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Aerlik 8th Nov 2004 09:06

Slimeballs, backstabbers and brownnoses
Ah yes, the subject says it all, and one of the reasons I am no longer in the game. That's right I am now back being acknowledged for what I did right/well as opposed to being criticised for doing something not necessarily wrong but not what the boss wanted. And I am actually earning a wage which will allow me to sleep easy at night, but I do rue the thousands wasted just because some little runt had his head up the boss's a"*&!

So now, tell us all about what your "colleagues" used to do to get one up on you and get that extra hour in the air. I used to work with one who lived in the office (practically) and refused to do a second job as he firmly believed he'd score more kudos with the boss being there, (and less with the bank where he owed alot of money). Go for it.

Woomera 8th Nov 2004 21:35

Go for it?

With great care, I would suggest...........



Howard Hughes 8th Nov 2004 22:25

You called?

Now I am not sure which one applies, maybe all...

Cheers, HH.


Mork from Ork 8th Nov 2004 22:43


Ah yes, the subject says it all
You've said it yourself, now ask yourself this question:

How could I have done it better?

Do'nt blame others for your lack of success, many of us have walked the path before without selling our souls. It is possible to do things right, obey the rules and still be succesful.

Mork from Ork.

PS: But I guess to you, I would be a slimeball, backstabbing, brownnoser!!

maxgrad 9th Nov 2004 00:59

Strangely enough this type of thing happens in many industries.
especially where there is a finite amount of possible placements and a large contingent of wannabees.
I imagine that a great deal, if not all in aviation say they have been shafted one way or another.
I like many others have set principles and morals,(apart from )an attitude toward the industry itself. Those who are able to stick to their's without stuffing someone elses chances will be better off in the end.
The industry GENERALLY sees a bad attitude (to people and work) coming a long way off, and if they do sneak between the cracks are usually found out soon enough.
I have been shafted many a time in this industry but I got over it and got on with it.

SeldomFixit 9th Nov 2004 02:20

Aerlik - taking ownership of your own failings and shortcomings is one of the myriad human qualities that define character.
I know I am what I am today for the most part, because of who I was yesterday. I will remain that way for every tomorrow until such times as I accept my weaknesses and shortcomings or do something to change them. Good luck tomorrow.

LewC 9th Nov 2004 02:32

Aerlik.sorry to hear that you have decided leave Politics.What now? Have you considered a career in Aviation?

Cornholio 9th Nov 2004 03:08

aer s lik don't blame us for your collapse. You should've tried harder, you know, hung around and done the same crap job of sweeping out the hangar that we did.

Or, poking around with the mechanics feigning interest in their bewildered tinkering.

Or complimenting the boss incessantly on his fine fleet of 3 clapped-out Cessnas and how modern and well-kept they are.

And all that sh!t the rest of got good at doing but you obviously didn't catch onto.

If you had done this you might be fatter now and not be working in a bank, dealing with Joe Six-pack everyday. The rest of us are in the airlines now sitting on our arses.

To answer your original question, I used to tell the other guys to go straight home after I knew they'd done a long day and the aircraft was on an early job the next day, "Don't worry, I'll clean the a/c and top up the oil, etc."

Then I'd leave it. Later the boss might casually ask if so-and-so had gone home and I'd say,

"Yeah I saw him in the pub. He said he'd come back and clean the a/c in the morning."

locusthunter 9th Nov 2004 04:33

This is probably a wind up, but there are plenty of "Aerlik"s out there...

I think maxgrad says it all...

I imagine that a great deal, if not all in aviation say they have been shafted one way or another.

I have been shafted many a time in this industry but I got over it and got on with it.
...and that's all we can do...sigh, get up tomorrow and see if you are still here!

Everybody has there own lives and criteria for hapiness...
...I reckon - good on you "Aerlik" if you have got out of the industry and are happy...great... you could do yourself more of a favour by finding other hobbies and not worrying about pprune and thinking about what might have been. Are backstabbing stories really going to help you in anyway?

