a few old buddies make a few phone calls..etc etc etc.
Life is good....karma does work!....just takes time generally.:E

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