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VH-Cheer Up 25th Jan 2005 22:46

Who wants an ASIO screening test?
Because that's what you're up for if the new security bill gets passed.

So, who has NOT yet signed the OzAvBill Petition?

Only a pitiful small number of pilots have so far. If we want to send a message to Canberra we need to put our names on the petition!

Happy Oz Day!


Super Cecil 25th Jan 2005 23:51

.........Pay up
You've bin screened for years boys, the only difference is they are now going to charge you for it.:E

VH-Cheer Up 26th Jan 2005 00:37

That's the point.

You're OK with that?

If so, do nothing. All the rest, please sign the petition.

I did.

Captain Sand Dune 26th Jan 2005 04:32

Of course I want to be screened!! I might be a terrorist and not even know it!:} :} :}

VH-Cheer Up 26th Jan 2005 08:59

Well done chaps. Another ten signatures toiday. 348 voices of reason can't be wrong, now, can they?

Sunfish 26th Jan 2005 10:27

"Tilting at Windmills' was what it was called in Don Quixote.

"Running your head into a brick wall" is the modern phrase.

You cannot win this one, nor should you.

After all, if you are a God Fearing pilot, what have you to fear?

You want the licence you get the check:p

Jenna Talia 26th Jan 2005 12:58


Tinstaafl 26th Jan 2005 14:42

1. I'm a pilot.........and fearing or not fearing someone's imaginary friend has nothing to do with it.

2. The security checks are an imposition that unnecessarily adds costs and does not improve security. Just about anyone can be shown enough to crash an aircraft into whatever they like in about 10 or 15 mins + some time learning how to use the handheld GPS they bought at the camping shop and M$ flight sim to learn how to provide A/P steering cues. They don't even have to be in Australia since aircraft conveniently obey the same laws of physics. You don't even need a pilot licence - let alone an Australian one - so imposing this check on Australian pilots is futile.

Obiwan 26th Jan 2005 20:13


Go and read the petition first, then come back.

Back? Good.

I realise that the bill already has royal assent, and there's not a lot that can be done, however at least with enough signature we can show our elected politicians we're as mad as hell and not going to take it any more.

I've had some good responces from some Senators - and I enjoyed pointing out to the Liberal senators that identical form letters that don't address my concerns wasn't good enough. One even apologised and promised to actually read my letter and reply (still waiting though)

As others have pointed out there are many flaws in this bill. Another I've been trying to check is I believe foreign nationals flying 747s in to Australia won't be checked while Fred Jones who flys a C152 will:confused:

Sunfish 27th Jan 2005 03:28

Ah Ha! But what if Fred Jones who flies a C152 decides to go hunting 747's:confused:

kookabat 27th Jan 2005 05:42

Fred Jones in his 152 probably won't be able to catch a 747, even at Vne...:p

Icarus2001 27th Jan 2005 06:49

He would from the side or front....doh!

shortandsmelly 27th Jan 2005 09:32

...would take some pretty mean 'deflection shooting' to do that:=

hadagutful 27th Jan 2005 11:38

Sunfish Stinks ???
OK Sunfish,

RE: Aviation Transport Security (Amendment) Bill 2004

I don't know what part you play in aviation but there is something very smelly about your logic OR BLOODY LACK OF IT !!!!!
I have noticed your inferences on this subject on other sites.
How can you even infer that we pilots should be selected from the community at large and checked out 3 or 4 times by ASIO, CIA, ONA, or any other security organisation that has the inclination and on top of that be made to pay for it! Why I ask are we such a possible terrorist threat ?

Firstly, I would suggest that we are NOT any more of a security risk than any other sub-sector of society, in fact I would say a lot less. What about truck drivers (gee one of them could carry a few ton of explosives up to Parliament House, why do you think they are building at great PUBLIC expense, a truck proof wall around the big white building in Canberra ?)

Hey, what about taxi drivers......boat drivers.....cars packed with explosives (weapon of choice in Baghdad at present)........etc. etc.

I think I make my point. OK then, let them do a security check on us, what will it prove.
As for having to pay for it directly, that's a low act because it is a community problem, not a pilot fraternity problem.

I can tell you this, in my opinion this is just political "terrorism" at it's worst.
The legislation dreamed up by fatcat beauracrats and passed by screaming pollies in the House absolutely stinks.
The legislation is f.......g crap and we should FIGHT it.

Yes, we need to work with government and public servants wherever possible but AOPA is there to represent our interests and rights, so if the elected politicians can't see what is fair and reasonable then we should tell them.

I fear it may be too late but as long as they get the message.

Kornholio 27th Jan 2005 15:20

Who wants an ASIO screening test?
If it involves an "Cavity Search" I'd imagine The Enema Lover would want one like a rat up a drain-pipe. Going by his name, he seems to like that sort of thing.......






Meanwhile......... to the old retired has-been one who knows little but speaks much.......


Sunfish 27th Jan 2005 17:50

Hadagutful, please relax and try and tell humour from ernest discussion.

From previous discussions of this subject it appears that you have been screened before - but just didn't know it and didn't pay for it.

In the post 911 hysteria, I think we have got off lightly. They could decide to charge us $2000 not $200!

Point0Five 27th Jan 2005 21:39

Firstly, I would suggest that we are NOT any more of a security risk than any other sub-sector of society, in fact I would say a lot less. What about truck drivers (gee one of them could carry a few ton of explosives up to Parliament House, why do you think they are building at great PUBLIC expense, a truck proof wall around the big white building in Canberra ?)

Hey, what about taxi drivers......boat drivers.....cars packed with explosives (weapon of choice in Baghdad at present)........etc. etc.
So does that mean there is some validity to Bob Hawke's "glorified bus drivers" quip?

hadagutful 28th Jan 2005 12:28


As I stated earlier, I don't know what your agenda is but you must be carrying a gripe from a previous position,
but sadly you just don't get it.
I really fail to see any humour in being selected as a group of people for special security screening, we are not the only people who go near aircraft or airports.

The whole thing is a political charade !
Anyway to even suggest that we're getting off lightly in the wake of 9/11 is nonesense, the hijackers were not even career pilots, they were fanatics who infiltrated American aviation and set out on their journey with a single minded purpose. AND THEY WERE NOT SCREENED BY ANY SECURITY AGENCY.

I've made my point and like a lot of other people, I believe that the need for extra security checking for pilots is a total waste of time and having to pay for it is totally discriminatory and a very low act.

Maintain the rage and continue to tell the politicians.

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