There do seem to be pricks in G.A. however, probably the great majority of people just want to do the best they can and get on with their lives. And everybody can always justify (to themselves) everything that they do...

Aerlik, you say ...

And I am actually earning a wage which will allow me to sleep easy at night, but I do rue the thousands wasted just because some little runt had his head up the boss's a"*&!
Forget the thousands- they are gone. Forget the little runt- he is gone. Forget the boss- gone. Time to leave us all alone on pprune so we can continue to backstabbed in our own little Aviation worlds...

see you later...and good luck.


grrowler 9th Nov 2004 05:46

Well I have to agree with aerlik, there are plenty of backstabbers in aviation, I suspect however they are in all similarly competitive industry (just watch The Apprentice some time!).

Rather than turn this on aerlik (good on him i say - if you're not happy, cut your losses n get out) I'm gonna add a couple of experiences I've had over my GA years.

In my very first job the CP took a disliking to me because I asked for a retainer for all my office duties. He then asked me to go n get my IR, which whilst I was doing, proceeded to tell the owner I'd up n left without notice, resulting in my job being taken. Nice.

Later I had a casual pilot go telling complete lies to the owner in an attempt to get me fired so he could take my full time gig. Luckily it didnt work but it came mighty close.

Then there was the guy who let slip one day that he "didnt care who he had to step on to get into an airline".

Finally I had another pilot tell more lies about me in an attempt to get me fired for personal reasons, which basically forced me into a position where I had to quit.

Having said all this the majority of the ppl I've worked with have been top blokes/ chicks and are still my friends.

Pinky the pilot 9th Nov 2004 06:43

Been shafted once or twice. Failed attempts at same once or twice. It happens. Such unfortunately is the nature of GA.
I was annoyed for a little while but got over it. Not all one meets in life are (Ladies or) Gentlemen.
Suffice it to say that I am also a firm believer in the old adage
"What goes around, comes around"
I prefer the saying along the lines that who s***s on others shall one day also be s**t upon but from a greater height and in greater quantities.
Never known it to fail to be so yet!

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face

nzmarty 9th Nov 2004 08:16

so you're telling me i left a professional, well paid job which had heaps of backstabbers, slimeballs etc, only to come over to another profession that has the same? hey at least i'll be doing what I WANT to be doing, not just going to work so I can pay the bills at the end (or the start) of the pay week. i've been around a bit, and the backstabbers et.al stand out pretty quickly - i just avoid them and gravitate towards motivated, enjoyable people, who share my passion. i wish that i was 200hrs further down the track, but i'm not, so i sit back and watch the fun, learn from others experience. i have burned a few bridges in my past, and on a couple of occasions i have regretted it, so hopefully i have learned from it.

s/e cessna 9th Nov 2004 10:30

Aerlik, you're a brave sole and i'd love to shake your hand, congrats! Must say i totally understand and wish somehow I new whether making the decision you have would be the right one- bearing in mind the hopeful thought that the elussive (don't know whether or not it's all it's cracked out to be) airline job is just around the corner. A crystal ball would be helpful; helpful in deciding whether or not hanging in there would one day be benificial, maybe i should just go with my gut feeling and make the break and get on with living life free of spinless, opportunistic f...heads (fellow aviators?).
All the back stabbing and typical hard yards aside, i'd be sincerely interested to know exactly what it was that actually triggered (or put the final nail in the coffin) regarding your decission?

gatfield 10th Nov 2004 00:12

No matter which industry you work in there are always some people who are pricks, either the boss or colleagues. Sometimes they are not infact pricks, but come from a different perspective than you. Just a fact of life.

Its how you respond to it that counts.

Blown Seal 13th Nov 2004 03:57

There is only one industry that has more arseholes, pricks and c@nts in it than aviation, the porn industry. Both can be taxing, but both also leave you with a smile on your face at the end of a day's work!:} :} :}

Woomera 13th Nov 2004 05:27

Personal experience of both industries, Blown Seal?


