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OzExpat 16th Dec 2004 05:52

You'll get yer chance for that too tipsy, but not before Sunday lunchtime! :p But if the esky full of G/T is forgotten, then that naughty pussy will be getting yet another kick up the dung funnel this year... :E

I tried to get a Business Class upgrade but there was nothing available. Looks like I gotta travel with all them outta control Territorians after all... :}

"Haus Kuk" huh? Hmmm... I wonder why Woomera will be bringing his kitchen along? :D

Woomera 17th Dec 2004 02:23

OzExpat. One needs to have couth and culture to get a J Class upgrade...............

And you obviously haven't spent much time in the Highlands. "Haus Kuk" is not merely the kitchen, but also refers to the slave that labours therein. :E


GoGirl 17th Dec 2004 08:38

aahh, look, a pretty, printed hard copy of this topic in my hot little hand :E

I can be baught ;) ;) :E :E


OzExpat 17th Dec 2004 11:51

also refers to the slave that labours therein.
Yeah W, but without the context, how was I to know? At least that you didn't make the mistake of referring to the said slave as a "cook"! :}

Poor GG... now yer gunna havta print the whole thing all over again... :D

A little while ago, I heard that there's been a rather messy and most untimely major storm in Darwin. This might affect at least some of those Territorians who were planning to be with us. :{ Haven't heard back on that yet, but hope it hasn't upset their plans.

The Voice 17th Dec 2004 16:38

a rather messy and most untimely major storm in Darwin
yup .. that it was alrighty .. a little windswept and a tad soggy but we'll be there .. DOG AND ALL :}

106 clicks at Lee Point according to the weather chiccy .. bluddy windy at my place .. there's a palm tree supported by ropes right near the spa until we get back .. christ I hope it holds that long .... :ugh: some big "mf" trees down along the major roads and across cars, and the SES were playing in my street at 2200hrs local - noisy sods!

might affect at least some of those Territorians who were planning to be with us
not freaking likely Oz old mate .. not freaking likely!! :E I can't sleep and in any case I have to have the cat hater in the cage and ready to load at 0430hrs .. after the power finally came back on it was all systems flat out to get everything done ...

OzExpat 17th Dec 2004 21:50

These Territorians are a hardy lot! :ok: Reckon, after all that effort and no sleep, they'll be partying all the way thru Saturday night! ;)

W... It just occurred to me why I went with "kitchen" as the translation. I'd only heard the term "haus kuk" used to refer to a kitchen "slave" once - and that was in Goroka. Strange eh? :E The term that I heard more often in the Highlands was "kuk boi". :p

Now... if yer planning to bring the "kuk boi"... :eek: :}

Blue Sky Baron 17th Dec 2004 21:53

I hope you all have a great time, GG knows how to organise anything and if it involves booze it will be even better. ;)

I was hoping to sneak up yesterday if work and finances permitted but neither seemed to want to cooperate. :(

I'll try again next year. :{


GoGirl 17th Dec 2004 22:53

Hey BSB!
You were going to 'sneak' up eh :=
You know you have accomms with us whenever the mood strikes ;)
Sorry you'll not be joining us, but if it's any concillation, we are tied by the same constraints, it's just that
A) I'm a really good liar when it comes to throwing sickies for DS :ok:
B) We have friends in low places whove promised to force alcohol down my throat at all costs :E

See, there's ways around everything, you just need a little imagination. (oh yeah, miracles help too!!!)

You will be missed.

TV thanks so much for the wake up SMS at 0615 - Champ ;)

For anyone needing to contact me today, I can be reached on the following number;

0439 851 767

Well, signing off now until probably after the event, so looking forward to seeing everyone there.



Kaptin M 18th Dec 2004 09:52

Live web feed at 2045 BCST (Brekkie Creek Standard Time) - tried speaking with a few of the attendees, but their incoherency was drowned out by the sound of popping corks, the chinking of Gordons bottles against glass (or teeth), and tipsy's raging fever!!

Lucky Bar-stewards!!!!

(Sorry the connection wasn't the best, guys.)

GoGirl 19th Dec 2004 02:21

And there goes another year...........

First task on the agenda is to thank every one of you who attended for making the night a great success :ok:

Official attendees;

Disco Stu
Mrs Wirraway who is by far the biggest legend PPRuNe has never known!!!
Ms Torres
Mrs Flyinverted
The Voice
Mr The Voice-to-be

Unofficial attendees;

Tipsy feral animal, can't be trusted.....absolute cad with the ladies
Woomera Ok, IT attended, but it was all too brief
Kaptin M because he rang from a land far far away
Pinky The Pilot because he SMS'd from a land far far away
the story is she's been kidnapped, there's a large ransom outstanding

I guess the tone of the night was set when Disco Stu left me alone in the hotel room to go and collect Ozexpat from the Airport.
2 words spring to mind


Suffice to say, the boys walked and I swayed somewhat to the stairs of the entrance to the Hotel where Ozexpat took the obligatory 'Pub Shot' with his camera.

