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23 Metros In a Row 12th Nov 2004 11:28

Why do people add the S
I read a few posts on this channel from time to time, and note with interest those who are quick with the red pen for spelling mistakes.


Easterns, Horizons, Hazos, Kendells and now I read "Networks".

Nearly as bad and lazy as those who say "Daylight Savings" or even worse "haich".

Clip........sound of me getting off my soap box..

Azimuth 12th Nov 2004 12:10

The S doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as Haich:yuk:
Like nails down a blackboard

Towering Q 12th Nov 2004 13:30


What is "Haich"?:confused:

the wizard of auz 12th Nov 2004 14:21

Haich is the first letter in Hazos. :} :E

Meeb 12th Nov 2004 14:29

When I lived in Australia it surprised me that some folk would use 'haich'.

I'd always thought it was an English phenomenon... its use in oz probably originates from the thinking that strine is cockney based...

PS... Scots speak proper... :p

John Citizen 12th Nov 2004 19:35

Musts bes somethings to do's withs pprunes. :p

23 Metros In a Row 12th Nov 2004 22:21

"Aich" is the first letter of Hazo('s')

Interesting the "s" is not added to the following

Qantas's (or may be it is just apostrophe man strickes again) Qantas'
Virgin Blues
Pacific Blues
Jet Blues
etc etc

Other bug bears include ex-er-ray

Woomera 13th Nov 2004 00:56

Yes, it has been a quiet week in PPRuNe Dunnunda, this week.


The one that always gets me is the custom in some Asian countries to take a word which is plural - e.g. "aircraft" and add an "s" - "aircrafts".


Ultralights 13th Nov 2004 05:31

when will people learn!! there is NO SUCH WORD as "FISHES"

there are either 0 fish, or 100 fish or 1000's of fish. i always thought fishes is what geologists call cracks in the earths crust!

The Bullwinkle 13th Nov 2004 05:50

"Aitch" is the correct spelling, not that anybody really cares.

The one that really annoys me, is when the "k" & "s" are swapped in the word ask. Have heard many people "aks" a question. I have no idea where that one started, but it sounds bloody stupid to me.

Ultralights 13th Nov 2004 06:08

things like Aks instead of ask, and Teh instead of The, are simple typos!

Towering Q 13th Nov 2004 06:39

Back on topic for a moment...

Skipper or Skippers?;)

maxgrad 13th Nov 2004 10:45

peolple wiht way tooo mutch time one there handsssssss

compressor stall 13th Nov 2004 11:18

Whilst Brian fish, his son is playing.

That sentence is wrong. Perhaps you could elucidate the correction The Bullwinkle. :}

Oh, and the Shorter Oxford says that sometimes the collective is also fish.

And I have generally used it as follows.

1. There are many fish in that pond.

2. There are many species of fishes in the ocean.

SkySista 13th Nov 2004 14:58

Q, if that is a genuine question, and not a windup.... ;)

(The "s" thing annoys me too, as does the apostrophe thing - "the cat sat on it's mat :( )

Skippers Aviation is probably the one exception there.. it DOES have an S... but I think you know that already.... ;)

And while I'm whingeing, the "our aircrafts are fully equipped...." just cracks me up....


PS - Yes i have too much time on my hands as well :E

Tinstaafl 13th Nov 2004 18:08

I think that should be 'There are many species of fish in the ocean'.

'While Brian fishes...' isn't using 'fishes' as a noun, plural or singular.

AerocatS2A 14th Nov 2004 09:57

Whilst Brian fish, his son is playing.

That sentence is wrong. Perhaps you could elucidate the correction The Bullwinkle.

Oh, and the Shorter Oxford says that sometimes the collective is also fish.

And I have generally used it as follows.

1. There are many fish in that pond.

2. There are many species of fishes in the ocean.
My New OED allows for both fish and fishes as plural.

Personally I'd say "whilst brian fishes, his son is playing". Well actually I'd say "Brian fished while his son played" but if forced to I'd go the former.

And I'd say "there are many species of fish in the ocean".

I too was surprised by some Australians insistance on saying "haitch". Look it up in the dictionary A I T C H, aitch. I'm over it now, you can say it how you like.

On "aks", it is not a simple typo. People actually say aks. It is ignorance. Unfortunately language is always evolving and at some point "aks" will be the aksepted norm :).

4ero 15th Nov 2004 00:46

OK the fish/fishes thing...

Fish is a singular fish or plural for many fish of the same type

Fishes is plural for a collection of fish of different types

Gear in transit 15th Nov 2004 04:20

Hmmm, back to the topic, it's like when final becomes finals... :eek: Why??