I must admit, I'm mildly surprised at how well everyone is conducting themselves. Congratulations!! :ok:

With the thread title I didn't expect to get beyond a few posts before my moderating skills were taxed!



Howard Hughes 13th Nov 2004 06:15

If we keep this up Woomera, Dunnunda just might become a self moderating site!!

Then you'd be able to sit back with your feet up and have a beer!!;)

Cheers, HH.


The Voice 13th Nov 2004 20:58


I'm mildly surprised
only mildly? oh come come .. that's just a little understated, don't you think? :E

Towering Q 15th Nov 2004 00:30

Woomeri , I would have thought your "moderating skills" would be required more often on Reporting Points. Discussions on that forum can become quite 'heated'.:ok:

Woomera 15th Nov 2004 01:59

You may be rather surprised at the amount of time the Woomeri team must commit to PPRuNe Dunnunda. PPRuNe currently receives around one million “hits” per day, 135,000 from the Australasian region. Each thread is read and if necessary, moderated to conform with the rules.

By comparison, I would think the readership of PPRuNe Dunnunda, on a daily basis, would be greater than the total readership of all other Australian commercial aviation publications, combined. And unlike aviation magazines, in PPRuNe the users provide the editorial and content.

It’s fair to say the vast majority of PPRuNe users always play by the rules and only a very, very small minority ever cause any problems, often unknowingly.

All Woomeri are also individual PPRuNe users who regularly contribute to PPRuNe threads in their private capacity.

The topics covered are interesting and user’s perspectives are generally well thought through and based on professional experience.

Not withstanding the “Professional Pilot” part of PPRuNe, all those with an interest in aviation are always very welcome to participate. Indeed, many of our regular informed users have never held any form of pilot or AME license but rather have extensive experience in other aspects of airline operations.

We are aware PPRuNe is regularly read at the highest government and airline levels.

And as the thread is called: Slimeballs, backstabbers and brownnoses I have obviously broken a PPRuNe rule by thread drift onto another topic........... :\


Skypig 15th Nov 2004 04:52

Ohhhhh it is SO temping to post ... but I just can't think of a way of saying it all with out having a big :mad: slapped across it all :( Better I just keep it to myself I think.....

But there is no shortage of Slimeballs, backstabbers and brownnoses out there, often all rolled into the one person :D

Bidgee 15th Nov 2004 06:42

Slimeballs, backstabbers and brownnoses ??? - not only in aviation me thinks.

My interest at this stage is mostly recreational, and somewhat newish, but I have met many interesting people, including some who would give you the shirt off their back if needed.

Blown Seal 15th Nov 2004 07:34


Experience in one, none in the other, though I'm working on it.:p

Woomera 15th Nov 2004 21:01

I see Blown Seal. So, you are now contemplating an aviation career?



locusthunter 17th Nov 2004 04:15

...both require good lubricants...
...but a brown nose in the porn industry sounds BAD...


Feeton Terrafirma 19th Nov 2004 00:22

We are aware PPRuNe is regularly read at the highest government and airline levels.

And as the thread is called: Slimeballs, backstabbers and brownnoses I have obviously broken a PPRuNe rule by thread drift onto another topic.........

Sorry but I missed that bit where the thead drifted off topic... ;)

Cypher 20th Nov 2004 20:03

In my short stint flying... one of the things I've learnt about slimeballs, backstabbers and brown noses is that:

Karma is out there ready and waiting..

(Nah.. sorry.. it doesn't carry a baseball bat or a shotgun. :} I'm talking about the sh#t happens type..)

Jenna Talia 21st Nov 2004 01:11

Welcome back Skypig. Its good to see some of the more senior type handles return. :ok:

Pinky the pilot 23rd Nov 2004 09:05

Cypher; Precisely! Which is why I have never worried about those who have 'done me wrong'.
They'll get theirs one day. As sure as day follows night!

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

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