We couldn't have asked for a better day wx wise. A balmy 30c or thereabouts, perfect drinking wx :ok:
The Breakfast Creek hotel again provided the perfect atmosphere.

We almost stumbled straight into Mr and Mrs Wirraway, who'd taken it upon themselves to kick off proceedings with a few coldies. What's a girl to do? Cheers to that!
...and cheers some more!!!

Soon thereafter Torres and Ms arrived, and well, I reckon the pictures will speak for themselves, alas there was no doubting we were a bunch of PPRuNers!

Before we were able to get too serious, we had to move digs to accommodate the expanding group.
Gee, I think now, if we'd stayed where we were, the next reprobate would have well and truly given up on us :p
But Animalclub did spot us, so there was no turning back!!

I think maybe 20 minutes had elapsed from the time we 3 amigos arrived until the first PNG gaff began := Possibly a record.
We'd just had enough time to throw back a drink each when Mr and Mrs Flyinverted arrived, beaming the glow of newly-weds!

Cheers to that :ok:
.....and cheers some more!!!

Soon the procession to the bar became more frequent, and Mrs Wirrawy seemed to be cutting the lead most trips!
It was apparant that most of us could've eaten a horse, chased the jockey, then grazed on the turf, so we ordered our renowned steaks.

The bash register made the rounds and history was once again recorded; albeit a blurred, undecipherable version :\

We moved the discussion from aviation to age - as you do - and I believe the quote of the evening ;
Torres 'I don't think he's as old as me'
OzExpat 'Torres mate, no one's as old as you!'

Safer to get the discussion back to aviation and PNG once again became the topic.

The Voice & Mr The Voice-to-be were the latecommers, but they had a resonable excuse.
And well, whaddya know, they've not long been engaged, so.....cheers to that!
...and cheers some more!!!

Myself, Mrs Wirra & Ms Torres then decided to make the boys a little scared and started to organise a chicks shopping weekend expedition :E
Wirraway drowned his sorrows and vowed to buy more lenses for his camera!

We put in a good few solid hours of banter, food and drink, and for what its worth, I personally enjoyed myself immensely!

Pulled up pretty well this morning, and enjoyed a leisurely buffet breakky with OzEx and Disco Stu.
We then saw The Voice & Mr The Voice-to-be away and kicked OzEx out on the kurb at the airport.

Have now just arrived home to a REALLY PISSED OFF CAT :suspect:

I'll try to get some piccies up and online by the end of the day.

Thanks again all, and to those who didn't make it - there's always next year!


edited for clarity :\

tipsy 19th Dec 2004 09:32

I had a PURRRRRRRRFECTLY wonderful time, thank you everybody.

just a little

Woomera 19th Dec 2004 10:17

I'm home. Peace for another year.................... :ok:

God, what did I do with the Aspros.............??? :{

Animalclub 19th Dec 2004 10:32

I was p1ssed off this morning... some dozy bint clunked her wheeled suitcase down the three flights of outside concrete stairs at my motel at 0530... and I heard every clunk. Me, in pj bottoms - straight out of bed and most irate, is not a pretty sight... so she said sorry and ran off before I opened my mouth.

GG... I'm pleased I found you lot before the lurgy set in. Thanks for arranging it... not the lurgy - the party.


Torres 19th Dec 2004 10:33



(Click on the above icons.)

"...straight out of bed and most irate, is not a pretty sight..."

So, what's different from any other time? :yuk:

GoGirl 19th Dec 2004 13:31

At last some PICTURES



redsnail 19th Dec 2004 15:15

Looked like a tonne of fun and a damn sight warmer than it is here now :D

The Voice 19th Dec 2004 20:54

ahh GG you've done it again!!

Yes, it was a fantastic night and wonderful to catch up again with Mr and Mrs (I'm so priiiiiiity ;) Wirra) such a delectable lady; DS I wonder why he's so happy?? hmmmmmm?? and Oz who's looking mighty fine considering his official escort duties ex CNS!!!

Lovely to meet the newly weds, Mr and Mrs T, AnimalClub and look forward to tangoing next year with you!! :E

I'm very pleased to say that after a few hours sleep I am feeling rather dangerous .. LOOK OUT SHOPS .. here I come. (I'm going to treat this as a little warm up the girls only shopping frenzy :8 , I'm in the mood for a little damage to the plastic!)

great night all, and a shame we missed out on a couple of attendees, however the excuses offered were plausible, this time

Pinky the pilot 20th Dec 2004 09:39

Looked at all the piccies and have come to the inescapable conclusion that once again I've missed out on a lot of fun!:{ :{
If there is any justice in this (expletive deleted) world I will get to the next bash!!!! If only to join in with Ozexpat in my favourite subject; aviation in the ''land of the unexpected":ok:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

OzExpat 21st Dec 2004 03:11

Well those pics have brought back SOME memories... :eek: If I can get another decent connection later on, shall upload my reply to the way in which I've been defamed... ;) :E

john_tullamarine 22nd Dec 2004 01:25

.. 'tis a fine line between praise and defamation late in the evening ...

I shall try to lift my game and get there next year.

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