Hugh Jarse 15th Nov 2004 04:33

Finals=plural? Maybe when a formation of "aircrafts" are making a stream landing?

Or is that a formation of "aircrafts" is making a stream landing?:E

Poto 15th Nov 2004 11:16

My two cents
I am often annoyed at two things.
1. Rpt aircraft going into an MBZ or CTAF announcing themselves as 'THE' jet, 'The' 737, 'The' Dash 8 etc. like they are the only one of type in country. Petty I know but really annoying.

Also IFR aircraft telling centre they are switching to an MBZ or CTAF and 'will call again on the ground'. Why not say 'will make the required radio call after landing' or 'will do what I am required to do after landing' :} :mad: :uhoh:
Ok I feel better

duknweev 15th Nov 2004 18:55

There can never be too many discussions about abuse of the language.

The "s" problem isn't confined to airlineses, what about "Myers", and "take-aways"? eeeeeek!

locusthunter 15th Nov 2004 22:42

And when did "headset" become "headsets" ??? ...Or did "headsets" become "headset" ?

I always thought it was a headset and you had to have 2 pairs of earmuffs to call 'em headsets ???


PILOTGAL 16th Nov 2004 02:52

What about "ball-oo-UNS", "filums" and "medium strips"? Are they medium because they're in the middle of the bloody road?! Try MEDIAN.

Oh - and let's not forget that classic "Can I lend 5 bucks"?!?
WTF?? If you had 5 bucks, why would you be asking?

Try "May I borrow 5 bucks" - and then say please.:*

Probably my all time favourite though is that often uttered phrase "For all INTENSIVE purposes". Hmmm, I think you mean "intents and purposes", but I'm just guessing.

Oh, Oh, just remembered another good one.

Tattoo's :uhoh: If they can't even spot an orphan apostrophe in their own name, there's no way they're inking anything onto me

NAMPS 16th Nov 2004 06:35


I always find it funny when someone refers to an order of a court that has the effect of "quashing" a guilty verdict as - SQUASHING.


Updraft 16th Nov 2004 11:07

What about "Do youse want your breakfastses yet?"

Lead Balloon 17th Nov 2004 04:50

Haich and Fishes
Haich - is the Catholic School way of saying Aich. Try it out - whenever somebody says Haich - ask them if they were educated at a Catholic School.

Fishes does refer to many species of Fish. There is nothing wrong with that.

Howevers, usings esses ats thes ends ofs alls yours words, iss nots clevers, eh! but?

Transition Layer 17th Nov 2004 05:27

I always thought "Haitch" was the Catholic way as well. I didn't attend a Catholic school but picked it up growing up in a Catholic family.

"Haitch" for me it is!


Binoculars 17th Nov 2004 12:52

Catholic school my ass. Where did you drag that up? It was continually impressed on us in the convent that haitch was a decided no-no.

Stallie was absolutely correct about fishes. The original statement was that there is no such word, not that there is no such noun.

My own personal gripe is with those who use "would of" "should of" etc. Back in the days when we were taught to analyse and parse sentences, I wonder how said people would have described the "of"?

Does any of this change the world? No, but I have difficulty taking seriously any argument put by a person with no idea of how to string his thoughts together.

Is some smartass going to tell me I should have used "his/her thoughts"?

23 Metros In a Row 17th Nov 2004 22:20

Catholic School haitch my ass too. Brother Whatsisname wasn't interested in my ass, but he had a radical way of encouraging the other boys not to use the haitch word.:uhoh:

Another for the argument is the ending of a sentence in a preposition.

"I don't use the word haitch, but."

Hugh Jarse 17th Nov 2004 22:43

Chocko schools used the cane if you said "haitch":}

I also had to contend with the cane for being a lefty. "THE HAND OF SATAN YOUNG JARSE!!!!!!!"...............WHACK!!!!

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

Binoculars 18th Nov 2004 00:42

Was it just for being a lefty, Hugh, or was it what you were doing with your left hand? ;)

Towering Q 18th Nov 2004 03:15

One that always makes me wonder is the inbound call the RPT jet makes when dropping in. "....XX1060, an IFR Boing 737....".

Do they sometimes go VFR? :confused:

imabell 24th Nov 2004 04:52

i've never been able to figure out why some pilots say, blah blah blah is on finals for 18 etc. how many finals are there???

is it an excuse for pilots who cannot maintain their approach profile so they wander from one final to another and are just covering their @rses???:confused: :confused:

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